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From New Orleans And The Gulf

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Fortrass Monroe, .May 20. The Unitoil Status dispatch boat Rliode lt-lnn] anived bere this morning witli mails and dates from Nuw Orleans to tho 8lh, Southwest Pass to tlio Üth,Ship Islaod the lOih, Ponsacola tho lltli, Kev West to the 14th, and Port Roya] to tho 18th. Bhe briogs bétwöen 40 and 50 passendere, naval officers cuptured oq tho Mi.s.-íis sippi below New Orleans. Among thotn nre eeveral Lteutenants formerly of our navy. Te news from New Orleuns is not ofspocial interest. Gon. Butler commeneed landing on the l8t 'of' May, cstablished his hoadquarlers at the Custorn House, took possession of the City Hall, Mint, &., and compclled tho St. Charlus Hoiel, whiuli waa closed, to open for the accornrnoda'ion of himself and stuft'. A conference bad been had betwoen Genoral Bu-tler and the authoritios of the cit)r, wilh liyrro Soulo. Tho prochunaiion was disouBsed and modi6ed in Bome partieulars. As nn iet of humanity to tho Sü Bering Dhabifcffnts, the boats and railroada were allowed to briog uupplios to the city. Kegotidtions for Ootfederate scrip aro forljiddon, byt other species cf eurreney in circnlution is allowed. Thu nowspapera continue thoir pnblication. Tho Delta was Buppressed fur refnsing to publish tho proclamation, but was subst-quontly aliowod to go on. Algiers bas been oucnipied by our forcea and Forts Jnolcson and St. Phillip garrisooed by our troops from Ship Ishmd. j hu Opclousasand Jackson Eailroad was taken possession oí and all tb e üpproaches lo l.he city cut off. General Phelps had advanted to Carrol ton, five miles up tho rivor, and occupietl the place. Tliore was very littlfi public demonstration of Union feeling in consoquenco of the uncertainfy in referenco tohe future. A gieat want of conti' dence is prevailing, bnt under (ho finn co uree of (Jon. Butler business is tdowly recovering, the city is genorally becoming quiet, and Btfnira gradually are perfeötly eatieiactory. It is stated Ihat Porter's mortar fleet had boon of} Mobile and in the bays. Sounding? had beo o made in ihe ohannel. On the 7lh the iijot was fired on white cngagiid in this work by Fort Morgan, but no reply was given. Tho fleot afierwarda rutnrnod to Ship Ibland. JS'ST England lias paid simply in ntorest raonej on her national debt, during the last 1G9 yeftra, hard oash to thc enormous amount of L3,130,882,179, or more than ten and a half thousand million dollars.


Old News
Michigan Argus