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IIORACEWATERS, A O E N T 3 3 3 II r o a d w a y , N v Y o r k Pttbllfctlcr di W: u ainl 3Iult lioolv-i ASli DCAI BU IV Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Orgara Orgaii Accordeons, Martin "s celebrated andotlier Guitars, Violins, Tuiiur i 1p, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinae, Fin tos, Pifes, Tri[ingles, Chin mette, Foiks, Pipes nndHátnmers, i'linI3owrf, bestltalian Stringa, Büss Instrumenta for Bands, Piano Stools, unil COVyrs, and ■ all kinds of Musical Instrumente. JS Xa. o o t 3VE ti S i o, i' M tiio publlslierí 11 tho I'. S., Bertini'j Hunlin'a, ■ v. Hodërn School, and all kiU of Inaknction Booki for abuve iiistruiiii-ijís; Chul'ch Muvic í'omK:.; Mn.-iic .'U'ííantly boundj Muaio J'iKi', ftnd all kinds of Mu.sic NUtcIhi. A t t iieLowest Price s. New llanos, At $175, seno, W5, $26Ü,andup to $soo. Sécoud Halad Pianos fróm $'23 up to 160: Sfew Melodeíms, $45,' 5(50, $75t$l00,an.1 iip to $200; geeond Hand Uelode n froni $00 to $80 UexandreOrgaiu, with Üvestoj nloe stops, $t8D and $225; thirteen stops, $250, $275 and Í300; flfteen slops, $320 and $875; A liberal discount to Clergymen, Oliurchen, Sabbat ScIiooIb, Seminarles tnd Tlü c he va. Tue Trdc suppliud atthasual Izada ligCOUtttS ToflUmonl&l Of the Horitct Walt-ra Pluiios ftlid Mclülrous. John JIowftt, of í'arili.u'-'. Ni-w York, who hM had tneof theHbnu c Watert Planos, irrite aa followa; - "A frlend "i mfnfi ufanes me fo pateba a plano for aer, sh Dicta ocfl yon eold me En December, 185é. My piano is bccoinintf popular lia thli plaee, and i tbJufe I an introduce one or hvn inore; they will bo mort1 popular thnii ftuy othor rn:ik.:i "We have two oí Wntcr.s' Pianos in use tn ourPemin.iry, one of vhiih has been Beveraly teated for three jtètn. nnl wo oan lestit'y (o thelr gooa qu;ilify and duraIjility." - Wbed .V Gregory, Moimt Carrott, III. liíl, Wattíis, Ksi[.- liKAit Sir: Háving uáed onoof your Plano Portea for tvo yrars ];ist. I have fmul i i a very utpcriox iailrumtnt. kioazo Gkat, Principal Jirooktyn Htíghit Snxiinanj. "TIip Piano T receivcd from yon continue to give yatIsfactiou. 1 regard h as one otthe besi inütrumenta In the [)iice." JaksbIm Clabjw, Charleston, Va. "Tlie Mclodeon bae safely arrived. I f.'íí obligedto you fory our liberal diícouat." Rev. J. 11. SscCossark, YarquesviücS, C. 'ïhe pkuio was i'uly rocoiveü. Itoamn in excellent íondition, and Is rerv mnoh admired by noy numerom fainüyi Accoit my thanlu for your romptuees.'1 - RonSKT CoopRR] Wárrenham, Bradjoed Co. Va. "Your piano ploasea ua ell. It ís tho best one Ín our county."Tn'.:;i ; A. 1,iiiam, CampbcUton, Ga. "We are ?epy muob obUged t you for bftvinff ieot sacb n fine ínstrnmeot forfZBO." - BRAKXfBEU) Cb., Biijfaio Democrat, "The llorace Waters Planos are knoira asamonjr ilie vci'v best Wu are anabled to apoak of tliosi; nstrutnents itli confidcncc, t Vmn pi rsonal knowlcóVe "f their excellent toac and durable quallty.1 - iV. Y. Èttaitjtrtligt. 4 'We can speak of tli t morits of thft Horace Wter piano f puin pBnonsJ fcnowledge, as bing the very Anest qoal t"': - Chrhttan Intctligencer. "The llorare WatejTB pianos are ouilt ot the best and most thorougnly aeaaoöod raatertal. We liare no doubt thatbuyers can do aavellperháps better, at tbtsthan at ;uiv otuerhonaï in üieunion." - Advocate and Journal. Wutt'rs' pianos and tnelodeona cliallenge comparison witb tlie ftnestiüftdeanywhere iu the country." - fome Jour n dl "Horace Waters1 pttfoo Portes are of fnurich and eren tona, ao4 poirerfu] - N. Y. Musical lici'cw. "Our frieuda will flodat Mr. Waters' store tbe wery besi assortinênt of Muaic and of Planos to be found In the Ütiited States, and 'ffe urge uur söatnern and western fóends to givo hhn a cali whentver they go to Xtw York." - Graham's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b b a t h Sch ooi Bell, ï 00,000 isscert lu te Montbs. Tlie unprccaJcntert salo of tlüs hk lias mclucetl the piiblinher 1 nikl smno 00 new tunesand hvmus to U preaeni, I3Í7.Í', Without extrn cli;iriro, QXWpt on the chéap ediUoa- Among tHemaoj beantiftri taaea undhymnfi ;:lcU'iI may b fonnds- J onglit tolovlny mothw;" "OI'll !,,. ';i g ehild, Indeed 1 wiU." and eight othera frora theBelIjWére ungat the&indaj School Annirer ary of the M. E. Churcbatthe Academy ol Minio, wiíli mat applause. Bdl cottainx neariy 200 tun hvmns, and is onc of the lx'st coUfictions evw issued. 1'ï-ico 13c; $10 per hundred, postage 4c Öegantly bonnd, Bmboased gilt, "25c, $-0 par itio It has beca atroduced int.i of Üie Public SoL The i e i i pubHslied in mail niinibijri pntitlcl Annireraary and Suttday Sohool Uuslc Books, Nos. 3L2, 3, & 4, in order to Rceommodate Vho mUltoB; price S2 & $3 per liuniïreO Nfi. 5 will si.i n Ijp isue3 - commencement of (nmtlipr book. Als;), lïvival Jïusic Book.-, Xo, 1 & -, Mok $1 ft Í2 Br 100, postago lc. More ttau 300,000 copies of the above books have been igsoöd the Jiast blghteen montha, tmd the demund israpidly iucvoasingPublished bv HORACK WATERS, Agot, SÜO liruailway, X. 1. Publised by Horace "Waters No. 33 3 Broadway, New Vork. Vocal, "Kind r:n never die;'' "The Angels told me so;" "Wilds of the Wcgtj" "ïhonriit of God;11 1 Giva me back my Mouutaln ilmie;'! "Bal Pijama;" " C'ock Robín;" "I'm with thee still;"lVt i. "There"'sno darilng lik mine;" "SaiaJb JaneLe;""Ev. or of thee;11 "I'm leaving tiiee in Sorrov;:' "Bird of Beauty ;:) (tHome of uur jirtti;" '.'Qrave of Kosabel,1' and 'Wake, lailv. wüi.e.,' prlce Sc oach. 1 Instju -iE.NT.ïi. - "Palace Garden, or Pinicing Bird Polka.' 40c; "SwiDging Schitii-!n-;" "Mirabel ?chotUf'ehi" 'Thomas raker' Schottische;" "Piccolomini Polka, 35 ctMits eachl The aboveplecefliiavebeaiittful Vignettee "Welmcr Polkü J' "Avablan Vai eryMareh,11 the very last; "Yassoviar-na lioniells M:tzurka; "Kt-:il: inu Polka;" "Crinoline Wnli?-," and "Lancers' Qua drille,"' 26c "The Empire of Reielf s Quadrille," a rtanr, and "The Hiborolan Quadrille," Sliceach. Jlany of these piece. are played by Uaker's oelebi-atel Biahesi ra with great BpplmM.49 Jlailed freo. A Largèlot of Foreign Mu.sic at half lárice. Pianos, Melodcoiis a!Hl Orgaus. The Horace Waters l'ianos and Melodéoiu, for depth, purilv of tune and lurability, are un?urprissrl. Prlce yery ïow Second Hand Pianos aml Melodeons from $-5 to $150. Mnsicand lluniccl Inntruetlon of all kinds, at the lowest priees. lldliACl-: WATERS, Agent, No. i'y- Broadway.N. f. Testimoniáis; - "Tlie Horace Waters Pianos are knowu asaraonx thevery h.ït.' -EraHfdist. IVean speak of t'ueir ment from personal kuowledge. "- Chritt ion Inttlugcn eer. ■■Rothlngat tlie Fair displayed greater excellence -"- Churcltman. Watir.' Píanos and Meiodeons challengeconiparison with the Hoest made anywhereiu the country." - Home .Inurnal. W NEW GOODS, Seasonable Goods, CIIEAP GOODS, JT o r Cash, BACH PBERSORI Have jusi bpenod n choice stock of Winter Goods, Bought for Cash ANDTO BESOLD FORGASH nt siich pricos m will mntc the buyers '.augli at the inea of Hard Times. The stock inclndes a ehoicelot of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, . GENTLEMAN'S CLOTH3, m CLOAKS, SHAWLS, OROCERIES, tc., 4e. TTow ia the time to buy your Winter's eupi'lies. BACH t PIERSOlf . Ann Arbor, Nov. 15, 1F61. LOOMIS & TRIPP, Succescirs to öhapin fe LoomB,anUChapin, Tripp A Loom " O ■ THE ftbcivo flnn -T Liioinis Ac Tripp havlng purcimsct the ei il i i ■- ir.liii-st ot' tho foriner compuuoa wil' Continue fchq businoss at thooM stanls, whero tlioy il! bt" rwidy , on tho Bhorttst noticc, to lili all orders in tht lino ot Castings and Machinery, ín the most workmanlike mannor, and on u l!li 1:1 ft any other sïinp in the Síute.Ainong'the vari ou.s nrticletinitnufucturcU bv us, we wulU onuiii' rat STEAMÉNGINES of all kinds; Mili (ïearinff and Fix turen, wrouRlitand cast; all the varuiuti uiirtlings for niaking and repairing Ilorse Powers & Thrcshing Machines fluch a are nt present, or have formcrlv boen n r.sf in tbis part of tho State, M well as all the varitms Kimls o) caKtiuis and machino vork crallcd for by farmers anl mochanics inthis sectiou of the country. jm jKl-a LJP %W sB of ali the various patterns, np in nizesand prices. will bc kcjft constan tly on liaud, got tho most müdcru and irnprovcd ntvli-s. Tliankful for frmor pntronnpo to the old firms,Tre would solicit a continuance frnm old fripnd,and atrial by all wishiog foranything n our Hnoof huftineHR. LOO3Í18 h Tlïirp. Ann Arbor, May 18th, 185. WTW


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