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EsÊato oí' Ftlu'v, Minoré. STATK OF ïiciii;;. Cuunty of Wn.-M.,,,. A1 ascsiou uflbv 1'roU.te touil i,i }.v Coilui" . i W'iisht-iMv, . LmM n at the iVobai.'Cöïuo in tliM ■ AnnArbor,on HuiuUj.tfae Wiirty-first day f lUrcb'h r the yr one IIioummkI dfgta.1 Imn-lied anti uu '" l'i i .-ii í . 'J'íi unían N , ,. ' f' wi ' Matter of the Estáte ff Joan Fol.ev. Jr ' vu!S . Fohey, David Fobey, Jume Fuhey, KiVn hWvïï i Swnbuhy,miOüfd. ' 4 i On reiLtng and HHök Mie palttffm -'uly vwjft - : TbuoHW Kavl.&uardiauof ttai.' m n r. pr.1.1 ing t,ut J I muy be tícensed toeell all ilua, 1 ;tn intrnt ■ of tuud ui inora intertuin real elateiu aid ij.titi,.n 1 ■ scftbed. Thereupon t i Ordered, That Kriday, ile kccom .i.iy ,i May uct , ;tt ten o'clock iu the fwieOonn, b u fortbe hearing t f said petltion, anti thal the otti of l;in of sílíiI minors, and all othvr persutu m,. ested In h;iil $1Le :ire requirod lo piar t ■ mhIod of said Court. theti tu be bolden ;iï $ l'robate Office, Ín the City of Ami ArtKr,in MidCuuoiv ;uii show cause, if any there be, wby Ihepiujejoj ■ the patlttoner should nót be granted: And il is iurtha ; Ordorèd, fat said Ptitioner give notice to pt-r . Sun-, inU-restM in Bftf4 Mt&te, 0Í the jK-micncv ol J petilion and the hearing thetoof, by causing a copvnf F lliis order to be pu. Ij ulied in the Michigan Arq ui ■ newftpaper pn'nted and circulatïng in said Countr f f Waahtenaw, Tour Huccs.-.sive woeks prevjous to aid dj( of hearing. t (A truc cupy.) THOMAS NINDE, Jadge of Probate. Mortgago Sale. "pVEFAULT having been made in the conditiooof 1 XJ mortge made by William W. Anninaud Klma ]v Annin to Charles Moore, Delov Showerman, antj yru' ' tna SanUon.dftted Febroary isth. A. D. 18JÏ, recordwi i in the office of Keg-te ter of Deeds for the Goantr of ' Washtenaw Michigan, February lm. A. D. 157 at& ■ o'clock in the forenoou. in Líber 23 of inortgage.s pap , 350. au. l whii-h mortgage, by wrttfn;, dated Jan tu Ülgt, 18ÖU, wa assignd oy Btld mungagves to Alon and the said uyoigainent therof rtconïeïj vu the ala da y of lts date at onc ani a iiai( , o'clork in t't aftcmoun, in the said lU-isWr's ufijte in Liber 2?, of rn-irtgagtispage 735; üpon wbichmot? ííílS(i ' ' '"'l unid al the Uate of ihu uutice the sum ot Qine bundreo ninety tbree dulljj and tüirty-thrce coutsfanJihe further insttiliuiviit L ihroe hundret) eighty-thfee and 33-1U0 dollkra with ia. terest from 'ebuary I8H1, last past, to become dueom j-ear irom the fast uamed oate. and 110 suit or pmceftj. iaw have been inatituted to recover the rfiüntr aid elaüned due or nny part thereol:' NoiicJ therefore hereby given that by rlrtta _yf a power iB said mortgage containe.l,m order to realize the aroouDt Dow claimed au aforesaid due u said mortgago-ih(;h. er with Uw interest aocruïxkg from the date hereofiai the costa of forecloeqre previded lor in aid mortci Í li:ili scilab public auction to the bigbent bh the frout dK)r of the Court House (tbe plarc ef hf-Miii the Circuit Court for VTaflhíeñaw Couníy) iq the cityi Arm, n said co,unty,0Q the 28tb duy 0 julh I next, at two o'ckick in the afternoon, tbe premises in Mttii) mortgage desoribed, sitaftte In WashteoawCounty : All that certain tractor parcftl of land, kltowii and descrJbed aa followi, to wit: The north -(-,, mlar. ection number twenty (20) ín township four itouth of range No. four (4) east i-xcc-ptinganiJn. Rcrviny always from 1 operaiion of this luitrumeot a bout fnrty one anda half acre fiom the fiouth exii fehereof herutoforo conveyed by Êphraini Gllbert and . onth -Jenkins oy deed dated May 7Öb, 1850 (for descrip. tion of whicb see said deed,: Also excepting auj rel about tbree aergs of s.iiti qnarter (tctiou hen. tofure !ieflel to James Cnmptoni Atsö excepting inj refcrrfng nineteen (19) and three-tenthB (3 10) icri of sftid qua ter secoi heretofore deeded to Rubin lïrownt'll: Also ext:epting and rederring about twtlvi aerea (i' tbenortb east eornerof said quarter ucttoQ heretofore sold and deeded to John Mills, makUs w ■ the ámount of land hereby conveyed about uituty four (94) acres be the same more or lees: Alm granting and eonveying hertliv t the Sftid pacties of th second part, tlnii heifS or asiJigns.all the rights and privileges which said party of the firstprirt pmyhaTeor ƒ poasess of ralsiDgiraierand flowina lande for uses imj ■ pmposes of piopelliug machi ncry for c: i 11 or for tnj otatt imrpobe. ALQNZO CLARK, Asöignee. K Ii Woon. Ait'v fr Ass!gne. Dated , Match 20, 1S62. 843td - , Mortgage Sale. DEFACTI.T having beer. made in the condition of mortgage uinAe by WÜH&m W. Annin and KlmaM, Annin to Willimn R. Bartlett under tbe name snd stjl of William Harilett, dated August 23d, A. D. 1S56, nb,A.D. lS56,at oneo'clock, P. M., in v)r' dffice of Kegister of l eedtfj for WaJhtenaw Couqty. Hiehtgaa, In Lib'r -.3 of mortgagea. page 117;nd ;i--:: ncd by said mortgag: e to the understgned. AIod ('lurk, by kt! ingjdaiéd December 18th, A. D. l$61tau4 rocorded March 4th, A. l. 1862, at eigbt o'clock iuth foro noon In snid RegisteV's office in Líber 23 of mortgages; page 117, aponvhiob mortgage there is clahned due and unpaid at the d;it of tliis ootïco the sum o( one hondred and fiity )ne dnUars and eixty cents, and no suit or proceeding at law haring been iustitutetl ior the recovtry of sai'! ilebt secured by saín mortgage or any part fhereof' S tice tberefore 1 hereby given that on the 8th day of .tune nest, :it two o'c'ock in thtiftcrnooit by virtue of a power contained in wiid moitgage in order to reah?.e the sum of nvjncy nov due as aloivsníd on aid mortg;ige together with accruin and cORts of . (oreclosur pruvWri for in said m r'gage, I Rhall sMI at public uct:on to thffh IglèSt ;if. ?!io front door of t.e OeuH Route (the plae of holding the Circuit Conrt lor Wah tenaw Codnty) m the city of Aun Arbor in fiaid countr, tlie ju einises ín :-ai l mortgage describeiï, viz All tbt ei rt.un tr.ut iir p..ri-'l of land known and deAcribed 11 follows. tciuit. Pituatcd in the townühip of Hii'igewter, in the county of Waahtenaw ..n I ïtate of M-!iigaC knuv.i' as being a parí of the north vaut 'quarter of jeefien) min!'-! r t , ■■niy , in townsbip number four mjufli si range number four eat ; beginning uiith íieírn an-1 tliirty minutes e:i-' '1 n cha int; and s'xtv links from quarter post iu northrliue of said see tion , tirmirat 4 certain ffelïÓT oak trw,Yannhjjj thence along qua t-:t ■ gection iioe south one iïree and 1 1 ; rrtv minuAv ■ Mfl ajneteeo cba.ins and thrty-eifrht links t. a Uke ia ■ ivliidi a ell(.w out tiee Wir nwlh thtrty-thrue aud oie half degrees eat fifry live luik, :).'■[ ■■■■'■■!; serentj nine iltfn-e.- and iliiuy mioiLt-! east liv Ülty Muks t-. ;i yellow eah tr cl. (henee north teo rtpgrcwi, wt'fl ninety -five Ünlj to ,1 stakí1, t henee north wxty nine ■-.■'- rt mi cbaïna anaeixty-twolfnk." ■ ■ nee north lif toni defretñ ivest ceven cIímíds and tifty linkn tta4tri tuin thorn treeor bi on ili souib bank ot Rennsalecr Mills tniil j "nl, thtilc along the bank or short' of said p ndj at high watr maik, to place of bgizuiing, coDtaiuing mtn teen acres un : three tenth oí ■t Uuod. The abóve describid counes re wiimated from t: allowanu beiojr mdeof two degvees tor vai ialion if needhj Ju oe, A. ï). Is5l . ALONZO CL.VUK . Ahign( . E B Wooif AtVy fr Aasignee. Dated, Ifarcb 24, 1862. S4"id Estfete of Jofiïah E. Sloat. STATK OF MICHWAN", County ol1 At a session of the Probate Court fr the County of WstthtO'D&w, holden at tlio l'robate Oflie, in the Ct.r of Ann Arbor, on Tuesdny, the tweiJty-fifth day oí Mar oh, in the yêar one thousasd eight hundredani sixty-to. l'resc-nt. Thomas N'inde, Judge of Probate. hi the m:UUT of tiie Estaie of Josiab R. ?loat, late of saiil oouoty, decoaeed. (in reading and flling tlie petition,duly vetinVd, of Mary Jitne Sloat prayiog ti:st admiuifttration of the lístate of fiaid deceaoed m.v b# gra 1 t-i hf-rjjij taid Mary Jane Sloat or to tome otbr Miiiabte person. Thereupon it Ordered, That Friday, the elghteeoU day of April nei, at one o'clock in the afterno6,M assigned for the hoving of said pet i tion , and tht ths heirfi at la of said SecAaned, and all other persons intern esieit ín said estáte are required to appear tt a sessioaoí said Court, tlivn to !■-■ holden at the Probate Office. in the City ot Ano Avhór. fn aaid County. and shoir oautVi if a 113 there hot why the prayor of the pttitioaw BhonJd not grantodi And it is further Ordered, that Bflfd Petitioner gta notice to the persona Intflrpstéd in said estáte, t tl pendepcy of said petition,and the liparing thereof bjf uostiig a copy of xh otder u fce pubhphed in tl" ' Michigan Argus,& newspaper printed aud circulating in said County oí Washtenaw, thrc# BUfrCöSKive week prfvious to saiüday of hMrtag. (Atruecopy.) TIIQMAS N1XDE, Judgeof Probt. MORTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT haviny boen made in the jiaymei-t of cr teln mortgage, beuring date the 26th' Juj of October, A. U.. IS58, executed tv P. Gillet '.o AlmoM )I. M. l'ratt. and Recorded ï:i the oflico "f tlu Righw of I)ooltí a:t'l Mortgagcs of Wrahtenaw County, oa Ihe !)lli day "f November, A. r 1858, ut 10 o'clock, .. X:. aml iw.'r.d.e! n Libor 25 of Motïgagcs on page 9!2, sil w:is duly assigoed on tbe 28th ány of October, A. D IB68, by the said AlmondH. M. l'mit to Sallv T'raii, which said aasfgnment was duly recvrded at t(ie wam saiil tïine and place of the recordiug of snid nnntgagei on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at tii date of ihift i;ititr-, the uí:l of threo Lundred an 1 twenty !:m dollars . I 25,00.) principal. and íi-vcnly-tlitceM 63-100 rtgll:irs(i;3,03) intereat, making in II the suujii three huLdre.l and niuety-eight and Ki-MO dollars, ($398,03), añil no suit oí proel ciitigs at law Laving bMtt iDstitirted to neoover the aame, or any part thereoöNotice is hereby giveifthat by virtue of a. 'power of J eontalned thereln.on Ihutsday, the 24th day uf Ayni A. D. 18Ö2, at twelve o'clock, noon, of paid day, at tb front door of the Courtllousc in the city of Aun Artici, (that being th place lor hohling the Circuit Court fortni unty.) there will be sold at public auction tota the morlgagéd preötee aforesald. ofN much theraof as shali . ■. t.. satisfy thcaraou due on said ri :._■■ witb atcrest.andthecost and; pensesallowed by law, foi the toreclOMtig the same; u) premisea are desetibedaa follows, to-wit: All tbat tract or pan ol ui land sitúate in lint township of MunchMteT, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigau, v!z: Cemmencin!! on the north-west corner of the South part 01 north west fractional one quarter of section stx, towa■hlp fbtrr outh ol range Ihree eat. thenoe oa the ea-'t imuii lol totheoentreoj clverRai!o,thennp" centre of iiaid river to the centre of Marsh Brook, ihcnce alonR th intn ol sa!d Marsh ürook te the centre ot T"i'ritoralüW'l. thonce west p) the south cMt corner .rf landsowned i,v ThomaGunn north of (he Territorial Hom!, theooe north to the centre .f kiíi! river mi-i". thencc up the centre of thesaiu riverl!ai-iu ti thcCouuty line upposed tobe the place of bef,'n"inft. contain-ng tveÓM two (-22) acies of tlie ame-mon orle aald Oftgage being givea toseenre pari of the parcha pric.oftU).,„U ?A..LY1EAT:rAs,iínce. fMjf k Arjcctroso, Aifraeys fc-i AssignetDated, January S0, 1802. S3f.12 Mortgago Foreclosure. DEFAULÏ having been made in t'ie condition of mortitaíje executed ty Calvin T. Fillmore Mj Uaranda, lili wife, to Luther James, Sated December 1", A, 1) If57, and rscordcd the next day at flfteen minut ., o!cloek 1'. M.. in Llber 24 of Mortgages, at pis 157 in thf ltigHtei 's office in Wathtenaw county. oy whichdefault the power of als contained in said tnortgage again iM-cajne opcrativc, and no suit or ijroceeiliitf having bet-n tostltttted it law to reciver thodiibtsepurva by saia mortgago or"any part thoreof, and the fumf'I shchnndred a4 forty dollar lning nos claimed toM duethereon. Notice is thirefore hoix'hy giren, tliatth said mortgage will be fereclosed by a sale of the mort' gaged piemTtCS, to-wit; "The Northwest quarter "1 Mvtimi No. twenty-three, in Township two . South [refiast, ln'SciO,ln safd county and State, exceptíng the Eat sixty aeres of laml of aald .uart of, at public vendue at tn (,,,.!L II. .,:■■ i ti cily of Ann Arbor, on the tentj Slxthdayof April next, at noon. LUTHER JAMES, Mortgage. E. W. UOKCÚ.X Att'v. , Dated, Jun. aOth, A. 0., 1898. Mi' STATK OP MICHIGAN.- Suit pending n the Circuit f'onïi for the County of Washteaaw- ïn Chancerr, Boforc Ilnn E.Lawrrnoe, Circuit Judge at Cbambor, Itargiiret Everett, Complainant , vs. tieorge Even 't, Dj' fcuiiiitit. rt BAtWactoriïy appearlng to the undersignf, by alliil.ivit. tlint tin1 drft mlaiit in this eause, resides out of (hts State, on raotion of i.. li. Horils, Sollcltor f" ComplftlnAnt, it Is ordewd that tlu said defenoaW cause his appearaoco in this cause tobe entcred witluo tbree memths from the iat' of lliis order. And I fartkci ordereil, iLat within twenty .1ay the rompía"'' ftDteanaefhfs orsLer to be published in the iiiclnp0 Argus, -i '"■■' ■ pa] erpubllahid in sai.i oounty, and tul mich puUicatiun uu eontlnued in Raid lu-nspaper, "■ leal opeo in oach ireek for -ín weeks in succesnon, ' r that he causea copy of thls order to bo P?"! siTved un aaid defeadant, at least tvi-aQ day beroi the timp prescrlbed for bis apjHjai:un ■■. Dated, March 3il, 1862. r . MWRIStCEi l.. I. Rowub, CircU


Old News
Michigan Argus