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That" Expose."

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■ We predicted that as soon as the Spring eleution was over we should hear nó more f rom thu lïopublican jouraalt) of this State ubout that "esposo" of tho " K(iighl8 ol the Golden Circle,'' !)nd our predicliona have proved truo. Sioce tho night of the 7lh iliiy of April i gvave-yard silenco has been pivaerved, and the gruat bug-boar will be permitted to rest lindisUii'bud uutil the F;.ll electiorj approachee. L3L" The foÜowing paragraph, fouiid n the regular news dispatüh froül Yasli ington, uuder date of April 20th, is evidunco thut the colorcd peoplu of the Di.strict of Columbia hardly appreciate the " labors of lovo " Coügress has put forth in thcir bclialf. They wish to be eolouized uut of the bourids of tho Uuitcd States : " A memorial is being numerously signed hy the colorod psople iu this diatriet to siiow for thouaselves, relativea aud friends whoin they represent, that whila appreciating tho humane actions DOW in augurated to give frccdoin to their race, tLey believe this frfcodom will result injuriously unlcss thcre sliall be opeucd to them a región to which they might eini graie, suitud to their orgauizattoo, &e." j7" TLo gallant General Shields has boen appoiuted Major-G cneral. He has won aijd worthily will wear thu title. ;' Apalaehicola, on tho west coast of i'lorida, was captured on the 8d inst. by the gunboats Mercedide aud Sagamore, with but little opposition.


Old News
Michigan Argus