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'iIORACE WATTS RS, AGE N T 333 Út tí a 4 W ay, X w Y " r í Publlslur o Oí u Ir ; ík! JUiilt JtJookd AND DfAUfR 15 Píáfios, Sfelódeona, Alexnndre Oí Orgun Accordeons, Mártires celebratedundother Gtiiturê, V iolius, Tuiior yiols, Viftlinoellusj Aeoordeons, Flu tinas, Flutes, Pifes, Triangtes, ClarisfiettiTuoinflf ForkaPipets iinrlllninmcr&, Vidlin Bows, best ítalían StrmgB, Base Instrumento for Bands, Piauo Btools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical InötrunuMi's. L lx o o IVt xt. & i o, í-'rom ull tho publishers in the V. 8., Bertini'g l inliira, ud Mudern irchool, un', it ;ii;U ■■! [nfitrnctíou UóoltH :!.;■ the above instrumenta; Cburch Uuvic Booh y bound; Muslo pÁper} a mí iül i.í Mu rtc Merciniiniise, A t t beLowest Prices. New Pianos, At $175, $200, $22ö, $300, and up to $800. Seeoud Hand Pianos Irosa $25 uj tu ski;; New Melodeon. 9.46. $60, STj,$100,aml ui t S2H); Second i! . frora &J0 to$80; Alextutdrc Organft, with B ve stop. $16, stop. $185 aml $22&; tblrteen stops, $250 275 uml $300; BrteèD stops, $320 aiul $375; A liberal discount to Clergymftn, fchurclwfh E ls niti u ■ - and Teachers. The Trade ñlppHed attheintua] tráete dfocoÜDts Testimonial of the HofC0 IVnícra Planes anti M ■! IIcwMf, of Cürtlinjío, New York, w?io I of the HöracftWtera runos, ■ itvsas f .i.,'. -: -- "A firiond of niit6 wUfo ■- me fcíi poroj her, Site Ilkes the odo yon sold ■■■ ■ i Deeemb My piano in becomliig popular [n tbls place, and i i .■:. : can introduce one ot ívo moré; (he; riU b; moi lai1 than any other mato." (V,'" tv(í cf Water' Manon :ü oseta i nary, one of whith has been swftei V1:: i s. ;ui'l vi 01111 lewtify t theÍF ü , i,.: bility." - Wond & Gregory, Motín CorreU, til. "Jl, Wsters, Eq. - Beau 8ik: Havin itseii on Plano Fortw nr twoyearn pfts. í bUfo fonnd 1 :i rory superior iiiclrunitut. Alonbö Gifi.iT, Principal Brookfyn HewkitSemt ■ . ■. The Piano I n-ifn i'il ffiitii you coniuiuefi to [sfaotlon, lregnrdit ftfl one of tue h i atsmthe phice.'1 Ia.mkh IM Cijlrkb, CI Mïlie Ketodeoñ has safelj arrhed. i feel oblixedto vm fory oux UberaJ liüKKumt." Rot. J. M. .:cC'ukjiku, Yor-fUpjtviiUS, C. "iiití iiaao was duly reeeivíd. ItcavciP in excellent eondittOD, and Is ty much dmired bj . tiiiiiiiy.' Accept mv tïuinJtiï l""r mr promptü Bobskt CooFKB, Wárrenham, Bradjoed Co. pa. "V'ur piano pleases up well. II i oe lo pur couaty.'THOHaa A. Latoam, CSMspftdlton, ffa, liWe are veiv mnch obliffftd Fo I kui;1i u fine íoslraiaeutfor2aO." - BKANK,Ht] o .v i ■;., Bvffalo J)n.,Locrai. "Tho Horade Wnt&rs Plftnoftreteon atttnnontf i he very best We are ewiblêdto speak of thes$ . v. iih ,- niidcüce, trota personal knov. u -■ ■■ ■ 'i" ti ■■■!,■ -ii tone uní durable quality." - V. Y. Evaiurtlitt. "Weoan spoak oí thomfirftfl of the Horace WateH plauí.sf i-Din jKs.iual knovtedge, as oi..g the very hneftt qnal y."- Chrittian Iniediencer. ; ■ Eiomce Waters pianounre oullt of 'tin bestand most thorouffhly deasoned mi orial. We Han i that buyera can 'i' i - ■ any otherftouftft m the Ooion." - íátcaí oarf ,. Water' pía tíos and meló león ■■ ■ age with the Hiwt made anjirlipre lu the country." - tjonu JullTíXll "Horaoe Waters'" Piano Portea are of full, i even tone, and powerful ftfl Y. Mmiool R&oim, Our ín. -mis wlll ftnd at Mr. datera' stfire ,e wMjortment of Mubíc and of Piano? ■ ..,-.Vip'i ve i '■--■ '■■:'■ o itbi ■ . ■ ■ : ÍVm.hU n1 i'.ive him a cali whent-ver tjify fo to New York." - tirti'i.u'i's Magazine. Warchouce 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sabba th s"c"h ool Bel], 100,000 isscecl ia ten Months. The iiiiprecefl'ntííd sale of thisl.i.jok has induced the ■.. r to ad l orne 80 new tuneitand Uymns to íla pre. ' t ftxtra cha ' ■■ Among th&maoy beautiful tuww andhymi .A.. i,,, found;- "I opht to i ii child, ind ■ ■ from ni e Bel!, ■ ■ Anniwrsary oí tho M. K. Churcl a-1 the neat applause The Btll '-■i Lains nftriy20ü . - ai Bjmnsjrid I8.xne of tbe best collpqtïonH erai issuod. 8c; $W perhui ■ . , ■ ftmbowed gilt, 25c $20 per 100 . into mauy of the Public Sel Tlie . is pgibHshedin ■ ■ 1 M tu ■ ■ : ■■■'-. ■■■ ■ ;, n oí lodate the rajHlon; pi ■■■ t2 S hundred No. 6 wiïl soonbe saed-;omineneeinèn1 af f book. AUo, Ryvival Music BoOdS, No, 1 & , ( k 2 per UK. postAfe ïc. More thj of the above books bave been i elghteen moocth, and the demandterapidlyini PublUhed bv HORACE WATERS, f. Joi lirua'i -va.v , N. '. Fublised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vo6ftl,"Kind Word s can néTerdíe -TY.v Aög I mf bo;' "Wllds of the Wrt;n "Thongbts o! Q t-QiTa ine back my Ifountain Hume;'3 "J (tPamlv Cock Robín;" Llm with thee BtiH;MPetnames;" "There"'! no drilng Uke mino ;" "Saiab Jane Leej'Ever Of ti :" iin lenvíngthee la Son Rpajity;' ltHomeof ourbirth;" "firavecf B iabel'and 'Wake, lady, wakeN' prtce -■"■ èach. 1 txSTRi'MBM m. - ■ 'l'aliice Garden, or Pin'.:!: Polka,' 40c; "íwingidg Bchottísche;11 l"h' tisch;" Thonas Baker's Schottiscne:" "Piccolomini Polka , ':" con1 s ach. Th" afcöve pteciháTebeautifal .r "Webner Polka;" "Araivjm Wai cry i.M. -..,.■■ la i; ('VaBoviapi Doniella Mazurkï . nx Pofta';" "CrïribMae Walte," and "Itucn' Qrfa drUle." 25c each. il Empire of Reich'a Qua in-v. dance, and "The Bibernlan QuadiiUe, S - nrt1 played 6y Uaker's wlïiist"l crcbt'--t ia with -ran applmse-JtS Mailed ftt ■. A largelot of FoKlgn Music a( half pricc. Pianos Melodcons '"rl Orgftua Tho Horaw Waters llano and Melodeons, fnr depfh, p'.ifilv of to&e anl 'lurability. are ansurpassod. Prfees rery low je}ond Raod Pianos and Heiodeons from $25 to ?1 B0. Mnshs and Musicftl Ititmctions of all kii( lowest prit-es. BORACK WATERS, No. 838 Broad way N . Y. TBSipHUfiAtB; - "The Hontoe Waten Piano are known de among theJTery bAt.1 - Fvaveüst. "Wecan speak of thelr meritafEOjia perswnal knowledge. ' ' - Chrisiian Jntettigcncer. "Xotliiniit the Fair displayed greatcr cxcelJonce " - Cfturchman. Waters' Pianos and Meloñeons challonprccomparíson with the 'mest made uiywhoroiii the country." - Home Jonrusl. TlOtf iSTEW CxOODS" Seasonable Goods, CHEAP GOODS, For Cash., BAGH $c PiERSOftl Have jus'; opened a choiee stock of Winter Goods, Bought for Cash A.NUTO BESOLD FOROASIJ nt sueli price8 ns will mnVe tUe buyera !iugh at the i jon of Hard Times. The stock thclodes a clioice lot of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMAN'S CL0TH3, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ÜHOCEKIES, e., te. Now ig the time to buy your Winter's supplies. BACH & PIERNÓN. Ann Arbor,.Nov. 15, 1F61. LOOMIS &TRIPP, Succeisors to Clmpin & Loomisf andChapin, Tripp A Loomií THEabpve ftnn of LooinlBftTrlpp-faavin pvrchasei the entire interest of the formar oompaalM wB oonttnne the buslnea at thi l ■! stands, nrhere they wil! be ready, od the shortpst notioe. to lili all orders in tlu llue o( Castings and Machiuery, ín the mnst wnrlcmanlike mannor. and ■ D tevms as any otber shop In the staf e. Amone the ■. .- i i oos arttolesnuuioütotured by ob, we, wou ld i numérate STEAMËNGJNES of all kituls; Mili Qearlng and Fixturs, wroughtand cafit; all the variou oaetlngB for making and repairing HorsePowers &Thrc6hing Machines suob an are at present, or havo formerly beon in se in this part of the State, as wel] as all the rarioua kinds ni oasting umi maehlne vrort oalledforby farmers and mechamos Inthls seetion of the eotjniry. of ali the varióos patterns, up ín ftizesand niioes, wfll be keptooDgt&Qtlj on hand, gut most pioaern and lmproved styles. Thankful for formor patronage to the old ftrmi, we w.vulfl solidt a continuance froni ohl frit'ndsjfind a trial bv all wishing t'oranything in our lineof bnsuieas. LOOM1S TRIPP. Ann Arbnr.Maj lSth, 1R59. 6í7tf GSEAT.GHEATEE GREATEST lïAUWAlNS EVEIÏ OFFERED 1859. .1859. ■J In tliisCiiy, ureuow being ciferod ut the CIIKAP,CLOCK,WATCII, & 3 o "w elry StororiTH'1' Ht.licribf-r w.-jn]il hiiy to tlic citizortpol Ann Ar ba ■ . 'j ïho rett of Wnh!ennw 'Viia'iiiiïfii'Ti!. tbl hshntjmt 1MPORTED 1)1RKOTI.Y from EUKOPK.a Tremendous Stock of Watclien! Al, ui wbkli bfl biodi hinualf to ell CREA PER than ■ ■ . i tveal oi New York City. Open Kce Cyllrider Wntehea Imn SU to 8' o rid (ïo Lever do lo rt to i Runting Ptae o do do 14 to 35 do Ho Oyïlndèr do do 9 to y8 QolH m - 20 to 100 1 l.uvi: als.i i . CtiLEBRATED AMER'CAN MATCHES, wblch I wlll ten ter $35. Rvery Vvatch warranttd to uei i'" in well, or tlje mon.iv retimdcd. Cipok, Jewclry, Pintad Wm, '■''V Ooods Goltï Pens, Intrument End Strings, Outlery, &, and in faet ■ v.n-.rtv ut 'livt-ry 'hinu Dtfuatly kp1 'o y Jew( i : -f cao t,e.boughtfortha oextötnety dys ut y ur O VV N PEIOESI i ;■ raoTii huvfnif (ythln Ht ihia well knonn estab .i rHy upon treiiine fiood pxnf-tly ns represent tl, or tbemonny rrifnnded. Callouriy and ecurc tho best hnraina nver ortered in thi City Oq6 word in regard to Iiepairing : p preparnd to mnko nny repalri onfino or cnmmon W tfchea, even %n m i lm r rtít tiie eiitire wntcb, I liiog of Oooka h"H .Iiplry na udüftl. Aiso ft-' nttinnfaotarinff ni KTNG8, BROOCR6 or aa ft hl 00 U ■ii.-ffl. ' ' 'i,i:).,)f T'iiaOnld onshtirtitntice. En.':fttTÍi'tf in ilice brt;iichuuGxeentd withnentnes tiMü diopateb. J C. WATTS. Atju rhor, Jen. 2Rth'PSit. ?Hw Important Natioaal Works, I'uülr,: . ' ï ! .:■' !.l..u. & rn., 346 AND 348 BKOADWAY KËW YORK ■ 'lowinsj works are sntto Subscriberw in any pari "ii receipt of retail pricef) by mail or expn 2 rejhiWAUFRIAN CTCXiOPABOTA: A ■ '■■'■ i - u ■■:. 1 ■ '. I ■■■■-. Ai-t ■■ ■ ■ ■ l II Mmut .... ■■ . . ■ ■ ■ ,. ! ■ i., 11., UI.. V. V., VI Vil Hl Ü.6 lOoriginaJ arti ;■ . . UlU 01 ill be {■ i Rrioe,laCii . - ,$3.60; Half Kussia, $4.60 - popular without be'ir.u un].--. ! ... ■ ■■ : beiuf; fanttc, compre !. ■-■ii i ■'■■■ i. fvee i'roiu pyivouiji pique li .' i.'i ?■■■ accurate, li ia a - ' " 11 ■'. 'i V iiriportiini ■ human intelli LmportAut article ;■ i - i lie topic m) vh'u ... requiredlo briDj? tbp auiypct iip t.o 1 ■ . . . ,. ■■■ ■ tal .ii 'm is 1 1 om i iif Lnte-f. ■■■ ■■ i ..i :■:.. uiiU keep hm with I ui. . ivts iik'lucie the . ; nst riewtj; rhe biographjoal non. ■.-, ,(,i thode&d but alsoof ilie living t ia ;i of rtaelf A iJRïDGF.MEXT OJL TÏ1T1 DERATES OF COlVORlSSfl B&ng a PnmicHl History of the Ünlted . ■ ■ . roa of the fir1 Fedei b 1 1 ion. o 1856. Mitcdau I eompiled by (Jon. Tno, i ;:t Bhntok . from ■ n-il of ('nu . i roya! ocl avo i .i , .. . . . . ■ _ ditioital i ■ onoc tn threc Cloth.' 53; Law SheEp, Half Hor.. $4; lUit A WAÏ 1 1 M3 THIXYCLOP.EIÏÏA OR DEBATKS Y-jvm a plulí of 'mr, a:ui remit thopxlce of t'ourbooks, :i i,. : i v -. s wili be sont ;ii reinittgr'fl ptnnsefor -.;Lri"i :- : or Cor tED r6leveD cppies wiü Up To Ai ís. ': will fío UberttUy rewardtbe ■■ ■ ■ ED in ruis Cii'.'i y Tevma 1 1 : -iie Publishers. Aun Arbpr, M 6902amt ■=ft ': ■. agent at Kinn; a: ámitius Book : la sti. Blaekivood's Magazine AND THÉ British Reviews. uafi.U liUllnjLMuatl)jLli!!)ij PRUríIÜLTS and REDÜCTIOWS. L. SC0TT&Cü.( NEW YORK, oontiooa to pabltsfa th {bib b Perooleaís, viz: I TflE f.ij"DO QÜARTERLY (Conflirratlve). a THEEDTNBÜRGB REVIEW (Wiiig), EHEJJORTH BRIT1SÜ .VIKW (FieeChurch). 4 THE WKSTMIX3TER REVIEW (Liberal) 5 ■ :v:k)- EDINBÜRQH MAGAZINE (Tory). The praáenl rii:cal etat4 oí Híuio tían ftfitefn will publioatlojos uDusuftlly toterostiBg during the fortbcoming yr. They ill occupy middle i between ;!;■■ :. i'!y w ritten nnvs-iviu-, ■ . ■ ipeculatIoDft1 ;. oiors of thO d and the ponderous Tome f the foture historian, writtcn after the living interesl and excitemont of t!1 of the time sball fa wny. [t to these Periodioals thal readers mut todk Fot the only reall.v Inteligible liiiI relfable híítory oí ciireenl eventtt. aixd a i io ad.d tiontotheir vell-esía Literary, Roiecttfic. ai cbarac ■ ■. we arge ! on Ebec nidHrationof the reading pablie. The recelpt f Advance Sheets from tbc Brltisfa publishi ■ dltional va!uc t tin'-... Reprint, fnasmuohaathe] oannov be placed in the hi subscriberfl tib-iut as soon as the original odilioos. TEilAIS. (Regular Trices ) Pel n DDi Forany oneof ibo fonr Revlewa - - - S34M) Por %ny tiro of the fonr Revieintj - 5 0 For any tbree of tbe ;otir Reyjews, - - 7i0 Forallfour.of the Reviews, 8 00 Kor BlaekwnoiVa Mnaz-ino, - - . - 80 ' For Blaokwoodand one Review, - - - 50 !■" : ■ ■ ( v. ii Reviews, - - - Tui ForBtucfe land tbree Foviows, - - - i 00 For Bla kwoodailO the four Reviews, - - 10 00 Money cnrrtnt in the State wh re issucd vill bi recettcd át pur. POSTAÜE. Thp 1'osTAííK to any . art if the l'-iiipii Stotes viïï bi but Twt-nly-loiir Ofiit a v-nr tor Bla kwood1 and but FiMirtccu C'citts a year for eaclt of the Revieu', Al the above pricea f he Perii dfoal i iil be furoished for ia '-'. ANO ASA Premium to New Subscribers, the Koa oftbesamePeriodioalaCor ISlO wül be furnisbed complete, wükevx ddéftionol chnrgt e the morí ephemeral Hagficines of ua v, th ■ e lodicalH lose ïitlle by age. Bence, a fil yiar of the Na..for 1860, in ■'. aearly aa váluabU as for 1863. Subscrlhera vlshing nlsn the Not,,tox 1'H, will be sujijilii-il at tin ■ lÓw r i .!■. Splendid Oflers for 18G0, '61, & "G2 Together. Pot Blackwoods Magaxlue, the three yeara, $-" 00 Km1 any one Review, - - t( " ñ ( o B'or any i ■■ ■■ i i -,-.' (l 8 00 i ■ tlackwood and oneReTtew, ' i( s o For Blacfewood andtvro Reyiewi, '■ ll K 0ü For three Ba lews, - - ■■ 1101 Koi Black wood au'l Ui ree Revtewi, '■ " IS 00 For the four Review, - - il " 13 U0 For Blaokwood and tbelour Reviews, '■ 17 00 Any of the ;t!'- e workfl wil! aláo ba furni.-ho.-l t" Vcw SttbscribersfoT tlip y ar lSftft-l ,8, ai At One Halt' the Regular Öubsoription P rices. Thii-i o New Subsctfber may obtain the Reprinta "f Uu Four Ri-viiws :iii'l liiuckwoüd. Sevon Consecutive Year for $37 ! ! ! Which is but lit more th&Q thepviceof the original ■ ear. As we sfaall nerer again be likely to offor such induce menta as tliose here presentí [ Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! [ -r" Ki-niittiiiiccv m.i-1, in ril! -. , [■■ :n i Ie direct m thi Publiihen, for :it theso prioea no commission can boallowedto agü:it.-;, IJEON'ARD prOTT k CO. No.M Gold streel tfen York Ann Arbor Marble Works. 0 3Sit;ol3LOlcaLoit f_ï ASon bau'l i luie aMOrtment ui' Americau and 1TA L 1 A N MA li B L Í. whicb he is prepared to nidnufactuie into iniillthoir V&rieties, andloa WOKKMAXMKK manner Ha ving li..'1. ci'usi.lo rabie expexienoe In the bttfljDêsj he GLattere Ufmseli that lm will be abiete plg i all srho may favor me with thelr orders. Hia pricei "l o w as the lowest. tliose wishin unv thiag in roy ltne nre rppectfulj invitedto calj D. C. BATCIIKI.1IEU. Ann Arhor. M.iv 20.1861. 8ültl Dissohition of Copartuership. Kotioe ia horeby giren tliivt thecopartnersliip of the undersigned under ihe name ot Bcnkes & Abol. is dissolvcd. All persons indebtid to snid oopavtnersliip, will ph'use cali nt once and n.ljust the Biiine liy cash or note, HIPAM .T. BEAKES. SYI-VKSTER ABEL. Dntod, Mnrcli 15tli ]PC2. (Wv44. AYER'S Sarsaparilla FOR PUKIFYING THE BLCOD. j Auii for the üpttídy cura üí Uw folknring cumpMiifsi Sci'ofitlu nd ScrofulouK AfiV I Ioiik.h ik-Ijl tiH TtiiiiuiH, lic tin, Morón, Kr uut mis, Pimples, Pnstnlos, Ulotctte, Uoils, Blalntj ñutí uil .Skin IH O a k [.and, lud.. titli June, 1859. J. 0. Aira Je Cn. Gents: I fee) t iny duty to acknowletlge wbal yonr fc?itrsa$iarHlft. bas iloi.e for me. ïli.ilU Ililu'i itt-l :i ítcrofllluilH ] havo Bllflei-fd lYutii jt hi Tarlous ways for ywu-s. SchiwUhum it Lmrat out in Ulcera ni Miy llanda imiïI artiw; s lUuies it turned luward aud dfotressvtl me ut the stonmeh. ïwo yèail ugo it Lmke ont ou my head and navftred mv scitlp umi tra wlth cue Bore, whicli was poliifiil and luathaoine ueyond dvtcrlption. 1 triwl m;iny medicines anti sevttnü BliysloJaus, but witlioul much relief frma any thbig. Ju fact, tho dkonter grew. worao. At kngtJi i was rqjofccd to ïcinl in Uofcpel yoii liatl preparad H ;S.ií-;lj.;uíiI;i.i. for 1 km !i.-iii y.i.r ï .u;:itiuil tlirtt fttljr ihilijí yoU Iliadt: UlUSt goud. 1 Beut tn CitwJmiHtlaiKigut it.uitd whhI it uil it cured me. I took ! it, as yon ï'hixi, in Muall iIurwoI a teagpooufal over moDth, hiiiI iimkI nluiost Uirev botïles. New and uealtuj Bkio Boui i-;tii to (brni uuder the scab, wlilcli aflora j while frll off. .My skin is nuvv eli-ur, and I kimw by my íi-L-linjiS the linfasó luis ynriu 1'nnn iny Kvstfin. Yo cttn well bctleve tlmt I Ceel wïiat 1 nni rajlug when 1 tol) you, thut I boM yon i„ ,(, „i-,,! .puitlêa uflhe age, uud reuitiu ever gnttefuüy, Yttilrs, A1.1ÜKÍ) It. TALMïY St. Anthony1 Flre. liosc or EËrylpelft4 Tutter mul Sh It itliv um, 8nld liui, Ilingwui-m, Sorc Kj es, Vroay, Dr. Robèrl M. PreWö wrliow Nm Balein. N. Y.,12th Sopt., 1859, Ifaftl In lias cured hu luvqteraia case uf Ih'opsy, wliicii tbreateileil U) teiuitimtti Fnlfül, ty the ]H!iivt;rit]fí uso ofour Saisaparillii, nud u.-w u tlanerutii Maliftnant JSrytípda by larga doses of tlifl same; fj'8 ho cures tbo cuinmun Hrnptiant.Uy it oonitAfttly. Broncliocele, dioltie or Swelled XecU. Zubnlon Slum; f l'ii.snii. Txas, vritofl : "Tliree bottles of your Snisapni !!l cured me ti om n f. i re- a liideoiis 8vlliiig on (lic Deck, I bad Milk-ud from over two yeare." Xicncorritrwn orAVIiüis. Ovcrinn Tumor, Utvi'ine Ulccratioii, ïiaale Ilsrr.- s. Dr. J. B. S. Qhiranius, of Nw V.i k City, vrltH ï " I moet cheerfuljy comply witli the requettt of your agentia Biiying I Jmvo foiüul your 8iríinuil!a a mort oxcellnt altri ; civo i u tlit niimcroiis comiHiiliitg Ibr wlüch W6 eniploy sticb a remtKly. lnt espwlnlly in ''-.muU Distases of tho ScïofnlouB tli.-tih-is, )inr cured many iiiTctprHte casfs of Lencorrlioen Uy It, mul wuiv vrhere com].]:iint vm csiiscd ly tti'xrutin of the ttierug. niceratinn liaelf waasoon ciirod. Notlihig tvlllita luy RdoitIedio eqnalfl It for these fbmnie itemngejliento." Driward S. Mmrow, of Ndwbnry, Aln., vriteftj " A dungerous ovarían tumor on ono of tin femalefi hi my fainlly, v-Jiich had defled all tbe remedies we coitld i-injili-v, bal at Isiifetll bveii roinplutoly cured by your Kxti-nct of Sarsapurilla. Our plivsiclan thouglit notlilng bnl extlrpaflon coulil ufluid relief, lut be advlsedl llie Irlal i-f your SaraaparjlU as the lnt resuit before ouitlng, nud it provod i'ITticiuaU Aittü1 taklugyour teniedy t-lglit uctks Uü ety nip toni of tlic dÍ86fUM i'nain.." Si iíhíiis muí Mercurial Olsense New 0m.fNs. 25tb Angtutt, 1880. T)n. J. 0. Ayer: Sir, I cwn Inlly ciminly 'wiib tho requesl of yowr agent, and rport to yon souio oí ihe cflecta I hftTfl realhed wíth yoar Snrwfipni'fllft. I have ciirod witb it. in my practicO) most of tho cotnpliiinls wtilcli it ís recomniotidel, ftiid Imve (btihri its edéctt truly wonderful In dio cure of Vhtefital anti Jftrcurial Diñase. Ouo of my patlenU bnd Syjilillitlc tiloers in hiri Uiroat, wli kli weit; consuiniiig hln (Mltrte mul the top of his ntouth. Your Sannparflla, steadlly taken, cur-d hiui in live weelts. AnotlHir whs nttacked by bccoiiJary symptuius in hiri uoe, nud tli ulcenitJufl hud ■ eato away ooiwldenble -:ir ut it. mi rltnt I t4llTe the i wuulJ booü raacli ufa bnttu mid kill him. Uut it yleltfetl to my adrainistiaiiuu of yunr Banaiarl1la; tíie aleen liealad, and he is well agalo, not vf eonrae llhuot sonie tiisiuuniii'id to Ui.-, focu. A wuuutu wbo hud heen treottfd for the same diaórdor bv nieii-ury wan Biiflbring from this potttoii tu hor bouw. ï'liej liad i Bitive to tho wfttlier thtit on a danip öny slw suOerad exoruciatinjí polo in ht:r jcinN aud boues. Hn tio, was cured entfrely hy your ?arsoarjlln in a few m kuowfrom lts formóla, wbicli your uguiil ■..;■■ mo, Üiat this lipitiatiim from your laboralory luudt boa greal remedy: ooDBequeotljp, Uieee tnily remarkuble resulta witb it have not Borprlaéd ulo. Fraternally yourg, G. Y. LAltIMER, r. D. lUieumiUism, Gout, Liver Complnlikt. iNDXPBIf DENOS, PrectüU ('., :.. fttll .(nly. 1MÖ9. Dr. J.C. Avfr: Slr,J bava been alUicted iriihapftlnful dl muf c Riteumaiirm for n long lime, wlilcli boflled tlit ükill of physlcintift, aud sfnek to Die In Bplte ofaïl .:- remedien Itould Hod, nntil J trled your SaruaparlIIa. One bottle cared me in two weeks, and reatored my general bealtfa Bo mncb that J mjur bettor tliau bofore] was attacked. I tbluk it a uomlcilïil imiü.-ine. J. UK A.M. Jules Y. CJetclioN, of St. Louis, writee: "1 Jtave lwen affllcted for yt-ar-1 wlth an ajfectionqf the Ziro-, whirh dfBtroyed my heultli. I tricd fvrv thiüg, and evpry tbing fulled to relieve me ; and J have bteu a brokenlown man fur some years fioiu no other cause thari dcrangtment tf the Liirr. My beloven pastor, the Rev. Mr. lispv, advised me to try yonr Saréaitarlllfl, bécause lic -iUl ].■■ Krv yi.u, and ftiiy tninj; yon made was worÉli trylng. Hy tlie bfessing of ünd it luis cured me, and lias ko pnrified my blood as to make n new man of me. i i'-ei young agaln. Tho bost that can he tald of y OU ia nol. b,u]rgood enough." Sfhlrrufi.raiicer Tumors, Kulm niient, Vlceratfou, Cftries a nu Kxfoliution of tUe llouctt. A gicnt varii'ty Of rnos have lipen ropartoJ to us wliero i tliese formidable coiDplufutit Imve i-esnlted from the use of Uilfl !■■: ■i-.-.! , l ui OiU1 spAC hen III oot adinit them. Suuit? of thent muy be funiut in our AiDeticnn Aimaniif. hich tlio ;lx'"'s bolow uamëd aropleascd to furnisb gratis to all wlio cali tot Utcnt. Dyspepsin, Ilenrl tïïscnio. Fits, Epilep hy, .ih-lum itol , Neuralgia. Many Penuirkflble cuns of (hese aRècUpiis havo heen iHiade y Um iUcmtlvO Kwer of tbl8 incilioine. It stimu1 tes tlio vital rntitilions luto vlgprutic actiën, and tlms oyerroniea di.mK-iíi whti-li vroulu bv mppoten beyond its rcRrh. Suoh it reuedy han long li-u ifi;niiiil by tlic no cessttiea oribe eoplc, and we re cbufideul that this will do for thf-m uil that iliedteine Cttn do. Ayer's Ohmy Pectoralj FOM TH1-: JtAPlU CQÍUS OP Couglifi, ( olds, lu laencai Ilonrsencss, Croiip, ïïioii IiS1 !s, ïriiipient ('o)is u ui , ion. aud l'or the !it 1 itf ojf ;'.Ninntive P1 Ic-iits ín iKhaiiifd Stiics ui the UUase. Tlii-i is n remody bo uuivcnally known to Ktirpass ny othcr for cnre ( Lhroat and iuug cosipialnta, that it fs selesa h ie to pnblteli tlie evldenre of li vhdicB. lts unriTalled excellence ibr coughs and colds, nud lts tinly wondërfti) chics of nnlmonary djsease, have ntade it known ttirnuhout the civilist tl nntions of the eartb. ', Fey iio tlit! commnuitieSj or even families, anton th ni wlíb have uo1 somq personal experiftiice of Itaenecto- ti'. mi Mviug tropïiy in tbelr tnidftt (t its victory over the Bul Llfl and dangcrous disorder? of tin.' ihmat anti luniis. As all know the dreadfnl ftitallty cï thew disorders, and in they lenow, too, the eflecto of thEn reiuedy, we need not do more ttia'n to ossnre tliem that it bas m w all the virtues that it 'iid have when maklnj; the cures ivlm-h have won bo Btrougly upon the confideóoe of mankind. Prepared by Br. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Aud foi fuüe i y ïïiaynard, Stèbl)ïris & Wiison; FAKKANI), 8HELEY .v CO., I ptruil 809yl J IÍ. Bi UÜll.I.. 'fravüllinp A-nt. lUSDON 8t HENDEESOFS ?ías THE GENUINE ife STEWL RT?S JS "3? O "V E . ft'e wisti to cali the iltenlionof tlie public to this celebrated COOKBSMC STOYE! Whiili is :lio only prfi'ct stove mnrle. It, will Jo more ' osiiu M wil h nee Iliird l.-a fuul than ny otlier STOVE inadu. From ttötiniony givon by the persona refeiTod to below, on accountof its .iuiability aud Fucl Savüig Quaiivies, it lias proved a aaving frjra Twelve To Twenty Dollars per ycar. We would rcler you to the following list of PERSONS WHO HA VE THEM IN USE: Prof. Tnppan Ann Arbor. Jolm F. Miller, Ann Arbor Prof. W '.. " J. Gilborl t-'mith " Prof. Wtnchell, " J. T. Aulla, " Prof. Douk ai] '( JoscpM Watts, " AlpbeiiB Fclrh, " T. Ikinson, " Wm. R. Martin, " Mr. s. l'enton, Rlch'd Hooper, O. Havkins, " Hon.8. F. Oranger,'1 C. A.Chnpin, " I. W. Miiviianl, " diarios ïhaycr, " F. L. StebWn. " Kardn Qlark, ' ü. B.WlUon, " S. Bi, AA.Toivn. Kn O.'Weicn'i " Thomas Wood, Plttafleia. Mr. E.T.WUllaKli," ton-Drury, " v. f lit]iin, " Jacob PoBiemos, Scio. 0. II. v I, " N. C. Goodale, " Joseph W. Wood, " ; Ur.Fallora, bliaron. We hnvo on hand a largo nssortment of the best kinds of Oooking, Parlor and PLATE S T O V E S , ftnd a general assortment of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, an.l Bént stuff for Carringc work. Particular attentioQ ]aid to fitting up Eavetrough nnd Conductora, and all kinds of Job work dono at the Shortest Notice. RISDON & HENDERSOK. Ann Arbor, 1861. THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PEOBIA, ILLINOIS. Capita], ... 8500,000 one of tl. HF.VVIE8T, R.FRST aa'l TilST Insurance Co's. in tiie CJ.8. Inaon on peaaoQable ternu, and al rays pay pronptiy. TIhtc is no uetter Fire Insurnnc CJompauy; Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


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