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From The Siege Of Yorktown

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Jnt UAMP, IN FliOXT OF AND NE AR YouKTOWir, Va., April 13, 1862. ƒ Der Biïotiikk : Oucc more it is Sabbath, and a quiet ono, too. I have tot board tbo sound uf a canoon to-daj ; aud it is the lust day that has passed since we liave been en campcd beforo this place, now a week last night, that the roar of cannou might not have been beard moro or lesa, day and night. I wrote to you that we bad moved back somc, but wo are still in rango of the rebel guns, and yestcrday I beard a number of cannon balls whistlo uear our camp. Üur camp is situated on tho bank of a small streani, or bayou, just above where it enters the York ïliver. The bank ot this stream is lined witli timber, but it is fast falling beforo the ax of the soldier. The water of this stream is rather salty. There aro a number of oystcr beds, iu it, ucar our camp, and somc of our boys may bo secn fishing for tbem whenever the tide is out. Oar camp is supplied with water for drinking and cooking purposes, by digging spriugs in the side of the bill in which it is loeated They are bridging this stream a short distance below hcro, and when it is finislied, I think most probably that this división of tho army wilt cross over it, wbich w'ill place us in very close contact with the rebels and their battcrics. The stillncss of tho day has just been broken by the roari.ig of two cannon. Last night, at dress parade, tbo news of the fall of Island No. 10, aud also the desperate fig'-it at Pittsburg, was rcad to the reciincut by Adjutant Moiutis, whq, by the way, ia ono of the best Adjutants in the army, and knowa more about military táctica than two-thirds of the Generáis lie also read tho proclamatioo of tho President, iu rcference to it, aud requesting that diviue service thould bo held in uil loyal churches toda}'. Tliis inorniug, at inspection, an order was read' by the Adjutaut, frora the Colonel, that in accordancc with this proclamation divino servieo would be held in the regiment at 12 M., and in aC' cordauce with such order the regiment is now assembling to hoar a discoursc from our chaplain. Camp "Win-fikld Scott, Va., ) April 15, 18G2. , Our camp bas been namcd aftor the oíd vetaran, Winfiisi-d Scott. Yesterday 500 of this regiment went Out on pieket. Now picketing herc and on Ilall's Hill are two different things. - Thcre we never saw such a thiijg as a rebel, whcu wo wcre en pieket. Here we saw tbem by bundreds. There we uwer board Üiesound oí tbeir guns. - 1 1 ie Bssoon (is you bhowod jourself in au open epfteq vou ware Bure to hear tlio crack of a gitB, and the whibtling of a bullet. Tlierc r.o éneiav waa in miles ui' lis. IIitc we were stationed in front, and only throe quarters of a mile from the rebel's fortilications, aloog wbioll miglit bo soeii bundreda of eoldiera, and on v.iiich mtght bc Been moumed heavy ir ti'iery. In front and bftwcea our jmsts - nhich wcro jost in tin: ci!ge of sonic busIicK wTiiofi lincd it - and the fortificatiüBa was a largo opon Seld, whfch ran elenr back to 1 hu fortifications, Tbo bushes gave our pickets somc protectiou froiii the enemy, and t lic opon field gavo us a goed view of t!io fw-tification ai;d evérything Ibat waa goiag vo betweeu us and tbem. Dunng tbc d;iy I saw a corapany oí' soldiere ffarsdïng in front of a building, as a red flag was flonting on its peak [ put it uiiwii :is a hospital. Occasionaily I could see a man loave the fiirtifica'.ioü, and advanee tow;ird u?, tlirow liiinseif on the ground, aiin and fire, arise, turn, and d.iuble-quick it back again. Somatimes aa tlioy wero advaucing our men would liio at them, when tliey would drop down as if shot) lav uwhilo, tlu'n get up ai;d soteok off. Oiic of them tried tbia game on oüo of tbc sharp-fLooters, but le tried a second Bïé and tore ilie grouiul up beautifully around tbo fHoV8 head. As sou a's posöiblo lie got u;) and mado tïacfea ior tho fói'tiScations, and I do not believo tbat be eamo out agala tbftt day. Thero was soiue very good shots made by them dunng the dav. One ball paeeed in vcry close prosimity to Licut. Püentibs, an" other but a littlo over tho head of John Bznitr, and whilc Major Welqh waa trying to get a good view of the rebels and their batteries. ho esposed liimself' to ibeir view, when bang went a gun, and a bullet passsod close to bis sido. He now thouglit it about time to get out of sight, and ïiot inake bknself ! target, but before he could do tlaia bang went anothcr gun, and a ball too to his head to bc pleasant. A short time r.fter this, as he was passing from ouo reserve to another, through ihü woods, a ball passed by and atruck a (reo close to him. Ha tioolly rcmu'.k'ju tlint tic rebels coald see most anywhere. líe bogan to (hink l!at thcy wero going to táfce him for a target, and practico od him. The Major is a good aud cool officer, and friends at home may rest assurcd that he will acquit bimself wlth credit, and do bis best the causo of his country and State in t!ie coming contcst, a contest whicli will not be much longer delayed, and whicb without doubt, will result in favor of tho Constitution and tho Uuiou, and the viudieatiou of that old fiag which luis so long fioatcd over us. As the battle of Yorktoffn decided the Rovolution, may wc not hope that the coming battle may decida this unuatural contesfc ? We rctunud to oump this morning, and I fouud that while I had been out I picketing for rebels, Orderly Cook had been ont pichmg for oysters, and had gathcred a goodly lot, and short'y a soup was steaiuing o:i the table, of which I heartily partrtok, ïhus ended a twetty-four hours of picketing iu front -of tho rebel fortui catioüs. Yesterday, while somc rebel boats were transporting some troops aeres.; tho river to Yorktown, our gunboats Ihrew a few shots at thciu. aud managcd to sitik a couple. Last night a Pontoon bridgo w.ns thrown across the streum which runs between our camp and the rebels. Just below this a bridge has been built, and still below this anothcr one is nearly eompletcd. The work of planting eaunon opposite tho rebel fortification, will soon commenct!. We are having very fiuo weathcr herc now.


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Michigan Argus