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Business Rules

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Stom the Is. Y. Independent. The sad reverses of the past fivo years, havo been an experience which Aoüld be valuable to all business men. Fortunes which hnd been years in aceuranlating, have suddenly disappcared. Thousands who once thought theruselves strong, nêver to be broken, ave been shivered to atoms, and are aft pennilees. They raust dow begin dgain. Many have passed the prime oí' life. Their step is loss elastiCj their jn.ii) less active, and thoy will hcreafer woi'k with an abiding consciousneas ;hat they cannot plan and execute ae n days gone by. We never see euch late new beginners without real sympathy and a desire to give tliem an enccuraging werd and a helping hand. But in this writing we have to do, Kt with the unlortunate or those who are reconstructing their temporal affaire, but with the yoi;ng and the prosperous, end with those who have we&thered all stonns and are yet sailing binoothly. Most men, wben thejr start in business mate good resolutions. At any rate, they mean to suoeeed. They esiect to avoid the dangers which have ruinad others. For a while all goes od wel!, but the day comee at length ivhen they ure swept away and al! their briljant earthly prospecta are gone forever. According to an o!d roasim it is never too late to team. Business men, bowever, do not btliove this. Every oro thinks that ho has períetted hiroself in knowledge, thnt be p.eeds no help or advice fróna anv quarter, and thaJt if others have iniled of success, that is no reamin wby he thouïd iullow iü the same track. When fnan JbcfdeS to build a house, he adopta a plan and sdheres to it to the e'id. Vv hen a navigator attempts a voy:ige, he consults his charta, and, govüfns himse'f by the experiunee of oiliurs. When one is siok, or his lift; is erdaügered by coming in coTitact with disease, he seeks adviue ii.;iu n skillful physicinn. ïbere are eevtbin rule?, forme, and precedente wliich govein and influence most men n all luatters oxee])t th oon duet of miTcaiiüle business. Jlero tbo'y mean to be original. They don't Mant the advice of anybody. Just here wb desire to ppeak. W& wisb to propose to sucli men tho following rules - for their practical consideration. Ist. Do no undertako n business with vvhic!') you are not perfectly aoquinted, any sooner than you would itteinpt, it' blind, to survey a city.. - First thoronghly tinderstand vvhat you propose to do. Serve an apprentioeship - do anything-befory taking a siDglestep involving ritik. 2d. jSTever atterapt a business for which you have no taste or tact. Seek to do that for vvhich you have a natural faculty ar.d reiiab. l)on't aspire to be a nierchant, when you should be a farmer, a mecbanic, or a day-laborer. 8d, Never connect yourself in partnership with those in whom you have not perfect confidepce - with those to whom you would be willing, sick or wei?, at home or abroad, living or dead, to intrust all your business aflairs. -Ith. Never altern)t to do more business than you can safelv do on your capital. öth. Avoid tuking the extraordrnary tisks of long credits, no matter what profits are in prospect. 6th. Give do credit whatover to any ono vrho does not possess a good mora! character. 7t!i. Supervise, carefully, your own business, (not your Beighbor'a,) and look after yourclerks, and seo that they are faithful in the perfonnappo of all their dulie?. J 8th. Let all Ibpee with whom you have dealinga or interconrse, underBtand, (iitlincUy, thatyou will not lend youreelf, for the sake of trade, to du any mean thing - anytbing which your eonscience will not approve of. 9th. Never loiiil your name by indorsement or otherwiso, escept under most extraordinary circumstaoces, and then let the act bu guarded with every ppseible ecuriiy. lOth. liuver ullow yoijreelf, or your partners, to draw a dollar irom the concern, to in vest in any (outsid oporation " whate llth. In forrning a oo-pertnerebip. insist that a limitad, fixcd y urn puly shall be drawn by each partner, for personal expenses. 12th. Under no circumotanceg whatever deal in etockg. Don't believe anv oí the thousand niarvelous tales of a fortune in that direelion. They are a trap and a tij lOth. Keep ill your accmnuluid profits in your business, so long ;is j7ou uwe a dollar. When you have more ynpital llian you can U ge, Ü.cn Et il ba proper to iovest t outfide. 1-ltli. Uorrow of bankfl or otkoc Bources never, if' itcan be avoidad. 11 tefnponrry assistanco s needed, seek it íroiii a tried frieud or iVom a sound tanking institution, and thon return the loan, on the day fixed, with tlic ino.-t rigid pnnctuality. lñth. nave nn oyó on thu comjition of the couniry, its crops, and the genera] prospecta lor but-iness and look out sharp for tho raovüincnis of' politiciai's, lio, ia nine cases out of ton, eare more lor re-'lection tlian tor our commercial Lotwosïi or our ïationai prosperitj . Thero aro other and most important matters which should not bü forgotten. Keep good compüny. Valuo ntégrHy more than ïnoney. Live within your tr.eans. Escliew wine, thyatres, and last horses. Use no profane Unguage. Never (juarrel with a partner. Be kind, considérate, and gènaroua to dei ks,ai:u also to your unfoxtunate d#btors.- Cultívate the iriendship of all. D-o your proper share ia promoting the public weal. Be a man, a gentleman, and a Obrietia'u ; and you w ill make sure of an inheritancü in tbis life and of untold riches in the life which is to come.


Old News
Michigan Argus