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Hunter's Proclamation Repudiaated

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Waíiiiví;1!1 n, May 19. Whereaa, Tlieru appears in t Lie ■ubüc priotfl what purpui'to'to be ;i proclama, tion of Major General Huuter; and whereaa tlic same is producing souic exci'emtmt ai.d niisundcistanding ; Therefore I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, proolaiiu ai d declare that thu govcrnment of tho United States had no knowledge or belief of on t lic part of Geaerul Hui ter to issua Hueli a proclamatiou, nor has it yet auy BUthentic ini'onnatiou tliat the document is genuino ; and further that tieitlier General Utre ter, nor any otlier cominander or persiiii, Las beou HUtliorized by the goveruuit'Ut of the United States to makc proelamation deelunng the slavea of any St;te freo, and that the t-upposed proolauiatioo qow ip (juestjoiij wlïsther genuino or falso, is altogetber void so far as respects ,uch dedaratiou, I further mako kaovo tliat wlieatber it Le conipcteiit tor me as Uoinniander inC'l.kl' ui' lliu anny and navy to declare the slaves of any State or States free, and whelher at auj time or in any case it hhall becuiiiea neees.sity indispensable to the uiaiutainaiice of the governnient to exercise sucli supposed power, are (jues tions which, under my i'esponsibihty, I reserve to niyseli', a:;d wliiuh I coiiDOt feol justifica in leaviug to the decisión of coiiiinandera io the tield. These are totally dilïerent questious froin those of pólice rjgulatioDS in ar mies and camps. On the Gtb day of Mar 0)1 last, by a special message, I rcooiuinonded to Oougreas the adoption of a joint resolution, tó be substai:tially as fullows : lïesolucd, Tliat the Uniied States ought to cu opérate with any State that may ndopt a gradual abolWiinent of alavcry, giviug aiii to sueh Statu in its discretion to compénsate for the incoaveüieiioes, public and priTHte, produced by sueh thangu of sy&teni." The rcsoiiitiou. in the langaage abbve quotfd, was doptod by largo niüjurities i:i Itoth biaiiclies of 0ingron8, and now tttandd va autbuntio, detinita and ioleinn piüjiosal ot tiio nation to fhe and pt'cple inósl interested in lbo biitijeot, inuiter. Tulbe jiuoplo f lliu Staic now 1 ettruectly oppeuL .1 do not argu, I do btwuejb you to mafee iho lUgumoiHe fur yoüraelvef. You cannrit, il you tvould, hu blind to tilo BÍ2D8 Ol U.o t'm-.u. 1 beü of VOU a c;iln and etilarged considerüiion T ihem, ranging. fit may be, far nbove personal and party p.olitics Th ia proios;il maken uiü. ii.di) tause f:r a coinuuui object, casi ing no repruaoties upon anv. It acts ot the Pharinee. The cbange it ontiternplutus woulcl cmne gen v us Üjo devvs f lieuven, iiot leudiog oi" wi'Bckinjï :uiytliii)f. Will you nol umbráen it '? So much gooti luis nut been done by one effort in ;,il past time ;is, ia thu providenoe ol (Joil, it is now your liigli privilege to do. May the vnst futuro not huve tu lumen t ibat jou h:ive neglccttd it. In witnéss wbereol I liavo bereuiïto set iny band und oaased tlio senl of tbe L uited State3 !o bu annexed. Djiio ttt Ihu cily if Washington, tl. is 19th day f Muy, iu tlio voar of our Locd, one tbansand eiylit tmtulred and BÏzty-two, and of tlio independenee of tlie United Statns tho eighty-sixth. (Signed) ABRAHAM LIJTCOtN. üv ihc President : Wit. II Si-v.ini), Secretarj of State. The foSbwrng is tho prociamation of Gen. IIuntku so signally repudialed by the President : . HSADQÜABTEBg Dïp'l OF TUK SöüIH I [ Hsd, Ma; 9, lbtid. ( G' NEKAL OftDER NO. 11. The three Stütcs of Georgia, Florida and South Curolina, oonjprising the Military Deparönent of the South, hoving 'deliberately deotared themselves no lonjrer the proteotion of the l'nilcd Bta (.sof Aiuei-ica, and having taken op arras against si-id United States, it beoöitiea a military necessity to declare tliom Qlider maitial law. Tnis was aecordingly done on the 25th day of April 1862. Slavcry and martial law in a tree country are altogether iucompatiblü. The persoos in these three States, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina, heretofore beid as slaves, aro therefore declared forever fice


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