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- The Official report of the killed and wounded of the Federal fleet in passing the forts below New Orleans, makes the total killed 30, total wounded 119. A few vessels had not yet report M. C. R. R Passenger trains now leave Detroit and the several Stations in this County as follows. Trains do not stop at stations where figures are omitted in the table. GOING WEST. Mail Ex. Jack. Ac. Night Ex, Detroit, 8.0A. M. 5.00 P. M. 800 P. M Ypsilanti, 9.20 " 6.80 9.10 Ann Arbor, 9.40 6.65 € 9.:0 6 Dexter, 105 7.30 9 55 16 Chelsea, 10.23 7.55 € 10.10 " Ar. Chicago, 8.15 P. M. 8.15 A M. GOING EAST. Night Ex. Jack. Ac. Mail Ex. Shelsea, 5. 5 A M. 4.25 PM Dexter, Ann Arbor, 5,35 A, M 6.85 < 5.05 € Ypsilanti, 5.55 €67 .00 6 5 .25 " Ar. at Detroit, 7.00 36 8.35 166 .40 SPECIAL. NOTICES: PRIZE POETRY. Let Chieftains boast of deeds in war, And Minstrels tune their sweet guitar, A nobler theme my heart is filled In praise of HERRICK's matchless pills. Their cures are found in every land Amid Russia's snows--and Afric's sands; The wondrous works--the papers fill, Produced by HERRICK's matchless Pills, Does disease afflict you? never doubt This charming compound will search it out, And health again your system fill, If you fly at ouce to HERRICK'S Pills. They're safe for all-both old and young--- Their praises are on every tongue; Disease, disarmed--no longer kills, Since we are blessed with HERRICK S Pills. 1 Put up with English, Spanish, German and French directions. Price 25 cents per box. Sugar Coated. See advertisement on third page. 19" See a woman, in another column, picking Sambuci Grapes for SPEER'S Wine. It is an admirable article, used in hospitals and by first-class families in Paris, London, and New York, in preference to old port wine. It is worth a trial, as it gives great satisfaction. Whooping Cough may be great relieved and entirely cured by the free use of HOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL. See the advertisement in another column. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. The Rev. WILLIAM COSGROVE, while laboring as a Missionary in Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other means had failed. by a recipe obtained from a learned plıysielun residing in the great City of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great nerabers who were suffering from Consumption, Brozelitis, Sore Threat. Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nerveus depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefiting others, I will send this recipe. which I have brought home with me, to all who need it free of charge. Address REV. WM. COSGROVE, 823y1 439 Fulton avenue, Brooklyn N. Y. A slight Cold, Le Cough, Hoarseness BRONCHIAL or Save Throat, Do which might be checked Co with a simple remedy, if neglected, often terminates seriously. Few are aware of the importance of stopping a bouqh or Slight bald in its first stage; that which in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if not attended to, soon attacks the lungs. Brauin's Bronchial Troches were first introduced eleven years ago. It has been proved that they are the best article before the public for Coughs, falds, Bronchitis, Asthma, catarrh, the Hacking Cough in Consumption, and numerous affections of the Throat, giving immediate relief. Public Speakers & Singers will find them effectual for clearing and strengthening the voice. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, at 25 cents per box. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS) THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF WOMAN Is continually in peril if she is mad enough to neglect or maltreat those sexual irregularities to which two thirds of her sex are more or less subject. DR. CHEESEMAN'S PILIS, prepare! from the same formula which the inventor, CORNELIUS L. CHEESEMIN M. 1., of New York, has for twenty years used successfully in an extended private practice--immediately relieve without pain, all disturbances of the periodical discharge, whether arising from relaxation or suppression. They act like a charm in removing the pains that accompany difficult or immoderate menstruation, and are the only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes, Sick Headache, Pains in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart Nervous Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep and other unpleasant and dangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they effect a speedy cure, To WIVES and MATRONS. DR. CHEESEMAN'S PILLS are offered as the only safe means of ren wing interrupted menstruation, but. LADIES MUST BEAR IN MIND There is one condition of the female system in aphiel the Pills cannot be taken without producing a PECULIAR RESULT. The condition referred to is PREGNANCY the result, MISCARRIAGE. Such is the irresistible tendency of the medicine to restore the sexual functions to a normal condition, that even the reproductive power of nature cannot resist it. Explicit directions stating when, and when they should not be used, with each Box,--the Price One Dollar each Box, containing 50 Pills. A valuable Pamphlet, to be had free of the Agents. Pills sent by mail promptly, by enclosing price to any Agent. Sold by Druggisis general y. R. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor. 20 Cedar-St., Nero York. For Sale by MAYNARD STEBBINS & WILSON, and GREYVILLE & FULLER. Important to Ladies, Dr. JOHN HARVEY, having for upwards of twerty years devoted his professional time exclusively to the treatment of Female Difficulties, and having succeeded in thousands of cases in restoring the afflicted to sound health, has now entire confidence in offering publicly his "GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY," DR. HARVEY'S CHRONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. Which have never yet failed (when the directions have been strictly followed,) in removing difficulties arising from Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, or in restoring the system to perfect health, when suffering from SPINAL AFFECTIONS, PROLAPSUS UTERI, THE WHITES, or other weakness of the UTERINE ORGANS. Also in all cases of DEBILITY OR NERVOUS PROSTRATIOy, HysTERICS, PALPITATIONS, &c., &c., which are the forerunners of more serious disease. 19 These Pills are perfectly harmless on the constitution, and may be taken by the most delicate female without causing distress; at the same time they ACT LIKE A CHARMly strengthening, invigorating, and restoring the system to a healthy condition, and by bringing on the monthly period with regularity, no matter from what cause the obstructions may arise. They should, however, not be taken during the first three or four months of pregnancy, though safe at any other time, as miscarriage would be the result. Each box contains co Pills. Price One Dollar, and when desired will be sent by mail prepaid by any adver. tised Agent, on receipt of the money. Sold by Druggistsin Ann Arbor J. BRYAN, Rochester, N. Y., General Agent. H. & L. SIMONEAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agent fo Michigan. 806tf New Medical Discovery. Tor the speedy and permanent cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Gravel, Stricture, and Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, which has been used by upwards of ONE HUNDRED PHYSICIANS, in their private practice, with entire success, superseding CUBEBS, COPAIBA, CAPSULES, or any compound hither to known. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, are speedy in action, often effecting a cure in a few days, and when a cure is effected it is permanent. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harroless on the system, and never nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breath ; and being sugar-coated, all nauseous taste is a voided. Yo change of diet is necessary whilst using them ; nor does their action interfere with business pursuits. Each box contains six dozen Pills. PRICE ONE DOLLAR, and will be sent by mail post-paid by any advertised Agent, on receipt of the money. Sold by Druggists ia Ann Arbor. None genuine without my signature on the wrapper J. BRYAN, Rochester, N. Y., General Agent. II. & L. SIMONEAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agents for Michigan, 806tf Ayer's Ague Cure. THE REBELLION ON HIGH PRICES FOR CLOTHING, HAS COMMENCED AT THE OLD & RELIABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM! - No. 3 PHOENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. IAM now opening a large and varied assortment of IS ring and Sammer Goods, and in view of the rebell. ion on high prices generally, will offer them to my friends and custom rs at the very lowest figures for Cash. Those in want of a superior article of Cloths, Cassimeres, or Ready-Made Clothing, -will call on WM. WACNER, who has just returned from the East, with a large assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS which have been purchased at the late LOW PRICES! and can offer them at a lower figure than ever before. Among my Assortment inay be found BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS VESTINGS of all descriptions, together with a superior assortment of Ready-Madé Clothing, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing GOODS, with numerous other articles usually found in similar establishments. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, the subscrive ccess, will enabet Wim in the way the subscriber flatters himself, that his long experience and general success, will enable him to give the greatest satisfaction to all who may trust him in the way of O Manufacturing Garments to order. WM. WAGNER. 8480f Ann Arbor, April 9th 1862. NEW GOODS For the Spring, 1862. MACK & SCHMID Would respectfully announce to the Citizens of Washtenaw and adjoining Counties that we are now receiving Direct from the Eastern Markets, A full and complete supply of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, &c. Purchased by one of our firm for cash, and notwithstanding the hard times we shall continue to Add Weekly Additions To our stock in order To Accommodate our Customers ! with everything they may need to ask for. And we will farther pledge ourselves to sell as cheap AS TIMES WILL PERMIT and which is always as As Low as the Lowest. At the same time we hope our friends and customers will, bear in mind that the times com pel us to sell our goods For Cash or Ready Pay. Ann Arbor, March 28, 1801. 845tf FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES ! The undersigned will open on the 25th inst., at ROGERS: AGRICULTURAL HALL, e a general assortment of Standard and Dwarf Fruit Trees, Evergreens and other Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, &c. Also the choicest varieties of GRAPES, RASPBERRIES, &c. These trees have been selected by fronı one of tlic best EASTERN NURSERIES! d and will be found in prime condition. Call early and make your selections, Those wishing Apple Trees grown in this state can be s. supplied from the North Lake Nursery. T, DU BOIS. Ann Arbor, April 21, 1862, 849tf. The Latest News, JUST OPENED AT GRENVILLE & TULLER'S Trug - Store, a fresh supply of Do WMB HURD'S DEN. TAL REMEDIES, Agents and dealers supplied at New York prices. Read Dr. Hurd's advertisement in another column. For sale at all the Drug Stores in AnnAr. bor. [850w3] G.J. PEASE, Agent. 08 .000 THRESHING MACHINES. PATENTED AND MANUFACTURED BY Nichols & Sheppard, Battle Creek, Mich. Improved for the Season of 1862 In this Separator the grain is separated from the straw by means of lifting fingers, that toss the straw up and down with a sudden motion from the time it leave the cylinder until it passes to the stacker, and the grain falls through a bottom made of slats, clear from the straw. The parts containing these fingers and the tight grain bottom are made to vibrate or swing backward and forward, which works the straw to the stacker and the grain to the sieves. The superiority of this machine over all others consists in its Perfect serationtion of Grain from Straw, Great simplicity, having no pickers or beaters to clog up, and less machinery than any other machine now made. Great capacity, as it will not waste when crowded. Perfect cleaner, having larger seives than any other. Easy drait, better constructed, simple and durable. Pennsylvania Iron Horse Power, Warranted to be the best Horse Power in use. Made with wood oj iron frame as preferred Farmers and Threshers of Michigan ! We offer you the BEST MACHINE IN USE. Better than Pi ts', Hall's Fowlerville, or any machine built on their principles. If you intend buying a machine of any kind get a pamphlet of us or our Agent, and satisfy yourself. Pamphlet sent free, Call and see, or address NICHOLS & SHEPPARD, Battle Creek, Michigan, Cr M. ROGERS, or MYRON RASH, Agents, Ann Arbor; or I. V. WAKEMAN, agent, Dexter. 850m3 THE PEORIA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, PT OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS. Capital,- - $500,000 one of the HEAVIEST, SAFEST and BEST Insurance Co's, in the U.S. Insures on reasonable terms, and always pay promptly. There is no better Fire Insurance Company. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. OLD FRIENDS IN THE RIGHT PLACE. Horrick's Sugar Coated Pills. THE BEST FAMILY Cathartic in the world, used twenty years ty five millions of persons annually ; always give satisfaction; containing nothing injurious; patronized by the principal plıysicians and surgeons in the Union; elegantly coated with sugar Large Boxes 25 cents; five boxes for 1 dollar. Full directions with each TALLAHASSEE, LEON COUNTY, Florida, July 17, 1869. To Dr. HEPRICK, Albany, N. Y.-My Dear Doctor :I write this to inform you of the wonderful effect of your Sugar Coated Pills on my elder daughter. For three years she has been afflicted with a bilious derangement of the system, sadly impairing her health, which has been steadily failing during that period. When in New York in April last, a friend advised me to test your pill. Having the fullest confidence in the judgment of my friend, I obtained a supply of Messrs, Barnes & Park, Druggists, Park Row, New York. On returning home. we aceased all other treatment, and administered your Pills, one each eight. The improvement in her feelings, complexion, digestion, etc., surprised us al. A rapid and" permanent restoration to health has been the result, We used less than five boxes, and consider her entirely well. I consider the above a just tribute to you as a Physician, and trust that it will be the means of inducing many to adopt your Pills as their family medicines. I remain, dear sir, with many thanks, Your obedient servant, S. G. MORRISON. Herrick's Kid Strengthening Plasters cure in five hours, pains and weakness of the breast, side and back, and Rheumatic Complaints an equally short period of time. Spread on beautiful white lambskin, their use subjects the wearer to no inconvenience, and each one will wear from one week to three months. Price 183/ cenis. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pills and Kid Plasters are sola py Druggists and Merchants in all parts of the United States, Canada and South America, and may be obtained by calling for them by their full name. ly805 DR, L. B. HERRICK, & Co. Albany, N. Y. J. D. BALDWIN OFFERS FOR SALE AT THE WASHTENAW NURSERIES, The following list of first-class Fruit and Ornamental Trees for spring planting : Apples, a full assort-Mountain Ash, Ameri. ment, standard and can dwarf, including a Horse Chestnut good supply of Strawberry Tree Steele's Red Winter Black Salix Willow King of Tompkin's Co. Weeping Ash Wagner New American Neep. Peck's Pleasant i ng Willow Pears, a general assort- Kilmarnack Weeping ment, including the Willow Bartlett Weeping Elm Seckel and Choice Evergreens Virgalieu Norway Spruce Pears, dw'f, best kinds Am, Double Spruce Cherries, standard and Scotch Pine dwarf Corsican Pine Peaches, a general as Red Cedar sortment Balsam Fır Plums, Aprico's Anricos American Arboritae Nectarines, Figs Siberian Arboritae | Siberian Crab Apples Round Top Box Downing's ever-bear Roses, consisting of ing Mulberry P erpetuals Hop Tree Moss Grapes, best kinds Bengal Currants, . .. Ausi Raspberries, Brinkles Bourbon and Orange and others Climbing Strawberries Flowering Shrubs, a Lawton Blackberries | general assortment Mountain Ash, Euro Paeonies 31 pean D. hlias, All of which will be offered at my nursery at LOW FIGURES, to suit the war times. All persons designing to plant trees or shrubs are invited to call and examine this stock JD. BALDWIN. March, 1862. 41844 TAX ON TOBACCO. In anticipation of a tax of SEVEN OR EIGHT CTS. PR. LB. being levied on all MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, I will sell for a few days for Less than WINTER PRICES! I have on hand a large stock of the best grade of FINE CUT CHEWING And Smoking Tobacco and being desirous of Commencing a new WITH THE NEW PRICES! and as all tobacco Found in the hands on the Sellers will be taxed and Added to the selling Price ! I propose to Give all a chance To Supply Themselves --at the | Lowest possible Cash price, I have received some of the VERY BEST VIRGINIA PLUG - in market, also * LIGHT CUT PLUG, KILLIKINICK, and Spanish Smoking Tobacco 200 BARRELS SMOKING I To be sold in Barrels ! | And put up in pounds and half pound papers by the dozen, 250 Barrels Chewing, P, S.-Any Farmers wishing Tobacco Seed me can have some by calling at my store. This seed came from the Paog tent Office. od I have received the English Birds-Eye Smoking! r. A new article in this market. South side Huron st., near Cook's 's Hotel, Sign of Red Indian. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, March 20, '62. 844w6 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. OMNIBUS FARE, THE UNDERSIGNED, Hotel Proprietors in this city of Ann Arbor, respectfully announce to the public, that on and after the first day of January, 1862, TEN CENTS FARE. will be charged to each and every person carried to and from the cars, to the respective Hotels, by the Omnibus Line. S. COOK, Cook's Hotel, H. BARSTOW, Franklin House. Ann Arbor, Der. 24th, 1861, 832tf The Bugle Calls! The War has Begun! A War of Extermination against Bad Teeth, Bad Breath, Diseased Gums, Toothache, Earache, and Neuralgia. OUR ARTILLERY IS DR. WM. B. HURD'S DENTAL TREASURY ! A COMPLETE SET OF REMEDIES FOR PRESERVING THE TEETH, PURIFYING THE BREATII & MOUTII AND Curing Toothache & Neuralgia. CONTENTS : Dr. Hurd's Celebrated MOUTHWASH, one bottle. Dr, Hurd's Unequaled TOOTH POWDER, one box. Dr. Hurd's Magic TOOTHACHE DROPS, one bottle. Dr. Hurd's UNRIVALLED NEURALGIA PLASTER. Dr. Hurd's MANUAL on the Best Means oj Preserving the Teeth, including Directions for the Proper Treatment of Children's Teeth. FLOSS SILK for cleaning between the Teeth TOOTH PICKS, etc., etc. Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Office, 77 Fourth St, Brooklyn, (E. D.). Price One Dollar or Six for $5 T The Dental Treasury makes a package eight inches by five, and sent by express. Dr Full direction for use is on each article. The following articles we can send separately, by mail, viz ; The Treatise cn Preserving Teeth sent, post paid, on receipt of TWELVE CENTS, or four stamps. The Neuralgia Plaster, for Neuralgia in the face, Nervous Headache, and Earache, sent, post paid, on receipt of EIGHTEEN CENTS, or six stamps. Sambucus Tree of Portugal, the Great Remedy for Rheu. The Neauralgia and Rheumatic Plaster, (large size), for pains in the Chest, Shoulders, Back, or any part of the body, sent, postpiid on receipt of THIRTY SEVEN CENTS. Address WM. B. HURD & CO., Tribune Buildings, New York. Dr. Ilurl's MOUTH WASH, TOOTH POWDER, and TOOTHACHE DROPS cannot be sent by mail, but they can probably le obtained at your Drug or Periodical Stores. If they cannot, send for the DENTAL TREASURY, Price ONE DOLLAR, which contains them. NOW, Are Dr. Hurd's Preparations Good ? The best evidence that they are is, that their firmest friends and best patrons are those who have used them longest. I'r. WILLLIm B, Hund is an eminent dentist of Brooklyn, Treasurer of the New York State Dentists? Association, and these preparations have been used in his private practice for years, and no leading citizen of Brooklyn or Williamsburgh questions their excellence, while eminent Dentista of Veir York recommend them as the best known to the profession Without the aid of advertising, dealers have sold them by the grosse The Editor of the Brooklyn Daily Times says : -" We ! are happy to know that our friend, Dr. Hird, is succeeding beyond all expectations with his MOUTH WASH and TOOTH POWDER. The great secret of his success rests with the fact THAT HIS ARTICLES ARE PRECISELY WHAT THEY ARE REPRESENTED TO BE, AS WE CAN TESTIFY FROM THEIR LONG USE." The well known P.T. Barnum writes :- I found your TOOTH POWDER so good that my family have used it all up. WE FIND IT THE BEST POWDER FOR THE TEETH THAT WE EVER USED. I shall feel obliged if you will send me another supply at the Museum at your convenience, with till." But their cost is so small that every one may test the matter for hinsell Beware of the ordinary Tooth Powders. Dr. HURD'S TOOTH POWDER contains no ac d, nor alkalı, nor I charcoal, and polishes without wearing the enamel. Use no other. What will Dr. Hurd's Rem edies Effect ? Dr. Hurd's MOUTH WASH AND TOOTH POWDER will give young ladies that fipest charm in woman-a sweet breath and pearly teeth. Try them, ladies. Dr. Hurd's MOUTH WASH AND TOOTH POWDER will cleanse the mouth from all foul exhalations, and if used in the morning. will make the breakfast taste sweeter and the day be in more pleasantly. Hundreds of persons can testify to this. Try them, gentlemen. Dr. Ilurd's MOUTH WASH AND TOOTH POWDER are the best preparation in the world for curing BAD BREATH and giving firmness and health to the gums. Hundreds of cases of diseased BLEEDING GUM, SORE MOUTH, CANKER, etc., have been cured by Dr Hard's astringent wash. Dr. HURD'S MOUTH WASH AND TOOTH POWDER give an additional charm to courtship, and make husbands more agreeable to their wives and wives to their hus i binds. They should be used by every person having Artificial Teeth which are liab'et impart a taiat to the mouth. Dr. Hurd's TOOTHACHE DRops cure Toothache arising from exposed nerves, and are the best friends that parents can have in the liouse to save their children from torture and themselves from loss of sleep and sympathetic suffering. FARMERS and MECHANICS ! you cannot well afford to neglect your teeth. For a trifling sum, you can now get preservatives than which Rothschild or Astor can get nothing better. Remember that DYSPEPSIA and CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS often originate in Neglect of Teeth. Send for the Treatise on Teeth, and read Dr. Fitch's observations on this subject. If too late to arrest decay in your own teeth, save your children's teeth, NEURALGIA PLASTERS. Dr. Hurd's Neuralgia Non-Adhesive Plasters are the most pleasant and successful reinedies ever prescribed for this painful disease. The patient applies one, soon becomes drowsy, falls asleep, and a wakes free from pain, and no blister or other unpleasant or injurious consequences ensue. For Earache and Nervous Headache, apply according to directions, and relief will surely fol. low, Nothing can be obtained equal to Dr. Hurd's Compress for Neuralgia, Iry them. They are entirely a novel, curious, and original preparation, and wonderfully successful. They are of two sizes, one small, for the face, price 15 cents, and the other large, for application to the body, price 37 cents. Will be mailed on receipt of price and one stamp. What are the People Doing? The American people are intelligent enough to appreciate preparations that contribute so much to the liap. piness of those using them, and they want them. Every mail brings ns letters, some ordering the Treatise on Teeth, some the Neuralgia Plasters, and not a few en. closing 37 cents for the Mouth Wash to be sent by mail; but to these we are compelled to reply that it is impossible to send a half pint bottle by mail. The peo. ple want these remedies, WHO WILL SUPPLY THEM? Now in the CHANCE FOR AGENTS. Shrewd agents can make a small fortune in carrying these articles around to families. The DENTAL TREASURY is the neatest article that a man or woman can car. ry around. Send for one, or, better, a dozen, which we will sell, as samples, for $7 Agents supplied liberally with Circulars, Now is the time to go into Business I to do good, and make a profit. We are spending thousands for the benefit of agents. New Englan: men or women! here is something nice, and a chance to take the tide at its flood. Address Wm. B. Hurd & Co., Tribune Buildings, New York. That remittances may be made with confidence, W B. H. & Co. refer to the Mayor of Brooklyn; to G. W. GRIFFITH, President Farmers' and Citizens' Bank, Brooklyn ; to Joy, Cox & Co., New York: to P. T. BARNUM, Esq., New York, etc., etc. 841tf Sold wholesale and Retail by G. J. LEASE, at GRENVILLE & FULLER'S Drug store, Ann Arbor Mich. Ann Arbor, Dec. 9, 1861. IT PAYS! IT PAYS! WHAT PAYS! To go to the Cheap Banner Store of A. P. MILLS, a few doors West of Cook's Hotel, where you will find a good assortment of DRY GOODS, CLOTIIS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, OROCKERY, &C. Which are being sold cheap for CASI, or Ready Pay at its cash value GREAT BARGAINS IN LADIES' FURS. Clothing made to order. Wanted 5000 bushels of White Beans, also 3000 bushels of Dried Apples. 831tf SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, PURE, AND FOUR YEARS OLD, of Choice Opor o fruit, FOR PHYSICIANS' USE, FOR FEMALES, WEAKLY PERSONS & INVALIDS. Sambucus Tree of Portugal, the Great Remedy for Rheumatism, Kidney Affections, and all Chronic Complaints. Excellent Wine for Females Every family, at this season, should use the SAMBUCI WINE, Celebrated in Europe for its medicinal and beneficial qualities as a gentle Stimulant, Tonic, Diuretic and Su drific, highly esteemed by eminent physicians, used in European and American Hospitals, and by some of the first families of Europe and America, AS A TONIC, It has no equal, causing an appetite and building up of the system being entirely a pure wine of a most valuable fruit. AS A DIURETIC, It imparts a healthy action to the Glands and Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, very beneficial in Dropsy, Gout, and Rheumatic affections, SPLER'S WINE Is not a mixture or manufactured article, but is pure, from the juice of the Portugal Sambucus, cultivated in New Jersey,recommended by Chemists and Physicians as possessing medical properties superior to any other Wine in use, and an excellent article for all weak and debilitated persons, and the aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and benefiting ladies and children. A LADIES WINE, Because it will not intoxicate as other wine, as it contains no mixture of spirits or liquors, and is admired for its rich, peculiar flavor, and nutritive properties, imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and healthy skin and complexion. WE REFER TO A few weli known gentlemen and physicians, who have tried the Wine:Gen. Winfeld Scott, U.S.A. | Dr. Wilson, 11th st., N. Y, Gov. Morgan, N. Y. State Dr. Ward, Newark, N.J, Dr. J. R. Chilton, N. Y. City. | Dr. Dougherty," D. Parker, N. Y. City. | Dr. Parish, Philadelphia Drs. Darcy and Nicholl, Newark, N. J. And many others too numerous to publish. NP None genuine unless the signature of "ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, N. J.," is over the cork of each bottle. MAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. For Sale by Daynard, Stebbins & Wilson, Ann Arbor. A. SPEER, Proprietor. VINEYARD, Passaic, New Jersey. OFFICE, 308 Broadway, N. Y. JOHN LA FOV, Paris, 8316 Agent for France and Germany. C. BLISS Is now receiving a large and well selected assortment of Clocks, Watches, JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, TABLE AND POCKET M H. 12 M RAZORS AND SHEARS, GOLD PENS, Musical Instruments, Strings & Books for Instruments, SHEET MUSIC, COMBS, and a great variety of YANKEE NOTIONS, & O. He would call particular attention to his large stock of SPECTACLES, of Gold, Silver, Steel, and Plated, with PERISCOPE GLASS, a superior article. Also Huntington celebrated & Platt's celebrated CALENDAR CLOCK! suitable for omces, Counting Rooms, Halls or Dwellings, These clocks are reliable time keepers and Calendar combined, and require the winding of the time movements only, to secure all the required changes at mid. night, showing the day of the week the month and day of the month, including the 29th of February, of Leap year. His goods are mostly of recent purchase from New York and the manufacturers, and will be sold to srit the times. Persons having difficult watches to fit with glasses can be accommodated, as my stock is large and complete, P. S. Particular attention to the REPAIRING of all kinds of fine Watches, such as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, Staffs, and Cylinders. Also CLOCKS, & JEWELRY neatly repaired and warranted, at his old stand east side of Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann Arbor, Nov. 15, 1861 826tf Dissolution of Copartnership. Notice is hereby given that the copartnership of the undersigned under the name of Benkes & Abel, is dissolved. All persons indebted to said copartnership, will please call at once and adjust the same, by cash or note, HIRAM J. BEAKES, SYLVESTER ABEL. 1 Dated, March 15th, 1862. 6w844,

The Latest Special Dispatch! To the citizens of Ann Arbor and Vicinity !!
Hundreds watching the progress of
Daily Events ! !
The Federal Army again Victorious!
“The Union must and shall
be Preserved !"
“There was a man in our town,
He was so wondrous wise,”
But with all his wisdom, he was not so wise as that "other man," who when he wanted to buy the
The cheapest and best CLOTHING! in this market always jumped into
For there he knew he always got his money's er worth. Seeing is believing and you that wish to see come in and believe. Those that can't see CAN FEEL, and as we always make our customers feel good over good bargains, they are especially invited to our anxious seat, that they too may realize how good it it is for them to be with us," and how much pleasure can be obtained in the enjoyment of
" me all ye that are weary and heavy laden»--with Rocks and we will do our best to relieve you-giving you in return the finest kind of Goods at the lowest figures.
Great battles are hourly taking place in the Clothing line-whole regiments of Tassimeres, Vestings, &c., are being slaughtered by Gen. SONDHEIM--to fit the great rush of recruits that are pouring in from every direction, all anxious to have their names enrolled for a
- such as can only be had at the Head-Quarters of Guiterman & Co.
One of the firm, Mr. M GUITERMAN, having I just returned from Europe with a large as. sortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, and a nice lot of fine Vestings, also a few pieces of fine Beaver for overcoats which we will make up to order in the latest style, we feel confident that we can satisfy all.
We are happy to greet you again in our City, after spending your vacation with the " dear old folks" at home. Be assured we I wish you a pleasant term, and shall ever be st glad to meet you at the Old
Head-Quarters, No. 5,
Our former customers, we feel Assured, in will call on us again to you who come as ms
strangers we would say a few words. we wish you to call and look at our fine Conts, Pants, and Vests, we can do better by you than any other house in the City, and if you call and examine our goods, and try their fits, it you will purchase nowhere else.
For the speedy cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Diseases of the Bowels, arising from Cold, Incipient Con. sumption, and for the relief and (if at all possible) cure of Patients in advanced stages of the
latter disease, THE Balsamic Cordial is entirely a Vegetable production, combining the healing properties of the Balsam, with the invigorating qualities of a Cordial, producing a combination so well adapted to the purposes intended, that there are but few cases of disease which will not, at an early period, succumb to its healing and life giving properties.
For ages, has the treatment of pulmonary diseases occupied the greater portion of the attention of the scientific of the medical world, but none acquired more eminence in his treatment of these diseases, than the celebrated Prussian, Dr. Hoofland, the originator of the Balsamic Cordial. His life was devoted to the production of remedies that would stand unrivalled. How well he has succeeded, the American people are able to judge: and we positively assert, that no preparations that have ever been placed before them, have conferred the same amount of benefits on suffering humanity, or have elicited so many commendations from all classes of society, as the remedies of Dr, Hoofland, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson & Co., of Philadelphia,
The Cordial is designed for a class of diseases more general and more fatal than any other to which the people of this country are subject--those springing from a slight cold.” That eminent authority. Dr. Bell, says: “I will not say that Colds are to our in lab itants what the Plague and Yellow Fever are to those of other countries; but I can aver confidently that they usher in disease of greater complicity and mortality than these latter."
Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic
Preparation. DR. HOOFLAND'S
Prepared by DR. C. M. JACKSON & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Will effectually cure LIVEK COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE. Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach.
Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to the Heac, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots of webs before the sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel. lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Sile, Back Chest, Limbs, &e. Sudden Flushes of feat, Burning in the (Flesh, Constant imaginings of evil, and great De. pressiors of Spirits, and will positively prevent YELLOW FEVER, BILLIOUS FEVER, &c.
The Proprietor in calling the attention of the public to this preparation, does so with a feeling of the utmost confidence in its virtues and adaptation to the diseases for which it is recommended
It is no new and untried article, but one that has ock stood the test of a twelve years' trial before the Amer
ican people, and its reputation and sale are unrivalled by any similar preparations extant. The testimony 1 in its favor given by the most prominent and well-known Physicians and individuals in all parts of the country is immense, and a car ful perusal of the Almanac, published annually by the Proprietors, and to be had gratis of any of their Agenus, cannot but satisfy the most skeptical that this remedy is really deserving the great celebrity it has obtained
Read the Evidences From J. Newton Brown D.D., Editor of the Encyclopedia
of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to faver or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know ot no sufficient reason why Har a man may not testify to the benefit he believes himself ve to have received from any simple preparation, in the id hope that he may thus contribute to the benent of Lay others. eap I do this the more readily in regard to Hoofland's of German Bitters," prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this to city, because I was prejudiced against them for years, fit under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoe. maker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I hart I not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing meta the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN

Read what the eminent Glass Manufacturer, JOHN
H. WHITALL, says of the BALSAMIC CORDIAL. Dr. C.M. JACKSON-Respected Friend: Having for a long time been acquainted with the virtues of thy Basi samic Cordial in Cou hs, Colds, Inflammation of the Lungs, &c. I thus freely bear testimony to its efficacy For several years I have never been without it in my family It also gives me pleasure to state that I hate used it with entire success in the treatment of Bowel Complaints. Thy friend truly,
JOIN M. WHITALI, Fifth Mo. 17, 1858, Race Street, above 4th, Phila.
These medicines are for sale by all respectable Drug gists and dealers in medicines in the United States, British Provinces, and West Indies, at 75 cents per bottle - Be sure and get the genuine, with the signature of C. M. JACKSON on the wrapper of each bottle: all others are counterfeit. Principal Office and Manufacturer, 418 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 820y1
Chicago Book Trade the Place to Buy School Books.
WHOLESALE Book & Stationery House, S. C. GRIGGS & CO.
PUBLISH Sanders Progressive Readers, Newly Electrotyped, with new and original illustrations, the most beautiful as well as the best books extant. 1. Sanders' Alphabet Cards, 6 in a set,... ... $ IT. Sanders' Primary Sch'l Charts, 8 on 4 cards, 1 60 Il Sanders' Primary Spelling Book,. V Sanders' New Speller and Definer,... V. Sande.s? Analysis of English Words,........ 50 VI. Sander's Pictorial Primer, (bound) ........ 12% "Il Sanders' German and English Priiner...... II. Sanders' New First Reader,.. X. Sanders' New Second Reader,.. X. Sanders' New Third Reader,.....
40 KI. Sanders' New Fourth Reader,..
65 II. Sanders' New Fifth Reader,...
73 II. Sanders' High-School Reader,.... IV. San lers' Young Ladies' Reader,
88 V. Sanders' School Speaker,., ...
1 00 VI. Sanders' Elocutionary Chart,.............. Cheese readers are distinguished for their strictly proHibited character and practical adaptation to the young. ey have been received with unprecedented favor, and no class more favorably than by Practical Teachers o have tested their merits in the school room. obinson's Course of Mathematics.
BY HORATIO N. ROBINSON, LL. D. Late Professor of Mathematics in the U.S. Navy.
I. Robinson's Progressive Primary Arithmetic, $ 15 II. Robinson's Progressive Intellectual Arith. III. Robinson's Rudiments of written Arith. IV. Robinson's Progressive Practical Arith.
V. Robinson's Key to Practical Arithmetic, VI. Robinson's Progressive Higher Arithmetic, VII. Robinsons Key to Higher Arithmetic, III. Robinson's New Elementary Algebra, IX, R.binson's Key to Elementary Algebra,
X. Robinson's University Algebra, XI. Robinson's Key to University Algebra, Xu Robinson's Geometry and Trigonometry. XIII Robinson's Surveying and Navigation, XIV Robinson's Analytical Geometry and Conic
Sections, XV Robinson's Differential and Integral Calculus 1 30 XVI Robinson's Elementary Astronomy, KVII Robinson's University Astronomy,
1 75 VII Robinson's Mathematical Operations,
2 25 XIX Robinson's Key to Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, &c.,
> 50 Forming a FULL MATHEMATICAL COURSE, Feanracing Arithmetic and Text Books in the Higher Mathematics. For extent of research, facility and aptness of lustration, and practical usefulness, the author of this series is surpassed by no mathematical writer in this Duntry. This series has been recommended by the best mathematicians in all sections of the country.

Gray's Series of Botanies, six books. Hitchcock's School Anatomy and Physi.
ology, $1. Hitchcock's Geology, one book. Well's Grammars, two books. Well's Scientific Series, including Chem.
istry, Philosophy, etc. Three books, Wilson's Series of Histories, five books. Fasquelle's French Series, eight books. Woodbury's German Series, seven books. Bryant & Stratton's Series of Book-keep
ing, three books. Spencerian System of Penmanship, nine books.
And Many other Valuable Books,
Wholesale Dealers and Retail Pur
chasers Will find at our store over Four Thousand different ar. ticles of Stationery, and Three Hundred Thousand Vol. umes of books, from which to make their selection, comprising an assortment not rivaled by any other buok house in the United States.
Are Special Agents for Messrs Harper & Bro's Publications.
" D. Appleton & Co's “ Ticknor & Field's u Gould & Lincoln's
" J. B. Lippincott & Co's " And furnish all their Books at Eastern prices for cash. Note Papers, Letter Papers, and Cap Pa
pers, Blank Books, Pass Books, And all kinds of STATIONERY, at the lowest prices.
SLATES by the dozen or case.
Strangers and travelers visiting Chicago will find it interesting to linger for an hour amid the interminable piles of literature at 39 and 41 Lake Street
S. C. GRIGGS & Co.
Agents Wanted. Nr For all costly and valuable Subscription Works, or any noble work upon Religion, Literaturu, Science, or Art, Address S. C. GRIGGS & CO.
PLEASE REMEMBER That there is no bookstore in this country koeping a better or more extensive assortment than is always found 1 at 89 and 41 Lake strect.
REMEMBER. That Public or Private Libraries can be supplied with first class Standard Works by S. C, G. & Co, upon better terms than to send East and pay freight
12 Western Literary and Professional men, Teachers, Scholars in all departments of of the world of letters, are invited to make : 9 and 41 Lake street their place of resort in moments of leisure.
S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Booksellers and Stationers,
89 & 41 Lake Street, Chicago. S: C, CRIGGS 8 42m3 E, JANSEX.
THE BRICK HOUSE and Barn now occupied by Olney
1 Hawkins, Esq., on Detroit street, Ann Arbor, possession given the 1st of April.
Also several stores and rooms in Buchoz's Block to let to good steady tenants at a very low rent, immediate possession given. Inquire of
L. R, BUCHOZ. Ann Arbor, March 28, 1861.
Oyal Picture Frames ALL SIZES, STYLES and PRICES just received and for sale cheap at
SCHOFF & MILLER'S. 1860. Dec, 25,
TREES! IREES ! Fruit and Ornamental,
OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS AND VARIETY, Roses, Bulbous Plants, and Grape
Vines of all kinds. THE UNDERSTATED is about starting East to make This usral selections of Trees from the most popular Nurseries, and will fill all orders for Trees that may be wanted through the month of April.
My practical experience with trees for the last ten years has established me in the way of making my selec tions with that care that enables me to warrant all trees and plants true to name, as well as healthy, vigorous la growth, and with proper care to meet the expectation of the purchaser. The great succees attending my sales last year, reassures me that my trees were all sound and gave general satisfaction Thankful for past favors, I again invite my friends and all others wanting trees op plants, to give me a call.
Those who may want Trees grown in this State, can be furnished from the North Lake Nursery.
e. Orders for Trees or Plants may be left at Rogers Agricultural Hall, at any time.
THEODORE ICBQIS. Ann Arbor, March 25, 1862,
DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHE! If so, purchase one bottle of E. E. Champion's EXCELSIOR INVIGORATOR! The world renowned toilet,--the only artjele of the kind ever offered the people of the United States. The above article is the only one used by the French ; in London and Paris it is in universal use,
THE EXCELSIOR WHISKER INVIGORATOR ! Is a Beautiful, Economical, Soothing, yet Stimulating Compound, acting as if by magic upon the rootk, causing a beautiful growth of Luxuriant Beard. If apliec! to the Scaly, it will cure BALDNESS, and if applied socording to directions, it will cause to spring up in bald spots a fine growth of SOFT FRESH TAK
The Celebrated EXCELSIOR IN VIGOR.TOR Is an indispensable Article in every Gentleman's Toilet and after one week's use they would not, for any consid. eration, be without it. The above article will, in ons Four to Light Weeks, bring out a thick set of $13KHRS or MOUSTACHE.
The subscribers are the only Agents for the above article in the United States,
They would also apr.cunce to the pubbe that they are agents for
Napoleon's Hair Toilet! The only article over offered to the French people that Woul CER STRAIGHT HAIR the above Toilet being manufactured for the sole beneita Louis Napoleon I which article is now indispensable in his Toilet rom.
The subscribers feeling conflent that this vilet must necessarily tike the place of all others ever offered to the public, they take pleasure in expressing their con dance in the article, gaining it from practical use. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET Will CURL STRAIGHT HAR in Soft, Silken, Flowing Curls, what will remain in shape for one day or one week if desired, or any longer period, if the directions are strictly followed, which are very simple and easy.
This Hair Toilet does not in any manner interfere with the Natural suf nass of the Thir. It neither seoretes nor dyes it; but gives the hair a soft, thrifty appear. anoe. It also prevents the hair from falling o and tarving gray. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET Has been before the public but a short time, and has already been tested by over one thousand persons and they testify the the Nepoleon Hair Poilet is the greatest Beautifier ever offered to the American people.
To prevent the Toilet from being counterfeited or im. itatert by unprincipled persons, we do not offer t for sale at any bruggists in the Uniteł States. Therefore any Lady or Gentleman who desires Soft, Luxuriant Hair and Curks and Long, Soft Whiskers or Moustache, can procure the Invigorator or Toilet, either one, for one dollar enclosed in a letter, with their address. Address,
G. F. STENY & CO. Box 183. Collinsville.
Horsfordon. Conn And it be carefully sent by return mail


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