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The Fall Of New Orleans

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New OrleaOs has fallen, no General Jackson was thore to ikíVnd it, and tho rebel offieers and men not having a good cause to figlit ,i " skedaddled' Wc liavo nothing eoept what comes tliroughrobel sources, but the following dispatolies leave no room todoabtthnt Coro. Farragut Las poned Forte Jaeksou and St. Phillips, rcacbed the City, and taken peaceable poísession : . PóBTSKSS MONROB, April 27. TolC. AI. Stanton, -'xwr.nry at Wüi : A black fugitivo justfrom Porlsajo.llth, briugs tho Petersburg Evprest ( yesterd;y, It contains the foDowing : " Mobile, April 25. - Tíic cueiny passed Fcrt Jackson at 4 o'clock yoaterday tnorning. " Wben tlie news reacbed New Orleans the excitement was perfectly bouudless. Martial law was puf. iu full forcé. Business was suspended. All the cotton and steamboats except tbose necessary tü transport corn and ammuiútion, wcre destrojed. At one to-daytho operator bade " good bye," saying the cnemy had nppcared before tlio city. Thís is the lust khown. I will send particulars as soon as received. The negro br inging this roports that the rebels have two iron ciad Bteamers nearly completed, and it is bulieved tho Merrimac will be out to-morrow. (Sigaed) J. E. WOOL. HUADilMirK S I'Vr-iiTJfir.NTW Tllg '.:.i-:'u[ íSHoi k. April 7 ( Tu E. M. Stanton, Sacrctarj "I Wr : I was told that tlio Richmrmd Heaminer of the 2Gth has been reeeived in Fredericksburg, announcinir that Névt Orleans bad been taken Thero was great destruction of property in cotton and steamboats. Enough steamboats wero saved to take away the ainiuuiiition. Thcre was great consternation ainoog the inbabitants. Washington, April 27. The uews fiom New Oileaua wbiofa comes ñom severa] rcliabla souroea is deemcd ot' the utmost iraportaoce. - Wliat Englai:d failed to do has been ac oomplisbed byNow England, Themannor in which the suceess at Forts Jack sou and St. Phillips was followed up, is praised In tliirty lioura our men coiisummaltd the victorj? and appeared bei'ore NewOrlftaae to reoeivaiteubmisbicm. Nu montion is made by the rebela of ron ciad Turtles and Raus. Chicago, April 29. A special to the Timen, Fort VVright, - t s:iys: " From desertors we learn that. New Orleans is now in Porter's posscssioi'. The Federal fieet passed Fort Jackscn on Thursday after a des perate naval engagement in which one vessol wiis sunk and several hadly c!amagcd. It is supposed the Federal loss was very heavy. The rebel loss was sixtj and eighty-four wouuded. Tho engago ment lasted a part of two da}-. " Tho Federuls took possession of the city without a struggle on Friday, tho rebol torce having evacuatcd it after destioying the steamers, which tbey had uo use for. Tbey tooi witb thejn the groatcr part of the in. lit;:ry stores in the city. " The Uuion ei tizeos were vory iubilant." LATEST. Fokt Moïthoe, pril 29. A flag of truce lrom Norfolk to-diy brought down the wife and iumüy óf Pnrpr Brownlow, mul lUo Ihe wife and faiiiiiy of Oongressman Maynard. Thu pftTty, consifting of fóur ladies, two gentlemen and sis cliüiiren, are uil from Tennessee Thoy bring tho report that :ili the Union families of Teniiessee have been ordered, by proclanialion, to leftvc itl:i:i tliirty-six hours. Eighteen huodred Union men 1 e ft for Kenluc"ky, :i eek ngo Priday. Oí n party of four hundTed attemptirjg to leave, no hundred had been 1; i i led., can be i o dngbt of the cap ture of New Orleans. The Southern newppapers spek cf it in the most dieron! si rain, and deinand thnt the mystery of tho siiirender of the city be explained. Tho Norfolk Day Bork, in an editorial, says t is by far tho moet eerioua ' reverse ot the war. It suggeats future ptivations to all classes of society; but most to bü lamen'.ed ol all, it savs, it tjireateha their anny euppliee. "The rafsihg of meat and eorn and whent iosteud of cotton and lobacco,is enrneatly recommeoded by tho disconeolate editor. Tho Iïiehmond Dispatch of yestcrday says when tho eneiny's fleet arnved oppóeitB the city nd tlemanded its BurrendeV, Gen. Lovell refused and feil back to Camp Moore, after destroying all the cotton and store-:. The iron ciad vessel Missisippi was burnt to prevent her falling into the hands of tho enerny. Nothing is said ubont the Lonisiana, but it is supposed that sho was se ut lied. It is rumored that she was sunk at the first fi'-e Camp Moore is seventy-eight miles from New Orleans, on tho Jacksoc Rnilroad. The following are tho latest despatches in to day's papers : - Mobile', April 27. - The Yankee Oom'tnodoro Farraffut promiecd the Secretnry of the Mayor of New Orleans, who had visitad tho floel by a ñag "f tince,to make a renewec domand for the Biir'rënder of the city, but he bas not donu so up to ',his hour, Qve o'cloek. Uur ship, the MeRae, carne up from the forts luider a fi-ig (f truce, w'ith forty o{ our wounded, She coramunicated with the Federal flagship, but the resti'.t is unkpown. It is rmnorod that the Federáis refnsed to let her return. The nimoylhat Fort Pikè hns been ovacuated and blown up is unrejifible. In a cíiñferonce held with one of the federal rifiBcers, nfter' tho correspondenco between Ma-or Monroe and Commodore Farragtit, tho officer lelt, deel a ring ihat ho wft'ul'd shoót down the fiaron the City Hall if it was not hauled down, and he octually bro ghl hisship witlijn range, but bas not fired thns far. It is reported that Fronch and MnC'üsh men-ofwar are below, and wil1, enter their protest against shelling the city. It is roported the Yankee vosse's are short bolh of provisión at.d arnnniiiition. The city ír remñrfcnbly orderly, b'ut tho excitement is intense nd tho feeling ! of humiliation deep. Kirii.MONK. April 2 - The follówing dispntch' was iceeivcd to-day hy Adjutant-GeDeral Co per from Gen. Lovell: Camp Moore, April 25. Forts Jackson and St. l'tiilip are stül in good condition, and in onr hands. Tho stcanicrs Louisiip:i and Mcjlac are sale, TIn: enoim '.- is at ihe citv, but tlicy hnve nol forcé ooough toocuupy t. Thu inhabitants are staundilv loyal. ' Mobile, April 28.- The forta on ljiiko ['dik liint.ain woi'e all evavuuta] om the "iöili instant. We linve sns':iincd conscprabl losj in tiiifiplicis, ánd diamounting, hut not i'i destcoyir.j; ihe gUR. At F)ft L'ike aJl the Icjil.lings wuro burnt, ihci u ding the tclegrnph offii:. Theo} erator liasonci to ibe limito of lliiicily to open an office, il [inasible. All Ihe gnnboftts on the htke hare been buenc'd by our hwn people. Tfic Mobile bpata Whiteman, Brown and several otherê, aro running troopik stores anci ordnance to Manachoct, aftor which we Eeèr lboy will be burnt, Tba Yankuu Heet was roturniog again to Sbip Isjaod.


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Michigan Argus