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New -Advertisements. TliE H SATsTDS GRAND MULTISEMAL Combinaticn Circus - AND- Hcmohippodeal Amphitheatre. Tl- most perfoetl; organizo] aml nnsi attraci hiMtton over e.stablisheil on tliiü continent, will ■ AT .A-TXIST .AIRBOIR,., On riiday, tl 231 oí" May, [ERWOOr, EquratrinnVan BB.J, Ijr.VJ'.XCl Mtlitrt du Circus. tuk (i:.i:at show of isü-2. A iiong thi ivhi :h cliaraeterize tiiií e ' ■ pcrfjrmaD i il explotts bare --! ■ ■ PEÍ IX . Ctown, bUUIÍLUAMOCARÍjO In h!fl XERRIFIC IMí'AlEMKNT SCEXE. ■!y MiriHirg and h-. :■: itirrintr fesfs - AGO i i.l.lX in Ibeír Kret Pj ram ■! ca 1 perfoi n i dc ís, ]lr. Charles Shorwood, if f=c ai d ;:í.-io oaic Kqulrmii, aud r' .VA!)' JÍJ-: VIRGINIA SHJSR7P00D, ■ "■ '' ■ papular, btautiful and darijy Equestrieui so ■■; Ariel," aud n lii _ ucrívallccl "SccDes du S uf'p(V SA5! i. itHomorMol tl 'lio Ií::c,i:i biiá cbuice Mehtngö of n '■'lili :■- jjBjLiSiV, ."■: l'HKKar.rtWmTNEy, ■■U '■ ■ ' rm'TS. '"'ilvJ W.ll. BElUíKAU. the Gtsat Amorf. ü J I 51 OMIQCE, anO a host r=--cS' A íftud of Magnificent o & tt S Ilorses, Ñ 1 Q V!rr-i,. f..r form, color, and traiirn? jft tí) W -tin. . Alio A Horas of Tn'ck Ponte!, W '-:- v;ii-i. - ■■ . tona mirai1 V. ! ■■ ■ : : ::: ; :r! :.- ;;iu the delight u. V 'yoiJ aoflyunii. rírtr'So ■■ llf T'imblorf. Vaol■bOWCN U'i-s. Acróbata, Aílil.-tc.s, W T y J ".i ■■ ■!■!!■ ir ;- „vu., &e.,wül S'1 fttcftC performance. 7 A Grand Procession ! rj? A'l.icb, for Spectacular Diftplay, oí' ■BOA ü! !.-.- thfi imiuiínso ewtabyyjyS' % I sbmcat oa entering thetown,tedb '---.: 7V II'(r Chariot of Achules t V " i i y ;i t?:uii i !' Ar i: ";i:i UoWi THE CAVALCADEOF OBERIN, tbe arbole troapoof T:-ick Ponírá will '.[■peor, ■MH'ly's Celebrated Cornet Band . : ;ill the popular airs of the lay. uH; i'it ö cente. ChiWrta ,n .. : ij yea rs, 25 cenitito boxes. r, M. NEW GOODS. BACH & PSERSON Unve just opened tbeir SECONDSPKING STOCK and offer a CHOIOE SELEGTION Of Seásonable Goods, ineluding all The Newest Styles of LADIES'DRESSGOODS, Cloths, Domestics, Staples, ca-K,oajE3=?,iES, feo., We Bought for Cash and Til sell FOR CASH OR READ Y PA T, at very OALL A.]D SEE! BACH L PlERiOX. Ann Arbor, May 15, If62. ISToxico, ALL PERSONS indcWcd lo the Hte ürm of C. S. Goodrich fc Son tire rcqncsted tu culi and pay tile same to jolin P. MillW' Recriver-, ;:i i he bankingoffioe of id i 1 lor, Dnv8 & WcUsut, by t!ie ló 'áay of June oexfc aft er whicb time the books and oecounti w'" plaoed iu thu bands of au offieer for collociioa. JOIIX F. MTLLER, Beceiver. Ann ArbOr, May 15, lclü. 852w3 Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


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