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Genesal Butler's Proclamation To The People Of New Orleans

Genesal Butler's Proclamation To The People Of New Orleans image
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Wc oopy froni tlie New Orlenns Tnie ' af saturday morning tho following oroclaniation of Gen. Butler, on the co388ÍOB of assuming control as Milihry jovoruor of tiiat city. It will bo l'ound triogent euough, oe-rtahily : ABTK' nt o" rnï rrrr, '-'■ i Thu city of New Or'eans and its enirons, with all its interior and exterior fcfonces, liaviug buen surrendercd to tho orubined naval and land forco of the Jnited States, and baviog been evacúacd by tho rebel foroes, iu v.-hose possoeion they lately were, and being now in ccupation of tbc forces of the United States, vlii havo come to restore order, ïaiatain public tranquility, enforee jence and quiet under the laws an:: titation of the United States, the Major . ;1 eomniaiïding the forces of the jnited States in the Department of the juli', hereby inakes.knowu and proclaims lic objaet aad purposos of the Goverunsnt of the Uuited States in thus taking iossession of the city of New OrJeons, md the State of Louisiana, ai:d tho rules and regulationa by which the laws of the jnited States will be fot' the present, and 1 uring a state of war, enforoed and mainaincd for the plain guidance of all good citizens of the United States, ds wel I as otbers who may beretofore have been in ■ebcllion against thcir aiithotity. Thrice bci'orc bas the city ot' New Oreaus been rescued from the hands of a bi'eign government, and süll inore cala nitous domestic insurrection, by the noney and anas of the United States - it ha of lato beca under tho military coutrol of the rebel forces, claiming to jc the peculiar (rienda oí íts citizeus; Hld at eaeh timo, in tiia judgraeat oi' the oomraandcr of tho military torces holding it, it has boca ibuuii ueccssary to preservo order and ínaintain quiot by thü adiniiiiotration of law martial. Even du ring the interim from ita cvacuation by the rebol soldiers and its actual possession bv the soldicrs of the Uuited otates, tho civil authonties of the city havo 'ound it neeessarj to cali for the ioter vontion of au arined body, kuo vu as the 1 Europcan Legión," to preserve public ,.ility. Tho Ooiiiinanding General, thereioro, will cause the city to be governed until the restoration of municipal auihority, and bis further orders, by the [aw martial - a mensuro for which it would aeem tlie previous recital furnishcs súfficieat precedent. All persons in arus against llie Uni tod Stutes are required to surreudor thomselvcs with tlieir arma, equipmenta and munitie) of war. The body kuown as the " European Legio:),1' not being underatöod to be in anns against the United States, but organizad to proteot the Üves and property of the eitizens, are ovited to Btil] co-pperate with the furo of tho United Ötatea to that end, and o aetine, wiil not be Lncladod i i the tenus of this orJcr, but will report to these headijuarters. All cnsigns, flags, and Joviccs, tending to uphold ar.y autfcority wbatèyer, save the Üag of the United States and the flags of tho foroiga Oanïulatea, muttio', bo exhibited, butsuppreased. The Ameri eau ciisign, tho euiblein of the United Stat a, must be troated with the u doference and respect by all persons, ander pain of severa punisíimeat. All porsons well dispTsed towards the govcruiuont of the.Uaited States, who shall rencw the oath ot' aliegiaüco, will roceive ti,c safeguard and protoction in thoir porsons and proporty üf the arniia3 Of the United States, tho vinlntion of which is puniablc with djoth. All pen ma atill holding ülk'gi.inco to the Cuntederatü States wiü bc deemed the governmeut of tho United States, and regarded and treatod as en;'i:;ie- thfi'of. All fureignera nol nnturalizod and clahn;1 moe to the reepootivö governments, and not baving ruado oath of allegiance to the suppoed govermot f the Oonfedurate Statig, will be pro toctad in thit parsons and property as hea'Otofore under tha laws oi' lüu Uuited Ail perttHu who Hiay horetofore havo givea thir adherenoö to the ene] goveiriineat oí tho Uouf adérate States, or Tiavo boen in thair service, w o ahtll iuj down and dollver their arm, and return to peaucful occupa'ioos aud preservo galet and order, holding no fuitbtr correspoudeaoc nor giviu nid and oomfort to t!,c enemies of the UnitoJ StaU'-; will not bodis urbeJinperson orpropt'i",_v,oxeept bo i'iir, undor tlio orders oí the L'om raanduig General, the exigem-ies of tbe pubiifl service may rendor Bece8iry. The kerpers of all public property, whcther Stnte, nationtd or Confedérate, guoh as collections of art, libraries, muguems, ns well as all public buildings, nll munitiODS of' wor, and armed vessels, will a' onco inako full returns tbereof to these headquartws ; all manufacturera of .kI ïnunitions of vrnr will report to tlics2 head-quarters the;r kiud and places of busii All rigbta of property, of whatever kiud, Tviii bo held iiiviolato, subject to the laws of tho United States. All takabitanta aro enjoined to purbu their nsual avocations : uil shops and places of bu-incss and amuserncuts are to bc kept open in the aecustomed manuer, ;nd cervices to bo held in olmrches and religiosa houneaj as ia times of profouud pcaco. Ke psrs of al public-houses, coffeOliou es. and drinking saloons, aro to report their raracs and numbers to the ofücc of tho Provost Marflhal, and will there reoelvo license and be held responsiblo for nil disorder! and disturbances of psaco arisiiis; in their respective places. A gufficient l'orco will be kept in tho city te preserM order and maintain the laws. Tlie killing of an American soldier by any disorde ly person or mob, is simply as?as3inatii n and murdr, and not war, and will le so regarded and punished, The owner of any house or building in which such morder shall be conimittcd, will bc hsld ro=ponpib!o thorefor, and tho hoiific 1 o liablc to be destroyed by the niiü'r.ry aathority. All di-iorlt'i-s and distnrbftDooa of tho peace dono by cnmbination and numbers, and crimes of an aggresah'e nature, interfering with forcea or laws of Ihe United States, wiil be referred to a military court for trial and punishment. üthur miaderaoanOTs will be subject to the municipal anthority, if it chooses to act. Civil causes between party and party will ba referred to '.he ordinary tribunnls. rib: levy and colloction of all taxes, s.tvc ihose iitlposed by the laws of tha Uüitcd Btates, vic euppregsed, except those for kcop'ng in repnir and üjliting the streets, and lor sanit;iry purposos. - ■ These aru to lo coilcctcd n the usu:il manner. The circulátion of Confedérate bonds, cvidences of debt, excepí rotes in the iiaii.itude s, issued by tha Co'f. d r; t ) Stát' s, or sorip, or any trade the same, ia stiicily forbidden. It huving bcjn rcprcscnfcd to the Cummanding General by the civil anthorities, that ; these Confedérate notes, in the form of k notes aro, in a great measnre, thü o ilv Rubstitutêa for money wliicb tlio pcoplo have been ftllotved to have, aud tliat great distress woulJ ensue amoiig the pooror classes if tho rivculation of BUcb noies be supprepsei, such eircul;iioñ will bo permitted o long as any one mny ba lerato cnough to recoive lie n, tiil fnrther orders. No pablicatiow, citber by ncw.=papcrs, (amphlet, or bandbill, giving nceounts of lio movements of soldiers in the United bin tii is departmeot, roflecting n any way upon Ihe United States orits i, or tending in any way to influcrice the public p.iind ngakisttM governnent of the United States will be pernttted; and all articles of war news, or editorial comments, or corrcspondcuco ïaking comments upon the movements if tiie armies of the United States, or tlio xbels, must bo submittcd to tho examiïation of an offieer who will bo detaibid ?ar tliat purpflee froni these headquarter.'. The transmitan of all communioatior.s y telegraph will bo under the charge of au officer t'rom these headqaarters. The armies of the United States camo : Ut to destrov, but to make good, to restore order out of chaos, and the govcriülioüt of laws in tho place of t'ie pisssions of men ; to tuis end, therefore, the efforts of all wcll disposed are invitcd to havo every species of disorder quellcd, and if any soldier of the United Hiatos should 60 far forget bil duty or hia fiag as to ccmmit an outrnge upon anv -person or property, the Comuianding GoHiem! ïrqncsts tliat his B'irae ba instantly reportad to tbc Provost that he may be punislied and his wroDgt'ul act redn s?od. The municipal authorith, bo far as t ■ i o polioo of the city nd crimes are concor :od. t the exteut before indicated, is berebj suspended. All r.?si:mb!ages of peraond in tha atreets eiihcr by daj or by night, tendiug tr disorder nro forbidden., ïlio various coinpauies coruposing tlie Firo Department in New Orleana, will bu permitted to retain tlieir organizationa and are to report to tho office of tha Provost Marshal, so that tliey may be known,"nd not bo inlerfered witb ia thcir dutics. And, finaüy it mny bo snflSoient to adJ, without further enumcration, thit all tha requiroments of martial law will be imponed sa long as, in the judgraent of the Unitod States authoritics. itmay be neocssai'y. And while it is the desire of these authoiities to oxeroise this goveruracnt mildl', and after tha OMtgM of tha pust, it must -not bo supposed that it will not be vigorously and tírmlv admiuistered. u occasion calis.


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