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"on To Richmond."

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De ah Bhothek : Special Correap ondence of ttic Argus. In CAMl", 15 MILUS FROM KlCHMOND, ) May 21st, 1862. i We are slowly but surely approaohing the rebol capital, and a few more days will either g!ve us a battle with Richmond, or Richmond without a Battle, for Richmond we shall have oae way or tbc otlier. Wc left our camp at the White House, on Monday last, iu a rain storm of course, for some how or other t eoutrives to rain every time we move. We made five miles that day, over a very muddy road, and encamped on the West Point and Richmond railroad, near Hanover. We remained in camp ycst-erday, and started again ou our road ut 5 o'elock this moruing, aud iu a rain storm at that. As the day advanced the weathercleared up, leaving it quite cool travcliug. The day waa delightful, aud the roads the best that I have seen iu this part of the country. Evidently the iuhabitants of this part of Virgiuia did not expeet to see the army of McClkllan passing aioug this way to Richmond. Between here and the White House tbere are huudreds of acres of grain. Wlieat is already hcaded out, and will soon be ready for the roapor. There isalío cora ia abundante. Many of these fields ure now tbrown in'to coinuions; teuts are also pitchud in them, and horses and cattle are allowed to feed upon the wlieat and outs. I do not mean that you should understand by this, that this army wautouly destroys property as it goos along, for it does not ; but often it becomes necessary to occup}' these fields, and then it is done, and only then. The noarer we appoach Riehmond the thicker the country seems to be settled, and the oftener do we sce the faces of white people at the doorsand Windows of the houses ; but most all of them are women, men seem to be scaroe, and most probably were compelled to go with the rebel army ou their retreat tovvards Richmond. I see that some of the northern papers, and folks think that Gen. McClellan moves very slow towards llichmoiid. In my humble opinión he knows bis business far better than any northerö editor or politician can teil him. All I wish is that thoso fast men were oompelled to come down here, shoulder a knapsack, gun, cartridgu box, forty rounds of eartridges, and two days provisions, and march over the roads tbat we do, roads that teams loaded ivith supplies, cannot make two miles and a half per day on. Under such circumstances, I think they wouM obange their tune. It is a very easy matter to stay at home, where you have everything convenient, and teil how things ought to be done, but it is anothar come into the field and do it. Any coward can sit in his easy chiiir and talk, but when you ask them to come and fighl " they aint here," That this army army could be moved faster, there is üo doubt. I3ut wouli Richmond sooner be taken, or the rebel army Üm annihilated by it ? I doubt it. If Gen. MeOlellan ehouM move this army as fast as some seom to wish him to, by the time that he reached Uichmond he wou]d bave no arrny ; a few and only a few could stand the march ; the road would be lined with worn out men, and'his army woukl fall an easy prey to tho rebels. This is just what the rebels would like. Besidea this, the army has got to bo fed and under a rapid march it could not transport provisioüs fast enough to supply it, so that if any should be lucky enough to reach that plaoe, they would bo sturved as we!l as fatigued. Eosides this class of people, there seoms to be another up north, who think that a victory is uo victory at all, without there are thousands of livcs lost, and I am GQinpelled to believe that this olass had rather heai' that a battlo had been fought, and that thousands of lires had been lost on both sidos, if it should end d the defeat of the Union army and compel it to niake a hasty retreat from before Richmond, than to hear that that plaoe had been taken without the loss of a singlo life. Let saoh men hammei' away, they can do the General no harm, and I am happy to]say that the soldiersboth officers aud men, put the utmost confidence iu him. I perceive by the New York papers that Corporal Gilland died on board of the Ocean Queen while on bis way to that place. This newa cast a gloom over tho oompauy to which ho belonged, for he had won the couñdenoo, respect, and estcem of every member of the company. He was always to be found at the post where duty called him, Siok or well he never shirked from duty. At the time we reached Yorktown he was unwell ; but instead of giving up, whenever the regiment was called upon to go out on picket or work in the trenohes, he Tyas with it, and often he would return to camp with bis clothing wet completely through. On the 29th of April last, he waa with us ou picket, and little did I think then it was for the la?t time. The pight was very cold, and oijr pickets were so aear the eneniy, that wo were ander tlic neceatity of tying flat on the ground ; all night. During thc uight a very heavy dow fell, he caughta culd,and on i ing to camp was obligcd to givc up. lio was removed to tlio hospital May 3d, and on the Cth, along with the other siok of i the regiment, he was placed on board of, tho boat for New .Yo;k. Little did I '■ think at tho time I bid htm good-bye that I should never seo him again. Though he was not a moinber of the cluiroh, he was a cliristian, and was the same in monis that ho was whcn lic left hume. - During my acquaintance with him I never heard him utter an oath. For inont.hs we tented together, and I loarned to honor and respect him. Enclosed I send you somo heads of whoat pieEed f rom a field opposite our eucampment. The field is now occupied by a cornpany of artillery, and their horses are feeding on the whcat. I am in the Best of health.


Old News
Michigan Argus