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%u$intsB 'iitttttxi. CARDS! CARDSÜ CARDSÜ! Having pareliased i Ritcglkr Iïhtary Diamond Card Press, nUi :i [".i f ■■ "i i iiuMit of Card type, th Aure Office is prepared to print Card of all kinds in tlie ttftptpOBSiblestyle and ut a gre&i rduction from ►ormer pric#s,lncluding Bastaos Carda formen of al] tTocatïftnaandprofeisfrioaa, Ba'l, Wedding, and Vislting, etc.. etc. Cali, -ve aa yours orden umi see hOW it fl rï' Ui! W. N. STRONGNALX, DÜNCKLEE & Co., TT71IDI.' ■'- In Dry Gooéa, CarlV pvtings, Floor OH (ioths, Fea thera, Paper Hangings , and a general ass, hnrnt ofFurniabing Goode, Xo "4 Woodward Avenue, Cornerofl.arned.-f.. - - - PETKOIT, Micli . a&.Orderg BolMM and prompt]} attended ;:i MÍyl RAYMOND'S FhotogriIiic and Fine Art GALLES Y ■_' )7 .ii ïarsoa Avenue, DETROIT. ""toaraphe, Life Site, coloren, or plain, caldnet. imwrlal, Melainpty pea, Daguerreotype, Ambrotypss, ?te. 'S" CAUD l'H", ! 'Ül 'Í by the Dezen nr ThouI. 'o. O. F. [TTA9HTENAW LODGE So. 0, of the Independent VV i.r'i.Tnf OdllVlliKï. nu'l al Iheir Koom , very FridHy evenín(?, tt 1} o'clock, i:. BICHAKDSON, N. G. ■;. S wdhkjm, ?ec'y. T. KTÜB138. (XTbiicmu mid Retatl tealer in T. beco, Cgm kt., VV' M.iin st. !gn ol ' B.g ladian." Franklin Block, Inn Arbor, ... - N - W"'"3. G tóUTHERLAlsü & SON, rrTHOLKSALE ANi RETAIL O rocera nd CommiaiioD VV H ls( slde KaiaStrel Ann Arbor. TWITCHELL & CLASK. TTORNKVd an'l Counsfilt-r-s at Lav, Ctmi-at Life and Fire Insurance agenta. Office in City Hall Block, mHuronSt. , Ann Arbor. Colleetiona promptly made adremitted, mvl ppecial attention paid t cnnvcvancing. D.S.T.ÏUril! !,, [-U-.U'i I'. 1.-MK. 'J. M. 8COTT. ïlBKOTyPE & PÓOTOGBPB AKT1STB, in tlio rooms formerlyocoupiedbyCürdJey,oertha store af Sperry t Mnore l'erfect sati.sfaction guaranteod. 1 WINES & KNIGHT. DEALEKsin Stapte, Fancy Dty (ouds, UuotsandShoes, icc. tc, Main Street Aan ATbor. ' ETSDON & HENDERSON, DEAI.KÜS in Harduaro.Stoves.hmiRtfiirni.'-lnnggoods, Tin Wave Jtc. &c, N'i-vr Block, Main Street. A. P. MILLS, Dealkr in Staple Dry Gooili, Grocerles, Boots and Bhoes and Eleadjr .Made ClotWng, Haron Street Ann árbor ""BËAKEs & ABEL, ttohxkv fc CorN'SELLOM AT IAW, aud Soïicitors in í Chañe -ry. Office in City 'BUI Block, over Webster Ï(V,'S liiH iVtmi'. Alm Irbnr KINGSLEY & MORGAN, VfMKftVRB, Counsellor, SoWoltors, and NotariesPub lic, !iave Bookfl aud Plats Bhowing titte of all lande Ir the jountr, aadattend to conTOTanciagand colle-íing eman'ls. uu-1 to payingtaxes and BÓhooï Interesi in any tart of the State. Offlceeasi siie of the Square. Ami Aror. -' JFAMES E. OOOK, JesncE of tuk Office nearthe DeDOt, Ypsilanti . Michigan. Wm. LËWITT, M. D., PBTHCIA ,; SüKOIO. Office at iiis rcf-idence. Nnrtli ■Ida c.flTuron street, acd2d Went of División (treet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, Tanufactcrer and deak-r in Boots and SVioes. 1 IV1 door West ui' the Post (ffle. inn Arbor, Mieh. "IVIOORE & LOOMLS. " T xüFACrrREHS an'1 dealer in Boot? and Shoes, VI Phoeni Block, Maiü Street, one door Nortb of Vaehington M. GUITERMAN7 CO., rtTHOUBAUand RetaQ dealere and manufacturera of VV Rearly M.ide Clothing, Importors of Clotba, Cassioeri-fi. DoeaklUli íte No. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. C. B. PORTER, ■iwijiii wri SüROisoï ÜKimsr. Office cornor of Main &tf!JL'..Í@ Ï11 ilurua Htreeta, over P. Bach's store, !.!ƒ yfry'JtHfc Ann Arbor, Michigan. Wm. WAGNER, Dealer in Roarly Jíadc Cl(jtliinCloth.= ,Ca8simert'S and Vwtinfí, Hata, Caps, Truuks. CarpotBag.s, &.c. Hain it. , Ann Arbor. BACH & PIERSON. DKALKits in Di -y Qoods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots k Shoes, ki.-., M;iiii BtrAet. AunArbor. MAYNARI), SriEBBI]STS & CO., "rai.krs in Dry Ooodft fjrocerips, Drugs k, Medicinen. jBooifl !t Slioe-;, &c, ooi ast of Msiin aud Aan streets, ist nel s w the EiccQ&BgO] Aan Arhor. SLAWSÖN & GEER, 1 ROCBBS, PEOTifflOM k CommísBXoii iIci-ehiiitR,anddeaJT lersin WatbrLtvb, Lam Plastbs, and Plastek ov Akis,one door Kastot Couk's Hotel. '- c: Biss, DuusInCloeka, Watch. i, Jewi Iry. anfl Fancj Goods. at the Jign of the Big Watch, o. 27, l'liaiiix Block' J. G. WATTS. Dau in Cloclcu,Watches,Jewelry and BUTrWaie Ko -■ ■'' , . " T. B. FSEEMAN. BIXSEI and Fwhionable Bate Ilrewer, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Jlick. llair Front and Cmls kent 'onstantly on iianl. SCHÖFF & MILLER. DEALERS in Miscidlancotis. School, and Blank Boi tionery, Faper Hangings. &c, Uaia Street Au Arbor. D. UeFOREST. yH0LESAT.E and Rotail Dealerin I.urnber, Iith, Sliin Klos, Baan, Door, Blinda, Water Lime, Graud Bivei 'taater, Piaster Paris, and N'aila of all sizes. A ful and perfect awortmejit of the aboya, and all otber nnd ot l, uil .i;,,,, materials constantly on hand at tlic lowest poísible ratea, on Detroit 3tnt, a few rodi fron the Bailroad Poot. Alao oporating extcnsively in the Patent Cement Roofing. W4SBTEÍIAW COUÑTY B1BLE SOCIETY. I' ki'dsitory of Biblea and Teatamnta at tlie Society prices atW. C. Voornteia. CHAPÍN7, W00D& CO., SU ?CESSORB TO tJTCT3XrX3, CHAFISTds O'c. ■■ANUFACTIHIERSOF X'x'lixt, Booli, AND- ' COLORED MEDIUMS, ANN Alt HOU M1CH. SPECIAL NOTICE TO OTJ-STOnLEÜS. A LI, aceo unta over eix montliR must be settlcd at J once. Cilla tlie office and pay up. A well selectedt Btoek of New Goods Chean for Cash. ' 821tf MAYNASI) , STÜS2IUNS & WJ1&QH. XJ SNS TFT SARATOO-A E M P I K E WATER FOR ÍHdlsrestíon m DapvepsIa, Oonftipation, Kervom DWity, I.osa of Appetit. Conjison Colds, diaeaaea l the Luugs, Headache, ana Ferrlab state o! t]l(. vIkLÁkZ?' STKBBI3 & W11.S0X and 8fc.l$UAGlJ 4 CO , Ann Arbur, 1;828.


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Michigan Argus