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MINTING " OK ALL K!XD3 Neatly Execufced AT THE AUGUS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN TUE LINE OF PRINTING AT THE MOST HE&50NAEL2 SÍ73S. We linve reeentiy purehased a RX7GGLES ROTARY CARD PBESS, nnJ havo ;idW tlie Int'-st stylos of Card Type, wliich enablos us to print INYITATION GA&DS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITISG CARDS, BUSINESS OARDS,' &c. n the neirtest styles, una na cliap as any otber house in the State. We are alao pvepared to print POSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANK9, VALL I1EADS, CIRCULA RS, PAMPHLETS &c, BOOK BINDERY is in charge of a FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and IBLAWK BCOIC8 OF ALL KINDS, RÜLED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufacturad in best sxtle at New York Prices, ! Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Eound. All Work warranted to give entiro satisfaction. E. E. POND, F . OíRoe and Bindery, cor. Main t Hurón Sts. Co&way Ftre ïnstiraisce Co., Of Coüway, Mass. Ospita] paid op, - S150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 260,963 12 Liabilities. - - 16,440 03 D. O. Rogers, Jas. S Whitncy, Secrelary. Pretident. DIRECTORS. J S.WHITNEY, L. BODMAN, W ELL1OTT, A8AIIO LAND, D C. MirOII. VltA Y, E I). MOKKAN WAIT BEUENT, JOSIAH ALLIS. A.H. BUILEN V.lI.nlCKIN3ON, W.T. CLAPP, D. C. ROGKK8. Ann Arlor Hefei-ences: Dr, E. WEI. La, L. JAMES. 1,. DODGE, iïNOCHJAMES. CAPT. C.S. OOODRICH J. W. KNIGHT, Acent. Ana Arbor, Michigan. New Remedies fob SPERMATORRHÍEA HOWAitD AlsSOClATION, PIlILAPEI.riIIA. A He ntvolent Instituí ion established by special mdowmeiit fr the relief of iht Stelt and Dislresttced, ajpictedicith Viruhnt and Chronic Distases, and especially für tte Cure of Viscaet of the Sexual Orgitit, MEDICAL ADVIC1C given gratis, the Acting Surjeon. VALUARLE REPORTA on Rlicrmatorrliwn, and Other I' ■ - ol' tlie Sexual Oran.aiul on tlií N'EW IÍKMED1ES ftnployed in the Uispensary, sent in sealp.l lottOZ envelopes, free ofoharge. Tvoor thret for pnslageacceptaMo. Aridress, Ir. .1. SKILLIN 1101'GHTON, Howard AwHaticn. X 2 8. Ninth 8t., I'liiladftlphia.Pa. tSÉÍPSa BOOK STOReCJbI A RE NOW OPENïNS, DIRECT i r! PUBUSHERS L Aí! Manufacturar;. a New :uni Completo ntock "i LAW Se MEDICAL liüUKS, School Books, Miscdlancous fíonkn. Mank liooks. flan STATIOWEn Y! Wulluud Wládow Paper-, Dr&wlug aml Matliematloal Instrumonts. Music, Juvenil Libarle, Kuvelopes, taks and Cnnls. GOLÖ And all other kinds of pens and Penáis Window Cornice, Bhtutefl and i-'i I ure . FQCKET CUTLEHY! ARUoveryiliIng pcitaSaïiig to tif trade, and moro io whiolitliy voultl ii.vite th atteution uf the .country. In o&nducting our business, we nhsUdo allthotö.a hedor.iï.so that uo rcasoaable man, woinan or eh find any fault. w ■ i'.issessfacilitics which will enable ua ti tupply our stomers at tho Lowcst Possible Figures. We probóse to A for REAUY l'A Y, ata small advance. We OXpeoi % proiit on our ioods, but Cash Sales will Adxnit of Low FIGUEE3. We havo emnsod the tiir.lcen ol JAMES F. SI'. horoforpare preired to t'urnish Visiting, Wedding and all other Carils urritten io order, wih ncatr-css and dispatch, by mai' or other mi i,e. The 1( Empire Book Store," is ma&ned by a -'nul 'crew,' lid thcy will alwavn be round 00 '. e "'.■.:-i , ready and williiig to atteudto all %vith pita-iur-. - favor them with a cali. lïeniember tho "Empiro Bonk Store." JAMES E. WEBSTER & Co Ann Artior, Muy, 1860. "e ANOTHEK AAREIVAL AT THEE fOLDAND RELIA BLE ' . '.W. ?Z?. t ■ I V ! I?X-IOB3Sri: ELOCK, MAIN STREET. hasjufit returnod from the Kastera Ciües, v.iib u Urg üqU deciirable atook of F ALL AND WINTER E3r O E 2O ! wUicb he is now offerïug al vnoSuailj IjOVïr PRIC3SÍ Among bis Assortment tnay bo found BROADCLOTHS, 0ASS1MERER, D0ESK1X8, & VESTÍS GS, of all deseriptlonfl, especialiy for FALL AND WINTEJR WEAR ! which beis cutting and makinL to order, n thf:lacestanó bestslylës, togotiioi with ;i supenoi asBOttment of MADE CL0T11JNG! TRUNKS CAWET BAGS, ÜMBRFXI.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, witli numerous other artlcles usually fuund in slxnila] cstablibhuient. A3 ANEMPOBIÜM OFFASHIOS, thé subserilwr flatters himself, tliat hi loQg t-xperience and genera, succes, will euuble him to give tlie greatest satisfnclioii toall who inay trust liiui in the waj of maniifaeturinggarnieiit? to order. 7u9tf WM. WAOKER, Rifle Factoryï A. J. SUTHERLAND rTASreroovfidhie Gun Shop tot he New BlocknlluCl ten street. snuii) af tb ('onii l!i-uc,oiJtiie8 0Cünd Boor, whert-he ie prcpïirod tu furnish Guns, Pistáis, Aramunition FVas&s, Po„;hes Grime Bags, and Ever} other artiole in bis Line. O.', the most r neon nble terns.Hnrito do all Mndi o t the abortes t notice,&ni ïntho beat mannei MaIE3T5rÊ!B full xsaortmöuL always Kcp ün hand.ond madr to orjer. BOOTS tt SMOES MOOBB & LOONEIS Are now recoivinir a lars? afisortmont of Boots and thoes and V3üob tiivy i" ..K.:-e to soll 50 ii eeut htlow-fzrmtr pricttfor cash. Men'a good Kip Boots, from $l,r,0 to $3,00 Hen's good Thick Bools, from 2,00 to 3,00 Men's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy'e Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladies' Gaitera, frora 44 to 1.25 Ladies' Morocoo Bootees, frora 75 to 1,25 And an cndless yariety of Smal Shocs frora Fancy Balmorals to Iafants' Creeping Shoes. Wc are alr.n r.Innufacluiing all kinds of WAREANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Mens Fine Frcnch Calf Boots Peg-ged and Sewed. So giva usa cali bofoi-e sluuro. ns wpare bound uot to le uniloisold. IRÜI'AIRINO DONK ON SI1ÜRT NOTICE.S MOORE Sí L00MIS Jiain St., Ann Arbor, Micli . 820tf Mo ney Wanted, Who will LeudMoneyl IAM RKQUESTEn BY SEVERAL PERSONS to obtaln money for them at Ten Per Cent Interest, (Or More.) Foranyone willing tolend(l can at once invest on good unencumbered abundant REAL ESTÁTE security uiysuiiiï of money and scethat thdtJtle andsocurity areAi.i, richt. Mf Tho borrower paying all ex]en.'es. induding r?. covdinff. K. W, MORGAN, Aüb Arbor, Got. 7. 1859. 71Mf 1852. 1802. j 3STJEW SPRENC GOODS! AVc aré tiow rêceiviug a fine stock of NEW SP1UNG GOODS, aad offcr them at tlie I Iiowest Cash Prices. C. H. MTLLEN" & CO. April laf, 1862. 84Ctf 3CH0FF & MIL LEK ( UKSTILI. ONIIAKDat tliciruM Stand, A. No. B, rranldin. Eiook, with tlïcniorit complete usgortment of Soolis and Statiooexy, PERFUMERIES, f ANC Y GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADE8, KOLLEKS, CORDS, TÁSSELS, GILT 0ORNTOE8, CUliTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEEEOSCOPE5 & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in thie Marfeet ! jiiLiítl.ey venid snggest totliúMtapiirsattirfiuiythiQglii SANTA OLA US' LINE that they can secare A Doublé Christmas Present ! bypuTchaüins from thlsRfock,al each purch;1-' n .lü'uiíi.i.n. present "i' Jewelry, Aío.] Ranging invíilue trom 50 cts. to $50. Tlirytrust that theirlong cxpericice in neleetlng ■ i] marta I ' m u ni-. of Cus-tornera, may cntitle tl'eni to a liberal share Oj Patrón Aun Arbor. Dií. 5. ISfiO. 77Ttf JLIPK IJNSUKaJXCE. Tho Connecticxit Mutual Life Insuranco Company. Accumulatcd Capital, - 3,500,000. WCT.LTNSURE UVES for any amomtt m. i ■ ■■■ ■ 9.C.MV0 ' : t ir wliuii' tertn i '■■■ or for a term oí ye&rs, on thpnios) favorable térros. . i: 'ompany ís putei j mutual añd the policy liolders gt all the surplus over tbeeactoost of Insuriiici' ]; ;, QumodatSH the insnrfl in tlie Bettleinent of thelr pLvmintt ON UFE PÜLICIEí, ü' áeslred, by (ftktng ur ona half the amouot, boaring iQtèrexi it wtx percent, pflï ftDOttük. Diridends are Declarcrf Annuallyf ;inil slnce thsy qow araount to fíítv per cent on the pre■ tsh :ui i note, and are ui muy be apptfed to cancel theaotae. jQ9T Tbc r:ttt's yf prcniiiuns re as lötr as any otlier reBpoosible-Company auÁthelarge aecamúlated fuüd of tB ,600,000 is sccure'.y Investid, ai ■ ■■ b6 seen 1 moe to the stateinept made ftcconting to law, nn file in the office of the County CIerk,at Ann Arbor.-ft JAMES ÜÜODW1N', Prest. GüïE.rnELP8,Secy. Forparticnlaraapplyto JAMES C. WXT8ON", 763yl (ont at Ann Ai bnr, U!cl) . Great Reduction in the Price of SINGER & CO.'S Standard Machines . II W inote to be tlie Vent for Manufacluring l'urpose. No. I, Standard Shuttle .Machino, formorly sold at 90, reduoed to $70. No. '2. ot' same kind of Machine, for raerlv sold at 100, reductsd to 75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Istbebest Machino In the w rW I Pamili Sewlngand Liglit Maoufaeturiog Purpouea : ucitti Hemmer,) and bdautifully oninmented $60. The Nos. 1 and iï Uaehinea are of great capaetty and appfcatlon for mannfheturing purpobe. Uor Ho. 3 Machines are e .i!l kinds of Lighi and beavj Lethor Vork, In Carriage Trim-.■i Shoti I !;i " ■ . , ïhcy are of ex1 ra si.-, and ith . d arm long enooffh to v ander it aud stltch the largftst 's:' dushes. Tlirris scaroely any part ofa Trimmers' BtitcUing tbal oannot hf botter dono wilh them than by hand j so, too. thfl saviiiL; ot time an-1 laboi la V9y preat. Tbetableol tbeee maobinea Ea Sïl Inohea lonand fchesbvttte will holii mx tiiivstlie uflual quantity'oi thread. Thelarge machine worka as fastas small onjtts. We wouldaükforodr bttcr A Uachines, (he sppcialattvntu'ti ot' '-i Uakenand Dress Makers, and all those who want Machines '-v ligh% mnv af 'acturiug purposes. They embody the pridcf) lea of tlio standard inuchiin's, making Likei hem. tii' ntedocked siteh, and are dostined to be aaeelebrated For Pamilt Hkwi.vo acd ligkt manufacturing porposea nsjour standard naa ohinüs ure tot nssDufaoturtog In general. Wo have alvayson band, uemkihg tiAVGg,8iut twist LINRN ANl (.viïoNTintliAD.OK SPOOL8, BKOT H ICniNEOlLÜl bottles, etc. etc, We manufaotureonr own N'ff.iics, and vronld .vi % penowtusing our machines aottobuj anyothers. We know that there are oeedlea nold of thé most infartar quolUy &X hfgher prices than weohsrusfor tbe ï. The aeedlea old by uê are maoufactured mpecialtj foi out ma htoes A badna,die. may rmder tht bent machine almost uathê. Our customers may rest avsun-r] thatali ftnr Branch Ónices are faralshed irith the genufn&wti-jl4 " 9 of unatl purohoses, the monef tnay be Ront in !■-, Oi bank noten. npondents wil! glease irHte thelr namu disttoetly. ït i: all inpnrtant that we should, tneaohoase, know thü Posl Oifico, County , and Btate, fíSf AA persona ráqulring Information about áe ving Machines, thelT die, pnces, vorking capaoitfes, and the best methods of purchasinfr, can obtain it by sending to os, or sny ol" our Branch Oltice.s fora oopy of I. BI. Singer & Co.'s Gazette, Which taabflauttftll Piotorlal Paper elltirely dovul.-d tn thu .subject- It wUl bssentgratis. Wc hnvo made the abo ve REDUCTION IN PRICE3 wiiii the two-fold view of bsneftting the public and ourselves. Th pnbllo hare been swiQdled sj spurious muChines made in imitation ef OOM. Toe metal in them , from the iron castinR to the smalJest peice. Is ol pooi nu.!; tv. Thelr makers have not the means to ■ 3 ■ thait wora veil. They arehld away 'm secret plaoes, where t irould be tmposslble to have at th command t He proper mechanica) applianoes. It is only by doing a prent I t, and ba? IngVsti dsIt manuflKbinring establlshinentK, that tro rul machines can be made at moderat. ostdeslgned machines, BADLY MADE, are alwayB líable to ffet out of order, Rod areaureto cort considerable troobls and money to keep tbem Ea repaJre Tlio qualiUee to be e are : eertaiüty of correct aotion at all ratea ol speed, slmplfclty of oonstruotfon, greet durabtüty, andr&pidity of operation, withthe least labor. Machines to Cmbln these oRsentia] qtialitfes, m ol the best me:al and finlfthtd to ptTiVction. We have the way and means, on a grand seale, to do th1s. rhe purchason of niaebines, whosedallj bread iimny ooncern, wili Bndtbat tbose baTlngtheaboveqnalttles not only work well at rapid au well ns Rlow n speed ,jbut lastlonger Inthn fl I trorktng order. Our machines, n.s u,;i. ■- ■ .■ . , a i n imiv nmiicv ïvith less labor tban aoy other whflLher ïn imltatton oí ours or not. In fftot, they are oheanèr than any otlier machinas usa gift. I. M.ÍNU1-K .VCO., 4.r}S Druailway New V'N 1.. 9& Detmit Office, 5$ Woodward Avenue, CMerrfll Block.) 811 tf M. U. GOODRICif, Agent, Ann Arbor. j W.MORGAN, Agent lor Mutual I.ife Insurance Company, New Törk. ieeumulated Asaats, .... sö;,.;!!!!), he LeadingUfe Insurance Company in the U. S. Knickt-rbocker Life [nsnrence Company; New Vork, - a iirsi olasfl nnffA'.o. - terRU reaBúQkble. Humboidi Pire Insurance Company, Kiev York. JajpltaJ, with a large Burplns, - - $200,000. Febril Marine & Fire Insurance Co. t Peoría IU. - hiv i Xo. 1 FtaelnsaranceOe'S. 7O7tf hpltaij .... $f)00,ooo;


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Michigan Argus