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The Vacant Aldermanship

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"We undenttand t hat Mr. Ggrítrr, Democratie Alderman ilort from the '-M Ward, d#clinod to tjuiiliiy and takehis place fttnoDg the fathers. It wíll therefore devolve apon the Comreon Council to Bil 1!' vaenncy either by appoirttme-gt or by special elécfcion. Wliile oud oiethod mÍL'ht be niore satisfactory i volei1 oL tbe 2 J Ward, yot th.-y have iii liylu toask iho city to g to the extra expense of a s" eloction. ïho Deraocrats wore fóoHsh enough to run a man who did not mean to Bsrve ü' eteetefd, and who only run, ns i, "To beai Bbrbach." K tliwn, the Council -sliouKl appoint a man to lili the vaam! Buch alan should chance ■■ bo a Bepublican, our friends, the Democrats, could blanté nobody bnt themselyes. They have had Ule fan of beatiog Jlr. Eberbsoh and fitn of lihis kind must be poid tot as well aa other aimisenicnts. We are in favor of the Council usina; the appointing power witli whicb the law invests thdm, ant üt are also in favor of the appointec beiny a Rrpublican." - Courier. Let us see about the probability of our ootemporary realiziog bis wishes - that is tbc " eliancc " of the Oouueil appointing a Ilcpublican Alticrinan to represent the Demooratio Second Ward, Wo quote urst one chuse from See. 4 of the City Charter - tho organic law of the City - as amended by act of the Legislature, approved April 4th, 1861. In enumerating the officers of this Citv this soction saya : ' There shall be the fullowiog offioers in and for sai:l City, to-wit: [heio comes .Mayor, Recorder, etc.,] " and two Aldermen, to be eleuted in eaeh ward. who shall respeotively h')ld tlieir offiees for One and two yóars," [tlio Aldermoo lioldiag two,] " and until their suooegsora are olected and qugJtfied." Tbc Couriir says"3Ir. Gbknf.ii declines to qualify." If so Mr. Fuitz is still Alderman, and wo should like to know bow our friend proposes to get a líepublieau appointed. P. S. - Wc anderstand that at a meeting of the Council, held on ïuesclay evening last, Mr. Fritz was duly reeogutzed as an Alderraau of tho Second Ward, and placed upon the Standing Cominittees. Whoso appointmeat djes the Courier now " favor? "


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Michigan Argus