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, G RE AT. GREATER GREATEST DAKÜA.1KS EVER OFFERED 1859. JÍLq1859In tb is City, are uovv beingoffered at the CIIEAP,CLOCK,WATCH, & o- elry StoreHMHK ribscrihr wouid _ay to tht; ritizensol Ann Ar L bor, if) [rticn]iir, tuid th'; rest o( Wmhtenaw Cnuntv In trcner:il. thnt hnhnajUBt LMPOKr_l 01RECTLY from KÜROPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watchcs! . All of which hfl binds himerlfto bííII CHE A PER than can be bouirht west of Nw York l:r,'. Open Face CyUnder Watcbcs trom $f to $10 '' do do Lever do do $ to 21 fluntingCaae do do do 14 to 35 do ln Cylindcr do do 9 to 28 c Gold Wuteluuiroia 20 to 150 1 I have ttl.Tii inc CELEBRATED , AMER7CAN WAT CHES, ,' wblcli I wlll seil ftr $35. Evcry Vvatch warrantod to h porform well, or the monoy refundcd. K ClockB, 1 Jowelry, P!sred Wnre, i Fnncy Goode, Gold Pena, ■ Musicallaetruments and Strlnga, Cutlery, &c, .id hi bet n vf.rlety of everythíng u_nally keptby JewI clcrscan be boughtiorthe uext ninety d&ys nt 'iur OWN 1'EIOES! Porsona buying aijything At this well knovrn eitnbr Tifrtime ut can rely rpon tretting gcods exnct'y as rnp. retentad, orthemoiiey loi'unded. OaJlenrly and seI cure the best bargitus ever oft'cred in Ihif City. Ono werd in regard to Rcpairing : We nrn prrparííd iü üittko aiiy repclra onlïnc or conmon VY.uchcs, rvpn to mal infro K-r ttie entiro wutel?, if necesaary. Ropsirlng of Cloeka nnd .le-.vciry kb usurI. AUoehe mmufactarinit ol RINGS, BROOCH8 , or auytliinji de ircd. Trom Ciilifori.!-! Gold on short no' licc. Knümvim; in Rditsbranchescxcented -.vitliojtat neae ftnttdtspst b. J Cf WATTS. Ana Arbor, Jan. 28thl859. . 7L4w ■ Important National Works, PubUlhed by II. Al'riJ.TON !i CO., ' 346 AND 348 BROADWAY NEW YORK The following works are sent to Subscribers in any part p of th') country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail or expres.1, pi-epaid: t THE NEWAMERIAN CYCLOP.aüDIA: A , Popuhir Dictionary of General Knowleiige. Eiliteü by Gko. Iïji'i.üy and GnJJRKEB a. Dana, aided by a numyious ■t corps of wr i tors in all branches ñí' Sences, Ar! - and Literatura. Tíiík vork Is betngpubllsbedln aboul r 15 lurge octavo volumes, each containing: 76Otwo-columa . pages Voto. I., II. , UI-, IV. V., VI., VII., VIII., & IX. - are now ready, cjích oontálslng nonr 2.500oripinal arti t cles. An ftÖéUtiooal volumo will bo publiöheü ouce n about thrco rnouths. I Price, in CIotH,jWj Sheep,tS.6O; Half Russia,$4.fiO t each. t Tlic New American Cyclopsedia is popular without he. inf{ auperfleïal, Aarned without betog pedantie, comprei hensive but Bafficiontly detailed, f ree from personal pique i and party prejudioe, freab nul yet accurate. It is a complete statcmont of all tliat is knowD upon rvory imI pnrtafit (opto witliin the scope of human int clligencc. - Kvery importfint artïcle in it has beeo Bpeclally vmtten for its pae.sby men whoareauthorities u['iii tlic topio t on wbtcb. tiir-v Bpeak, They arereulMdto brini? the t sobjoot up U ihe pretunt moment; to state jut hów it starnls noto. All the statisticalinformation is from tlm latest reports; tliogeovaphtcal accounts keep pace with the lateflt fx]lorations; ltistorical matters include the , flrwhest joel vtewa; the biographical noticesodsak not oiilv nf tho dead but alio of the living. It ís a library of tselí l AHR1DGE3IEST OF THE DKIÍATES OF COGRKSS Iïeinj? a Politica l History 'oT the United Statos, fi'om thfi organization óf tbs tirst Fleder&l Con gress in 178 to 1856. Edltedond compiled by Hoo. TBO, . Hart lÏKNTON'jVom the Official Hecords of Congrua. The vork will be coiapteted in 15 royal octavo vdlurnes of 760 pages eacll, 11 of which "ara ready. An ad. i ditiont i i olonifi trill be pubttshod once in three monthB. Cloth,f SS; Lftw Sheep, Half Mor., $4; Half Calf, $4.5ü each. AWAY OFPROCURnïG THECYCLOP.2BDIÁ ORDKBATKS Form a club of foor, and rc-niit the prteeofïbiir boatos, and livi copies will bo sent at the remitttr's expensefor i cari'iage; or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will he scut at our expense for earrlage. To Aijii-N. No otber work will bo liberally reward the exertion ' of Ali AGBïiT waMTBD in this CüL-NTY Ternis made known on applicatlon to the Publishers. i Aun Arbor, M ■wr! 6002aait 1 -i-tl Bov. TBQto Whiüht, agent -at Kinne & Smiths - Book Store, Vpsilanti. Blackwood's Magazine AND THE British Reviews. GREAT11VDLCE1IENT SUBSCRIBE! PREÏÏIIUMS and REDUCTIOwS. ' L. SOOTT? k CO., NEW VORK, continue to publbib the ' f;;llovvin leading Uritish Perodk.u's, vi-: 1 THE I.ON'HON QUARTERLY (Consrvative) , 9 1 THEtDINBÜRGH REVIEW (Whig), 1 Tin-: HORT!! BRITISH REVIEW (Fiea rhureb). ! ■ THE WKSTMINSTKR P.KVIKW (Liberal) 5 : BLACKWOOD'S EDIXBURGII MAOAZIXK (Tm-y). The present íiiticítl state of Europeas albir will rendí r 1 be$e pubheationfl vnusualljr intere&tiiag iluriug [ the fortbcomiog ycar. They will oi;cup a muidle ' ground betveen the hastily written news-itms, crudo J Bpeculatíons, and ftylng ramón of the datly Journal, and Ihe pooderoua Tome of the future iiistorinn, written i u'ti-r tl:1 living interest umi excitenient of tho gicat i political evinihuf the ttma fihall liuve paftíecrawaj. H ; i.j t'i Períodfoats tbat readers must look ftir the i ' only reaüy Intollirible and reliable hisjory of curren) i ( ovents. ainl as fiuch in addition to theit welLeatablished i , üterary, seier.tilic. and theologtcal cbri ratster, B 8 urgo ' Ji ni upon tlitícdii-iidi-rationof the readlng public. The receipt of Advance Sheets rum tb? lï i i pnblishen gives addttional value to thene Réprtnts, ' inaunachafl ln-y pannov ha pUuvd In the bandu of Bubsorlben about ha bood as the original editíbns. TËRMS. (Regular Trices ) Ter aasi Pbranyoseof tho ffour Reviews, - - - $3 00 ' i For anytwo of the Jour Rerlevaj - - 5 00 ; Kor any three of the '.'our Reviews, - - - 7 CO Kor fillfour of the Reviews, - - - - - 8 00 ForBlaokwood'a Ufngasine, 3 00 ' Kor lïlackwcotl and one Review, 5 00 PorBlackvoodand two Eïeview, - - - 7 00 l'or l!l;ickwoot and three l'evicws, - - - 0 UO For lïlackwood a;id the four Reviews, - - 10 OU Moncy currcnt i tkt Sluit whtre issued will bc received ', at par. POSTAliE. The Postagk to any part of the Uolted States trill be ' but Twcnty-fonr Cents a year for " Blaïfcwood,1 ii it i but Fourtccn Cents a year for each of the Revlewj, At the above prices the Periodicala will bo furnishcd forlSOÜ. AND AS A Premium to Wow Subscribers, the N'os of thcsaine Periorliclsftf 1SC0 wil! btfurnisïiiid feoinplete, without áddit 'tonal charge. Ualike the mors aphemeral Mftgazines of he day, these Psi iodicals loflejHtle by age. Henee, a full year of t be N 'is. tor 1860, niay be retardad noarlf as valuablt ' as 1862. Subscriben wtahïng also the Nos. for 38CI, will be iappUed ai the toUowing kxtuumei.y lowrates. Bplendid Oflere for 1860, '61, & '62 j Together. i Pot lïlackwood' Uogadne, the throc years, S5 00 Kor aoy one Rerlew, " 5 ü0 j For any tVo Reviews, " " 8 00 , For Blaokwood ;i ad one Review, ': " 8 CO For Blaokwood and two Keviews, u " 12 00 Kor thirr 1Y views, - - - " (i 11 0D For Bhiekvood and ihree Heviews, " 15 00 For the four Rertevr, " " 13 00 Kor Bluckwood and the tour Heviews, " 17 00 Any of the above works will alio be furnished to New Subscribas fav the nr lSüfi-? , Ö, and 0, I At Üüe Half tho Regular Sabscriptïon Prices. Tlius a Nac Subscribir may obtaiu tho Reprints of th , Four Reviews and lïlackwood." Soven Consecutivo Year for $37 !! ! Whieb la bul little more thán thepriceof tho original work.s for ne xear. Asweshall nover agafn bo likelyto offer auoh induce menta i-, those bore presentad Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! 1:$ Remittances njust, in, a.11 cy,si:s, be w.:ido dire.ri to the Ptibitikcrs, Tor at UlOBO prices nu couiinission can be ullowi-'l to aciits. LEÓN AR0 SCOTT & CO. No. B4 OoM state! Nw York Ann Arbor Marble Works, j Tl AS on hunla Duo a-isoriiiieut of Atyerican and I TA L 1 A IT MA li B L L ] whichhcis prepare! io manufacture into II O N U ■-'■■$' ■■, 1 MENTS. ( ii e a i) gfifgjjt(j7y stoes T O M H várfWBj 5ra TABLES TABLE IMB Ptj TOPS. ' Ac, Ac, --- ■'■'' "r Ac, &c, , in allthoir varietiep, and In a WOIÏKMAXLJKE mnnner Having had considerable experlence in the businesi ] he Battera hinuelf that hfl wlll bo able to please all who may favor ma wlth their oreert. Hla prlcw aro aa LOW AS TIIELOWEST. HioBe Wlsblna ny tbUff in roy lino mtp rpsjícrtfnlj 1 Ln-'ltedto aall. D. tt BAICHEtDiSl. i Ann ,rtior. Mav 20, 1S61. 0111 ! , - Dissolution of Copartnorship. Notice is horeby given that thecopartnership , of tho imdersigned Doder iho name of . Bt'iikca ás Abel, is dissolvcd, All persons indeul'd to snid copartnersliip, . will pivnse eall at once and adjust the same , I bv cash or note. HIRAM J.BEAKES, SYLVESTER ABEL. Dftl4, Merch Ifitb, 1862. HwWi.


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