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G RE AT. GïtEATEH GRE ATEST B.UíGAlNS EArER OFFERED 1859. JLqI859. In UiisCity, are now being ofifereö at the CUEAP,CLOCK,WATCH, & Jow ulry ötoxOTH R Snbacriher wouldsny to citizonp nf Ann Ar bui.iii particular, and tho ron o! Wahienaw Cnuntv 1b ranernl, that hchHsjuet ÏMPORI'ED PIRECTLY Irom KUROpE.a Tremendous Stock of Watclies! Ah of which fan bindshiinsclfto sell CHEAPEB than crd be bought west ot New York City, OpevF&eo CyH&der Watches trom SH to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 Iïunting Case do do do 14 to 35 do do Oyünder do do 9 to 28 Gold Watrlicefrum 20 to 150 I t.ave a] ,(j the CELE BR AT E D AMERICAN WA TG HES, wjürh I will e'M ttr 835. Iívry Watoh wnrrantud tu perfüi'm we 11, or the muiioy x'tundcd. Clocka, Jewelry, Piated Ware, Fnncy Gooda. Gold Pons, Musical Instruments and Htringa, Cutlery, &c, and in fact n vnriety ui' evorytblDg UëuaUy ttept ay eau be bnughtforihe uext ninety duys ut your O W N i'EICES! Persona buying atiyllüng si this well Itnown estnblistitm nt enn roly upon gcttitif? good exaet'y as repiTHi'n ['■!, oi the tuoDflj rofundcd, C&Jïearly nd bccure the b;st bnrgaiiiB ever otlured in lliif City. One word in regard to Repniring : Wc ar,0 propjtrrd to make any repnirs onfinn or cominon WBtcbea,even tomdkingoer thn enttre wntch, If tificesunry. Repalrfog of Clonks ftnd Jfiwelry as Pauai. A lap tbe manu factorías of RING8, BROOCHy, or iUythlag destred, fromCallfbrnta Gold on short na' tice. EngraTinq in ftllitsbrauchuscxeented withneut. neaa anddispatch. J C. WATTS. Anti ArboT-, Jan. 29ïhTP59. 7L4w Important National Works, Publlahed by i. Al'i'LK'i'ÜN & CO., 346 AND 343 BROADWAY KÏÏW YORK Tho follomng works nre señtto Subscrtbsra In any párt of thu ooaatry, (upoa recelpt of1 reuil prioe,) by mail mTUÍ Vi'; VV A.VlF-RIAÏV CYCI.OPJEDIA; A Popular Wéilíinary of General Knowted e. Edtted by (.ic. Rirucr and Cuablbsj. l .a, afüed y aumoroue select oprjHt of writerdlnáU branchea oj Scjcncos, Art and Literal aiv. Tbi ■ work ia befug publfshed n abo ut 15 neta o volumes, eacb contaínlng 75U f wc r. i., ii., m., iv. v., vi., vi;.. vni.,& ix. ai e aow read) . cach containing oear 2.600orlnnal arti cíes, An additímial roíame wil! be publubea once in tiboul thn i' m ■ Rrteeio CUrth, .$3; Sheep, S3.50; Half Russia)$4.y0 CHCll. X'tv.v .miTic;.!i Gyolopsdin s popular nithoal bOinp SQpérfleiftl löaraed without beiag piulan tic. comproli i.-:t but .stiihcitMitl v detailcd, freoXrom perauuAl pique and party pi'ejudloe, fresh au-1 yei ftocuratè. Il isa complete BTAoiuen( ofaïl tbol kaown upon ewry important topic v.iiiiin tho Bcope of human Evory tnipjortAnt nrtiele init hftfl boen BpecfaÜy wnttcn for i!s ]-.:i;.vsliy i:icii w h ;i :'i: nithu: il;t-s ujiOii tbutiiJMC i-ii whitb they Bpeak. The% re reqfutreoto brins? the object ti i to the present moment: to state jasi bow i' Row. Ai) the statlstical loformatlon ï.s frora tVie iatest rsportfl; the geognpfafoftl accounts keep poce nritli tbc lalfst explorations; htotortcal matten include the . i:-; views; the btographical uotifcs atls ak nut ooly of the dead but also of the living. It ia a library or têclf AiïRlDGJEMlA1 OF THE DEBATES OF CO-WRF.SS Being % Politica] Hlstory of the Unitëd Btatei irom the organüt&iiop the &nt Fe Ie fn.-ss in 17ff to 1856. FVlitcdand coxnpiled by Hou. Tso. il.t:T lïiiNTONjfr'-itn the Official Rocorda ol Congrej. Tho work will be cotaplete] ia 1 ■ roya I octavo volumes of 750 pages cuch, il of which "are ñow réady, dHionai volume will be published once In three months. Cloth,! SS; Law Sheep, ilulf Mor., $4: Jlali Calf. $4.50 each'. AWAYOFPROCÜRJNGTHECyCLOPJSD] ! Form a club of Cour, and remit thepriee trf Couxbooks, and tivo copies will be sent :it the rexnittov'a expense for ■ . oi for ten Bubacribent, eleven copies will bp sent at uur expendo for can To Agiitis. No other work wül so Uberallj rewajrdthe exertions Of ygénts. An A;::nt n-A.vrun i.v tuis Coüxtt Terms nirttlc known on Application to the I'ublisbivs. Aim Tirar, March. 1869, C902ant - B.;v. Ttit).. WmciiT, agent at Klnne & Smitbs Book Store, Vpsilanti. 15!ackwood's Magazine AND TUK British Reviews. GREAT ÏXDUGEIIEXTSUBSGBIBE! PREfflIUMS and REDUCTIOIUS. L.SCOTT&CO., KEWYORKjCO&tinae to pnbllsta the fbUowlnp'leading BrHishFerodlcals, viz: 1 THÉ L0NTI)0X QUAUTERLY (Cousïrvativc), 2 tul: edinburgh review fWhig), THHTNORtH BBÍTEBH P.L'VIEW (FreeChurcli). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) 5 BLACKWOOJD'8 EDINBÜEGH MAGAZINE (Torj). Tlie jirentjnt ritical state of European affuiri wiU I abheationa ondsuallj Intereating dnrfng the forthcomiog ;■■ r. 'ihey will oct-upy i middle grou tween tlie I m ut, crudo ípeculai :.? rumora i' the i and tii1 ponderous 1 ome of tlie bJfltorianj wril ie: af u-r the Kring intei i ■ tftmont of the great I eventsof tiie time sliall have patved .iwnv. It is to these Periodicahi thai cesdern mut lonk tur tin; only i-i'tilly íntelHfftblq and i Uaj Ot curreal events, and ae such in addil 6n to the ir vrell-estebilshed Hlorarj, RCÏentiflc, and thculogEcal diameter, vic urgii Jh-hi upon theconideratiou of the i-eadfng public The recelpt of Advnnce Sheets from tho British publisborn giveR additfonal vafue to thbse Reprints; foasmaohaSj they oonnow Ik placed in ílio h Mubscrlbern about as eoon as tbc original eliíiuns. ÏJJIIMS. (Regular Pnces ) Per min, For&nyoneof the four Revir-ws, - - $'' 00 For&ojtwoof the four Reviews, ■ ■ 5 0.) For any tluee nf (be ourfterfows, ■ 7 00 Kor all four oí the Reviews, 8 00 For&tftekwood s Kngarane, ..... 30Í For lïl;n kwood and one Revïewj 5 00 pur lUackvood and two Reviews, - - - 7 00 Kor Black wood and throeBeviews, - . - 9 00 Kor Blaokwoodaiid thé fourRevlens - - Ki O1) Moncy currtnt in the State whrc issttcd will bc rcccxctd ut par. PO STAG E. T!;il Poff&fcflS to any jifirt of the (?ntod States will bfl but Twf y-four f t a year for " lila.:. mul but Fourtccn Centd u yc;ir tur gaph of tho lïeviews. At the abovc prices the l'criodicals will bc funrshed for 1802. Premium to RTew Subscribers, the Kos of the same Periodicaki ïw 1SC0 willbefumishcó complete, without áddUionat chirge. L'itliUe thta mora ephemeral Magadnes of the day, these Pei iodicals lose little by age. Henee, a t'ull yeaj pf the Nos, forl86Q, maj be cegarded neaxly as raluable as for 1863. SubBcribers wishing also tlie Nos, for lS(if( will bo aqjpplièd tl the loliotviag extukmelv lqwratbs. Splendid Offers for 1860, '61, & '62 Together. For Blftokwood'fl Magacine, the three ye:irs, $5 00 For :iuv one Review, " "5 1;0 K-w-iim two Review, " "8 00 For Blaokwood and one Review, ' t( R CO For Blackrwood and two Reviews, " " 00 FortbreftiteWewR, " " 110 Föf BTacfcwood sno three Reviews, " " o 00 For the four Reriewp, - - " " 13 O0 For BlackwooSj knd the tour l'.cviews, " 17 00 Any of the above works will also bc furnished to Vcw SulfcriOcrê Tor tho y. ar 18;"ii-'( , ö , and 9% At One Half the Regular Subscription Prices. Tlms a Nao Sttbscriber may obtain the Reprint of the FourBevtewfl and Black wood, Seven Consecutive Year for $37 ! ! ! Which is but liftte more thin the price of the original works for one year, Ak wo hall never again be likely to offer such induce meul-i as thoso hcre present cd, Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! jy" ïtemittances must, all casts, be made direct to the Publishersy for at tlue prioafl no oommltsioii Mtn bcaüowedto agents. LEONARD SCOTT & CO. No. 5-A Gold streot New York Ann Arbor Marble Works. IBöLtcslaLOlcaLex FT AS on hand a fine assortment of American and 1 TA Z 1 A N MA It B L L Vhtehhell ptflipKisdtÖ manufacture into II F. A D Ly&éSmn 'jj STO.VES ïnalltheir varicties, and in a WORKMAVUKF, marnier Havtng had ooneidasable etpertWMM In títB bttaineM he Datterfl hfaDUeU that he will be ablc-to jtlease all who may favor rao with tlieir W pcioot L0W AS TIIE LOWEST. thoRe wishine; any thing in my line are Fupectfulj Inrltedto cali. ü. C. BATCHELDEE. Ann Arlior. Mav M, 1861. SOltl Dissolution of Copartnership. Ñotioe Í8 hereby given that the copartnership of tlie uiulorsiijncd undor lle name o} Benkos fe Abel. is dissolved. All persons indcbt'id to said copnrtnership, will píense cali at once and adjust the sr.uie by cash or uotc. 1ITRAM J.BEAKES, SYLVESTERABEL. Dritfcf, Harefa 15th, 1862. 6w8U


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