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G HEAT BA RG A 1 1 S - AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. yi: imyk acain retlenishkö ocr storï witii Vr tin. inosi Kpiumii d ;-tjck of C3r O O X ö 9 that IVAS over ofleryl in aiiy onc otdbli'-hiiu'iit íl Uite, all of nliich we oilcr lor Ai ífe) uu Lru u LKi vu' IHJ 1i vL? [ islow a.- c&n be fouud in the Union We want Money ! ml will make Greal Sacrifices on Anyihing we have to obt?in it, not exccpting OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS We cordially invite ALL CASH Cü STOMERS to cail and examine our Goodls and Prlcea. Wo alai invite our Prompt Paying Customers to come and buy tholr supplies for tho Winter. Ti thftst lïayliful ones that are afraid to cali, we Ray tü thein, tak. courage JSX-JXjXj Your WIISAT without longer waitingfor higiier pricelf eonie in, old scores, andthen ntsuch prloea as will nuke up all losses It is hardl; aeocwaarj to enumérale oui GooJs,fr We have Everythingl A lnrge assortment of CARPETIXG, CKOtKERY DRY GOODS, AlEDIIKES, GEOEEIES, PAINTS, OILS, ITAT, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIONS. &c, &c,, &c. (715tO MAYNA1U), STfcBBIKS & WILSO SCHOFF & MIL LEK 4 RK STIIJ. ON HAND ut thelrold Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Block, with thcmost complete assortinent of Books and Stationery, PERFUM.ERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPEKS, SHADES, KOLLEKS, COEDS, TASSELS, GILT C0RNI0E8, CUBTAINB, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Market ! nn'l Xbty would suggest totbos in pursuit cf xnythiiigio SANTA CL A US' LINE that thcy can Boeure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by ]iirchai[ng from tliis tock, as each purchaser gets an additional present of Jowelry, &c. , Iianging invalue irom 50 ets. to $50. ftS"" Thpy tritst that thoirloug tperienc in selecting pooda fcir ibis m.-ukot, umi ttrlct attentlOD to the wants t (iitomers, may cutitle tbcui to a liberal üliaro v Tal! i'iiage. Anu Aibor. IVc 5. 1860. V77tf j- OLD FRIENDS.. IN THE RIGIIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilis==n TIICIÏKST FAMILY Cuií)V. tbartic in the world, . . - used twenty yenrs ty I É-v Vferf five millims oí' peisonr; ■HBjff "VJï." iimniülly ; always give tSJjimÊÊBSstvi og uithing injurïou ; jf jk3gl patronized by the prinmiijt Jjyy cipal physïcians and feéw surgeons in the Union ; ■ vHJfc clegantly coated witli i "iiiTY.1! Large Roxe25 centn; flQ liJii"' i ■ ' j 'v Hvo boxcH for 1 dollar. I ----g.-r.f-rr"1 FuUdireotionswitfao&eb Tau.-miassk, Lkon Coi-.vty, KlorldajJuly 17,18(50. ƒ ToPr. HSEBICK, Albnnv, N. Y.- My Dear Doctoi :- I wiitu ■ hïa to lofoTDi you of tb e ■■■■ onderful oBect of your Sugar Coatefl Pilla ion mj èlder daoghter. Fcrthrée I e bas boon Rfflictod with a bilÜoua der&ngement ,-tiiu. gadïy bnpatlng hor health, whicli hae been steally faillng 'ïuring that perlod. ffben in New York In Api'il l:t, a tVU'iid í:lvisfil me to test ymn pul. H.ivintí the fulieal oonfldence in thï judgment oí my friond, I ottaineí a snpplv oí HesmrA, Barnet íl Park, DrosglBta. Park Row," Hew York. On returnlng home. tfejceaaep ll othar tvsatmont, and admloiatered your Pilla, oaéb gW . Th itnprovementto her foelingfi, complexion, Aigestion. etc., irarpriéed nsál. A rapta .inf't'lKjnuíineüt reí toratáon tu betilth has boen the resul t, i lona thanflve boxes, aod conaiderhorent'.relj? v.i-ll, I cónitdcT tho abovi .i jnst iributotovouasa FUyaidan, .ind trast ihat it srill be the humus of inctuotng m&py to adobt your Pula as thoir íamlly medicines. rcsjftiDj c;ir ir, with many (hanKrf, Your ul;-;d!.c;it lííiapJt, . c itojuasow, Heriick's Kid StreugtZiening Piasters curo Ín five houn. pfttöBftnd weaknftfta of thebreost. sLla and back, aüd Kheujnatw Complainísin an equally I i . i ■ . ; ; al i :.: ■. Spreacl on bfautifu) irblte lamb skin, tfaetruso ubjeets the woarer to do Inconi Bnicce, m ! oach ' QQ will woar from on week to thrce months. J'ricc 18% :fn1s. Herrlck'B Bugar Coated Pilla norl Kil Piasters rr solfl nv Droggtetfl and Merchanta t&añ parta of tbc United States, Cunada aiutSoyjth Ameriea,anü uiay be obkHtifd bv caJliuir fw tUeiw by tlxeir full napie, ifBitb lIí. i,. B.ÓERETOK, kCo. Albany, N. Y. JLÍFK lJNSLfttAiVCE. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insuranco Company, Accumulated Capital, - $3,500,000. WQLINHÜRK LIVfiB f.r any amimnt not oxceeilinp: SïO.WO :cr the whole term ofLifo orfora term of year, on Ihc most favorable U-inis. NT. lí. ('nnipaiiy i.s pui-L'ly mutual and the iioiicy holders ffOt all the suipluK ov-r the oxact cost of umiiance It accomodatcs the Insnrêd in the Kettlement of thoir premiuniH ON UFE POIJOIB, [f dafltrad, by taking a ii')ti t'nr one half the amount, bearing interest at six percent, per annum. Dividend are Declared Annuallyt anrt lince tlwv dokt amoaal to Htft jor cent on thp prtmiuiM oaul] and note, mul aro iuore&siug they may be applled to oaneal meimtea. jför Tbfl ntu ni pveoduma arenslow u any othcr respoiuiibleTTompanj aad the largo aceunulated fund of $3,500,000 la ecurely iaventc!, fts may bc seeu by refcrence to th8 stfttennt utdt according to law, on file in . eoftbe Ouiniv CIetk,a1 Ann Arbor.gji JAMES ÍJ0ODWIN', Prefit. Ci y R. PnsLP8,Seffir. I FovpartiüDlarstipptyto JAMF8 C. WATBOX, ïtetl Aynt at Aon Arbor, Mich. '


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Michigan Argus