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ISTew .Advertisements. r ■ Wait for the Model Institution. DAN. RICE'SJREAT SHOW! Largest Fxhibition Ever Formed. MORAL, lN'STüll 'IH'K AMD PLESISp. Will IiiOii al YI'SII.ANTI. Tli'irsNv Jnni !2ll. Anu Arbor, Friday, Jane 13th, JACK&ÜN, Snluriiav, .luiM' 1 41 h . Alt' mot ii bq1 nthta t a 1 1 doj ■ Siv tlin ii :■'- ni'in'.liii iifjiini' and .Tuly wil! 'i :l '! tlie niihoTiial louáí and dlitfc iiú tíio linW "! thoMichi .'.:n t.Vnir.'.l . Mu 'iiHr;Ln Sonlh tik :ui'l Üftroil Uül HHwaukte ï : : i ■ ■ r' ;iu. whcn up6n each ajtlon, tht Amerlran HiiworM, l). ilCÏ, will posiUvey :i(pfar, Dg ilni'li exhibUion w nderfol hün.l,.rmin;r hot c RxceWorJr.j" Di t'ufm cimrte ninlc. Dun Kica'i Jiremn t Chivalty, Wril's Mi.--ic.iHn' II na, Mainiii'itli Gjnjniwium, nl hiindreaothor loaturcs wil! tir' llUror)')'"! in u':'"f 'llnw. SVMS KOR BW HYBOUJ ü xt pj cntB, i:.-i-v I neaUi iïO cent. CTiiWWu líníerib ïOBr; 25 ctnta t" al] ,.:'ri . .it pavilUou. .1. F. WAHXER. iW?etiog Agfirt. Ir,I'. I' JONiS, Publiwttcn Ativ. Special Notlre ! AI;I, Mrinm in lebtml to mr b? Hute nr itcecgm oMigc in ■ l liaj-in,' the :u ■ on or beturt tl of Jul)-, lS(Ji "Fte( Ann Arh.r, lun 5, W2S. "' ' Y-'-'.J'1 Notioo. njiïIÉ uu l'-r-ilï -il !f-r !y forbiils all pftrr. 'r.,,t1 any one nhis aocoiiat without & writieo . Int h:ill no s il c J i lU-btn. '" MK.'U.'.EI.I.AUBl.N ;u;p .' - ■-■ Art r. M.1.V 29lh, ifO;. rtJiws All Losses pi-omptly Ijusted MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO,. OF HAETFORD, COOTJ, Cash Capital, $200,0)0. Totl Aisots, Jan. lxl, 1862, Í3P.T 3ï 05 UubittiM, .... l".Wjt MARK HOWARD, Pimideo; K. Tkos. I.OItDRT.L, ?Dfy. v The rniersignt-l lia bM n app' intp.l Agent foi t above reliablo Corapaiy, and will efl(-ct innn ftgal.ut tossei b' lirs.' at reasunablc ratei. K '!■ POXD nn Arbcr, Juno 2, 15Í2. Sijtf 4 1.11 a ci 1-1 8 U4 o o M u ? h"í$5 5 181 e SI : H á& E, H i s , GLOBIOXJS News from "Dixie!" The RebelJion about C'rushed! A. S O. LOEB, OF IHK CLEVELAND CLOTHiNG HOdSí Returu thoir sincero thanks to their nunjoroui FRIEM-íS AND I'ATROAS, For tlie liberal imnner iu wliïch íiiiy hare hnrtt lufurc patroEjizol thein, aud beg lcae ta auuouucti that tLvjr &iu AGA1N ON HAND With a Largo and W811 soloctód Stock of SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING! GENTS' FURNISHING GÜODS, liats, Caps & Truaks, whiíi thej wil! nuil at Astonishing Low Prices ! For further ] ;rtiVu!ar Oall and. Soe for -ourselveí, anri you will not go xir&j ([Mttisflcd, A. & C. LOEB, Hurón Street, a fevr doors wc.t of Cyuk's Hotol. Ann Arbur, Mnv, 1S"2. 3m83 To be Issued Sept. 15, 1882. MICHIOAlsr STATE GAZETTEER. Bxosiness Directory, KOK TUK VKAR3 18638. Vi'ORK WJI.L CO.NT.UX Historie and Detcrijjtive Skctcfos OITIEö, TÖWNS öc VILLAGES Throughout the State; Classified Lista of üll Pofossions, Tradus and ursuiU, AiT.inuci-il ft]phabtícalTj for each Tuwn, thvis exhibítfng ut a glance, tlie l'ull address un! particular buiDttSa 0Í cVtiiy MlEbtCltAWT, AUNL'KACILKEa AM) IfKOrÜlü-NAI, .M.Si IS TIW; tíTATlv. At the oarnost o]1oitation of tnany of the priflC'p! 04tcliants itnd men of iVtroit. and in compliaWt witii the iri:u(ra]]y exprsffad vishf tlie pubtórnt lirg for siich a work, the publUfaer of ihe DintfoiT City li' SBCTOjtY Uu dtermiaed to uti'U'riake the pubUcalioo of athorougli, complete an-1 re lia ble Gazttkkhji a.m iïtW1 SSSfl PiARCrOBY OFTUK ST-ATS 01 MlCUIO-A.V . L'OflseüK as bo :l-i in1 'Inés, uuusual facilïties for ubtiiio:ug Bceaarj toforquUpnj Ihe work will bo ii vvpry reiPS :i coipplete ;niiJ rwliablu ene, ireli wufthy the onfidMKQ aad patronage of the publip It w:ll be expresslj adp its of tarmers and Mun oí Busincs, o i a souroe of insti uctiu.i and g"i'i atice to the thousauds of strangera, travele ri and itnrolgntfita who. are se-liiig qow homaa or buainesi c fjuin maner iu ihe Wsl , wlicro the currents o!' Trini vtiiilv rf.'lliqg in ttiftgpltude, iiiid wlicrf th r.clï .si'il kuow no üxhiiu-süun ;iad tutustke the wurk univcrBftllv 'suiight aftor, it to issue U at rW , .. ..i ..!,. i. ;i Buok lor the l'c-oiiie - usi-ful ol i-h--;ip- nul tbfi done h_v ihe Ubersl ubscripïiofi o Citïzeits, I-uud ovnor.% McVclmnts, and others intorostw in tii. ■ viirious Counties, Cities and Towns. This work illcmitaln afull (kciiptionof tho btate at large nd lv CfnioUw . 1.' r ftgvioultuEsJ and iiiuierU'ioal r Boures; ber advantogettentao agrie al tural tBUBaD' factürtng Siftte; her minera. a dooed and loeatwl; lr iratvr coursed, timber lands, oit hu1 etimat; t; T rinus Kailioad iiues complctod, boin btuli, :md thot projucted ; nuraber of churches, schooU and beurv'! H n piich county; umnber of mt rchan ts 1 1 ehanies aod nuniifaciuring establiftb'menu, ■ttoriM'J1 and i-liysirians in ach ' wo m ttoo SUt; ïnionnat'011 for tur ímrolgaul .is to Ihe best focollon for his partictt' tar bu&inM. A lit of inu-nteinl lands in the HutiCt witli their l'o.iiiu:i, oliaiai-HT aml ptiafi; i complet 'lSt of the Pfint Offices in tho State ; namcü and locatM,0 all ncws)Tifrs pnd perioHiculs; ft full list of the pi11' State anl Cuuniy uiti'-r wiili tho ConsiitutioQ (lf lllJ Stht'e; tabïcof dlstancP8o6 all linea of travel throojP1 the State, eithet bjr lailroad, sreainboat o ït. ciitiiin alfiO :i wwplolfl trade-lil ila"1 whiji' to ts aud business men gcncrljgr, il' immenso. Afl a Medium for Advertising This book oflerg apequaltd iniuccipcntji, as it wil] l1 circutated fn everj town ainl rillagc throughonl e s:;i,., in! v.;i n'rfi-v u that cláfs of eonn with whinu it tu the íatereal uí all ;nlvi-nf ti) be knmvn. uta will bc taken at pricH raning from Fiva I oiLAitk, opwardi!, according t ï'f and locuMon. tiiusnrineftig ihe vnhi.-il.le privilege withW the roach of all. The Work rfïfl !■■ eomplied í(i f rnnge.l with goat caje. an.l irill bspridU-d amlböuoïfn a v&rv Buperirfr nn mibytuiithil Drarnter, it belng tM 1B' tention t- make the work one of ntermtDd n) vnli"1 wellworthyof preservatlop asabook of reftrenc ' -r thcStiirlcn', 1h Mereliaiir and the Profestiional nuii - The prifo nf 1hbook hasbwn tx-l t$3, on Inê fjj oeipi of whloli it rll be sfinl toanypart of the l'nit10 Stiltes, free of paiiage. All UonjihiintOfttlüH nhonM 1" iddr'ed to CHARLES F. CLARK, Publisbei,


Old News
Michigan Argus