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Horse Show

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The llorso Show and Sheep Skearing Festival of tlic Washtüuaw Couiity Agricultura] Society wilt be held at Ann Arbor, Jaue 17th, 28th, and 19th, 1802. Tlie following is a !ijt cf tlie premiums offered : Hftffï day - premiums L1)0. T.) tWUst irottiiig Staü'on, $50,00 j 2J prem, (m le beata in Imruese) 15,00 Best Brood Mare with colt by hef eide, size and speed eouiaidurodj 15,00 Bost Pair Farm ilorses, irrespective of fcijlor, 8,00 Dost pair Matcliod Carriagellorsoa 8,00 SECONB DAY HOUSE PI1EMIÜ.M8 $51. Fastest Paciug llors3, Mare or Gelding, (inile heats in harneas, $20,00 21 premium, 5,00 i Best Htallioü for general uso of any age, 8.00 [ 2d best " " " " 3,1)0 ; Bost singlo Oairiago Ilorse, . 5,00 iost Jlaio or Gelding, & yra. old, 3,00 M u u g u u 2,00 ei ( o ii i (o ( Ia u ■ 00 B1IEK1' SIIEARING FKSTITAXi. A Sbeep Sliearing Festival will como I oa samo d i_y - promiuuis $58. . BPANI&a MKiLINOS. 'looco froin Buck 3 years cld or over, $3,00 2d premium, 2,)J riecee írom Buck 2 yoars old or over, 3,00 '.!.! premium, 2,00 "lccco from Buek 1 ynar old or over, . 2,00 'M premium, 1,00 JiuUes. - E. Jauies, Aun Arbor; J. G. iolaud, Nurthüeld ; Win. A. Bogólo, ylvan. 8AXON AKB SILKSUV. ?lecce from Buck 3 years old or over, $3,00 2d premium, 2,(H) j'locco froui Buol; 2 yrs old or ovor 3,00 2d premium, 2,00 i'lcccc; frOlïï Buok 1 yr old or over, 2d promiam, 1,00 E. Porter, Ann Arbo;-; A. Wood, Lodi ; David M. Fiuley, Soio. FdSNOH MKUINOS. Fleece from Buok 3 yra olJ or over 3,00 2d premium, 2,00 Fleece from Buck 2yrs o!d or over, 3,00 2d premium, 2,00 Fleeco from Buok 1 yr old or over, 2,00 2d premium, 1.00 Judics.- 3 do. J. llobison, Sharon; C. B. Cook, Aun Arbor;' Oscar Easton, Lima. cmosa of FutL bloods Fleeco from Buck 3 yrs old or over, $3,00 2d premium, 2,00 Flcoco from Buck 2 yrs oidor over, 3,00 2d premium, 2,00 Flteee from Buck 1 yr old or over, 2,00 2d premium, l00 Judges.-l. Carpouter, Pittsfield ; G. W. WiUoc, Salem; Win. Preston, Froedom. SHKAULT.S. Best Shearor, $3,00 2d best shearcr, 2,00 3d bost shearor, 1,00 Jiul'is. - N. Strong, Ann Arbor; Edward L. Boyden, AVebster; S. P. Foster, Ann Arbor. In awarding premiums t!ie weight, quality and cloannoss of the wool, and weight and condition of the carcass will be coiisidered. THIRD DAY - IIORSE PRBMIUMS $155. Fcir Fastest Doublé Team, mi! e lu-ats, $50,00 2d premium, 15,00 Ilorscs competing in this class must be driveu by the owner, and have been ownod and driven together at least throe months. For the fastest Trotting Mare or Gelding, mile hoats in harness, best three in five, 2d premium, 15,00 Also a premium of $25,00 to the Fastest Trotter ihat trotted ia any of the above trots ■yvithout receiving first premium. Mile beats, to go as thcy picase. JUDOES ON TROTTIN'O. M. E. Crofoot, Pontiac ; Dr, Haycs, Marshall ; Eber Adams, Adrián ; J. Starkweather, Ypsilauü ; Dr. Furnswortb, Detroit; F. V. Sinith, Coldwater. JCJDGE8 OM MATCIIED AND SINGLE IIORSKS. John Winans, Cholsca; Amos Bently, Düxter; M. Clawson, Ypsilanti; Henry Miller, Saline; James Millor Plymouth ; tlenry üoodyear, Frcedom. ÉNTRANOS FEES, &C. An entrance fee of ten per cent will )o charged on the ainount of premiums eonteafced for in each class. Threc en:ries uecussary, No entranee to bo made aftcr ten o'clock, A. M. of the day tho premiums aro to be contestcd for. All premiums [o be paid as soon as tbc Judges hand in their repor-t to the Business Gommittee. Entries can be made at any time previous to the 17th of Juue, by applying to the Trcasurer, John F. Miller, Anu Arbor. The entire amount of Horso Premiuma offered have been raised by subscription. t" Articlcs sent to the Chicago Sanitary Commission froin the Ann Arbor Soldiers' Aid Society : Feather pillows, 6 Castilo soap, lbs. 1 Jcrkcd boef, " 19 Slippers, pr. 2 Flaunel bandages, 27 Shirts, 43 Sheets, 56 Woolen socks pr. 3 Drawcrs, . " 50 l'illow castjs, " 95 Bed quilfe, 5 Pillow sacks, 3 HandkorchTefs, 73 Towels, 72 Bed sacks, 11 Tapioca, lbs. G Dricd Currante, " 8 Dried Apples, " 18 Jlagazines, 19 Lint and bandages. 'J'he tstimatud value of these artioleg is 1180.64. CLARA D1CKPOX, 5rV. íñST Gapt. John L. Haoksïaïï died ut Ooldwater on the 22nd inst., aged 12 years. Capt, II. luid boeu oonneoted ■! papers in tho State of N'cty York, and ttlso in this State. IIo sujpendel Kis last paper, tho Coldwator ITniöH, to tngiigo uotivoly iu . pütïing dowu the rebabiyn; onrollod a oompany for Co!. May' (the lltli) Regiment, and proceedad to Kentubky, wliero he contracto tbe discase of whieh lic diedi - lío leaves a" widow and scvon childi'ei). I JgX" The late raid of the rebels in tlic valley of the Shonandoah gave tbe p'.'ople a chanco to tesüfy th ut they are beartily engaged in iliowoik oí 1 tiriLf down the robelliöri. Thu enthuMaatic rallyings of Liio mea of Illinois, Indian i, Ohio, I'ennylvania, New York, Massachuseüs, and of all tlioJ States appealed to, give evidence that tho governmont can cali to ts aid au unlimitud auinber of rnun. Let the confedérales taku wacoing, SÊT" We learn by the ünion Voltmtct'r that Adjutant Hknhy M. Duffikld, of the 9th Michigan Infantry, has boca appointerl A. A. General for tho Dopartment of Kentucky; also that Lieut Ciias. II. Ihvin, of tho 9th, has beea appointed Post Quartermabtor ou Gen. Duffiülds' stail". &3C Wc have rceived two nuinbers of the Union Volanteer published at .Murfreesboro, Ténn., by Messrs Lke, Phüston & Eastman, "typos" of the grand Union army of tho Southwest. It is editod by Capt, Cuas. V. DeLan, it the 9th Michigan Iufantry, aud is really a spirited bhoet. 1" The prirtouora lately relamed fronfi Rtchfnond bring inielligenco to (iur follow-oitizen, Sít.i'iidn WíBSTeb, of the recent death in one of tho Riohmond piisons ot his brotber, Rev. Jamks W'kustku. IIo formorly resided in üakland Coun'.v, this State, was i men. bcr uf the Legislatürc D 1S-Í8, aiul nf the Constituliunal Conventioo in 1850, but ha? for a number of yenra resided neur Fairfax Oonrt HoUfe, Va. He was seizüil some weeks sincu by the rebel and taken to Riehmond, where !tl liinn exhaustion and cii contractod on his forced inarch. IU?. two .sous weie once iinpressod into tho rebel service, but after the battle of Buil Kun milde their escape and are iiow uolüvating their fathar'8 iann.


Old News
Michigan Argus