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To Exterminate Pea Bugs

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" What s'nll I do to rid dij peas of bugs !'' oxolaim both gardeners and farmers. Aiid wc will attempt a reply. The pea weevií, a small brown bug or fly, appoars early iu the spring aud at the timo the lirst creps of peas aro forming thoir pods. JIo stings the tender pod, right against the nasceiiÊ pea, and deposits ao egg. áoinetimes ho punctares every pea. A grub is scon hatc'icd, which eaU his ivay into the boart of the )iea. llere hu grows a pace and by tho tiaae the pea is ripe he U full grown, abjut an eighth of au inch long. Ho is now a white grub, and h::s ca'cn out uearly o;jü half of the pea. His next step is toposa into the pupa stite, whero he renlains u:it il the last of aatumn, wlien hu becomes a black beetle, and is prepared, on the opening o( spring, to attack young peas reproducá h3 kind. - This being thu natural history of the in-sect, we may judge when and how to attack hini. The black bird, crow and oriole are his born euemies, but they do 1 i tile towards extêrminating liim. Of the several uietliods einployed successful]y, l-.rre is one : Make as ninuy wooden boxes as you liavo varieties of ssed, and fit them with tight covers. After gathcring, sorting and drying the seeds put three or four bits of caiuphor, the size of a pea, inio ach box, shake well toguther and put away. The bugs will be disgusted. Auothor way is, to seald Iho.sucd for about halt' a iniuutc iu boiling water, jist hefpio planting. This will, at least, destroy the grubs in the sced. If peas are bugiry, we usually tuke our seed, a ]j.'c' at a time, and just before sowing, puur oa Bbtling water cnough to cover theru ; theu stir until cool, and sow. - Tho acaldiug has never appeared to injure the gorms, while it utterly destroys the bugs. and husteus the eprouting. If too la:ge a miss of peas be takea together, or if rapid stirring bo omitted, thY might bo injured by the heat. Another is tliis ; Gather the peas as soon as ripe, dry them for two days iu the suu. Thcn put, about a piut at a tune, in a eohuider, cover with a pau, set them over a vessol of boiling water, keeping them there until the steam bas penetrated the wholo ïuass of seed. Thcn prad them out to dry, and put away in boxea or papers. Thid will kill the p iia, whüe H will cot injure the germ of the seed. Pöaa sown as late as the middlo of June, are scldom iufested with the weevil, beeause i tg paai ft il for depositing Eggs is thea past. It is a common and good j practice to bow psas for the next yearis !


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Michigan Argus