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The President Stands Firm

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President Lincoln repudiatos the proclamation of Gon. IIinter, who, scated iu his lic:uli[uartei-s at Port Royal, iraagiaed tliatjby onc stroke of bis pea ho had freud ovor eight lmuJred thousand slaves and struck tho death blow to the rcbüll ion. The President fcays that the time for such proclamations has not arrived, and that tf it ever arrivés it is not the provinca of Generáis to issue the:n. - And even the ultras who wére applauding Hüntbe aud praying that the President might endorse his act, applaud the President. Thcre may be exceptious to th is luttcr statement, but they havo not yet come to our notice, eithcr n our read ing or conversation, ïhis action of the President ia hopeful. It shows his determination to stand by the coustitutiou, and to mako good his oft rcpcalcJ and aoleusn dcclarations that this is not a war upon tho " domestío institions : of any State, but a war against rubüllion and for the restoration of thu Union, This proclamatiou will reasure all the Uuion men in the border States, and of the Stflles farther Soutli who just begin to sec dayliglit. Wo accept it as an evidenee that the radicáis, in Congress aud out, neod not undertake to over-ride all law, organlo or statutory, for the sake of propogating thoir is1:1.. Vith such doelarations ns this, if the men of the South persist in any large numbers in attompting to dofy the uthority of the Government, and in the end bring, - through an actual overrunning of tlieir wholo country, - tlicir cherrsbed insti'ution fallintf about' their heads, tho fault as well as tho loss ; will be their own. Wc unco lieard a Ilepublican meraber of tho Michigan State Sonate remark, in responso ío a suggcstioa that sonie moasure advoeated by bina was unoongiitutioDft] : " 1) - :i tlie Constitution, we can't run the State without brcaking it, so we raust simt our ejes, and put it tiirough." Tho Peninsular Courier adopts the same philosophy when it declares that " to adhero to tho Constitution in such a time as tliis would be inevitable ruin." We endorso no such doctrino. The rebels have traiupled upou the Constitution, and vioiated its letter aud spirit, to break up the governniütit and bring " inevitable ruin " upon tho cour,t;y. Wc believo that to restore tha Uniou aud tho govornment, it is only neecssary for the President, and tho Congres, and the law-abiding and law enforcing armies, to s'snd ly the Constitution. Desert that. and we are at sea without chart or oompass. It is dangerous, yca damnable doctrine to advanoe, thai it is necessary to viólate tbe Constitution iu order to onforce obedionco to it on the part of tho rebels. ft-L Ilunter says " Slavery aud marlial law are incompatible in a fïee country." - Courier. Ilunter is cortainly a brighl himinary. If bis issertion is true it is only beeause martial hnv and a freo country aro "incompatible " things. Martial law tukes away or at least suspeuds all the civil rights of froemen and " subjects thotn to the severity of ruilitury rcgulations." - Then, if the incompatibility Ilunter asserts really does oxist, martial law makes Umpörary slaves of frecmen, and permanent freeraen of slaves. By such logic as that tho Courier inight provo that a Deputy is not a Dcputy. OP Gen. Buell reporta his total loss at Shiluh 2,1G7, of whom 2G3 werc killed, 1,81G wounded, 88 missing. - Gen. Nolson says his división went into action 4,541 strong, of whom G ofïïcors and 81 privatea wero killed, 33 officors and 558privates wounded, 58 privates missing, mnking a total oí 739. jL5L" Congroes daring the past week has been consideriug fhe severaj confiscation bilis, and tho tax bül tho discuesing a proposed adjournment from tho 28th instant to June 2nd, to ullow tho members to visit home - or Richmond. JCg" Capt. Ruïob Saxton, of the U. S. A., now JBrigadier-General of Volunteers has been appointed Military Governor of South Carolina, and of tho Department of tho South, aud sailed from NewYork for Port Royal on Thursday of last week. Ho is known as an ablc and prudent man. lio will relieve Major General IIunteu from the necessity of isHuing any more proclamation,


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