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Skirmish Near Front Royal?

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FHpNB HOYAI., Vil., May 81. A Ituconnoissance macla thU afternoon diseossered a large i'orco oí tho enerny nomo tix rnilus i'rom hero on the Wioeheater ro:id. Our tioops Qpenod on thoii) and drftva thuin snnifl distaiH'.e, líikinfí eeveral priaoners and ono 11pounder cannon manufacturad iu Liverpool in 1861, and tuulvo ■wagnnp, severa! borses aDJ mules, &5T The íirmy of Gen. Bhaukuiíard evacuated Ooriuth mi the 29th of Muy, nnd tho Union forcss look póssessión on thö morning of' the 30th. Nearly a'l the military stores ere enrried off, with the Hick and wounded. Tbe army " ekedaddled'1 in ull türectiona, andbutlittle ol ts whereabouts has been definitely determinad. It wns an ingloripua relreat, muc!i worso than a defeat. - A dispatch received just as we c'oso up our columna saya that Gen. Pope has fouad the whereabouta of about 10,000 rcbe's, in fact has bagged that Dumber, with 15,000 stand of mms. The rebel ariny oí iho soulhwest is effuctuallv annihilated. _ E5P Four Michigan llogiments probably participated in tho recent terrible figiit on the Chic-kahominy ; tho 2d, Col. 1'ok ; 3d, Col. Ciiamplkv; 5th, Col. Tkkry; 7th, Col. Gkosven'or. Tho íirst threejiumed wero in Beiíry's brigade and K;:.i;m:v's división, and vvere in the thickost of tho fight. We do uot remember tho brigade of the 7th. We may expect iicas that will shroud inany Michigan homes in mourning. - The 4th, and Stocktoü'b independent regiment - now the lGtli - participated in the brilüant afluir at Hanover Court House, but were not in the Ohickabominy fight. Stookt on's regiment reports nne man wounded at Hanover. - The First is near Norfolk. JKSTWe think that it was Senator VViLsoN, whü from bis place io the Senate chaiuber iuformed the country that the retreat of Banks down the Shenandoiih vaüey, and the pursuit by the rebol Generáis, Jackson, Ewell, and Johuston, was a gtratograal movement - or a trap set fur the rebels. It is a new kind of strategy for a man to imagino that he has set a wulf trap and baited it with himself, and when the wolf touches the bait to find that tho trap is not set, and that he is ootlg-ht instead of the wolf. - And it was just this kind of strategy that wcakened the force of Banks, and brought a superior rebel force upou hiiu, without haviug providcd for the emergency. 'The trap was baited bui was nol set. It is evident that " somebody blundered." typ The "radicáis" are down on Provisional Governor Stanley of Nqrth Carolina. Iíeason, the Governor annoutices that he is instructnd to admiuister tho lawa of iho Scatu as tlmy existed prior to secessinn. tJoder such laws Degroes aro not better than "white folks," and the latter aro not taxed lo edúcate and support the fornier. - Tho Secretary of War repudíate the action of Gov. Stanley, aud Gov. S will probably resign, Ejp" In u recent speech at Boston, WBSDKLPntttipseaidthe President was a "licksjiittlc," that " tho President and Cabinot woro treasonable in their délay," that " tho President and Secretary of War should bu impeached for allowing Mercier to go down to Kicti mond," that " Gen. Banks deserved iJtfeat," that McClelhin was a traitor, and Halleck a fooi, etc. Wonder f ome of our good Union citizenw wouldn't lifce to have Phillips speak again in this city. - i in p. - - t The AJcertiser vvaxes exceedinLly wrotliy over the vote of IIoq. B. F. ( Juaxcek, aiembor of Congi'ess (rom thia district, agaiost tho oonfiseation and general einancip iMon bilis, and charges that ho bas nold the Republicans,and sold himself to the Democracy. Will the Adeerliaer pr " any other man" ba kir,d enougli to teil U8 what prioo tbc Demócrata are to pay GbanOKU ? BS?" In the published list of federal soldiers just releascd from their lorfg imprisonment at Salisbury, N. C, wc find the following names of members of the old Michigau First : J. J. Barns, H. Bruiner, O. S. Chapman, and H. W. BagSo. These prisonors ropuvt that Cola Willcox and Oorcoran arrived at Salisbury from Kichmoud just bcfore their release. yy The división of Gen. Ca.hky whieh was first attaeked and compelled to fall back in the reoaut fight on the ChickahoimDy was composed entirely of New York troops, lts loss was large espccially in officeis. jL-LT Geus. D:x and Wool have exchanged placeg. Gen. Wool comes up to Baltimore and takes oharge of the Middle Department, and Gen. Dix has his beadrjuarteis at Fortrcss Monroe, and reports to Gen. McClkllan. %'-LT Gen. BoTLBB has taken possession of the mansion of ex-Seuator and ehief rebel conspirator Sliüell, aud with it seeured Mrs. Gen. Bbaurboakd. JL3Ë7 Adjutant Cowleb, of the Tentli Michigan, was killed on the 29th uit., while exainining the encmy's works with a field glass. ■EPT!:e Honío has pasáed a resol ntion to adjourn mi the 16th inst. It is to be hoped that íh" Sonate will concur.


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Michigan Argus