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%%lHtiB lu'rfrtüïn. "IrDS! "cARDsirCARDSÜ! ItuTtng parchased a Kotary PlAKOxr. Cari press witha fineassortment of Oard type, the IKBVt nfflcc'is prepared to print Carda of al) klnd Is tl „atwtpMaïblertjle d at a jreat .rodacüon from 'armer ïrieM.including BusinSM rfï f..r ni-n o all .ró„oniandprofMira, Ball, Weddhw. snd Viatting Crd, etc. etc. Ca.ll.give as r" orders umi He hovr it is d'.ne W. N. STRONG NALL, DUNCKLEE & Co., WllOLSAI.K ané RKTATL daalcrl in Dry Qooda, CarpetingB, Kloor Oil I ira.raperHanglnfi, aal'ageumla&a rtmeñt of Furnishing Goods, No 74 Woodwaril Avenue, Corner of Lamed st., ■ ■ ■ TKTr.OTT, Micli . _j_Orlers solicited and promptlj attended to"L 8O9jl RAYMOHD'S Photograplnc and Fine Ari Xos. 2S and 207 Jefferton Avenue, DETROIT. -i,otogrni.lis,I.ifefize,colored or plain, cabinet. im,eril Melalnotype, logiierreot.Y!.es Ambrotjrpe, tc ST CAr.l)"i'lClUllKb by the Dezen cv Thou ond. 800-rl J. O. O. F. ITTASHTEXAW LODGK No. 9, of tlie Independent VV ordorof Odi Fallowê raeoj at Kooni, rery Fridny eTain(r, ut 1% o'cw.t K. EICHAitDSON, N. G. 3. Sosbheix, Sec'y. "LTyTLTBBS. rTTBOUffliU! and Retail Dealer n Tobacco. Cii-ar Src, VV Main St.- en of "B.glndlan." Fwnklhi Üa Ar'.wr, - - - - !'c"5. U: SUTriEKLÏTND & SOIS, pmiOLESALE AND RETAIL G rocera and Conan VV Merchanls, Easi sidj .Main Street Ann .rbnr. TVVITCHELL & CLAIiK. ■ i rromxïTB and CounKllor at Law, General I.ife and X Fire Insurance agente. OPif1 in City Hall Block, m Huron 3t. t Aan Arbor . CoUccli jidremitted, and special attention paid tn ennroyancing. D.S.TW1T..HKI.L, fWatfl 1. T. QLm. "jTM7scoTrr. 1IBROTYPB k PnOTOUBPlI AüTIPTS, in tllP rOOIW rorraerlyoccupied byCordley.oreröie store ofSpejrj k Moore Perfect sfltisfiiction guftranteed. ' WINES & KNIGHT. DïiLCTsinStaple, Fancy Pry Gooda, Boots and Shoea, Jic. Jtc, HainStreet Ann Arbor. I RISDOÑ"J3ENDERSON, DEALERS In Hardware,BtoTeg,houfami5hinggood, ! ïiu Ware kc. kc. , N'tif Blode, Kaïn Btreat. D kaler in Staple Dry Ooods, Groccries, Boots and Shoes and Ready Made Clothing, Huron Street Ann trbor1.' BEAKEtí & ABEL, A ttoiinkts & CoussEU.ORS JT I.AW, aud PoUcHors in r Cnaneery. Office in City Hall Block, over Webster H'p'.s Booc fitore, Ann lrbor "kINGÖLEY & MORGAN, TTOKSKYS, Counsellors, Solicitors, and NotariesTub X lic, have Books and Plats showing titlcs of all lands Ir the jountv, and atlend toconveyancingand collecUng Bmands. and to payiii? laxes and school interest in any lart of tilo State. Office eastsUe of tlie Square. Ann Ar5Or. - ■ ""james e. cook, Justíce of the Tmch. OfSce nearthe DeDot, Ypsilaatl Michigan. . Wm. LEWITT, M. D., Phtsiciax & SüRr.EON. Offlce at hiü residencc , Nortl ide of Huron street, aud 2d house West ol División Kreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLL1EH, fx xcFACTCRKR and dealer in Boot and Sbocs. 1 LVJL door West of tbe VoBt ífBce. inn Arbor, IfSén, MOORE & LOOMLS. JftxurACTUREBB ani dealer in Boot? und Slioes, .VI Phoenix Block , Main Streel, oue door North of VaFhington. M. GUITERMAN & Ca7 f TTnoi.K3_LEand Retail dealers and nuuanf-Ctuittrfl ff VV Heady MadeCloihing, Importera of Cluths, Cassiorcí5, Dueslíiuf;, Sto. No. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor, " O. B. PORTER, JU-U- Suroeon Dentist. Olfico corner ff Main jRJSíELg! nd Huron strcts, over 1. Bach'a store, íl-ífiHa Auu Arbor, Michigan. "-l. I-I.J April, 1859, Wm. WAGNEE, Dealer in Ready Made Cíothíng Cloths, Cas3imeres and Vestings, liats, Caps, ïrunk.s, Curpet Bags, &c. Main t , Ann Arbor. BACH& PIERSON. DEAiHsinDry Gootls, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & tíhoes, &c. , Main stroet, Ann Arbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS ds CO., 0UIÁES ia Dry Gtoodj., Groceries, Drugs 4 Xíedicines. Ciïonts & Shoe ;, kc, ooinêrof Main asa Ann streets. ist bfl D w th Exchonge, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & GEERT" 1 rocers, Provisión & Commissíon Merchante, and deaOT Iers in Water Lime, Land Puister, and Piaster ov AKis,ono door Eastof Cooli's HoteL C. BLISS, Diil.CR in Clocks, Watclies, Jov.r-lry. and Fancv Goods, at thesign of tlie liig Watcli, Xo. 27, l'lioenix Block J. O. WATTS. Düi.ERinCocks,Watches, Jewelry and SilTer Ware No 22, New Block, Ann Aruor. T. B. FREEMAN. Barbcr aod Kashionable Hair Dresser, Main Strcot Ann Arbor, Mich. Hair Fronts and Curls kep1 fmntantly on hand. SCHOFF & MILLER. DKA1KRS inSIiscellanpoiiR, Bthool, and Blank Books Stn tiouery, Paper Hanginga, &c. , Main Htrcc-t Am Arbor. D. DeFOREST. Wnoi.BSALB and Retail Pealcrin Lunibr, Latb. BIiÏB gles, Sash, Doora, Blind.s, Water Liiii-. Gnüid RÏt laiter, r Laster Paris, and Nails of all sizes. A tn] nd perfect aásortment of the above, ftnd nll othê ttadi of building materialc. coastantly on hand at th lowest poaatble rate, on Detroit Street, a (few rods from the Railroad Depot.' Also oyeratiog éxtensively in the Patent Cement Koofing. WASIITEXAW COUNTY B1BLE SOCIETY. DHP03IT0KY of Qiblüa and Testaments at tlie Sociotj prices ut W. C. Voorheb'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., STT?CE38OBE To DTJKTlï, GHj.TP'lilSrtfá Oo MANUFACTT.TRERSOF Prini, Boolt, AND- ' COLORED MEDIUMS, A.W AltüOU M1CII. SPECIAL NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS. A 1,1. accounts over pix mnnths mnft be Bettle'ï at once. Calla the ofiïce and pay op. i. well aelectedL stock of Xew Goodjl Clieap for Cash. 821tf XAYVABD , ETTüBDINS i: WILSOK. USSE S-A.K.-A.T O .A. EMPIRE W A T E R FGR Jn&tgf-stïon or Dy?opsia, Crntítípatlon, Keroua I)eh:Vity, Lost of Apptiti of tl jo Langs, Headaclie, and PévcrUB Bateoí tne Fystpm . BnM hv Sí ATM ARP, STEBBTN3 A; WII50X and laERMAOy C', Aon Arbor. Ij82.


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Michigan Argus