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-Yo stutcd in our laat issue that the name ot llo:i. H. B. títtAtíQBB, of tilia district, was not rcoordcd as votiug either for or against ilic rcsolution censuring ex-Sürctary Cameroa for the contract frauda of Ma departmont. The telograph list was iucorrect, and i:i the Coiizressional Globe we fim.1 Gbamoer's name among tho yóas. liight glad are we that Michigan has one uiember who does not endorsa the Caincron raída upon the treasury. JJJ3L Late reporta say that tho Confederate Capital is in procese of removal to Montgomery, Alabama, tho plaoe ot ils birth, and that tho Confedérate Government will follow as eoon as McClui.lan fj;ets in sight of Kiuhiuond. - As Oom. Fakagut's fluet is announced ofi Mobile - and Mobile probably noto a captured c.itj' - we niay expect that the Confedurnte Ohiefe will early ''skedaddle" from Montgomery. 1" We had a glorious raiu on ïucsday, giving new vigor to all growing graiiis,grassc8, and vegetation, and fitliii corn ground for planting. The good done by it can hardly be oalculated. - Fruit trees have exhibited a wealth of blossom during the last weck scarce ever wttnessed, and an abundant erop of every varicty is now promised.


Old News
Michigan Argus