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1862. " " "Ï8Ö2. " ïnTE"W SPRING GOODS! 0 We are now receiving :i fine stock of NEW SP1ÜNG GOODS, and offor theui at tlio Lowest Cash Fr ices. C. H. MILLEN & CO. April lst, 1SG2. S-iGtf ■ SCHOFF & MIL LEE 1 RE STIL). ON HAND ut tUcirold Stand, IX No. 2, Franklin Block, uith themost complet i3 assortment "f Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCT GOODS, WALL AND WIN DOW PAPERS, ' S HADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CÜRTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEEEOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Market 1 anti woukl suggest tothose in pursuit üf anythingin SANTA OLA US' LINE that they can eecure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasing From Ihis sioek, M each purchaor guts anadditional present of Jcwelvy, iVc. , Ranging invalue froin 50 ets. to $50. JSQf" Tlipytrust taat their long experieaee In solecting goods for this market, and Btriot attcntion tb the wants of Customers, may entitle tbem to a liberalshare Of Patronage. Arm Arbor, Dec. 5. 1860. 777tf JLIFJfi IWSUKaWOE. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. Aceumulatcd Capital, - . $3,500,000. WII.T.TNSURE LTVES for any aninunt oot eiceedmg SiO.vKíO :cr the nrhole tot-m of Life orfor a term f years, od J.h(J most favoiabk toi ida N.B The Company is purely mutual and tho policy toldera get all the surplus over theexact cost of Insuranco It accomodatcs the In&nred in the sottU'tnent of. their premiums ON LIFE l'OUCIKS, if deaired, by tftkiug a note for onp lialfthe aiuount, bearing interest at els percent, perannum. Dividend are Dedared Annually! and sincc they now amount to fïfty por cent on the premium, cash anJ note, and are increasing Üiey may be epplieC to cancel the noto. i ÜTB The rutes of premiums areaslow m any other ' sponsiblc Company and tue largo accuniuiatitd furul f $3,500,000 is gecurely imesU'il, m may be Been by reference to Uiestatemejitiftadaaeoordtiigio law, on fiiu in tho office uf tho County Ann Arbor.-d Jabíes goodwix, prest. CKrTB.PHBtn.8eoy. ForpaïÜcnïaraapplytjO JAÏIE9 0. WAT80K, 70ut1 Agent ut Ann Arbor Mich. Great Reduction in the Price of SINGKR & CO.'S Standard Machines . Well known to be the Hmt for Manufacturing l'urposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at $90, roduced to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for merly sold at $100, reduced to $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the best Machine in tho world for Family Sewing and Light Maniifacttiring Furposcs : (with Hemvur,) and bautifully nrmunented $50. The Xos. 1 and Si Machines ire of great capaoity and appjleatlon tor manaiaoturing porposde, üurNo. 3 Uaolilxtea are efpecmUy adapted to all kinds of liglit and heavy teaiher vork, In Óbrriage 'iiimmiogi Boot and sime Uftklng, Harnea Iikng,etc.,otc. Tiny are "f extra stze, and with an arm tong eaough t take undi-r il and stiicli the l&rgest _8ím dj snee. There ík scarcely any part of a Trimmers' Dtitehing that o&nnot bo better done with tlicm than by hand ; o, too, the sjiving oí time and labor is very ffreat. Thetableof these machi nes is 24 iached lonp, and ttieslmt.ile w i 11 hold jix tiiïitfs tliö usual qnantityof threud. Thr largo inaphinfl workp as tantas small ones. Wo wonld usk for our Icttcr A Macltinos, the special attention of Vent Maken and Dresa Makers, and &U thoc who want Machines for i'ifH manufatturing pur. pose. Tin'y embo'ly the pridctpies of the standard mnchiiipa, maUing likethem. thoíuterloeked sitch, and aro destlned to Ijo asoelehratod for Famji.v Skwino ard ligfU munufacUtring porpOMS Bnouf standard maobines ry fox manufocturing pnrpost in general. We li;ivc alwayáon hand, Humana (;aÁíks,? I.J.NKN AN COTTU.V THItKAD, OM Sl'OÜW, llüáT MACUJNK OILÏn OtttdA, etc., eíc. Vi manufacture our own Needies, and would warn all pervons usin our machines oottobuv nnyothers. We know that títere are needloftsold f thé most inferior quality at higher prices than wcohai'K fir tho best, 'i'he oeedlea Aold by ui are manofaotnreaMpeciatly for our machines. A bad needie may raider the best mocftbie almost u stiet. Our cuHtoinern may rest asnurei that al. our l'ranch Offices are furninlicl witnth1' genuino ftétlole " In oase of uaaJ] puroBfejaee, tho money may be sent in poetage stamps, or bank notél. Corra pondents (rill picase writo their ñames d is ti net - ly. It all inportant that we should, ineachcase, know the l'ost Oflice, County, and Btato ;ff" AU per.sons reoolriog information about BttWlng Machines,, their size, pricesf workinji capacilies, and Uf best melliudri of purchasing, canobtain it by üendiug to uu, or any of oir Branch Offices íor a copy of I. Iïï. Singer & Co. 's Gazette. Which i.s a beántMnl Piotorial Paper eiHirely derotedto the subject- II will besentgrnifs, flfS" e liave made the above HKDUCTION IN PRICE3 with the two-fold view tf benafitfng tbe publicandourseltes. The public have been awindledby spurious machineB made in imitation of ours. Tiio inetal in them, from the casting to the sinaUest peico, l oi poor qui1ity. Thrir nmkors liave not the mean tn do tlieir work wéu. Tliey arehid away in secret places, wh-ic it would be impossible to have ut thfir command the proper mcchaniciil appüanccü. It itt oulv tiy flolbg a great business f and havingjextensivemanufneturing establisb monts, that trooil machine enn bo made at moderat prices, The bont designed maobJnee, BADLY ÍIAIH . ave alwayfl Hable to get out of order, and are suro to oost considerable trouble and moncy to keèpthem in repalre The qualitics to belooicedfor in a Machine aro : certainty of correct action at all ratea of speed, implicity of confltruction, great durabiüty, andrapidity of operalif.n, with t!n least labor. Machines to oombine th0S6 enaeutlal aaallüos, most ba niadeof the best metal and Bnlflhed to povfeotlon. We Lavo the way and mcans, on a grand scaïe, to do this. The purcharters of machines, whosedftllj bread itmay concern, will lind thal tlmso bfttÜlgtbeabOTequaUtleí not only wórk well nt rápidas well as slow ratos of tp80d4bu1 last longcr in tbn iincst poulble workingorder. Dar machinen, as mado by us, wijl earn more npney with less labor than any othors whethor in imitation of oor sor not. Infact, they are oheaperthao anv other machinesas agift. I. M. S(NGER k CO-, 458 Rroudwny New York. Detroit Office, 58 Woodward vVvenue, (Merrill Block.) Hlltf M. H: GOODRICH, Agontt Ann Arbor. f W. MORGAN, Agent lor M u tual I.ife Insurance Company , Now York . AecumulatedAsseta, .... $5f3ö0,000. the LeadUu; Ufe Insurance Company ín the U. S. KniokerbockiT Ufe Insuranof Compuw, New York, - a firxl clas.s safe Co. - terms resonfthn HumboMi Tire Insurance Company ( New York. Capita], wilh h large RurpUis, - - $200,000. reoru Marineé Pire Insurance ('o., TVori IU. - hntt t NÓ. 1 Firt Co. 7O7tf Capital, .... f600,000ï


Old News
Michigan Argus