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The Latest Special Dispatch To the citizens of Ann Arbor and Vicinity ! ! INTENSE EXCITEMENT! Ilundreds wat chin g the progresa of Daily Events The Federal Arm y ngain Victorions! "The Union must and sliall be Preserved !" " There vjas a man in our toicn, Ile loasso ipondrous wise," But with all !i3 wijJom, ho wi not eo wiso ns that ''other man," wlio when bo wnuttd to buy tliu Tlie cJieajjest and lest CLOTifyC! in this mareet always Jumped into G UITEEMAN'S IIEAD QUARTERS! For tliere he knew be alwnys gnt his money's WOTtb. Si'cing is Ijelieviiig and yju t h:it wiah to sce come ia Bod belicve. Tbote tliat can'tseecAN feel, and as tve slwaya makt our eustomers feel gooj over good bacgnini they aro ospecially mvited to our nnxious sent.tliat they too may realize liow "rrood it, is for thetn to be wit], 113," and buy inueh plcaaure pan be obtaincd in the enjoyment oí BPLEWDID BARGAIWS ! " me "" ,Ve Ht re wenry nni heavy lade '" - with Rock3 and we will do our best to relieve yoa- giving you in reiui'n the fmest kind af Ooods at the lowestjigtxres. Great t.nttles are hourly taking place in the Clothing line - whole regiments of Ossfiijieres, w-siins, &c, are being slaughtered bv Oen! Sondhkik - to fit the great rush of reernita ihnt, are ]ourng ín trom every diroetion, all anxious to have llieir oamea enrollad fór a NE AT AND TAST Y 3 UIT I - 3ueh as can only be had at tho HeadQuarters of Guiterman cê Co. One of the firm.Hr. M Gltt;;rmaí, liavin" just returned frorn Europe with a iarge ns sortment of Clutlis, Cuatmerei, and a. nice lot ipf fine Arestingg. also a few pieecs of fine Beaver for overeoot whioh we will malea un to oreer in the lutest style, we feel confident tbat we eau eatisfy all. STTJJQEISTTS i We aro happy to gpeet you nga;n in our Citj'.after spending j'our vacation with the " dear old folks" at home. Be assured we wiüli you a pleasant term, nnd ehall tver be glad to me;t you at the Old Head-Quarters, No. 5. 3j Our former customor3, we feel nssured, will cali On us again To you wlio come aa Bti'iingLis we nould Bay a few words, we wish you to cali and look at our fine Coats, Panta, and VestB, wc ean do beller by you thau any other h .use in the City, and 'if ycu Culi anú úsmiBa our sroods.and try their fits, you will purchase nowhere else. DON'T FAIL TO O-A-SLüXj JX..1? C3-. 'J3T. , DR. IIOUFLAKD'S BALSAIIC CORDIAL, For tlio speed}' care of Coughs, ColJs, Influenza, Croup, llnarseness, Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Discases of Uw Bowels, arisinc front Cold, Incipienl. Caisumpt'on, and for the relief and Jf ai all possi'iie) cure of l'aüenU in adcanced stages of ths alter disease. rplïE ïïaUamic Coiili il is c-ntiruly a Vegetable producÍ tion.cumbiniogtlieliealing propertiea ol the Baltam, with the invigorating qualities of a Cordial, producing a combinat-on ao weü adapted to the purioses ü, tbat tliere are but ie casus ot' disease whicb will oot, at .in eariy penod, bucgumb to ita beaiiugapd iiie giving propwrti s. i-'ur aes, iias the troalinent of pulnioiiary diseases QCcupi'.-d Ibe greater portion of t&flH&ttention rt the sieiitilic of fcoc medical wt.rM, bat Done acquired more mloeofi in bi.s tieatnifut i . , iseg, thao Uu cclebratsd Pfutsiiip, lir. Hoo8ar,d, tbc orjjnati ot tbe BalsamioCordial. Hislife was derotd to tlio produc. tioii oí' rcmSlcs tliat w'ouM Btaod uorivalled. JIow v.e] Ue bas succeded, tho American peopleare able lo tnd we podiiivelj a-üri, that no pre'naïatione tbat have ever Btieri pi leed before tbem, hare conferre ! Áo same amouní oí benetitd on Buffi;riDg humanity, or ■ititlso i.j.uiy cunjmend-itiona Iroai ali claaed of aoeiety, as theyemediea of Dr. Hoooañ, preparad by Dr. C. M . Jai kam & Co, . of Pbil idelphi i. 'i',u' L'-.L-.i. ai 'u diisygped for a ci.iss t,t diseaea more gi-ueral ai:d more iatal tban any otlier to wbich tbe peoplo Of tbis couotiy are subject- tbosc sinining 'rom a "sliglit cold." Tbat eminent autboiily, Dr iiell.sajs: "1 will net sftjr that C.las arp to our inhablauts rhat tbe Pluglte and Ydlow Ftvtr art' to ot other countrlts; but leun aver confidentïy that they in disease of p;e4tlïl ejuiplicity and uiortality tban these luticr." Entirdy Vegetable. iVö Alcolwlio ï'rcpandion. DK. II )f)Ff,AND'S CïLEBBATtD GERMAXT BITTBHS Preparad by DR. C. M. JACffSON & LV., Pliilaaelphín, Pa. V, il! , .tcotualiy cure UVEK CoMi:J..UXT, UYtíPKPSIA, jAl:Nl)lrK,(.'liríi!Í4i 'T NVi vous Ju ! , es of the t all diaeasM arudng frona a tli.-irdeiüJ ..ivi-r ar cStnm&ah, 8ac as Conitipiiion, Inwnr.l Pilos. FuhMÉa or ülood m Uie lle:u', Ac:dny oi ttiu titcmach, Naasa, Ueaxt lurn, Ksgnat furFood, Fulnesa or weight intlic torn ach, our Eructa t ion.-, Zinking or FlatteHns at the l'it if the Stonaaohj iwinuoiiJg o the Hoad, ilurried and Uilficult Bi a th ing, Huttoi-iog at the Heart, Cljoljiug or Suffocat ng seotAti's whon in a '■..■■', ■, rrt, Iíim íess ui Viaion, Dots vl kréba txforatlio ülght, i'"cver iind :Jull l'aiu in the lleaU, Dvflctency of Parspiration, YelDvi.f.-s of tli e Skin and K ■- I '■.'.!'% in the Si Ie, Iïack, ílMst, I.iiuiis, &o. Saddac FluAheisof Heat. Burnliurfca !i, Conttani imtgbiing cl' eyil. and reat D prs6ioLa of Sjiïit. anO viil . ■, :■,- nre%'t'nt YFLI.OW FHVttR, HU LIO &. fhö Proprlelof ie CaUiog the attentioa of Ihp public to tbis preparatie. , doed bo irith a fatling of the utmost louadencein iu vúuefi aft] ttdaptation lo tUc di Lor irtrich tl Is réeoc:i ■ tl oonew aud uotriéd arttcle, "but ou'-1 1 ]mt has the testof a Iwbïve yerstriaï befóte the fViui-riple,aodfts repntatioD and saje aire unriraUed by any u&jUttr pf)%tUi iv.taiu. The teatipaoii; Inits !;Lrcv;j;ivrii By the i tpr dbíneftt èad vell-knovo Phjreiciana and individúala in all parte of the country is :uí!)1":.i.-í', jmhI ;i ful i.oruí.;ll ot' tlio AlmaiKiC, pubnnually by ttiu Proprletors, and to be had gratis ui' ;iny of theu AgcntAf aannfit hul nn1iafj tht aoal Hkeptical thatth;s remèdjla rtatiy dc.-icrviiig the greaj cek'briiy it has Ofetsdnod Kcad tlie Evidtncs f rom J. Newton BfrfWfl V. D. , Editor nf the Enryrtopedia of HuUgiovs Knoiri Althongh Otdtiposed to favrr or rocojnmbQd Patent Medloinu íñ generai, tbrougi distrust of their iogredient.saad eöi on 1 yst koow o) do aufftctent reason why a Kan may nol fcestüj ba tbe benefit he believen himafelf ii li;t-' [■■ ceived trom un.v simple prparatton, En the hope that b may foatnbutü to tho bcuiiüt of othei s. rüo this the more recdily in rtg&rñ to 'Mloofland's Geripan liitti.-vs.1' prepaj (l by Dr. C. M. Jackspn, pi thls !:■■'■ '. ]■'. ■■.!;; :■■ ■■ I ngatnst i hrn'. loj uüiUt the impn ■ 'v an alcoholie raixtnra 1 am tadbied to my hri$d Robert Shoemakvr, Hffq.,for the nraoral f thta pajadice by proper tests, and tor encoaragemüutto try iIriu, wlieu .uffcring from roat and long confio ued debilily, The usu of , t, :.í tiir ii"iniiiu of the present year, was folhjred by evident u-iii-i, aud restoration t.oa dcgMi í bodily and mental v[:v v Uich I bad not feit for sis montha bci'ori-,an4 bad nlmost despan i á iiiiag, I tfaerefore tbauk G i ;ïenl For Jmeting meto the uaeofthem. J. X:VTÜX DKUWN. Röad what t'ne eminent (H.iss nnr.-icturer, JOHN ir. Vviinwr.i., saya of ihe öALSAMIC cordial. ]'r. C.M. .ÏAonsox- Ri-pectctl Kricnd: Ilavijiír for a long time bcenaèainted with the virtuea of thy Bal. sauiic Gotdin] 10 Cou.h, ColtW, Inüamraation nf the '.c. I thlis frcrly brar trstnnony to its efficacy For severfil iir-i I luiv never been witUout it ia. my ftimil.T li ais.e;jvcs m plettiTure to sf.te thaí I nava used ü witbentire Miffss in tlie treatniept of SowftJ Compl lint-. Thy i'riend ttuiv, Í0FT5 M. VIIITAIJ,. FifLh Mo. 17, 1S58, pifce Stnwt'.jüMic ih, l'l.ila. Thi w medidnèn ar tor sale bjt atl reapret ibïa Drafgistn and doalo] ; ■ i .-t-i ten, British l'niwnro-, fiml Westlntlicsni '. 8 farc ■ ■ . .!■,■; in e ol c ,c.. - n &ipor oi ttacb bottle; eovnt-f -'tv, 41S Arrlj Street, niiladelphift, Pa. B.KÍ7]


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