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11 0 11 AC E WATERS, AGENT 3 3 3 Rroadway, Ni e w Y o r k PuMisher of Iïusle nml Mush JUooK AND DRAIB 1' Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Orgaps Organ Accordeons, Martin's celebra!U'd un] other Q uitars, Violin, Tenor Viols, Violinoellos, Accordeons, Flutinus, Flutes, Fi&s, Tria Dg] e?,' Cl ar i jneits, Tuning Forks, Pipes audlhunmerA, YioliuEows, bestltalian Strïngs, Base Instrumento for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, ánd all kinds oí' Musical Instruments. L3 lx o o "t 3VL xx S i o, Frora n 11 tlic puohahers ín the V. 8., Bertlni'ji EtontinVi ; ti'l Mi' I ■ ; ; t :-i-mhiI , .nul i 11 kjndfl of lafStttlcMon lïnoks for the abore instrunients; Church Husie Booka: Music elegant!; bound$ UusUi paper, and U kinds of lusic ■ulise, At í heLowest Prices, New Píanos, At $175, Wap, -5, t'iñO, aml iij) to ?Sf)O. Pccoud Band Pianin froin $26.ap 1MI: Now Mekd o . $Gü, S7fs,$lOO, and up to $200; Seeond Hand Melodeons tVoni $30 to ?"; Alexandre Organs, v.iih flve stops, 16Q, nlne i top, $I8ö and $'J'25; thirto n stops, $50, $275 and $3oo, ftfteenatopB,8S0and S376: A liberal d t.i i .. : ■■■■, Chorónos, Sabbatb Sohools, Seminaria and IVocbera. Tlie Traüe sunplicd at the usual tracto dlMOUtttfl Testimonial of tlie llorare Water Planos John Ilflwctt, of Garthwft, New York, who Imu bad out of the HoraeoWaten Pianos, mueras [dIIowb; "A frfond of mine wlahoi me to pajfthase a plano 'Vr her. Olie üki ■■: Bold me ia Docvmb My piano li becoraiiig (idpultfr in thls place, and f wiuk I can introduce one nr t'-vu more; thcy ytïil b more popn lar thHU any other make.IJ "We have two (%t' ïtBTs' Pianoi in ase in onrRcminarj", ne oí" wLich has boon scvorely tostod tor ïirce yeanr. and we ean twfSffto thotr rooJ qunü'v and durabiüty." - Wood & flregfwy, Munt Carrol) t IÍI. "!I, Wateni, Eu. - Dhab ;ik: Qai4ng uMd oneof your Piano Fuitos H-r ! w;ir.-pist. I OftVe f.iu. l ita'very superior Ittêlruincjit. ÁlXfítZO Gbay, Principal fircoktyn MtighiA Suninarp. tl'pe Piano I receiveil from yon oontímies t : ÍBÍnction. 1 regard itiis one of tho test instrumonta in the plaoe." FJJGB8 ü Cl&RKB, Charleston, Va. Tlio MoloiWnn has safoly aiTived. I feol oblifíO'í t'i yoxn fory our liberal discount.' Rev. J. M. McCoitMick. YarquesftilUS, O"ftie [liiino was dulj rooelrod. Itcame in excellent conditiun, and ís vcry imiuh aJmired by iny nuniíTfi'jA family. .iccept my tlianks for your pratoptueas.' RoBKKI OOOPBX, Wdrrvnkam, liradjoed Co. Pa. "Your piano picases us well. It is the bct one in our county.",- ïiiOMas A. Lamiam, CampbelUont Ga. :i't.' itrt; vry much obügefl to you for ittnt such a line htstrument for -ÍW." - ÍIkaxKjIíki. & Co#, Buffal-o Dumocrat. "The llorare WntorH Pianosarelínoirn asanion the very bost aro enabled to speak of these ín trnraents with confidonce, from pórsopal knowledge of thelr exoelleni tone and durable qtaüHy." - N. Y. Evangelist. "We oaaj vpeab uL t ujerits of the Horace Wators pianof-fr.uu [: ■ boing the very Üm-st qua fc.-." - Ckrislicm ïntdligencer. 'The Höraoe Watera Alanoa are onilt of the best anl most thorouhly M&soned material. c have no tloubt tbaiboyers u;in do as wcll,perbapa bet ter, at tbiatban at any otherhouse in the Union." - Adeocatt aridJonmal. Wntfrs' pianos and molodeona cbaHeiigo comparlson with the ftnoalmado'anywheré in tho country.' - Home Journal"Horace Watere Piano Fortea are of fulT, rich and even tone, and powerfvü - JV. Y, Musical Receto. '■Our frienda wlll ftnd ai Mr. Waters' gftore the rery bes1 ageorttaent of Masle and oí Pianos to be fbond in tTnUi''t BtatOBiand w arge our southern and westers {Hands to gjuw h.ui a eau wbe&avtt they go to New Yoik." - Graham's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sabbath Sch ooi Bell, 100,000 Issued In te Months. Tlie unprecedented sale of thisbook has i rul u eed the publisherto adilsomeSO new tuneHandhymnstolifl present s7,e, without extra charge, except on the cheap edition- Amoug tiïft niany beautiful tunes and byrona added may be found: - "I onght to love my niother;" "OI'll be a góod cfaild, imleed Í wiU." Tlitse and öight others from theBelljWore rtung at the Snnday School Anoiver. Ban 'f tho If. IS. Church at the Academj of .Mum-, n líri-át appJaose. The Bell ooctahis nearlj 200 tanea and iiymns, urul is one of the bost eoUootlons ever issued. Price lc; $10 per hundred, pustajre 4c Elegantly bo'undi erabnsscd gilt, '25cf $'10 per 100 It bas beeu intruduccd tuto many of the Public Sclvols. The :e. ifl pobjlahed in amall numbers eötltled Abiiiveraary and Sunday School Musïc Books, Nos. 1,2, 3f & 4, in order toaccommodato the mUHon; prlce IS s $3 per hundred No. 5 will soon be issued- commencfinrnt of another book Also, Bavlval Uutio Bxks. No. 1 & 2, prfe SI k $2 per 100. postage lc. More tha.i 300,000 copies of the above booKfl nare been thé bast eighten montlis, and the diiinaiidisrapidly iucreasing. Published b? HOEACE WATERP, Agont, 333 Broadway, .V. V. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal "Kind Wonïs can neverlie;" "The Angels toM me boj" "Wü.ts of the W.-t;1' ThoBffhtB i '■Cn ., :in' hack my Mountuin liojiui;" 'lIay 1' Cock Robm;" ltI'm with the stUl;uPetnames;" " l lin i." ".-- no darllng like mine;" ;tPaiah Jane Iíee:""Ever (f thee:" I'm lea ving thee in Sorrow;" "Birdof Beauty;" iiIIime of oyi birtb;" "Orave of EtosabeV1 and 'Wake, lady, waken' prioe 25ceaali,' 1 iNsTFii-MKNTAU - "l'alace Ganlen, or Slcing BJrd Polka.," 40c; Swtnging Schottische;" ''.Mirabel Schot t6 1 1 ;" 'Thomas li:iker s Schottische ;' ' ( 'Pic(ioloiniui Polka, 86 centfl eaoh. The ahOTapieoeshaTebeaotlful Vignetteo. "Wehner Polka.;" "Arablan Wai cryitarch," the verv lat; "Vamiovianna Doniella líaxurka; "Real: tng Polkaj" "Crinoline Wnltz," and "Lancera1 Qua Arillo," 2ñc each. "The Enpira of Reich'fl QnadrlUe;" a now dance, and "The llim-rniiin Quadrille," 35ceach. Manv of these pfeoeA ate played by Bakert celebra ted orchust ra with great iippii-u.flE" ilailtti hae. A largelot of Foveign Httsto at balf price. pianos, Melodeons and Organs. The Hornee Waters Pianpa an4 Jtflodeona, for depth, purity of tone and dorabilltf, iro nnsnrpassed. Prices vory low Tsecond Hand Planos and UelodeOM frow $25 to $150. Munic aiwiSluKical Instruction of all kinds, atthe luwcst prices. X1ORACK WATERS Agent, tío. 33 Broadwajr.N. Y, TKSTiMtMAi.s;- "The Horace Waters ríanos are known as anfong the very best. - Evangelist. "We can spealÉ of their raerits from personal knowledge.'1 - Chrislian ïntelugcncer. "Nothinfíat the Fair dispiayed greater excellence -" - Churchman. Waters' Pianos and Meloaeon ehftllcngeconiparison with thr fiut-st made anywherein the country." - Home Journal. 71i)tr 3SrEWGhO05s Seascnable Goods, CHEAP GOODS, For Cash, BAGH tt PIERSON Ilvc jus'; oponed a choice stock of Winter Goods, Bought for Cash AND TO BESOLD FORGASH ut Riich prices n will raakc the buyers '.niigli t tlie idea of Hard Times. The stock inoludea a choice lot cf LADIES' DRES3 GOODS, GENTLEMAN'S CLOTIB, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ÜKOCEIÜES, tc, Ac. Nov? is the time to bny your inter'a aupijli.cs. BACII & PIER:OIT. Ana Afbor, Nov. 15, 1F61. LOOMÍS"TmPFT Succo.-iüorüto Chapín t Loomis.andChapin, Tripp A Loomu 11HF above flrm of Loom is & Tripp ha ving purclmsec the entlre Intereat oftbe fonner ooxnpanfiH wffi continue tlie business at theohl stands, whcre thJ R UI roady, on the shortest notice, to fill all order., in the line of Castings and Machiuery, In tho most workm.inlili' mannor, and on as libera tjprms as nny other f.hop in Stato.Afnong"the vari ooi artíoleamanjifiMíturea iy os, we ■■■■ .. . itiumerate STEAM ENGINES of all kinds; Mili Gearinff flnd rixtun1, wtoiiffhtand cast; all the varinus custios for makiu and repuring IIor6e Powers & Tliresliing Machines such as are al preeent, orhayeformorly beentnme in this part :' the State, aa wel) as all the rarfous kinds cl no work cnlicd fnr hy farmers jand i i. i... lea inthis sëotfou of the cottttry, ï( all the various pattorns, up ia 8ÍzesandpriC08 will hp ko].tc;n.-,i;nUy on hand, got the most modern and improved styles. Thankful for former patronage to the nlcl firins, we would solicit a coiítinuance from oM friends, and atrial iby all wihing foranything in our lineof buKinnfüi. LOOMIS ft TRirP. AnnArbor.May lSlh, 1859. 87tf


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