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Yorktown Evacuated

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Monday morning our commuoity was electrified with iho ann"iincern(?rit tht thu rebel ar-roy, over 100,000 ktrong, had evac.iated Yorktown, and wero in ilight towards Riubmondjeaving heavy guns, camp éqliiphgö. stores, bagi 1 gsge, etc., behiud Wc appepd sufïioient despatehes te post uur readers up to the h'iur of g"ing to presa. Washinoton, May -i - noön. The following report is just received fro.ii Fortress Miiurui' ; ;' ÜTofktowo was evaooated last night. Wo now i occupy the enemv's worka. rJf(ey left a larga arnoupt of camp eqiijpfygo :nul guns, which they oould uot destroy for ïear of being seen." ■■ : Potouao, Máy 4. TO E.M. SI' ■ -. ■ !',:, ; We have the ramparts, guns, nnmu; nition, camp equipa ge, &e. Wo hold ihe entire rebel works, whicli our engineers report very Btrong. I havo tlirown all iny oavalry aud Lorse ar.illery u pursuit, supportod by iuf'antry. 1 rhove Franklin'e división, and as much more as I can transport by water, to West Pöint to day. No time shall be lost. üunboats have gone up York river. Gloucester is also in our poasebsion. I shall push the erieiny to the Wall. ietf) 6. li. MoCLSLLAN. Vnnu Ihe Amiy Correspondent of tlie AsSocfal at YuTktoyftt. Wo enteved tho enemy's works at 5 o'clock this raorning, which their rear deerted four hours b'tJÍore. Every thing wns ioimd in utter confusión. - About fifty pieces of heavy artillery ucre lelt, spiked. We found a larec ntnount of medical stores, ammunition, camp equipage, and ter.t. and private property of cfficers, Negroea found there saj' the rebela throw a large amount of ordnance stores uto the river. Several desöfter have come into our lines. One .states that the rebels evacuated in coDSequenco of the nuar approach of our parallelá, and that thoy feared the suucesá of our gunboats in York and James rivërs, which would cut off their coinrnunicatioDS. General Jolmston gave orders to evacúate on Thursday, ths fóllowing ing, which was done. Mag; is said to have strenuouslv opposed evacualion, snying il they could not wliip the Federáis here, they could not anywhere in Virginia. (íeneral Lúe, the rebel commaader in-chiet, arrived at Yorktown Wednesday, and esamiiietl McClellau's wji-ks minutely, afior which, it is suppused, he recommended an evacuatioD, deeming bis works tmlenable. Desertéis r.greo that tlic-ir troops vvere much demoralized and disheartened when the order to evacúate waa given, as nl! antioipated a 6ght there. The rebels had 100,000 men on the peDiñspla, aiso -100 pieces of tield artüleGon. Stoneman commands a largo force of cavalry aad artillery, and is pursuiog the eiHiny, ajjd will probably come up with tl eir rear before night, il' they remaiü near Williamsburg, An official report jttst received savs the enemy left seveDty-ooe guns in the works at Gloucester Point; guns und ordnance stores ucre a)so left. Aaother desorter just come ín reports that JefT. Davis carne with Lee on Wednesday, and, atter a consultation with prominent officers, 11 agreed to an evacualioD except Mngruder. It is coi tai n the rebels received reinforcetnents on Thursday ly steamera (rom Richmond, but did not disernbark them. Gon. Jo. Johr.ston's ba ff ga ge has just been captured. D. B. Latbrop, telegraph operator, has been inortally wouuded by the explosión ol a torpedo. Dispatch froni Gen. McClellanHxjjjQUAViBsa Akmv of ihsTotojiac.') .Mav4- 7 1'. M. ƒ Hon. E. M.Slanton: Our cavalry and horso artillery camo tip with tho enemyV rour gaard a their intrenohments about twouiües thisside of WMliamsburg. A brisk fight ensued. Just as my Aid left, Sinith't división of infantry arrivod on thoground, and 1 presume curriod his works, though I have not yot heard. The euemy's force is stroog, but I have force enough up there to insure all putposes. All along the lines their worka prove to have boen most formidable, and I am dow fully satisfied of the correctness oí' iho course I have pursued. - The supoess is brilliant, and yor mny rest assured tbat its effeots will be of the greatest mpoi taöcw, Tbereehall be no delny in iollovving up tho rebels. Tho rebels have been guilty of the most murderous and barburous conduct n phicing torpüdoes witliin the abandoned vvorks, near wol Is and springs, and noar tiag-st::ü's, Doagaüines, telcgraph oiilees, in carpet bag?, biwrela of rlour, &c. Fortunatoly we have not lost niany men in this msinner - sonte lour or fivo killed, and perbapa a dozen wounded. I ihall make the priëoners remove thetn al their oivn (Signed) QEO. B. McOLELLAN, il.ijor General. Baltimobb, May G. Amoog the pri.sonpis taken at Yorktown is the Chief of Engineers of öen. Johnston's stafF, who'states that the wliole rebel anny at Yorktown amounted to B5,000 men. He gires a most deplorable account of the coudition oí the anny, and says tue)' will be unablo to make a stand anywhero this side of llichniODcl. Their rctreat commcnccd before daylight Suturday nioriiing, and he doubts not that the advance was twenly miles distant at thu time the last gun was iircd from Yörktown cm Saturday morning. Gcnerul MoGlellan signaled five gunboats lying before Yorktown to proceed up the river to West Point and remove all the obstructions in their way. Q'iito a flect of steamers and vcssels loaded with troops were discovered, and a purguit commenced, resul ting in the capturo of somo of them, whilst others wore run ashore and fired by those on board, who espaped to tho woods, It is said that by ;hree o'clock in the afteruoon the guuaoats had rcaehed West point, the head of navigation, nearly thirty miies abovo Yorktown, frëquently shelling parties of the enemy, who were i!)'ing along the shore and flanking that portion of the rereating army who wero inoviag towards West l'oint to take the railroad to Riobnond. Washington, May ■G. Official dispatches rooeived here indícate that the enemy are iu largo foroe and strongly ntreecbed near Williamsurg, and that they intend to dispute at hat poiut tho further passage of our rmy. There had been bouio brisk ighting in which General Hancock had aken two redoubts and ropulsed Early'a ebci brigade by a brilliant biiyouet charge. ín tliis engagement GcurfJ FTaffcock's torces are ,s;iil to have ki'(j two rebel Colonels, and two Lieitenm Golonels, and capiurud nno Coloml a„j 150 prisonerg. General McClcll.-in U ly eoinplinients General liaii'-oek'.s duet. At the liuic of the sending of tl10 dispatelics üur loss wns not knovQ but it was snpposed to be consdirab'c in proportion to the extent of the ei. gsgemeBt aa tlie fiight was eery seve e. The assooiated press agent gives ono additiorial particulars from tlie adranc near Williamsburg, datcd Mot;day cve. Ding, of tUe figlit thero. Our Iosj wa, soventocM killed nul about forty wounded. Jighty rebela veero lut't dead On the field and 40 wounded We tooi ucarly 20U prieoners. Their dead wcro buried by us on tlie field. A s'.and of eolors bolonging to i ubol cavalry we captured, and are now ou their way to Washington. Gen. McUlellan and staff arrived on the field at 5 o'cloek. He rode to tli JYout aud was gi-eetud by cbeors frou the troops. He iniinediately assmnej ooinmand. Kain has pourod in torrents all day. Jeff. Davis was at Richmond at "last accounts. The enemy's works at Wüüamsbur are very formidable, extendiiig aerosstba Peniiisuia. IhVOl III ,;i; ) Mj S-1OP. ., i.. E. 11. StantoD, Secretaryof War. After_ arranging for movemsnts up York River I was urgeutly sent for herc. I find General Jo Johnston in front of me in stroDg force, probably greatct s good deal tban üiy own. General lh cocf has takoa two reoubts and repuhed Early's rebel brigade ljy a roa( charge with tlie bayonets, taking one Colonel and 150 prtsoners, and killed at least two Colonels and many privates, His oonduct was linl'.iant in the extreme, I do not kcow our exact loss, but fear that General Hooker has lost considerable on our lef't. 1 learn from the pris. onors taken that the rebels intend dis. puting evcry step to Kichnioud. I sha!l run the risk of at least holdiug (hem in check while I resume the origi. nal plan. My entire forco is undoubted' ly inferior to that of the rebels, who will fight well, but I will do all I eau with the forco at my disposal, (Sigffed) ÖEO. 13. McCLELLAN. Major General Commaudiug, Williamsburg Captured. WlLHAMSBCRO May G. The enomy evacaated tliis place and their works in front last night, their reai guard passing through about G o'cloek. At 9 o'cloek Gen.' McClellan and escort entered the town and touk p sion. About 150 ot' the enemy who were wounded, wcre left behind wiiLout any rations, medicines or surgeous.- They also left a number of their dead uuburicd. All the wounded in yesterday's engagement, who feil inti) 'their hands, were left behind. CA. Dwight, of the Excelsior Brigade, who was sjvcrely wounded and taken prisoner, was loft. In the engagement yesterday the enemj suffercd terribly. Geucral Kiekctti was killed, The euemy had a force bere yesterday of' fifty thousand men, and ouy decided to evacúate after the brilliaat bajonet charge of General Hancoek. A majority of tho white iubabiUnls remain. The numbor of the enemy now in out hands xv I i 1 reach about ouo thousaud, including the wouuded. The following dispatcbes are frora General McClellan to Secretary Stauton. Wir.i.ïAMsnuRQ, May 6. I have the pleasure of anaouneing tho capture of this place, as the result of a bard-fought action yesterday by Uancock's Brigade, which had the effect to turn the left of the enemy'slinc of works The enemy abandoring his entire lina during tbo ïïight, leaviug all his sick aud wounded iu our hands. His loss yesterday was very severe. We have soma three bundred men wouuded, and more than one thuusand wouuded and prisoners. Their loss is heavy. Our victory is ooiupleto. I have seut cavalry in pursuit The conduot of our men was excellent, with Bcarcely an exception - The euemy's works were extensiva aid exceediugly slroug. Our loss in Hook' er's división is heavy, but vory littie on otlicr parts of the fiold. Hanoock's suocess was gaincd with a loss of not o?or twtuty killed and wounded. We have other battles to iight before reaohing Ricliniond. The rebels are flying from Williamsburg towards Richmond. (Signed) GEORGE I!. McCLELLAN. üajor Ueoural Comraasdiog. Gen. McClellan telegraphed from Johnston's headquarters as follews : The weathcr sgood to-day, but tliere is great difticuity in getting up food on ; account of the roads. Very few wagons have yat come up. Am I authorized to follow the exainple of other Generalij ar.d direct the names of battles to bfl placed oa tho colora of regiments ?