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! PiUNïm; 01' ALL IC! KCS Meatly Executed AT TUE 'argüs oefice. r WE A-RE PREPaRED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN TUE LINE OF PKINTING AT TIÍE MOST REASONABLE RATES. We hiire recently purchnscd ft BUGOLES ROTiHY CAED PRESS, and liavo tddcd tlie lat'st styles of Cnrd Type, whicli cnables ua to ]rint IXVITATIONOAEDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISLTING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. D the ueatesl stylcs, and as clionp is any othefbcnno in-the Stnte. We are also pre uivd to print POSTERS, IIANDBILLS, BLANK, j;iLL I1EADS, CIÏICULARS, PAMPHLETS &c, THE ABGUS BOOK BINDERY is in charge of a FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, [EEGORDfi, JOU RN ALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufacture in bkststtlk at New York Prices, Feriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound, All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop'r. Office and Bindery, cor. Main fe Hurón Ste. Conway Fire Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capital paid np, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,93 12 Linbilities. - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretar y . President. DIRECTORS. S.V,T7rTNEY, L. ROD.MAN. W EI.LIOTT, SA BOW LAND.D C. Mc-CII.VKA V, K. D. MOUGAN VMT BEUBNT, JOSIAII Al.l.JS. A. II. BUILEN T.H. jiUKiNSON, W.T. CL A PP, D.C.ROGKUS. Anu Arlior Hefcrences: r. V. WELLS, L. JAMKS. I,. DODOK NOCHJAMKS. CAPT. C.S. GOODRICH J. W. KNI GUT, Agent. Ana Arbor, Michigan. New Remiídip.s por SPERMATORRHCEA iov..;! AK3OC1AT1ON, PHILASELFHIA, A Bc 1 TnstítUtlM e..tttibl'linl by sprrial evdotefneul r ! , r , ! ■ i f if llíc Sick and Distrestced, affltcUdwlh 'ru'tul and Chronic Discafcs, and especwlly fur the are of DittatU of the Sexual Org,n, MKIUl'Al. AOVICE gÍTn gratis, by Iho Acthig Sur. l ll AEíI.F. 1ÍFPORTS on P)iormn(orr])OPa, nnd ntlior ,nd on thi BW i:i:.inployedin th Dl8pory, nt In ealed letfr free ofotorg. Tiroor thrci tamp for , :aptlo. Addreaa, Dr.J.SKHXÏN HOITGMi, ITomrd;li'n. Vo 'i 9. Wmth Bt. iiul.i , l[.hln,r, tyu' ■ JjMflfc. ,.-.-j-SP JWU i HBw BOOK STOllEOËfl f I. K. W'EBSTEIl m HKPtKt Franklin lidiiso ] Trri 1 A il II .' - . ■ - t-nnjsHEitt LA . ..JiCAL UOOJKS, School Bookt, iliscfllaneaua liooks, k Bboks. il (in S T A T I O ÏJ E 2-1 TtT Wal! and ffio '■ i1 unaic, JoVi m na ,,,.,; , Wtodoit Oornlè, B6nU :,:, ' tixturr, POCKET CÜTXERY Andererythlnf ei to thendo, and moro t whhstatho] i..nM ii, vil. ■ the aUeiulon ui ih.rcountrv. Inoooioctlnjour btslmsa, v.. huil 3.i :.n i'nni-.-u tlial úo rcasuoabte cu n, ivoiouii or cliild nho nitnj fimlt. We poMess : i ■ ■ ; : i ' : ■ - tvbich will ênnMcnsto SDppi ourstomcrs ;il lliu LOweeí Possibie Figures. We(rope ■ .■v PJl",atnmnallaJvoi ei Wefixpecta pruilt oaoui ;-i.i -is . b;it Cash Sales will Admit of low FIGÏIEES. Wp hsrrp eagaged thr Kervicon 'i JAMES F. PP.M.PIXc berefoie are prepareO to funi.-h Visilivff, Wedding and all nther Card, inritten to order, loith neatnêss and dispaic&j oy mai' or otiericise. Til. ■■:vir; I ml tliv wlll alvaya he fnvml od the "quarb favor tlii'm wtth :i i liemeruber tno "Empire Rook Store.' JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Ann Arbor, Mn . ISfO. tj, AN OTII i; ! { ARRIV Al AT TEE . LD ANL" HELIAS LE 11 CLOTHint ,:'■■ 't) EMP0RIU2E!! wa-Jl, isT O . S i sc ca osr 1 22: blocis:, MAIN STREET. ba&jost rpturnefl fpmu the Entcrn Citk-s, with a largü and desftabto stoelt of PALL AMD WlNTEi; E3r O E X fik 1 wkicli he is now oSering ut uousually Among bis Aesortnient inajr be found BROADCLOTI1S, 0ASS1MERES, POESKiNS, & VESTINGS, of aM dcsci i)tíoi:ñ, opcciülly tot FALL AND WINTER WE AE! wliich lieis cutting: anl making to onlrr. in thel&test an best styles, togetUcr witb n supwioi asaortmenl of READY HADE CL0TE1NG! TEL'NKS CARPET BAOS, ■'. anJ öentlemen's Furnishing Goods. witb nunierous oilifiï' ArËolM Ofluollj fbund i'. -iimviits. As ANEMP01UÜM OFFASIliOxN, the mteoviber ítüiter? himsdf, that !:i ' flinl gneraJ succes, will enato satistilCti'in io D II n hu " ' . isl l:;::i ;!i lm1 IVftJf of manufaeLuringgariueuts tu i i 76Btl Wi. wacv:. Riífe F actor y! A. J. SUTilERLAIVD HASremovcdhis Gun Shoptotlic New lïlockon HutmiUrertjSoiith ie ''O'"'1 lU'iiso.ODtiicseconc floer, wherthe is p repared to furnish Guns, Pistols, Ammunition. FlasJes, Pouíhcs Game Brigs, and Evcrj otlier article in bis Liue. Oa the mostreaaoniiblc t'irnip.íi itd to do all '-inda o l the ahorteat nolico.aiulln (.lm best mannel ful! issortmont always kep n hand.ond mado to order. BOOTS SHÖES MOORS & LOOMIS Are now recoiving a lnrgc nssortinent of Boots and 9hott and ]R TJ.S IB E IR, S I ■ft'liicli h?y gtopot i Hell - 50 per cent below former pficet for ctith. JIcn's good Kip Boots, from $1,50 to $3,00 Men's good Tliick Boots, from 3,00 to 3,00 Men'sgood Oolf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladies' Gaíters, from 44 to 1,25 Ladies' Jloroeoo Bootocs, from 75 to 1,25 And an eniUes1; vn !■:■!)■ of BtHÚ Bhottftpra Fancy Balmorals to Infanta' Creeping Shoos. We al-e alaoMnnnfuctiirlng all klnils of WAEEANTED BOOTS & snOES. Mens Fine Freuch Calf Boots Pegged iind Se wed. So givo u a c&lïbefon nmvliasiii ■ i ■ ireiin bonndnot i iin.lcr.inW. J-HKi'AIKIXi; DONE ON SHORT xotii K._dr MlïORE & LOOMIS M;i-n st,, AnnArhor, Jlich . 82Otf Mo ney Wanted, Wli o will LeudMoney! I..y,l i: r 8E7KRA1 ; i obtain moaoy (ot linin at Ten Per Cent Interest, (Or More.) Koranynr.n williiv; tolend,] p. a) once lm ■ : ■ 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 . 1. RKAIi FSTA'i'K ecurltjf knjaama of mo thtthtitt n.l security are iM. MORT. BiT The borrowcr pnvinsc all esp' ii. mi'lii'line vr. Beding. I. W, HORÜAK, Au" Alr, '■■ V. 1880. 1862. 2STS-V7■SPRING QQQÚSI Y c are íiow roeeivmg ;i tii.e stook of NEW SP1UNG G00D3, anti ffír tltem M li.o ICsowest Cash brices. April Lst. 1862. 8i6íf SCIIOFF &MI L L Ett RESTILI.OXH.N'D;it ibeíróM átand, IX No. 2, Franklin Blpck, with the most compl ■ i . n1 of Books and Stationery, PEKFÜME1ÏIES, TANCY GUODS, VrALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, ñlIAÜES, KüI.LERS, GOEDS, TASSELS, GIJP QORN1CES, LÏTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STE2EOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered n tliis ftíarket ! 3 '.vouiii siugi-M Lotho&e in puisaU ifuj SA NT A CL A US ' L l ff E tliat they can secure a Doublé Chrlsimas Present ! i'V nrchftfiing trova tlii.= R'och , au eacb purcbasi ■■. eïry, &c. , Rangiog Invalue irom 50 ets. to $50. ■: tbis iu.i i kd ;:m' stj iet ai leutu n to tí'6 iraata Uicm tu a Ubofft] uhptr ot ['atronage. Ana Albur, Dpc. 5. 1SC0. 777tf JLIFtt IIVSURAJSCK. The Coxmeoticut Mutual Life I$surancö Company. Aecumulatcd Capital, - $3,500,000. WLLLINSt'RK ÚVK aouot not exc ■ $.'..■' .. j -. ■ ■ tel ma. N. Ii The 'opapany U pu ■ i'i ;ili the stirpliw i.'wr t ka exact coat of msoranee i ■ i ■ ■ ' Un.-ir premidnifl ON UPB PuLfClES, íf desired, by taking a note fur ofte iutit,boringitftereflt at six ii r .■'■:it, per árítfcm . Dividends are Dedarcd Annually! :unl ïince they now amouql lo ewtt por cent on i. iii:'. !.!■:); ji;i i unit-, Mtd n liii-.ri-;isi]ix Um-v v.t'.iy bt' fipp)ïei to caucel Uw 0 i be ratea ol premiums arens low eu aay otber rasjjonsible Comöny ;; tbo LsTge uccuraulated i'uii't 'i' $3j50Oj000 i.-, securely investí d, oa roay be Been i y efi i - ■■! ■ ■■ ■ ; - : ■ I ■■■ , -:i filo tl i I the Co intj CIci-k,ai Aan Ai-lor.-TLft JAMfó GOOüWm, Prest. (hv lï. PflBI i's, -■■■, v . FtorpaiUcnlaraapi'Tj (to JAMEa r. yTATPOÏï, .- : I gent at Aun Arbrr, Great Beduction in the Price o] SINGO & CO.'S Standard Machines Welt knotcn to le the Best for Jilanufucturing l'urposei. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, for rnerly sold at $90, reduced to $70. No. 2, of' samo kind of Machine, fo merly sold at $100, reduced to 75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACH IN] Is the best Machine In tb world for l'ninily Scwing ani Li lii Man ufactu ring PurposQS : (citi Hcmmcr,) anc büautiftüly ornamented 550. The Nos. ] and S Uacbfaea nro of croAtoapacityaiu ap])[icatiou for manufacturing purpoöew, ted i.tafl kiod of liglit anU teavj l-entUor Vork, in Carria ■ ining, Boftl aad Shoo Mak! Dg, Harnesa ". 'fhef are of extr&size, and ith an arm longen cake under t and ititch the largesï tze dssbes, 'i'licr . "y any}árt of a Trim I '■■■■.' 1 1 = ■ f oanno bo bottt-r done with thoui ihun by hand ao, too, íli Baring ol tim? and laböi Iá ve-y The tableo machines is LH [afthea li.u;, nul tbesbattte wil hold six limes tlie ueoal quaotitfóf threa4 Tht largo maeliine works lis fastas siujill OüW. We woold ask for out Letr A Machhfes, (ho spe ctal attontion of Vwt BlakoM and ! ' ■ M ' ■ ., mij al thoH ffhO fl :i'it for 'V'i manu firl'rivg pur pofcs. Thry cmbodj Itic prlddples of the standan íu.u'liiüCH, making tlkethem, tbefntGrlockdéltehtant linod to be uceldbroted Por FÁWLT SBWüffl ai ■ li-gkt manujbetaring purposea asour standard maohinoü :i i for manuutol nrlng pnrpopps in enn al. ]y., e :i ;■■ :i ;. i :i Imii!, Iil-:1U1KG 0 U t.INKN ANI COtTOXTUliRAU, (N BPfMMW, lilCST UACÜUKl (UI. 11 ■ i, etc., eter. v. . i ■ 'tniifactureoiir own Xccitlcs.ainl vould ■■■. persooR usbag ourinarhines not to buy nny it)irr-;. We know that tlicii.' ave DoedtesBold cythi uu's inferior ipiality at liilior priefta tlmn nro cbargï for th beet. i ..-■ ih.i'.i' Boiaornt are manufacturad topecfally for pnr iitii. hini's. A bad nctdlcmay tkt beit machine almoñt ttwfcMi Our customwü nmv rest usqied thgtahonr Bvanefa Offices ato Futnishod iríththe gennlne&otlota M En oAMof amallparolAiiw, the monéj mtiy be Be! Ln postage staiopBi or bank notes. i ' rftt wriie thoir ñames distinetíy, It is MI itipnrlMit we should, ineach case, fcnotr fcbe Poai Office, Coanty,aúd State, ;í5 AH persons roquiring information about SmvniK Maohtnos i i n ■ i ■ ■ ■ ■ , j ■ 1 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ , wovktug capacitfM, and tfcc ■ bods ol purebasing, oan obtftin it br soaduig to ua, or iny of our Hranoh 0mO6fl for :i oopy of I. M. Singer & Co.'s Gazette, 'hiili isa beau tifa] Pietorial Pnjcr dsTOteQto w subject- II teili besentgratis. We have nin-le tfieabove 1 WDUCTTON IN TRICEN wühtho two-fniíí rfw of tjciiíütiü.c: the pubüe aa'i nurselves, Tlic pnblíc haTE beoa swíndled vy spurloon ::- chinos DOftfle m MTiilntinn of aars, Tlif metal in thcni, Ecom the Iron ■■ tii ■ i" ths sipallesi peice I o p ■ e iti,iliy. Tlu-ir makers fiave not t%emeaijètoi3otttsir worl wcíl. 'i'ln'v arehid :nv:iy n ñorel placoVj whore íl would be'hqpoMittlfl to barí &ttbir oomniand í1m i ■ i. ■ j i■ n! v hy doing i hn.sinev, -. ;i,[)'l h.i vi nV1.-iíi iiirtmifaclurín 0StsWSb, that eood Miririiiiu's v-i bs nade t moderatlrices. Th bostdosoüd machines, BADLT m,i ', are uhriy40able to ïet out of oriv-r, and ure snrj lo cnt oonmdorftlkle trouole and monoy to keen íhem in repaire ïho qualities to bo looked for in a Machine aro : cftrt&lniyof oorreci action :tt &l rates of speed. slmplfcltjr tractlon, great tlurubilit, andrapidity of npo ration, with the least tibor, Maohfnesto ooinbine (bese easentlal qualfties. (ntust be madeof the best metal and Bnithi 'l to perfi ctíon. W have the mus. o a grani scnle, to do tfii. The purchasers of machines, .'-■■■ll:u]y bread it may concern, will í) tbftt th9fte baTingthe aboye qualltiea not only wotk wfl ; i rapiO ;ls jvell aa bÏoi Bpoedbui ':i ■■■ Iod ■■■ ínthfj finesi posil,K worklngordr, ■ ■ liint's, as m.'wU' hy i;s, VíI r-:-rii more v.iMi toss labor tlinnany fjtberB vhetber un EmitAtton i', oursor no't. In faci, tíiey are cheaper tlinn an v .í liar machinesMftgift. " i. W.SJNOER & ('ii.. 468 l tros ! waj New Vork. JOT9" Detroit Offlco, 88 Woqdwaard Avenue, (MerriU Hlí.ck ) 8]ltf M. Ií. GOODRICH, Agent, Aún Árbór. S. W.MOKGAN, Agent ior M,i ii;;' LifeTnsurancvComi-uny , N. w ■ i-. . . . M,850,OÓO, .he leadlng Ufe tamirancí Companj (b the r. s. Kaickerbocker LiCe Insurance Coiqpany, New Fork ■- ■ ('a - torna reasonabTe. liiiinhnji'n ] ; ''.impany, New Ynrk. üapital, witL a larjw surUtv, - - $200,000. I '..'■ i i i, -i I:í ■ ■ i 'o.j Teoría IH, ■ o. 1 l-'ire Insurance Co's. 7O7tf ipitSJ, - - - $500,000; Ayer's Agüe Cura.


Old News
Michigan Argus