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SPECIAL NOT1CES' PRIZE POETHY. Lt Chlertains ooal i r esa hi war, And Mm-itrels 'une thclr weet gaitar, A n ,:.; ir ii,.i i i,. v !.■!■! i.i Wied- In praiseol Hsrmck'i iratchlesspula. Th ;r cures ar.' found In cvery land- Ajnid Kustia's snows- and Ifric's nd ; The ondrou srork.- thepaparafin, Prodaccdbf Hxbvck's matchless Pnl. Does iïséfise affl'ct ton ? nevcr loobt charralng eompound v, II it out, Ami i i iiour Msti-pijili, lf yoiifly ai onecía BmHUM'b i'iljli. TlipyYc ufe f"r uil- bntb -'.'! and young- Tin i' praujes ar ■ on every tongue ; Distare, 'Yii-i :ii d - no longer MU, Siuce ir ure bleasl u wlth IIekkick s Pilis. Pat "P n-itli English. -nisl . Herman and Frcnoh clirections. 26 ceut ptr box. Suga' Coatcd See dverttaeraent on thlril page . 804 Seoaivomnn, in anothcr column, pieking Pnmbuci Orapoa for Speer 's Wine. It s an adroiraMa article. used ui liospitnls n::d by fir.-t-elnss familie, in Paris, London, ml New York, in preferenw to old pott wino. It Í9 wortli n trial, as it give greut satiafaction. Delicate fcmales will lintl no better remedy to strengthen their nervous syst,-m than Hooïxahd'S Gemían Bitters. Read the advertisement in another column. A GARD TO THE SUFFEFi'NG. TI,e Kev WnAiJjiCoiiOBOv,wíiiltaboring aa MÍMoiiHiv n laiwn ofCiil ■ ' ": ;l!l!" a" i,,,,-,., i !t-v "f;'r 'fn; ,.,vho wcroMilftnng ghsana Bjnrrvcu ,;sccbv ""l'v'ji,!. . lign,ri, 1 v.;i m ; ome iritli oie,toll wLonewlit . AUt'SS .RFT.WM.rOROVE, 82gy] 39PKd Tnue, BruukljnN. Y. #. Slight Cotd, or ëfafie. Jkf-aal, which rraghb be checked ivith a simple remedy, ifneglected, often terminales senously. . Few ars aware of the importanae of a cilqí r ÉPLi&hi faLd. in üs first stage , that which in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if not attended to, soon attaóks the lungs. were first mtroduoei eleven years ago. It hos been prouei that they are the best anide before the public fcr sauahs., !a.LcLs.,, fê&ihma., atak, the Hackinff Cough in féansumLÍLan, and ivimerous affections of the jSkt-cai, giving immediata relief. Public Speakers f Singcrs ivül Jïnd them effeotnal for clearing and strengthenmg the voioe. Sold by all (Drug-gists and (Dealers in Jiiedicine, at SS cents per box. iMPORTANTtoFEMALES THE HEALTH Aü UtfJS OP WOÜÁK Is contiaoallv in pei if slie i nía! emaogfa to ooglrc' r.r ïiLiluvrit tíose sexual irtogularilies to which twotlnr-'U ot her sex ara m i b ú . JU1. CHEESEMAN'SPII.l.'i, preparel frOBI tilo same rorroula which the inTentor. 'ORVELllTS L. CHSESEHiN. M. D.,of New-foTk, lms for tivcnty yeara uscd cje fiilïy in anezfoniied priva teprsctící - iimnediatelj reliís' without piiin, all disUirlmnc fü nf the periódica} lNc:i:ircü.whplh"r;insni',' fn-m n laxilinn or piipprcssion. Thcy act ltke a cliarni in removing the pama that aeccmpaD? difficalt or immoderate me'-strufttion, and ■ nly snf.iind roliabla reqiedj fojr Fluftbi Resditehe, Paliï in the Loioi, Back and Bidés, Palpita tion ol tlio Heart N'ervou Tremors, llv terica1, ffpasTaa, Kroken Slt'0] nnl otfaeT unpipïisn nt and dangerona eiïeclp ff an untliitural conilition of the sexual functions Tn the worst cases of Fluor AWut or WUitea, thej "'llect a ,sh " 'y cure. To WIVES and MATRONSDI;. C!IKK-EMAX'.J ril.l.S :iro .'[Terca ns the oolj safe nieans of reoewinginterrupted menatruation, but. r-ADlES SIUST BKAR Ii MIND Thêrt is onerov dit i on of thr ïonah íís'cíü in which tht Pul nawioi be. taken wl'f'oit produeng n PECULIAR RE.1VLT. TUcivütion rtferrrd lo i' PHEGNANCY- l,u rctult, MlSCAKHIAdE. Sltch ís the irresistible tnulrnni ƒ the. medicine "' retar 'I'" -le.'iiil fur ilions to ü con'lüUm, 'hot eten the rrproductivc power ƒ nature, cnviict rr.sist ü. ' Er-plu ü dirscüan atuting totu , and poen thcy stiouta ud, wilh cich Box,- Uw Price Oue Dollar each atainivg 50 PM. K ralnaMe Pa npMet. to be had free of the Agents. ■ i„i mail promptly, by encloBing pnce to any Urent Solí) Uy Druggisi general . B B. HIT' klXGS, Propretor. 20 CeiarSt., Roe York. F.-r "Ie by H.VTNAKD BTEBBIN8 & WItÈON , m4 IJREN'VILLK i FÜIJ.EK. Important to Ladics. Dr JOHN" HARVET, baring for upard of twerly vear devoted hla profawioniil tm' oxclualrely to tlie tMatmentof Franale Diülcultips, aml h:nma Buceeedéd n Ibousandaoi e in restoring the araicted to sound liealth, lias now entirc confidencc in offering pobirdynii "GREAT AMERICAN KSMEDY," DB. IÏA.Iï."V"E"5r'S CHEONO-ÏHERMAL FEMALE PILLS. Wblch bave never yet falWjd (when the directioni U;lu been s'ric-lly l'ollnwe'l,) ín removlDg dinlealtiec ai inlog rom Obstrustion, or Stoppage of Nature, or in restoring the sy.-trniin peifecl bealtll, wbeD suf ■ ! q Ctuu, tíiiWiut'x. nrother rcakneiw ol the 1"ti.him: Oioasb. Abo n all un obNïbvou Ukobtiutiox, Hyi TfïBICS, l'AfFiT.vnow. tVc, kr... vhicb ar tho lorerunners nf more nerioun dlsfa. S9 Tka PMs are perfectie karnUtu on the NHUtitvXlon and viay bc laken by tl moft debiente fnaMt ■■ re; at tbe sa ■ ning, [nrigiii. ting.aod i;' t(' ■'' tfalthy condit'on athly period " iili rcgalaritj no miit'-i' l'i'in wbal cause tiieobstractiooa Q)ay arise rer, not be t:i!:en during tbe Bral tbree or sur inontlis of pregnancy, tbougb safe at any otlvr time, :is minean inta:ns CO Pilis. Príce One Dollar, and flireil '11 be sen by 111:1 il nrppa{d by ar tised A'.'vit. on -.(■■■ oy. olil I ■ 1 Arbor. }. on , ter, N. Y . Honf-.-i! Agrat. H. k 1.. Si ' etroit, Wholesale Agent fn i-..,,. 80. 1 r New Medical Discovery. For the ("pcedy ftnfl p rma nent euro of i Gonaorliea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges (nivi'l, StrUtsirc, nüd Affcclions of the Ktdneys and Bladder, ' n u-.(i l,_y apwatds of ONE PDNDUED riITSIClANS, Inthelr private practice, with snlire euccMs, auper 'iii.v, i ■)1'.imia, CAPoixica, or any compoundhilher BELL'S SPECIFrO PILLS, ictioi ■ :■.■ a cure in ;i tew !n ya and wlién carO is cffected it i - prnianEt. 'i ; prepared fn m ( ■-.--■'■ i ] e ex1 ra I a : tu I an lu i tftie yfltem, and neve ■ ■ ■ tch or t&ipreg nate the bn i ;' snjrar-fo:itorl, aVLoagpous tasto I? iivcidfil . tVo changt of dia ís necgêsary wkiU rtsiiig them ; uur doos their aotioa inierfote witfa noupursu t Bach hoxenntain" Mx iono Flits, J'KICK ONJ: POIiJLB, anilwill boKf-nl by mail p6í-ptíd by :iHrrtiso( on reeoipt uf tlie raoncy. SoUl by Druggiata ir Ann Ai-liijr. Noñf genuino without uoy stgnafurë on t''f' wrftpper -i hi'.van, i;.Khf,i"i-, n y . tiouenj i


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