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THE HBBELtïOIi 0X111(111 ['RICESFORCLGTHING. BASCÜMMENCEDATTBK CL O & BELIAELE CLOÏHI WC EMPOïtlTTM ! No. 3 PHOJNIX BLÖCK, MAIN St. TAM nov opening a lrm ani varin.I awirlnif-nt ol St nuguidSiimajer Go las, and ïn rtew üI rebel 1I Ion ca liigbppioo ifenpp.Ul.v, vilt offer tlicr.i tomyfrlendt and cunloitu ri at tho rcry luwwt ftg unu fr t'anli.-Thnesln naat of 14 superior artiole of Clottu, Cassi iuoroá, or Keady-Madc Olothing, k-wll] cali onWWi. WACNER, who has jast return from tho East, with a lare uisortmout of SPRiNG & SU MM ER GOOflS wliich have been purchaee.l atthe lato LOW BRICES! andcanofTer Ibomat a lower Aguro thiin evr before. Among my Assortment may be found BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, . DOESKINS, YESTINGS of allilcseriptions, tnoth'r witli a superior aasortment ui Rcacly-Made Clotllliig, ,.,-. v ...TKUNK-g, CARI'ET BARS, K8X-i3 UMBRELT.AS, and JESBGentlemen's Farnishias G-OODS, w't'i nimirnus otlu-r articles usually fouiid ín similcr establiahnici-t'. As an BMPOKIÜM OF FASHION, the subsribor Sattere himjclf , that liis Ion; expcrience and general suscas,irUI enabto him to give tho (roatest satislaction to all whu may irst hini i tho waï ol Ei Manufectnring Gannents to order. WM.WAGNTEIJ, Ann Arbor, Ap; il 9tl. 150: S4-if NEW COODS For the Spring 1862. o MACÏ & SfílIMID Wüuld rospectrnlly annouuco to the Citiens of Wnslitenaw and adjoining Counties tbat we aro now roceiving Direct from the Eaïtern Markets, A full and c'ïippete supply of Staplo .üd JELxxo-y DRY GOODS, Ladies' & Childrans' Shoes, GKOCERIES, CKOCKERY, &c. Puit Ii a sed by one of orr firm for cash,auL notwithtandicg the Uard tunes we hall coutinue to Adtl Weekly Adüitions To our steek in order To Aocommodate our Customers ! Kithererytlung they may neod toa;k for. And w wlll farthcr pfodgo oozsolrM to sell as QÏiMp AS TIMES WILL PEKMIT nd which is aïwa} ü as A.S Low as tlie Hiowest. At the same time we hope our frieuda anl customrsilibAar in iui;id lUat tho Umea couapel us to sell tix uuds For Cash or Ready Pay. Aan Arbor, Marcll 28, 1S61. 8JOtf DO YOU WANT WHISKER8 1 DO y OU WANT A MOÜ8TACBB ■' If no, perchase cíe buit'e of K.Y.. Clianipion's EXCELSIOR INV1ÖOEAT0S ] 'lie wnrld renownfil toilet, - the only irticle of tïie kiod reroffisndtli ptoole of the ümted Stifiat. T- abow rtfcle i tU0niv ofio usetl by the Frouh ; in Londoo ni jf&ria íl ia ia ucivereal use. THE EXCELSIOR WHISKEll INVIG011AT0R ! ! sa Beautiful, Economical, Soothfng, Jet Stlmnlftöog 'oiupound, actinj: aa If by m tgia upoo tho röots, cuu ng a twautiful growth ot Laxttrlafit beanl. ff ap lied o the wijl care liALDiratt, aad il' ujiplied aconlííg tu diri'ctions, ít v, il cOFë Co spnijg up in huid pols ll lïne grwwtU of boft kki;-h kjqb - EXCELSIOR INVIG ORATOR san indispensable Articlc in evtry Geritlomnn's Toile, nd :ilter out wuck'ü uw tiity woutd nut, lui' any c.msidratiou, be witli.uit it. Tbc abare Brticle will, in from 'ou to lLtght Weeks, briug out a thiefe Bet of VfsdtStMa t 9é0U8TACBB. The uubBcribera rue the oaly Ageuts for the above arIclfl in the Uiiiled 8tfttej. They would aïso annouuce to tho public lliat they are agentsfur Napoleon's Hair Toilet! 'he only article over offered to tbe i'iench peojdo that vnuld Cl'itL straicht 1 tbc ibuve Tili't rang manifactuied ftif th aül benefit o Lnvls STajieleoD ! which ttlclfl '■■ ïiow india peo sable Id l:is Toilet room. ïhe lubscribera teeliog coiifl leut tbat thts Toilet munt lect'.-sarily t.iis." tbc pêL6 of U others ever offered to b public, they take pteasore io expreaslag thalr cíjuíídence in tiiv ait;c( ft-iiininjj itfroo) practica Í iwe. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET Vil! CüBX, TBAIOBT RálMÍQ Soft, Pilkcn, Flowini? CurlR, )i;ti will remain In &kpe for '-'i 'lay or pne we M leirftl, or huy tongvr penod, if tho dfrectiaiui are strictly olloweé, i Jiich ;ue vui-y simple and easj . This Hiir Toilet doesnot in any manuerinterfere with tbe Natural Suf In css of the Hair. It neilber Bcorehe ïordyesit; bat gives i lie baU' a soft, thrii'ty appoarluce. It Uso prevtnts the hair from faUiug oit and turninggray. THE NAPOLEON JÏATR TOILET las bct-n before the jmblc hut a sh.rt timo, aixl han alealy been tested by over onc thonaand personal and bey n-stily that the Napoleon Ilair Tolkt is the greatost Beautifier ever offered to lUe American peuple. To prevent tbin Toilet Irom being couoterfeited or imtated by unjirinci]le.i peraoni, v do Bot olferit for ile kt any Druggiiti In the Daltod States. Tberefore aoy ,aity or (veotlêfnan whjD desirjw Soft, Tuxoriaat Hair and Carla, and Long, Soft WhisÊeri or iM.mst.tclc, can nucure the Iuvigrtor or Toilet, oither one.ijjr o;je luliiir uaclosed in a ktter, witli theu adarew. Acidress, G. t. SFpNY & CO., Dox Iö3, OdUinsriUe, IJ.irtford , Conn. And it will be carefully sent by return mail. TREES ! TREES J Fruit and Ornamental, OF AI.L DESCBIFTIORS AS!) YAhJLÏY, Roses, Balhous JHants, and Orape Vines of all kinds. TBEDNDERSTGNED is about tartin? Enst to raako lus us'iu! scli-ctions a( Treenfrom thcpiost popular Nursi-;ics. anrt 11 Itlhill orders tol Traas tbat m.iy biwanto Uiroagh tbe moath uï ApnL Jlypra''tir:il erperleBce with trM foi tlic !,ist ton v.irs bv establtehed m ' !n tlie w.ay of mskjeg mv valee tions witb that care that enables me to warrant all trees and plante trae to nanie,a. ellas heallbv, vigoroun i rrowth, unii witli proper care to meet the BXpectatlon ol the purcluiApr. great atimdiog iny sa'.cs last yearf r&88uren me ny trees wen all sound anti ittafacttOfl Thankfu] fnr pnt In vori. 1 arltemy Irlendv nul all (-t;a-í.4 .-anting trees or planta, logivc uv :i caU. growo in (bil State, can le lamisbcn fromthöNorth lAke Nnrpery Order for Treen or Planta majr be left at Rngors' Agncultural Hall, ut auy tijno. THTODORK TtCOIS 1 AncArbol, Mor;li 25, 182. Plitf


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