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THE RBBELLION ON IHiJHPRICESFORCMTIlIXG. HASCOMMENCEDATTHE 0L0 & RELIABLï; C L O T H I NC EMPORIUM ! No.3 PIKENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. I AM non opening alaría m-l varied assortiaentof Spring andSummerÖo da, in1 'n view of the rebelión on h'ghj rices gein (nlly, frill offer tliera lomjr f Hond a and oiirftümi r ;U fue vetj lotcwt figures for 'nsli, -- Tbnse [n iraol of Li yiperioi arttcle oí Clottu, Ca saimeros) or Beady-Made Clothing, -wiU cali onWIY1. WAGNER, who has j3t ratamsd from the East. wïth & largo asaorlnu-nt üf SPRING & SU MM ER GÖODS whicb have been purflhased at the lato ILOW iPRICES! and ranofTcr thfmat a lowor fiebre thaa evrr boforo, Aniüngmy Assurtmcnt maj bü found BROADCLOTIIS, (JASSIMERES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of all description, togeth'r vith a superior assortment oí Rcady-Madü Clotliliig, W%S WT1!UXKSt CAEPST BAOS. jOH_ÏJ UMHR.ELLAS, and EMBiïtónilcincn's Forsisiiing GtOODS, wïth numoimis othcr artieles usually füurd in similar establiahments. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, the subaorfter fljitt.ershimsHf, that bis long experienee tnd jen( ral buccbss, will üu.iiue liim to (five thn groatest satiafaction toall who may Irust him in the wav ol t Manufacturing Qarmonti to order] WJi.WAGXER, Ann Arbor, Ap: U Oth 16?, Mtf NEW GOÖDS Por the Spring,' 1862. Q MAGK & SCHUD Woulil rMpiCtfüllj1 annouuco to the Citizens of Washtenaw and acljoining Conntiee thatwearo novr rwefr'og Direct from the E aster n Markets, A full aad complete supply of Sí tajólo Tz.xxcy DRY G-OODS, Ladies' & Ghildrons' Sboes, GHOCERIES, CIIOCKERY, fee. Pawhasd by nn? of 01 r lirm fr c.ish, awd notwithstaniling the hard t mos wu ühaü coutiiuic tü Add Weekly Addiiions To our stock in orfor 7b Accommodate our Cmtomrs! witli srerjthtng they mj nced to a k ter. And wc will farther plt-dgo oursolves to solí ns chcap AS TIMES WILL PERMIT and which is alwajs as .s Low as the Lowest. At the snmft time wehopeotir frind-; nnl custom ersvilibnar In miad tbat the times conipel us to si'll uur guuds For Cash or Ready Pay. Ann árbor, Jinrch 28, lfGl. 84ÖtI Dissolution cf Copartnersliip THE Copartnership h ere tof ore exiating betwern the undersigned, uodei the name ofWinca and night, istliiiday dinoired by mntual eoment All pfr+ona indebtedto the late firm ave requested to flettle thorame W, WINK-, J. w. KiIGHT. Ann Arbor, Ifarcfa 17, Iffi2. P.P. D.inifl Iliscock havlng pnrehaxed the interest of J. VV.Knight ín thesmcE ov Gooosthe bnaioeaa will be contfnued bj W. Wmesand Daniel Hiscnck, under the nauw of WINJÖ3 4c CO. 8t5w4 FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREEÜ The uuik-r. igned will open on the 25th incl .,at ROGER%' AGRICUI.TUHAi, HALT,, a graan] asiortment of Standurd and Dwarf Fruit Trees, Erargnfu andother Oinnniental Trtes.Shrubs, &c Also the choicest varieties of GEAPES, RASPDERRITSS, &c. ThowtrcGt have been soleoted by himüit from oneof tbc bwl EASTERN NURSER1ES ! and will bc l'onn'l in primo condïtion. Cali early an 1 make vour selectiotra. Those wishiüK Apple Trros prown n Ibis State oan be iupplied fiom the Nortb Lake Nur.spry. T. Dr BOIS. Ann Arbor, April 21, L&62. 849tí. Dissolution of Copartncrsliip. riiHE copartnership horetofore exlgtieg brlweon the L undei'aignpd undcr tb name and Ptyle "t v] iy. N 1RD, BTeBBIMi tWOSOK, is tlda dy !;.-s.,lv,-,i by muuai consent. The bwine of tbe flrm wUJ be Mt tledbjr W. s. Miiynnr-1 and the Bookkeepfr, Mr, Wallace, iwho will bn Innnd p the oBlce for iliat purpose) or by the otlicr mt-mbersrf ïlie firm n thetr abiunce WIl.l.l.U! S. MAYN VKI FRANK I.. STEBBJN3 I ÜIA1I I!. W1L.-ON. Anji Albor, April 1, 1868. NOTICE. Híitííij rpfiril from Mercantile buKiness ït brnis -iocepar.v Ihiit :.!! ïioles and accounts duo to the late firmof Majnar.l, =li-llt!is fc W.U'.'i, , .!( l.,y. Ihi rerori, all these wïth irhom w have unaett!t-d aeonunta will pletisc cali at once, el tle and pa; ap. or put in sltnc, iK.: me ;■! ;t girtn time A.rll l,t, liü-2. W1I.1.1AM 8. ilAYKARD. NEW 1TRM. The nmlmlgnê'j bavmg thi day fi rmnl t c.n- ship under thenamnuid tle ut' stsbblnj ft WiUon, Will be 1 ) - ■ to sc-n thoir ! and lllm■r at tbe oldxtipdof Maynarii, Stóbbiiu S Wilson, where Un-y will becewïj to furnfah a íitliasd complete aMortuifni ofgood, Por Ipsj iipilit tli.-ui mr beture, f.r canh and ready pay exclysielv. FRAKK T,. PTF.7!':iX?. UUUH B WILSON. Ann Ar'ior. April lst, I8B2. 4rf43 flMIK SEFSTON I.A1VS for fno year lil' havrl.ron I roccived at, tiiis Olh'ce, roady for dcli i rv tfl the proper olllcr, V, .7. BíRUY. Coaoty Clo,!;. Ann Arbor, April Ï2d. 181 t. Ni:w Rkmkdies foh RPERMATOKR H (E A HOWABD ASSOC1ATIOK, l'HH.AHKI.l'HIA. A Be ■nemilei't TnmHxtio mtttUitktd In tptutal imdnmem for the relief of ike and UUtrcsfcud, afflictedtoWl Viruhnl and Gknnie T)bcatct, and enprnalhj Ike Cure of DiKf.asi s of Uu Sexual Om,int, MEDICAL ADVICEgiven üratis, by the Acting Surgeon . VAIX'ABI.E REPORT? on lpemm(orrhBa.an1 othor lof the rtexuall)rgao,ndon tbi NEW REHÜ.DIES ompliijred in the Dispensary, wnt in oaled Idinenvelope. rwe of charge. Two or lhr. Ktaraps lor nniitagfac.cfptuWe. Ad. r - ,Jlr.J SKil.MX HOl'GH rijf, kfowai 1 A ■■ iti. m ■. . .?. ,,,(!, st', dcliihi.i . l'ii. !...,, J LD F1UENDS ttaggj IX THE RIGIIT PLACE. Herripk's Sugar Coated PilisI. : TTiE BEST FAMILY ('u-JV tbariic ia the world, 'v'. "-'''' twpntj! yeara ty ƒ■ i ' y' "Ta fivo millions of persona I ■HBffVBfflf annually ; always give ■ "K '■ ■. HatisTcction ; contain - ing nothing injurious ; Y -i 'nl'J p.itroiiizi'rt hy thfl prinsff ■1fy cipal physiciaaa tnd & fip)r-surgoons in Uie Union ; -lV ld eïegantly coated with --f V ' Larfge Boxea 2{i nonts ; rg .-rfa ■ ■ ; :j(! flva boxeH for 1 dollar. I ■-jyjÊLLt's-1??JL FulldlreetionstrKheach ÏAtUkHASS, LSO OOCNTT, ) Florida, Julj 17,1860. ƒ TtDii. HitumiOK, Alhany, N. Y - My Dear Doctoi .- T wriie th;s feoioffttmyffa of the ffondevrul effect of yotir ii:;ar Coated PUli od my eider dnupbtur. Fcrthroe ycara slie bas bftén aAIcted wHli a bïllwufl Mornngmimt ■f tije syitem, nmdly Impurisg her health, wblob has bea sU'";iilly failiag ihut period. wïiea in New ';■;■ ím April last, a friend adrfwd me te teM yoiir pilt. Uavjng tUe ful lest conlnleiifc n tfeftjudgmeot oí my rricnil, I obt&iaed a nupplv oí Ueanra, Barnes ít Tark, Jlrugists, l';i:k Row, New Vork. Ou iriurninff houw. j we SQeaüe.l all other treatmect, and ftdminifttored you I'üls, One e:ich t [ghi . The improTemeni in her feellnga, oomplexioD, digestión, eic, surpnaed ub ají. A rapid ns nent rest oratio n to hoalth han heen i hr rstuli, s ■ u ed lew than flTö boxw, and eonsMor lier entrrely w, 1 oonsider the fcbove S jnst tribute to yon as a Pltystciio ( ftnd tra si thatít wíll hi the nn ns of inducing iiKiny to ;i'l"ti your Pitls ns their family medicines. I remain, deur sir, with ian.y i haakn, Your obid ent wrrant, L?. G. M0BRI30N. Henick's KJd Strengthening Piasters cnro in fivf houTS, paína andfweakneiip of thebreast, si, ie and back, and Rheumaiic romplain'-ein nu equallv short period of Urne. Spread on bpaatifu] white Lamb skin, theiruse nub)eeta the weürêr to no neonvenioee, and each one will ; firom ofie treek to three mnntlis. Price 18J ceñís. Horrlck'a Sugar Coated Pilis and Kil Flastera are boM oy nrurgWts ai Merchnnts in all ijagt.s of the United States, Canada and South America, iPn.iy be obtainoO bv callinjz forthem by their full n:tip, " iy?05 L. U. HKRRTCK, ft Co. Albany, NT. Y. J. 1 BALDWIN OFFERS FOE SALE AT TUE WASHTENAW NURSIRIES, The following list of first-clnss F: uit and Ornamentiü Trees l'or spring planting : Apples, a full Mountain Ash, Ameriment, standard and dwafj including a Horse CIiCBtnut eoodsupplyof Strawbcrry 'l'ree Bteele'H Rad Winter Black Salia Willow King of Tonipkin's Co Weeping Ash Wnijner New Amciean ffecpW-ck e Plenaant Dg Willow Per,gonfrl attort Kihnarn.'iak Weeping including the Willow Bartlelt Weeping EIm Seckel and Clioice Evi rjrreons Virgalieq Norway Spruoe Pears, dw'f, best kindülAtn, Doublé Spruce Oherr'ie, staidard and Seotcb Tine war( Corsiean 1'ina Peachas, a general as Bed Uedftr iortment Ba4amPif Pluiiis. A ■■rico's American Arbofittte Naotarine, Figs Siberiftn Afboritaa 'Iberian Crab Applee Round Top liox Downing'i liosta, consisüng ot ing Mulberry Perpetual Hop Tree Moss Brapea, best kinda Bengal Currante, '■ " Aostriaa Ragpberrie, Brinkle's Bourbon and Orange and otbtfs DHrahing Strawberri . Flovvering Shrnbs. a Lnwton Blnckberries general assortnicjit Muuntnin Aib, Paerniei pean iüiñt, All of whioli M'ill be cffored at my r'erjat l.OW PIGURES, to snit Uie -ivar times. All pertons deaigning to pttmt tres or slirubs are invited to eall ard examine thia ■lock J. U. BAl.DA'IN. March, 1863. 4?f844 TAX ÏNTOBACCÏ. In ratlctpation of a tas of SEVEN OR EiGHT CTS, PR, LB, being levicd on all MAKüFACTüRED TOBACCO, I will sell for a few days for Less tlian WINTER PRICES! I Jiave on Land a large stock of the best grade of FINE CÜT CHEWING ünd Smoking Tobacco and being desiro-as of Corainencing anew W ITII T U E IS E W PlilCES ! and as all tobáceo Found in Uie liauas ei tlie Sellsrs will be tascd and Adtled to tilo gelliiig; Price ! I prupoac to Givc all a chance To Supply Tliernselves -at the- Lowest possible Cash price. I have receivcd somo of the VERY BEST VIRGINIA PLUG in market, also LÏGHT OUT PLUG, KILLIKINICK, and ?panish Smoking Tobacco 200 BARRELS SMOKING! To be sold in Barrek J And put tip in ponnds. and IialC ponnd papers by the dozen. 50 Barrels Chewing, P. S. - Any Farmers wishïng Tobacco Seed Can have sonic by calliisg at my store. This seed catne i'rom tlie Patent Oiiice. - I h;ivo received the English Iiirds-E)re Smoking! A ncw article in this market, Sontli sido llviron Bh, ncar Cook's Hotel, 6ign of Red Iudian, ]V1. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Mafeh 20, "62. 844w6 T0WH0MIT MAY CONCERN. OlVCISrXBXJS FA.K,B, TUK ONnEBSICIHED.JIotel Proprldtou o ihis city el Ann Arbor, r()Ci-l IV.; !y annouDce t.' the public, tli;it on uict after lbo Brat day of Jatiuary, 18 2 TEN CENTS FA 1F. will be chnroi to each and erory pinion rarriéd ioan-1 Trnni ti-c 0MV] l" the reppeotivc ilutcls, by the Om us Ltne. R.OOOK, CnoSi's JlM-1. H HáftHTOW ..KrajiVIin H.mipp. Autt y, ■ ■ . : . 'ui', igf.] . : ■;■{ Tlie Bugle Cails! The War has Be gun ! A War oi Extermiuation against Bad Teeth, Bad Breath, Diseased Gums, Toothache, Earaolie, and Neuralgia. OUÍt AETILLERY IS DR. WM. B. HURD'S DENTAL THEASÜRY! A ÜOMPLETK SET OF UE3IEDIE3 FOR PRESERVING THE TEETII, PLRIFYIAG TIÏEREATIÏ &MOLTU Curing Toothache & Neuralgia. -"■ ■ O " ■"■ COKTTE3STTS : Dr. Hurd-t Cdebrated MOUTH WASII, one lètOr. Dr. Hurd's UnequaUd TOOTH PO IVDER, onc box. Dr Hurds Magie TOO TH ACH E DROPS, onc botlle. Dr. Hurd's UNRIVALLED NEURALGIA PLASTER. Dr'. Hurd's MANUAL on the Bent Means oj Preserving the Teeth, including Dircctions for thrProper Trtatment oj Children's Teeth. FLOSs SILK for cleanin} between the Teelh TOOTH I'ICKS, etc, etc nt Dr. Hurd's Dental Oflb:, 77 Fourtli St , Biooklyn, (E. D.) Pi ice One Ddlar or Six for $5 O The Dental Tieasury maltes a pack nge cight inclies by five, and sent by express. O" Full direction for use is on each article. The fiillowing nrtieles we can send sepnrateiy, by mail, vis ; The Treatlse en Preserving Teelh sent, nost paid, on reoeipt of Tweits Cents, or four stamps. Tho Neuralgia Piaster, for Neurnlg'fi in the fnee, Nervoua lleudadle, and JSnrnolie sent, post p:üd,on reoeipt of Eiqqteen Cü.vts. or six 3tnmpa. The Nea'iralgia and Rheumatic Piaster, (large size), for paina n the Cheat, Sliouldcis, Bnek, or any part of the body, sent, on reoeipt of Thirtv Skvk.n Cents. Addrcss WM. B. HÜBD & CO., Tribune Buildings, New York. 9 Dr. ÏTur.Tfl MOUTH W'ATI, TCOTU TOWDF-R, nril l'OOTl IAIHË I'kOi'S canni't be sent by mail, hut t'iry can probably b obtained Bt your Druj or P riodi cal Storen, If t! cannot, Rend for the DENTAL TR&ASV&Yj Prioo Oxk Dollar, which coqtalnj (Ifem. isroAAr, Are Dr. Hurd's Preparatlous Good ? The fcst eyidence that they Jiro la, that their BnnjH friendo and beurt patpona are tbose who havo aiwd m tanges t, I r. Wii.i.iam ït. Huhd in .in eminent Deotist of Brooklyn . TpertSurer of the Nlv Vork State Dentistii' ■ inn, in l these preparationa have been used in hl 8 private practico fofyOars, and no Ira-linp: cttizpn ol' Brooklyn or Williamsburch qnestionfl thetr excellence, wliiU' L-iiiin-n' OentiBtft ef Ne Vork recosamend thtra eis the b,-t knftwn tu the ppofénnion Withont Uie aiil of ftdvcrtising, dwtlcr.4 liave BOld tliem liy the groas. TIn V.M'i r "f the Brooklyn Daily Tipies wys :- I: Me arehapiytu k"O'v that uur friend, Dt. Urn.!1, be.roöd all expeottmn with his MOUTH WAí-íl Rn 1 TOOTH POWDER. The great secret of lti- kuclv;s rtists w:th th ( fact tiiat nw A%n(ixa avm v%mnshlY WHATTDKT AlW. I' ; l'ii' i: "i :.D TO BB, 44 V.'E CAS TBSTÏFY FKOX TIIE1B L'tNG OSS." The wr-U bnofrn T'. T. Barnuxn writos : - "T found yonr TOOTH POWDER so good that my famüy havo paod it :i!l ap. W'k VïSh ITTIIR BSST PoWDEB PO THB ÏEI:tII that werver v: v.n . I h ill ft-n] ublifred if yuu will send me nnothet tupply at th Muasum at y out conveiiiüiio. with krill. Bat ilioir eot Irho annül that fvcry one may test the matter for blmsélf fir, row.iro of the ordinry Tooth Powdors, Dr. Rlxi8 ToOta l'owi'na containa no ac é, nor atkah, nor afeare tol, ur! polishes witbout weariag the eaanjel. - }]..v. n-.j üthtT. What will Dr. Hurd's Remedies Effect? TV. ÏTordVMOrTÏI TTAÓ AN'D TOOTH PO W DER ifill giwfc young !al es Ihrtt flnost charni iq noman- a Btreel breath i'l poarly t-ctli. 'J'ry ihem, laQie. Dr Hul) MOÜTH WASH AND TOOTH POWEER will cleanse them mth (- m all i'.il cxhühvtíoi.s, anJ f used in tiif morning. will nsatte the breukfast ta-to slreeter and tbe day be In ijjoea pleaaantly. Hundredíi oi persona can testífy to t'-iis. Try therq, gentlemen. Dr. Hurd's MoCTH Waku and Tootii Towpkr are the best proparatiot) in the world for curipg bad ngEATüand giving (inijness aml hcaltïrto tl o guias. Hundieds of case.-; of diseased Blbbuejo G"üia, ohe Mout, Caitkfr, etc., liave been cu red by Dr llurd'.s ustrin.ont wasfi. Dr. I T i - 1 : r ' h Mriii W.v-n .sn TOOTH Powder give an addUional rbaia to etmrtaht, nnd make huaoanda more agreeablo to their wivea and wlyas to tbuirhui-b oda.' They shouM be usd by every persou having Artificial Teeth wliich irr1 üabletT ïmpnrt a taint to thcmoulh. Dr. Httrd's Toorn actib drops cure Toothache arismg from exponed nérvea, aud are the leat friends that parents can have in the house to save their children fi om torture i nl themwlv8 from loss of eleep and sympatli'-t ie sutfering. FarmEtes and MBCUAïflCS '. you cannot well afFord to iuf teeth, For a trïfling sum.youcan nowget i ir va ti vee than whifib Rothcltild or stor can grt nothing better . R--in niher tha1 DYSPEPA and CON SÜMPTION OF THE LÜNüS often origínate in Neglcct of Teeth. Send for the Treatise on Tecth, and read Hr. Fitch's Dbaftrrattoni nnthis Rivliject. If too liitp to iirn'st dt-cay in vuur own teeth, savo jour chilirüiï's teotli. NEURALGIA PLASTEES. Dr. Hard1! Nearalfï Non-Adbeaire Plastera are tho most. plt'asnnt and iuoocssfsi rerniifjs over prescribed for tbis painttil (Ií-íoipp. The pa4int anplis one, soon i.i tmei lïrowiy, tu 11 Bleep, a ml awaJiw (Vee frém pain, in-1 uu blisicr or ot U t-r nn;:l-n-ant nr injurion s COBBA qvicüees fiisu.'. Vor Earacht :md NerroQfl Headache, apply aooordmg t.( -iirection,and relief will folliiw, Nothing c:n bc obtained nqual to Dr Hard' UfttnpTé99 For XcHiriilsiin, Iry tliein. They are enttrely a novel, cunoof, and original propftitttiot), and wond rfnllv snc-c-ful. 'J'Ih'v arof two riten, ene smali, for the face, pnce lñ centfl.and the other targe, for applicatlon to tnis liodv. frii-r '.]' oents. Will bemaütd on receipt of price and one stamp. What arn Ihc Pcoplc Doing ? American penplp ave intelligent enouh to npprecíate Brpparatioa8 thint contribute kg much to the happïnfififi of ihosc nsmtin-ni, and they want them. Every m.iil bnngs na letters, ïohm ofdering the TreatUc on 1 'i-ctli, sonuMlif KV-uriiltri i'latcr-, und neta few en,7 cpntt fo tUe .Mouth Wash tn Sc ncn1 by , 1 1 : i , bul to thi w we re compelled 'o reply that it is impowiible t índ a half pint buttle by muil. The peopk- want tliL'.se niiifdtes. WHO WILL SUPPLY THEM Now is the CHANCE EOR AGENTS. Shrevd ageqts enn qctako a pma'.l fortune n carryïng tbeiie articles around t- familii-s. The Devtal Tkbai ■ kv the neatewi art Irle Ihai a njan or voinan eau carrj arouiul. t'cnd ïoroue, nr. btter, a dozen, which we will sell, ns sanipios, for 37 Agents tappUed hberally witu Circulars, Now ia Ihe lime to go ito Cusinces I to do tfffOd, and nnko a proflfr. Wo ;.ro Rpendisg . li I h iicm'lit of ngenti. New Knlainl men ot vromen ' Ueru U mhik-IIiíh n(ce, ;md a chance tu tala thetidoat iU Üoï. AdUr Wm. B. Hurd & Oo.? Tribune Bnildingp, Ís cw York, f 'Hint rfmittn nr(vs may b,1 in:"lo trith confidrneo. W, D. H. C". ri'l'ir 1" the Mnyor (f lirooklyn ; fo O.' W. pRipnrir, l'n-.-iilmt Fumers' p'i"l Cítizens' Ilaulí, ' Brnoklvnj toOnY Prtk'feCo., N'ow Yurk ; tttP.TÜAjua, tí , Ne ïnrk,ctc . eto. 341tf Sni.i ..;„,!,..;:' ! jne%a by G. .1 rE-VS. 'i:'X vi l.i. ,- i i ; '


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Michigan Argus