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Mc0r.KM.AN7! Ukadquartebs, Juno 2. Two days of the battle of Riehmond havo been fought, in bnth of whieh we wevu MJctjriOBi. The loss en both hiilcs was heavv. Tl, e attuck comirencc-d at one o'clocli Saturdáy by HillV. di.ision of five rebel btigadeej raoatly from South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia, attácking Casuy's división osar tbe turnpiko lea ii ii ir over Bottom Bridge. The fighi was disnstrous to us.-- Crtsej-'u brigada was forcéd to retreat beioia superior numbors, leaving all thoir camp equipage and fcwelve batteries. Oolonel Jiailey, in endeavoring to save batteries, was killed. Sonic of the Poonsylvanifi and .New Vork troopa bebaved very badly. Jlaiiy offioers were killed in attempting to rally the men, Heintzblman was ordered up wi h a partion f Kearney and Hooker'e alvisions. The forrner ebarged the reb els uith biiyonet, driving (hem liko sheep, and regainiog the lost ground, exueptjiulf u ruile, when night closed the uperatiuns. Suinnn-'.s second división, eoinposed of Sodffwktk's ttod lliüh:trdaon's orodfud the Chiukahoininy at three o'clook 8uturday afiernoon, takia position on iU-i;r.A-!m;.i;'.s right. Helo they enU(ninterd Longstreet, Rains, anii Hugorfe división, eoaiposed oí' the flowur oí the lebol anny. The fightjng wab desperate. Evary inch was hotly eontested. The oneiny stod üi-c, but in evary iastaneeUed before the bayonet. These two division.s did nobly, driving tl. e rebels ut every [)üiüt. EUETIIEK DETAILS. McClellíJÍS Hkadquauteks, June 2. Are have taken sotne fivo hundred prisoners, among wbora are eeveral prominent oüicers. On Sunduy, as soon as t was light, the tight was renewed by Gen. Sumner vith marked tsuecess, the figjjt lasting nearly the whole day. Tlie rebels vvere driven at every point With heavy loss. The ground gained by Gen. Sumner was abont two and a half miles. Gen. IleinUelman süceeeded un Saturduy raorning in retaking the ground lost the duy before by Gen. Oaeey, after a ; severe nlrug{j!ü. Our loss n tho two days' éngsgemout in killed and wounded is bout threo huudred. A, number aro missing, who will probably return, having strayed away. All the enemv's killed and most of their wounded feil into our hands. The country in whieh the battle was fought is Bwampy, with thick underbrush, and most of tho iighting was in the woods. Owing to the naturo of tbe ground, very üttlo artillery was ueed. Boih balloons were up nearly all day yesterday. All the troop left Itichrnond and marebed in tho directiou of the battle fieJd. Tho railroad has been cf inestimable service, the cara running within a mile and a l:a!f of the battle field, bringing iorward inimunition and Supplies. The wounded were inirnediatclv put a.board the onrs and sent to tho White House. Gen. McCleüan arrived on tho batlie (icld on Satarday evening, wliere he bas ïernained ever since, direoting all the movements in person. His jirescnee among the treops had a most splendid effect. Four separate charges uith the b:iyOnet wore made during yesterday. In ono instance the enemy were driven a mile, during which one hundred and seventy-nino rebels were killed with the bayonet alone Lieut. Washington, aid to Gen, Jo. Johnston, was taken prisonor. The cnuinv'á dead on tho field aninunt to over l,'200. Gen. Iloward was wounded twice iu the arm. ( 1. Millar, of the 8lst Pennsylvania, and Col. liippy, oí Pitlsburg, were killed. Col. Campbell, of Pennsylvani."., was vouii(ied in the tliigh. New York, June 3. The statement of our loss in McClcllan's báttle Bhonld rnad 3,000 astead of 300 ; a telegraph blunder.


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Michigan Argus