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Gen. M'clellan Advances

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White House, Va. May 19. Tho inny com uier. eed in o ving at an early bouf this moruiug in the direction ot' Hiolnnond, and wül encamp Bonie miles n advaoco of this place. Tlic advance under General Sttfneman reached tho railroad bridge at the Chicleaborainy yesterday. It is a lng treasle bridge, twq spane only of wbich are burncd. It uau bu rebuilt in a ve-y shoi't timo. The pickets of the enemy aro guarding the wliolü lina of the rivet in front of llichni'jiid, making it vcry diöicnlt to chtaiti any reliablo iuformatiou froui that oity. Gen. McC'k'llan went on a reconnoisanee to day to tho Cliikahoniiuy. ïhe programma of oporaiions m front of Riobmond will sOoa be decidcd up'n. Tunstaü's Station, Va., Muy '20. The uudet (bou, iátonoinan reached Coal Harbor on the road running to lliohinoud by way of New liiidge, ycstcrJay, wherc Uo lound the eneiuy to be in torce, lie drove their pickets into ■wiihin two miles of their maiii body, and enoanaped for the night, Kverything iudioatea that the rebels inteud to dofond Kiehniond with all the available force tln;y can brin fyrward. CongressmeQ a:id representativos from every Southern State are tbere, eueouraging their troops by their preseaoé, and counseling a dettrmiiied rosistanca to the advauce of tho Union troops. lliehmond papers of the IGth havo been reeeived Tliey contain a correspoudeiice betweon the Virginia Legisla ture and Jolleison Davis in relatiou to tli e recent movements of the rebel army. I Ie stated that he had nover entertaiiifd the tbought of withdrawing the arir:y froui Virginia and abaodöning the Slate. tbat f in the oourse of eveuts the capital sliould fall, the ueeessity of which be did not seo dr anticipate, tbat would be no reason for withdrawing tbc army froin tbo State. Tbc war could be suceessfully carricd on and maiutained on Virginia soil for twenty yoars The rebel General John B. Floyd bas boen appoiuted Major General of tbc yirgiuia forcea, witli authority to roiae a forcé of 20,000 men, uew oemfcripts, for the defeuca of Western Virginia. The engagement on Tliursday at Drury's J31uff, seven miles below Kichmond, between our guuboats and the eneiuy's batteriea on James Iliver, pradueéd a great panie amone the people of RiekïiiijüJ. Tbey acknowledge the loss of .six killcil anti seven wouadcd. Tuiistall's títation, May 21. The piokets of the enemy were clriveD aoross Bottom bridgo ycsterdav by tbo troops advaucing in tbat direotion. 'llie rebels attomptcd to regain tKo post by the use of their artilk-iv, but fejled. Our bftfleriea oponed, shclling the wooda on caeb side of the bridge. Tbo advanee under General Sfonemau roached Newbridge yesterday witliin eight miles of Ricumood, but fcóind do cnemy in forcts tliis side of the Ghiokahonilny, which, at tbat poitit, is a small ercek. The country in tbat loeality is in a good stato of cultivation. Sis pieces of arüllery were found posted 0:1 the opposite bank, but bis purpose not being to bring on an engagouicnt, he retired one inilo froiu the bridge aud encamped during Wednesday. Wbilc driving in the enemy's outposts be had 0:1e man kille J and three wonnded. The w'iole army moved this morning enrly uitli the nitentiou of makÍDg a leugthy mare!). VTliat ro.ids tbey took it is not neecssary to state, but tbc headquarters of Gen. MeClellan to-night are withiu a short distanee of Kiebinoud, in front of wliieh city is supposed to be encamped the main body of the rebel army, If tbey intend to give the Union i'oives battle, whicli is almost uuiversally aeknowledged to be the case, tbc hour is drawing near at band wben tbey will have an opportunity. ■ - 11 ■ in


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