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C !$jjEi Aun Avloi. ARE NOW OJ'KMNíí. DIRECT FROM PÜBIJSgERS AN'I Mamifaoi un ís, a Efow and Complete-stock uf LAVV & MEDICAL 1ÍOOKS, School Bookt, Mhcellancous Rnnks, Blank Books, dan iVatlaiiil "ni!''v l'jiprr, Draivingand Vathemat cal Inatrusunta, Music, Juvcnilo Librarían, Enn lopí ... Inka and .',.ili.. GOLD And áll other kinds of Pens and Penáis Wiudow Cui-uice, Bhadttfi and r'ixturo, POCKET CÜÏLEKY! Anderexythfng partatnlns to the trado, and dioM to vhichth'v wualatbvito the attentlon of tho country. In candocttug our business, ir hall do all that can e lmnvo that no r ca sonable man, woinan or chittl aball in.l ;iiiy fiuilt. We possi:s.s faeilities whlcli wlU enablo us to supjily our.stomers at tliii Lowest Possible Figures. ÏTe pronoseto Bellfor READY PAT, ata smalladranoe. - :)--A ;i profil n om ■-'--■'Is, but Cash Sales will Admit of low FIGURES. W faHB engaged tbe ervlces "1 .1AMIÍS F. SI'AI.PIN'G, tdreforeftre pnpftrod to furnUih Visiting, Wedding and all other Cards wntten t o order, with ncatness and dispatch, l)i wat' or othencise. The "Kmpiiu: BbOK Ptdü :■:,'' is inani:t:i1 bv a gonii 'crew,' ad thoy wilï alwayn be founJ on Ihe qnarter deck,' ■Ciuly -i ii -1 villlDg l aiit'Dil to all with ploafturo, vvbo wili tliem wiib a ' líemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WES8TER & Co. Ann Albor, May, 1860. 7Jj AN OTHER 1, A ARRIVAI AT THE áJNÉÉoLD AND RELIÜBLE iflBcLOTHINC EMPORIUMü 3nS&'r'JÍL N" O - s i n CE3 isr i x: tBLoais:, MAIN STREET. hasjust returnod from the Eastem Cilies, with a livrg aud desirabU svck of E ALL AMD WINTER E3r O O 13 &l wkicb he is now offerhig ut unusualiy prices: Amonghis Assurtmc-nt Jü.iy bo fouud BROADCLOTirS, CASSIMERES, ' DOESKINS, & VESTINGS, of ftHdescriptiona, especia lïy f'"r FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! which he is cutting anil nialving to ordor, in thelatcstand best styles, togethtir with a superior assortment of READY MADE CLOTHJNQ! IRUNKS CABPBI BAOS, rMIí?.i:t.I..=, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with amnorotta othor artick-s uijuiilly found ín fiimila: e.stablibhJUC-iits. Am ANEMPOKIÜM OFFASHIOM, tho sabscrlber flatters hlmself, Öurt hfslong expertenoQ aiifl genera! succoss,will cuable hiin to give the greatèsi satisfactiou toall who mny trust iiiinïu tbe waj ofmaA ufaeturinggarments tu order. 769tf Wil. VAGNER. Rifle Factory! A. J. SUTHERLAND HASromovedhi Gun Shopt othe New Blockon Huton atreet, southu f the Court House .ontiieaecond floor, wherchc is propared to fu rniöh Guns, Pistols, Animunition FlasJcs, Poushes Game Bags, and Everj othev article in bis Line. On tbc tnostrensonnblr lttrmp,nnclto do fill kindfi o H 33 1 A. 1 3FÍ. I 3VT Gr i tho shortest notii'.c.nnri in the best mannei fullassortmeat alwnys kep n hftnd.ond made to order. BOOTS & SHOES MOORS & LOOMZS Are now reeeïving a large a.ísortcaont of Boot and Shoöfl and EUBBEBS! Which thoy to solí 50 per cent belowformer pricenfor cash. Jleu'g good Kip Boots, frora $1,50 to $3,00 Men's good Thick Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00 Men' good Calf Boots, frora 2,50 to 3,75 Boy'e Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladies' Gaitera, from 44 to 1,25 Ladies' Moroceo Boot ees, from 75 to 1,25 And id cndles Taricty of Shops from Fancy Balmorals to Infanta' Creeping Shoes. We are ulsoMnnufaetmlng nll Kinds of WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Mens Fine Frene h Calf Boots Pegged and Sewed. Po kívp us a cnll bofcro porchulu olsowlipri1, as we are bound n(.t to be andoreold. rj&"K]JlUIl!I.Vö I)ONE ON SHORT NOTICE.(r MOORE & LOOMIS. Maiu St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 820(f THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capita], ... $500,000 ono or tho HEAVIF.ST, BAIBST and BIST Insuranco Co'e. in the InHures on rft&flon&blt terms,an(l al vaj-a pay picraptly. Thcre is no botter l'irc Insuranc Compaiiy. Ayer's Agüe Cura.


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Michigan Argus