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THE REEELLION ON HIGH 'RICES FOIt CLOTHIXG, HAS COMMENCED AT TBB OLO & RELIABLE C L O T H I N C EMPORIUM I No.'8 PHCENÍX BLOCK, MAIN St. JAM now oponiiK abtrn and varied assortmentof S ring and Suroü irGoods, &ad in view of the rebftllion on high prioes gener iHy, will offer )-.n to dij friondd and custuni' r at the yety lowost Bguren tbr Cnsh.- Thnsein want ol a buperiór articte cii Cluths, Casai nieres, or Keady-Made Clothing, -will cal! enWM. WACNER, irla,o luis joal retttpned fnun the Baat, wi'.h a l;irge Msortinefit of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS whioh have boen purchased at the late LOY PRICES! and can offer t-hem at a lowcr figure than evtr boforo, ázooQgmjF Assortmcnt uaaj be four.d BROADCLOTHS, CJASSIMÉRES, DOESKINS, VESTINGS r dl deseriptioos, together wiih a superior asiortment oí licady-IIHacle Clotlilng, ■Hl iiHl_m"rTtTTT". CAEPKT BAOS, Kh Mij l BB.ELLA3, and SSÏÏljciillcmen's Furaishiag ! aooDs, vitli numfious otlter articles usually ftum-l n siinüitr tttablishinents, Am ;n EMPORIUM OF FASIIION, li,. snbsoriber Sattefs hitnsslf. tint his long experieoce Qdcenei rill aable hiin to gïve the greatest IktisTaQliot] to-all who rnay trast liim in the lij oi 3f Mauufacturiiig Garmenta to order. "VM. WAOXER. AnnArbor, Ap: il 9t!. H--ÍÍ NEW GOODS For the Sprmg18@2. o MACK & SCHUD WouM respectfully announco to the Citizeus of Waslitenaw and adjoining Countiea Ihat we are sov receiv'n Direct from tlte Eatern Marktte A f uil and complete .supply of DRY GOODS, Ladies' & CMldrens' ghoes, GKOCER1E8, OROCKERY, &c. Purchaed by onp of oi r firm for cash, and notwith-tanding the hard times vesMUl continue: to Add Weekly Additions Tj our stock in order To AcGOinmödcvte oicr Custoraers ! with cverythirig thcy may need to ask for. And we will fartlier ptudgo ourselves to sell (is oheap AS TIMES WILL PEKM1T and wbich is alwav-; as J.& Lov as tlae Lowest. At tin1 saino timo ve-kopasur friends and enstomïrswil'.bftar lp miud lliat íhc times cohijilI uu to ell o ui" gouds For Cash or Ready Pay. Ann Arbor, March 28, If61. 846tf FRUIT AXÜ ORNAMENTAL TREES Í The undor.sigiiu'1 wil] open on the 26tb. inr,i.,it ROGKRS9 AGRÏCULTUKAÏi HALL,, i cronornl asfortffierrt of PtanOnrd anrl Dvftrf Fn:it I'trrs. Crergrena and othsr Onutinentbl Tree, Shvubs, &c. Also the choicest varietics oi" GRAPES, RASPBERRIES, &c. rhcf-c trees have been selected bj bimalt from oneof tbc best E AS TE RN NU flS E RÍES.' and will be found in prime coudition. Cíiü earlv an'l makfl vtiii! pelections, T1hju wUhinx Apple grenrn in this ötale can hk supplièd tj osa tbo X- !li Iake -Vur( iy. T. Dr BOI3, Ann Arbor, April SI, 1802, 8-lOtf. The .Latest News. JrjST OI'KXKII AT GRF.NVILI.E ft FUI LTO'8 Tr.i.r Store, afreshtopply of WM. B Hl .:i ■' I'AI. !:: "K! li s. Agenta and dfcalera snpplied at Xcw York pricea Rond Dr. Burd's advertUftinentlt anoth. er column. For mie at all the Drug Storen in Ann, Arbor. [860r3] G. J. PEASL, Agent. THRESIÍING MACHINES". PATEXTED AXI) MANÜVACTURED BY Hicliols & Sheppard, Battie Creek, Mick. Improvedfor the Season of 1862 In thifl Sep&rator the gMila isseparated from the straw by of til . ■ ■ atraw up and down wlih asodden tnotion from the time il L i cyünniT nuti! it pasw to er, aad ihegrain falla m made oí tilats, oleai from tno etraw. The parte confalnïng bottom :',ri.' inu'ir to i i in ai-1 gwina bapkward and foy - tlftfa vorka tue Btraw to the Btackei and the graintothe iieve. The supenority of this machtu orer al] othoca consiste in u Perfect ftcrntiontion rif Grain iromPtraw, 6reat eimplicity, haring uo pickers or bcateri to clog up, and loas machinery than any othfir niaclüii-1 dow made. G M aapücitv, aalt irill notiraeta whn crovded. Pei fe t cleaner, having Larger soïven than apy ether. Easy dra!t, better coitructcdj simple and durable. rennsylvania Iron Ilorse Power. Warranted tobethobeal llnrse Power in use. HaA$ with wood 01 Iron Frame aa preferí ed Farmers and Thresuer "f Michigan I We offer you the BEST MACHINE IN Ü8E. BetterthanP) U', FJaJJ i Fowïervllle, or any machine built on their priueipk's. l: foo tpteod bujinii a machine of any kind get a painphlet of u-j nt our Agent, and s;ifi-f' yonrïelt'.- Pamphlet beqt f;ce. C'alJ and seej or aditresfl MCHOI-S & SEPPARP, Battie Creek, Michigan. Or M. ROGERS, or MYRi)N iïASil, Agt, Ann Arbor; or I. V., agent, Dexter, 69din3 rpHE SE88ION for jw lSfig haveliopii I receÏTed at this Wftice, andaré rt-ai!y for delivery to the projier olli -. i, R. J. B1ERY. Coontj Ctork. Ann Arbor, April 22d, 18C2. Ayer's Agüe Cura y OLD FJRIENDS ÍN THE RIGIIT PLACE. Hevrick's Sugar Coated Pilisi .■■■ - z==.-. XHE BEST FAMILY CaJSxk t'i.iil ifl In tha wuri'l . $'■■ ' f -yjk usei1 twcni-' ypars ly I' .; ■ VV5"" i'n e miUious of persona i .'"v '' ' ■ utmi.ilfy iüwny-i jjtve sattsfAétton ; oataming notliin,ii iujuviuuï ; 'Í ÉSfJ piitroniïivd by Üio prinjPV-' turgecmj in the üniQn ; LÊ elegantly ooateü with wr njKrega-: Boïoa 2ö cents; 3LL3????-- -iwi5. ""■ for 1 il(-l]r. - - - -- - -+-?f_ _ FultJitectUtarwitheaeh T.I.T..M'AS--i:, I,1S COÜNTT, 1 u July 17,1860. j ToÜB. HbrmICK, AHüiiiy, N. V - My Pear Docto ■ :- T j mrtt this to infdiiii yo m ttiwodcrful effoci ol your Sagu Goftted PWi "n my eider dnughter. Ft t 14? ree "{y slic has beönaffllcteil & bUlious oerangemcut of the systetn. Badly I raparlo g her htalth, -vrhfch haa been Bteadly [aülng during that períod, Vffei o ín New Y'otv in April lat, a friend adyisea mo to test your pill. Havlng the fullest eonfldenre in the Judgoient oi my tiirir!. I i btateaxl I vnjipiv nf Meiers, liarncs fe Psric, Druggwts, Pafk Row, N'cw jfovk. Ou zetttrnin home. ■l all other treatméct, afad admmmttfred yoor l'ills, ons eacb i Ight. The Maprpvemntt in her feelingfl, complexioD, digepi in . ■!(., Burpn6í1 us ;i[l. A rapid amipermanonfrostoratíon to healtb has beep the result, We used tesa than üt boxea, and conttidef her ciit'rely wcll. I coDsider the above .i just trfbute to you as a l'li vsici1 il , nul trust tluit it will hu tb.6 moana of adneing nuniy to adopt your l'ills as their familf medicines . 1 mrnun, ileursir, wïth many Ihankfi, Vuur obsdient stwant, S. G. MnmasoN. Heriick's Kïd Strcngthening Piasters cnra in live houvs. paini an3 weal dwi of thebreast, side aod back, and Rhdumatic ComplaioUln nn eyually )iort poriod of time. Spread on beauti&t] white lamb skin, nso ftubjocis the werer tu no incon-. i' eaoh one will wu. r from oos 'i'ock to tUree loonths. Price ISX conls. Herriók' Supar Coated Filis and Kkl Fl así era aro i oíd nv and Merchanta ui-állpartá of the United ■ tinada and South Amerioa, and nuiy be i.btaint'd bycalHng fortbom bvliüir full naino. lySOS DK. I., U. IlKTimCK, & Co. Albany, N. Y. J. D. BA LD WIJT OFFEKS FOE SALE AT IHE WASHTENAW NÜJISIRIES, The fcillowing list of flrt-clai Fruit and Ornainontal Trees for spring planting : Appleo, a full Mountain Asl, Amerinient, standard and can dwaif, iucluding n Horse Cheslnut cood supply of Strawberry Tree Bteele's Kod Winter Black Salix Willow K,ing of Tompkin's Co Weeping Ash SVugner New American iVeepl'eck's Picasant ing Willow Pear, goner&l Kilmarnaek WeepiDg ment, inoluding the Willow Bartlett Weeping Elm Seckel and Clioice Evergreens Vireali' n fiorway Spruoe Pears, dw'f, best kindo Am, Doublé Spruce 3herries, sUidard and Scotch I'ine dvarf Corsican I'ine 'eaches, a gencial as lied Gedar soitment Balsam Fir 3lums, ApriooU American Arboritae íeotarines, Figs Siberian Arbrailae Siberian Crab Apples ilound Top Box )owniog'i ever-bear liosos, eonsUting of ing Mulbtrry Perpetúale Hop Tree Mos Jpipes, lft kinds Currants, " " Auslriitn berries, Brinkle' Bourbon and Orange and others Climbing [trawberriea Flowering Shrubs, a .awldii Blaókberries general assortment Mountaiu Ash, Paeoniei pean D.hlias, All of wliich will be offered at my nursery %t LOW KIOURKS, te suit the war' timr-8. All persons designing to plant trees ot ihrubs are iuvited to cali and examine tina slock. J. D. BALDUIN. Mareh, 18C2. 4v844 TAX ONToBACCO. - - - A ___ Ia anticipatïon of a tax of SEVEN GR EIGHT CTS, PR, LB, bcing levied on all MANÜFAÖTUEED TOBACCO, I will sell for a few days for Less WINTER PRSCES! I have on band a largo stock of the best grade of FINE CUT CHEWING ünd Smoking Tobacco and being desirous of Commencmg anew WITII TÜE UEW PKICESI and as all tobáceo Found in tlie hands oi the Sellers will be taxed and Added to ilie selllng Price ! I propose to Give all a chance To Supply Tliemselves -at the- Lowest possible Cash price, I liave received some of the VERY BEST VIRGINIA PLUG in market, also LIGHT OUT PLUÖ, KILLIKINIOIC, and Spanish Smokins: Tobacco 200 BARRELS SMOKING! To be sold in Bárrela ! And put np in ponnds and half ponnd papera by the dozen. 5O Barrels Chewing, P. S. - Any Farmers wishing Tobacco Seed Can have some by calling at my btore, ïhis seed came from the Patent Office, I have reccivud the Engïish Birds-Eye Smoking! A new article in this market, Sonth side Hnron st., near Cook's Hotel, Sign of Red Indian. 3VT. DEWNY. Ann Arbor, March 20, "62, 84ivü TOWHOMIT MAY CONCERN. oaxrxB-crs r.RE. THBUNDEBSlGHED.Hol L'topiintom in this city n Aun Avbor, rpgpectfijlty annotinea to Ihe [niblic, tlnit on üii.l artur 1ibJi-is, ija; i.f .lannarv, 18(i2, TEN CENTS FA RE. wil] he charge 1 fo pacli anii cvci - pt '-.-f, n carrittd tiian'l frora tce cars, tu the rfuppctivc ilotcls, bj the OmniV us J.iue. B.OOOK, CiooV'i Hotel. II. BRSTOW.Franl0n House. .un Ai'-or, De-, 2);]i lgñ S3Jtf The Bugle Calis ! The War h2S Be j gun ! A War ol Extermination against Bad Teeth, Bad Breath, Dis3?.sed Gums, Toothaciie, Laraoiis, aud Neuralgia. O UU ABTILLERY IS DE, WM. B. HURD'S DENTAL TÜEASÜRY! A COMPLETE SET 01' ItEMEDÏSa fOIl PRESERVING THE TEETH, PLRIFVIAG THE BREATH & MOUTU ASV Curirjg Toothache & Neuralgia. O CJOÏKTTEIsrTS ; Dr. Hurd's Cel-.brated MOUTU WASH, one lottle. Dr, Hurd's Unequaled TOOTH PO WDRR one hux. Dr. Hurds Ugic TOOTHACHE DROPS, one boitit. Dr. Hurd's UNRIVALLED NEURALGIA PLASTtiRDr. Hurd's MANUAL on the Best Means oj Preserving the Tnth, including Dircctions for theProjer TreatmetU oj Childrcn's Tecth. FLOSs SILKfur deaning helween the Teeth TOOTH PICKS, etc, etc. PrepureJ :t Dr. Hurd's Dental Oíñzz, 77 Fourth Si. , Brooklyo, (ü. D.) Piice One Dcllai1 or Six fjr $5 O" Tlie Dental Tieasury míikcs n pack pge eight juches by five, aud seiit tiy expresa. O Fulldircctian for use is on cach ariicle. The following nrtiples we enn 8eml soparateiy, by nmil, vit.; The Treatise c:i Preserving Teeth sent, oost pak!, ou reeeipt ui Twelve Ck.nts, or four elairips. Tlie Neuralgia Piaster, for Neurnlg'u in the f:ee, Nitvous Uendache, and Earache, sent, post puid.ou reeeipt of Eioancra Cknts, or six stampa. The Neauralgia and Rheuma+ic Piaster, (large size). tor púns in the Clu'St, Shouldeis, Back, or any port of the body, sent, postp lid on reueipt of Tininr Süvl.v Cents. Address WM. E. HÜED & CO., Tribune Buildings, Xcw York. %T Dr. TïnrVs MOUTH WASH. Toom POWDEB, and T0OTHA0HK DRÜP8 cannut bu swat by mail, but t'iov can jirobaljly b obfAioed ntyuir DruR ov Perlcdi cal Stort. If tkey caunot, BeoJ fer the DENTAL TBEASURV, Pplce ünk U U-lab, which containá them. 3xro"wr'3 Are Dr. Hurd's Preparatioub Good ? The best oidpnce tliiit they i=, that thoir firmest frian Is %uú Lu t [troas iru tbose who bave used ihcm tungest. Ir. Wii.i.iam Iï. IJ uhd Ui an PmmDi IH'nti.i oi Brooklyn. Treiisurcr uf the Mew ï"ork Otate Di AssoeiatioQ) and liiese pcep&rationa hare beso uied in his private proel ice for yes rs, and no leaïinr citizpn of BrooklfD or Williuuatburgh qtietions Iheiï cxcclleüce, whily eminent Dentista oí' Nöw Vurk reconmoeiiá tinm a the beit krrown'to ths prufaiHÍon Without Üie a$d of iilverti-sin, lit-alers hare soLO them by thegross. Th Editor oi the Broaldyn Dai'nj Times Rya : -'■ ffe are happy tu kn t friend, Dr Hi'jp, in ?uc ceeüing beyoQd all txp ctatiunn with bi.i MüUXH WASH andTOOTU P0WDJ2R. The great secret of hU Buocess rests with Ih Tfact tuat uu aiiGuu . : CI.KI.V WHATTBRT A&H EKPRPENTKli K) M . K CAS TEHTIVV KBOM 'IIIK.'K 1,'I.VU Odg," The wel! known I. '1'. Barnum writes :-w-"I found ymir TOOTH POWDER fo RoutHltat my family liave usd il all iip. W n.vij ir -i:!:, Besi 1'i.v. i-i.n fob tuk Ti-;n u tia- wkea'xk ie; . 1 sh ill ■■■'-. oblijíed it' y u ii w ill flend me anothec upply at tin Musuuia ut yoür cunvi.'iiifiu:LLr with MU." liut t Ijeïr cosf is so small tliat ivery one m;iy teat the matter for himwlC t:v„ Beware of the ordinary Toolli Powdrs, Dr. Hrp.ii's Tooth PotrcBB contaips ijo ac d, nor alkali, nor charcoal] aud poluh&l wiihout wearing the eaatnel. - U-e do other. What wil! Dr. Hurd's Remedies Effect ? Dr. Ilurd's MOÜTH WA8H AND TOOTII rOWDEP. ïrill giva young ladie.s tlütt fim'st chai'in m m oinau - a sweet breath and pearly teeh. Try ilicm, ladies. Dr. Ilur-r.s Moi'HÏ WA.-1I AD T'ioTU l'QWIÍKIi will theiqouth ir:mall foul 0ïhala1ini,s, anl if uslmI in the moroing, wïti make Lhe bruaktifíL tate sweeter and the day bein uioee. plonsantly. (fundredd oí' persons c;iu teátify to (hitt. Try thein, g'utloioen. pr. HurJ's MniTfi Wami anu Toorn P()-PFn are tht bost preparátiop in world for curing Blad :n'-:.vni and giving firir,iio{6 and heallh to XI e gums. Bündredfl of case of diseased Bikedixg (il na, Soki Moütii, Cankkk. utc, have been Dr Hurd's astringeot wush. Dr IIi'rd'cS Houtq 'a.-h mw Tooth 1'owker ;ivean additioDft) eliarm to CHii'tsliip , aixl niake huhbaodfl mrjre agioaliio to th'f wio- and wivos to tbeír huíb .nd.-i. Ti-ey shuul'i Ue uadd by üvcry person haviug Artificial Teeth which are Rabieta impart a taiat to the inoutü, Dr. Hi'iït's Toothaciik DB0P8 ariHinp frum exponed Qervea,and are the bost frionda that parents can liavc in thf housQ to Baveheir cbjldrea froni torture and tUenaselvea froja ÏQuaol rsleei aiid ByjppatlK-i o Bufferíng. FARXEa and MjicniiiCa ! you oanijüt well afford to neglötit. diu' töutli. Foi a trüiing sum, you can DOWget ■ ■ : i'd tlinii which lif'thcliil'i or etor can get nothing better. H. m taber that DYLPEPBIA asd CON BUMFTION OF THE LÜNGS often origínate in Neglect of Teeth. Send for the Treaiise on Teeth, and read Dr. Fitch's obaen atíona onthifl subject. If too late to arrest decay in your owu teeth , save 3 our chiidrens tt-eth. NEURALGIA PLASTEHS, Dr, Hurd's N'.'ii;iI_Ma Non-Adltesive Piasters ave the most pleasant and sopceasf ui nioeöieA eyei pre for this jiaint'ul di-;i'i-.', The patiënt ppllei eme(soon becomos drowsy, falta B sleep, and awakea free from pain, and no blister or othr uQpleasant or injurioua consequences ensiu'. Föï Earache dBd (iwvotia ITeadache, apply acoordiBg to direotlaosand relief will iaui luw. Nothing can be obtaiwed eaal to Dr. Eturd'sUonv pren for Neuralgia, 'I ry tboiii. They ave entirely a novel, curious-, and original prepaiatjn, and trondi ri'ully suocessfal. They are of two síwb, ooö smal!, for tlie face, pnoe 15 oenta, and tho other largo, fo appUeatton to the body, prtoe 'U cent. WiU b e triuilcd oi receipt of price and one stamp. What are the People Doing ? The American i:ropV' areïnteffiffeni enongii tn appreciatL' prepara! [oqs that coatribate vo mucli to the hap pinjes of tliusc uflingthem, and they want them. Ever tni ïettera, lome ordering the Treal 1 Xeetii, nome tl Neai fand nota few engloaing '1 cents for tlie Mouth Wash to he sent by mail ; but to these we are compelled to reply that it is impossible to send a half pint bottle by mail. The people want these remedies, WHO WILL SUPPLY TIIEM 1 Now is the CHANCE EOK AGENTS. Shpöifd ageotfl pan iniko a Rinall fortuno in oarrying these articles around to families. The Dxtal Ti'.r:.icky is the neatest articif Lha-1 a man or woojan can carïx around. end tor one, or, better, a dozen, wh eb we wil' sell, at) sanipk'.s, for $7 Agent-s loppHed Liberal ly witü CircularSt Ndw ie tho timo to go iuto Business ï to do tiJ'lr aI11' niaki' a pro fit . We f. re spendint; ihuusands tor tli'1 benefit of age j n l.n„r'and mèo or wtimen ! here (a ometbing chance t.;j tke tlu'tide kt 'itó ilooi. Addr I Wm. B. Hurd & Go., Tribune Bujluings, New York. Tlwit ;■■■;, uttanocs nin v bc i..n.Ui with oonftdencft. W, B.H. Co. refer tn ihe liaypr fBraokIyn; to Q. r. Gbiphth. l'rf'si'Upt F mir.'iV nul Citizens1 i;iiik,; to Joy, Cok & t'o. , uv Yurk ; üjP-T.IJ.ik mvl.Iv.) , lew York, etp-, etc. llu ihulesale snl Rrtail bf G. J. PEAPE, at c'.ati VII, I.h JE Hl 1 IT.'S Pruj -t Aun Arlwr Mich.


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Michigan Argus