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SuBtuefj 3ítfttt, CARDSI CARDSÜ CARDS!Ü flavuie prcbfted a RüOGLBS KOYA&I DlAXOVD CftK freM,w!th flneissortmeat ofCard type. Wie Arqd Dfficeifi prepared t print C;mls of all kinfls in tli aeatestpossibléstjrle anl at a great reáuotion fren 'brmer prices,includltig Bnniness Carda formen of al 4ni0fctfóiandprofR8ioiiii Ba)I, Wedding, aml Finftiaj Cala, etc.. oto. Call.givt U vuurs orders and Mi how f( ís t3' ne W. N. STRONG NALL, DUNCKLEE & Co., WHOI.vs.u.K ud RBTAIL dealera in Iir.v Gcóds, petinf, FloorOil Cloths, Feathers, Paper Hanglaga inda general assortm&llt of l'uruishing Coods, Xo 7-1 Woodward Avenue, Corner of Larnedst., - - - DETROIT, Mloh Qi_Orderfi solicited and [jrumptly attendcd tottV BOÖy RAYMOND'S Pliotographic and Fine Art GALLERY. Nos. 205 and 'J07 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Pfaotngrapha, l.ife i.e, colored or plain, cabinet, imperial, Melalnotypea, DefuerreotypW) Arobrotvps, tc. CAIÍD PKT.DRES ly the Dezen or Thou ind. 80!lyl Í. O. O. P. WASHTEXAW LODGE Xo. 9, of the Independent order of ()'H IVlInvs uuM-t at Room, Iverv Fritlav ovtning, ut 7 J o'clock, E. UICHARItóON, N. G. S. Soxdheim, ?ec'y. L. .bTUBBsT rjtTiioi.E3.UK and Ketail Dealer in Tobacco, Cigars &c, VV Main St. - sign of " Big Indin." Frankliu Block, Aun Arbor, Slih. B. G Sül'IlERLAND & SOÑ, [JTTHOLEBALK AND HF.TATL Grocers and Commission Vr llercluints. East m-Ic; M.iin Street Aon Arbor. 'J' VITCHELL & CLARK. Vttoexeys and CouusL'llors atLftw, Gaperal I-ife nd Firc Insurance ugt-nts. Office iu City fialt Blode, m Hu ron St., Aun Arbor. Collections promplly Bftdfi jidremitted, nnd special attentiOD paid ie conveyanciug. d.s. TWmiiEix, [T43tfl e. r. clark. J. M. SCOTT. . i HSitOTrrs & Photogbph Artists, in the rooms fonneriy oecDgiad by Curáley, over the store of Sperry b Moore Perfec i atlBfaction Euaranteed. WINES & KNIGHT. DEAi.ERsin, Faucy Dry Gooda, lioots and Shots, kc le, MainStreet Aun Arbor. lilSDON fcliENDERSON, DEALERE in HiirJivare,Stovca, hou furnislnnggoods, Tia Ware .V:c. &c. , Ne Block, Main Street. Á. P. MILLS, ". D calëR in Staple iJry Gooiis, Grocerics Boots nntl Shofl and Ready Made Cluthing, Hurou Streut Ana trbor. BEAKEd & ABEL, á TT0RXEV8 & Corxs::n.nB3 at ÏJiW} and Solicifors in í Chaotory. Office In City Hall Block, over Webster k CoJ Boo títore, Ann LgbOJ KÏNGSLEY & MORGAN, TTORNKY-s, Counsellors, Solicitors, and NutariesPub i lic. luive Bouki and Plata tbowing tilles of all lands te the ounty, andatiend toconveyaacingandoollecttng emands, and to paing taxt-.s ud Bobool interest in auy art of the State. OiïïceeastsUe of the Square. Ann Aror. "james e. oook, JusTrCB of the Peacií. Offiec near the DeDot, Ypsilanti, Michigan. _ WmTlËWITT, M. D., & SfROEO.v. Office at his residenco, Xortli side ofHuroo treet, md ad house West of División itreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, II TAxrFAcrr reu and dealer in Boots mul Phoes. 1 LV1 door West of Ihe Post Office, inn Arbor, llich. MOORE & LÖOMLS. TKt.?xTCKF.B3 an'l dealer in Boots and Shoes, .VI Phanix Block. Mitin Street, one door Nortrh of Vfnington. ""mTgüIterman & cc, ÏTTnoLESALEand Retail dealers and manufacturen of VV Uady Made Clothing , Importen of Cloths, Caesioeres, Doeskiofi, &c. No. 5, New Bloek, Ann Arbor. c7b. porter, jMjLWJ'IUu Sukgeos Destist. Office corner of Main BLíÉLjSg und Hurón streets, over P. Bach'tí store, C{Tf8 Albor, Michigan. Vm. WAGNER, DEALrh in Eteadj Made Clothing Clotlis, Cassimeres aod Vcstings, llats, Caps, Trunks, Carput Ii.'ig.s, &c. Main lt., Ann Arbor. IJ ACH & PIEKSON. DEAi.ERg in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Coots & Show, te, Main stifet, Ann Arbor. MAYNARD, STEBB1NS Ê CO., kalkr.s in Dry (;oodb, Groceríes, Drags h Medicines, JVx ita k Shoe,-, kc, coi ntir of Main and Anu streets, itt bel c w the Kxchange, Ann Atbor. SLA WSON & GEER, 1 hochbs, I'KOViajo.v & CoiamJacloa Meríluints.anddeaJT larsiu W'atkk ï.liir:. La.m P LA8TSB, and l'LASTEH uk ARis.ono door Eastof Cook's Hotel. C. BLISS, Deaikr inClocts, Watchen, Jevvelry. and Fancy Goods, at thesignof theBígWatch, Ño. 27,Phoenix lilock. J.O. WATTS. DKiiKKinClocks.WatcLos. Jcwelrj audSllver Ware No 24, N'ew Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. PEEBMAN. Bixnr.R and FaiU.uable Ilair Drcssor, Main Street, Aim Arbor, Mich. Hair Fronts and Curl kent onstantly on hand. SCHOFF & MÏLLER. DÚUU in Misrcllaiioous, School, and lllank Books Sta tioucry, l'aper ILingiugs. &c, Main Ktreet Ann irbor. D. DkFOEEST. XÏT'hoi.esai.s and Retail Healejjn j.umber, Lath, Shin' ' gles, Sask, Doors, Bliadi, Wator Linie, Gr.wl Uivci Mster, l'laster Paris, and Nails of all zes. A ful] nd perfect a-ssortment of tlie aba, aj.d all othei trnJs of building materials m hand at tl.u lowet possible rates, on Detroit Street, a few roda froto tho Railroad Depot. Also operating extensmly in the Pateut Cement lloofiug. WdSIITESAW CBUNtFuTbLE SOCIETY. DBPOsiTORy of Bibles nd TestamentB at the Society prict's atW. C. Voorlu-is'. chapín, ■ wooiT& cov 3UCESS0B8 TO MANUFACT'JliKliP OF AND- ' COLORED MEDIUMS, ■V7"T-,j3ipixi.s I'aper.íteo. ANW ARBOtt MICH. SPECIAL NOTICE TO CUSTOMEES. AU. accounts over kïx months must be settled at onr.c. Calla the office amlpay np. A well fielectedt stock óf New (iouds Cheap for _8aitf MAYNARD , ÍTKBBIN9 WII.PON. TT ss 1E3 s jr A.rr o ch.A. EMPIRE WATER FOR 51ieetion or PvspejiMa, C'!iiiiimti,n, Xervous BeWlity, I.oss of AppeUte, CowmoD Cold, tUnwua of the l.inigs, Headaciie, and J-Vverihh látate oí the yMein. Sol.l by MAVNARTl, STF.rmlNS & WII.SON nn.l ÍBEniiAciI k CO , Ann Arbw. 1;8Ï8.


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Michigan Argus