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1862. 1362. SPRING COODS! We are now rcceiving a fino stock of NEW SPRING G00D3, and offer thein at the Lowest Cash Prices. i i April lst, 1862. 84Ctf , SCHOFF & MIL L ER ' A RESTILLON'IIANDattheiroldStand, ft No. 2, Franklin Block, with tbemost complete assortinentof Books and Stationery, PERFUMEEIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, KOLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in tliis Mart et ! and they would suggest tothose in pursuitcfanythingin SANTA CL A US' LIME thatthey can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasing frmn this stock, as oach purchaser gete anadditional present of Jewelry, &c, Ranging invalue irom 50 ets. to $50. Theytrust that their long oxperionco inselectinp; goods for tli is market, ntld strict attention to the wmiïs of Cu&tomers, inay eatítte them to a liberal sbare o Patronage. Aun Arbor, &(■. 5. 1860. 777tf LIFJti IINSUKaINCE. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. Accumulated Capital, - $3,500,000. WtLLINSURE LJVES fot any amonnt not exceedlnsr (10.000 :-■ t!ie wnote term of Laffe or for a term oí years, od the most favorable terms. N. B. Companv purely mutual and the policy holders get all the surplus ovef the exact coat of [naurance It aeoomodattt the insnred in the sut t lemen t of their premia dok N I-lFlO POLICHES, if deatred, by taking a note for one half the amount, hearing iutereist at six por Ci'iit, per aniuini . Dividend are Declared Annually! and slaOQ tlir-y bow amount to fifty per cent on the premium, cash and note, and are inercasing tucy may bc applieU to cancel the notes. The raten of premiums ateas lov a. anv olher respowüblfl Company and the Urge aceumulated ftmd of Si,i( '0,000 is securoly nvosted, u inay bfl 86411 by refereuc lo the statement Aade aetoUag to law, on file in UieoflBoc i'fthu Coantv Ann Arbor.Ët i JAMES G0ODWIN, Prest. Giy R. Phwjps,Sbct, PorparUcalanapwto JXhïÈB C. WATRON, 7G3vl Agent at Ann Arbori Mlcb. Great Reduction in the Price of SINGKR & CO.'S Standard Machines . Wcll ktunen to ie the Best for Manufacluring furposea. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at $00, reducod to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for murly sold at S100, reduced to 75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the bast Machine in the world for Family Sewing and I.iglit Manufacturiiix J'urposes : (with Hcmmer,) and bcautifiilly ornaaieoted $50. The Nob. 1 and S Machines are of ?reatcapacty and appiloatlon fqr inanufnct"ring pnrpoies. Uur Mfo. 3 Machines are especially adapted toall ktndfl of light and heavy Iather HFork, In CarrlagQ Trimming, Boot and Shoft Making, Harnaw Mitkiug,ctc.,etc. Thpy are of extra iiWj and w ith an arm JonL enough to lake under it and siitch the hu fisi "sie danta 'fluit; is scarcHy any p;Lrt of aTrimnifrs' sfitching that cannot bu better done with them than by hand ; so, too, the aving of time and tabor is WJ great. Thetableof these machines la 24 tnohofl lonp, aml taeaaattle will hold wix timesthe usual quantity"f thread. Tho largo machine works as tast a small one. We wuuhl asJ fnr our 1'tttT A Mncliinos, the special attention of Vett Mnkers and Drasa Maken, and all those who want Uebinaafor light manafaeturir.g purposeê. They embody the pridciples of the standard machines, making llkethem, theinterlockod sitcL, and are destined to be ascelehratcil for Famm.y Sbwisq and ligkt manufacturiug puxposea asoui .standard machines are for manul'aci inin jmrpusi-s in irt-m-rl. We haE alwáyaon hand, HKanciita OAUGBSjfiiiXTWiai I.1NHV AND COr rf)S TURK Ali , OM BPOOU, HKHT MACU1NB OlL in bottleHtc, etc. Wc manufacture our own N'eedlcs, and vould wam all persons using our machines not to buy any others. We know that there are needies sold of thè most inferior quality at higln;r pnces than we charge for the best. The needïeB soldby ofi are manafacturadaspaclanyfor OUT ni;i. bines. A bad needlc may render tkt betl machine almosi melesê, Our uustomers may rest aísured thatal.' our Kranch OfFicesare turnlahed with the '' genuino actifo " In case of small purchaaes, the money may ha stut ld postage stamp, or bank notes. Correspondent will pleasewrito their namen di-tiiu-.tly. It ia aU.inportant that wo hould, incacUe&Bo, know the Pdirt Office, Ooonty, and State. jtXi1 All persons vjuiring Information abottt EJewing Machines, tlieir Blié, pricen, working capacities, and tíie best methods of purchasing, can obtaín it by sending to us, or any of our Branch Offices for a copy of I. M. Singer & Co. 's Gazette, Which is a bojuitiful I'ietorial Paper efltircly devoted to the subject - It will bc sent gratis. #&- We havo made ihe above RKDÜCTION IN PRICE? with tin1 tWO-fold view of benefitinK the public and ourfielves. The public have been swindled bj Bparloua machines made In imUatlou of oors. Th metal in them, fr om tl io i ron casting to the smallt'st peice, isof poor quality. Their makers have not the mean to do their work weil. They are hfd ftVajr ín secret places, where it would be impoKsiblc to have ai their ommand the proper mecbanuul appIlancM. H Is only by duing a greal business, and havingV'xtensive manufacturing estalilishments, that ffood niaehinei oanbe made at moderat1 pricert, The bestdesigued macliines, 1 tA I ' I . V MAlii:. ar6 alwaTfl Hable to get nut of order, and arosure lo cost considerable troubtc and money to keep them iu repair The ipuilííies to be lookel for in a Machine nre : eer taitity oi ttoired aoilon at all ratea of speed, símpiioity of oonatroetlon , great durabillty, andrapiSHy of operation, with the leaal labor. Machinesto oomblne thoai csscntial riiialilirs, Jinust ïu:i.leif the bost nif'.al umi j'mUlifd to perfrotfon. We havo tho way and mans(on a grand scale, to do this. The purchasprsof machines. whoKodaiiy bread it may concern, wül Üitd that thoso haviogthe ab')veiualitici not only work well at rapid as weil as kIow rates of 8peed,lnit last longer in the tin est pos si bic work ing ordo r. (Jur maoUnaa, ai made by us( wilt earn more rooney vnih leu labor titan any others whether in ImitatloD of oarsor not. In fact, tiivyarochearer than anv otber machinesas agift. I. II, SlNGER k CO., 458 Proadway Kew York. KW Detroit Office, 58 Woodward Avenue. (Merrill ïïloiik.) Slltf M. II. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. 17 W.MOEGAN, Agent for Mutual T.ifM usura "ce Company, JXmr York. Accumulated ArsoU, .... $5,300,000, the leading Life [penrance C'-mpany in the U. S. Knlekaxjbooker Ufe Insurance Company, New York, - a tirst olaM snft Co'. - fcei nis reasonablo. Bumbold] I'irc [nanxunce Company, New York. Capital, with a large surplus, - - $'iM,000. Tenía Marine I Flre buaMOca o. , teoría m. _hotV i. No. 1 I'ire Insurance (Jo'u. 707tf Capital, - - - $500,000; Ayer's Agüe Cure. HORACE"WATERS, AGENT 3 3 3 11 r 0 a d w a y , N ; w Y o r Ie ï'uiwi ,n r ni Mu ir aiï! iiiiííic BooJt AM) BKAtKR IN Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Mnrtin's celebrator] nndüther Guitars, Violins, Tenor Tiols, ViolinceJls, Accordeons, Flu tinas, Flatos, Files, TriaDgles, Clari niette, Tuning Forks, Pipes andllammora, Violin Bows, best Italia n Btrings, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stoolft, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instrumenta. JS lx o o t 3VE xx S 1 o, from all the p)utWÜier ha tiieU. B., Bèrtini'n HunUn'B, and Modern Sonool, and all kinds of Inatrnctíon Knok for the abnve inftrumuts; Church Mnsto Bonita; Musie elegantly bound; Music EÁpU and all kimh of Music MflcllflJHÜKC1, A t t heLowest Prices. New Pianos, At M7-r, $200, $26, $250, and up to $800. BtGOOd H;unl l'iiunii froin $-5 l U SlÜO; Nmy UelodeoOfli $1.1, $00. $7ii,$10n,nnd up to $200; Bfecónd Hand Melódeoné from WO t 180; lexan6re Organa, with live utops, $160, stQDfh SlfiO anl $225; tliii-tteustops, $250, #27fi ajad $300; ftCWun stop, $380-liáa LJ75; A liberal dfaeouot lu Ctergyinon, Churches. Sabbat h Schooln. Seminartei and Ti;iHiens. The Trade supplicd at the usual trade diacounta Testimoniáis of tlie Hornee Wntcrs Plano and lt -loili tuis. John Hewett, of Carthagis, Vew York, who has liad one ui1 the HoraccWaters Píanos, vrrltesafl fotlows: - "A frind af mine wishes me to parchase a piano for her. Slie Ifltea the one yen Botd Díe in ppc-emüer, 185fi. My piano is beoomlng populai in thla place, and I think I i;:in Introduce one or two moro; thej will be more popu Iht ilian a n y other niakc." have two of Wftters1 Pianos !n use in ourSemi. nary. onf t' wliic h has been jverolj tested for three rears. and we can (estify to thair good qimlity and ' bUity."- Wood fc Gregory, Mou Carroll, Iïl. "II, Waters, Esq. - &HAR Sik: Having UHed one of your ' l'iaao Portas R)r twfe-yfram ])ast. 1 havo 1'ouud ita vcry ' ntptrioT Instrument. Aioszo Orat, Principal Brooklyn Htights Seminary. "The Piano I feeeived fron yon continues to rive satiafaotlon. 1 regard H ;is one oftne beei Instromants inth il;u'." Juna U CiJiBKF, Charleston, Va. "Tlie Kelodeon has safely arrived. I fpf 1 oblíp'i $Ú jou fory our liberal discount," Rev. J. il. McCoionck, YarquetvilleS, C. "'J'Ik' jiiano was duly reaelnd. Itcame in excellent mmlitinn, and is vttry much ailmíreil by my numerois t'amily. Accept ïuv tltai ks for Tour promptuesa.'1 - Robiíht CtwPEB, Wárrenham, Bradjoed Co. Pa. uTour piano pteasM lis well. It i-s tlie best one in oiuj ciitn; v .'"'..- Tho.i:.-,s A. Latham, Campbclllon, Ga. "We aro very nmch obltgd to y on Por haTlng sent hucIi a fine instrument for $2ó0."- Bkaxk, Held k Co., Búfalo Democrat. i4ïho Horaco TVatera Tianosarrknnwn a among the very best We are enabled tn vpeab of these instinments wilh conftdonce, from personal knowledge of th--r oxcellent tone and durable quaHtj ." - -V. V. Ernngtlist, ""o oan tpeak f the qierits uf the Hr,ace Watére pi anos ftom personal knowledje, aabatog the very üucst ual.ty. -Chrhtian fntcili#aicer. uThe Horaco Water.s plaaoi are ouilt of the best and must thoroughly seasoned material. We haTe no Úonm tlmtbuycrs eau do as woU. perhaiM better, at this thos at anv ottterhottse in the Union." - Advocate and Journal. XVai'i-.' pianos and raelodeons O&aJlonge comparison with the fi nest made anywhere in the country.1' - Home Journal"Borace Waters' Piano Fortes aro of full, rich and even tone ( and powerful-iV. Y. Review. "Our fxlenda wttl Bnd at Mr. Waters1 store the very h-M artórtment of Music and of Pianos to be found In the Dnlted 9ttes,and we urge our southern and wetorn friends to give him a cali whenover they go to New York."- Grakam's Magaiint. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bell, 100,000 Issced lu ren Mouths. ThP unprecodentcd pa!e of tliis-book has tadaeedthq publisher lo ft-id sm 00 nisw tunesumlhymn-; ' enl ai, without extra chime, expt on thechei Uon' Among themany beámiful tunea indhymiu added mav be foDnd:- "I ougUt to love my mothci;" "O ril be 'a goort child, uleed 1 will." Theaeaad eightoUters from 3ñ Bell, Tere sung at tho Sumlay School Aumver. Bary of the M. E. Church at the Acaflemy.of Huele, vtWa graat The IW1 cm,tains ncariy 200 tunes and livnwis, :uni is one of the best coltections ever issued. Prlee llic; $10 perhiindreñpostaíre-lc Klegntly bonndi embossed gilt, '25c, $"20 per 1Ü0 It has been utru'luccd Into inany of the Public Sci .ols. The lei is publislied in ni.ill nuraVrü entitlcd Annivenary and Sunday School Muslo Books, Noa. 1,2, 3, h 4, in oi-derto aceommotlate the milllon; price ?2 & $3 por huntlred Ko. 5 will soon !(. issüecl - commeneftment of another book Also, Revival Music Books, No. 1 & ', prico $1 k $'1 per 100, postage lc. More tha.i 300,000 copies of the above books have beeo issued the past elghteen months, and the demand s rapidly Inereanoei PublUhed br HORACE WATEB8, Agent, 333 Broadway, N. V. 3ïiaLisic, Publised by Eorace Waters No. 333 ISroadivay, New York. Vocal "Kind Worde can neverdie:" "The Angels iold ,.;■■ "Wilde of the Wort;" "Thoughta of God;-' "Oiv., uip biick uoy UountalD Home;" "Day Dreams; "llandv CockRobin;" "I'im with thee sü1l"1V1 namm;" "There'sDO darïlng like mine:1' "Sarah Jane te;m'Ev. er of thee:" "l'ni leaving thee in 8oiT0w,-t "Bird of Beauty;" "Home of our birth;" "fintve of Rosabel,'' and 'Wiikó, lady, waka,,' price 25c each. 1 [sfSTRUXBïtTAt. - Talace Garden, or Sinííiiig lïinï Polka,' 40c; "Swinging Schottische;" "Mirabel Schot'cli;17 'ThplPas Wiker'fl Schottische;" "Piccolomini Polka, 35 cents each. The aboiepicceshavebeautiful Vignetteo. "Welmer Polka;" "Arabfcn Wai cryMarch,!1 the verv last; 'VaSfiOVjamia Doniells Mazurkn; "Heal: in" Polka;" '"Crinoline Waltz," r.;vi "Iincers' Qua drille," 25c eah. "The Empire of Reieb'a Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Hibernian tjnadrille," 35c each. Maiiy of tjncse pieces are played by Haker's oelebniUxl orch' i ra with great applruse. .ft-'S Aiailed free. A large lot of Forcign Mu-sic at huif price. Pianos, Jïclodeons and Orgaus. Tho Horace Waters Planos and Melndeons, for depth, purity of tone and durabïllty, are unsurpaséed. Pricet M'ry ïow Scoond Hand l'ianos and Melodeona t'rnm $25 to $160. Music audMusical In-;tnictions of all kiml,at the lowest prices. HURAf'K WATERS, Anentt No. 3:"i Broadmy.M. Y. Testimoniáis; - "Tlie Horace Waters Pianos are known as amonff the very best.' - Evangelist. Weean apnüc of their mcrits from personal knowledge."- CíWstúm Intclltgcncer. "NothlOf at the Fair displayed grenter excellence -"- Chitrchman. Waters' Pianos and Melo.leons challengecompariaon with tho finest made anywuere in the country." - Home JnurtuU. 719tf LOOMIS"&TRIPP, Succe.sors to Chapín b Loomis,andChapin, Tripp A Loom a ■ - n THFabove firm nf Locunis Se Tripp having purchospi the 'ntire interest ' of tlio former comptnie; vin continue the business at theold Rtands, where they wil! be readr, od tliesliortest notioe, to fill all orders in thí line ot Castings and Machinery, ín the mofit workmanlike mnnner, and on as libera torms n.H any other shop ín the State. Araonp'thft vari dus uticlcsiiKuiufactured by us, we woald enumérate STEAM ENGINES of all kinds; Mili fiearing and Fixtures, wrouglitnnd i cast; allthr various castings for making and repairing i Ilorse Powers & Tlireshing Machines , sch as are at present, or have furmorly hren in nse in tli is p;irt it' St:it-, ;is wcll as alt the various klndfl "f castintfit and machine vrork O&Uodforby farmer and meclumics intliis seciioti of tho country. JE UT é BjH ,P "XamBL SPËB) of all tho vafiüus pattems, up in sizesancl prices, will be keptcoostantly on baad, got the most modern and improved stylea. Thankful for fermer patronage to the oíd firms, we would solicit a continuance from oíd friends, and a trial by all wiiOiing for anvthing in our of business. LOOMIS & TRIPP. AnnArbor,May lSth, 1859. 697tf THRÊSHING MACHÍN ÊSi l'ATENTED AND MANLKACTURED BY Nichols & Sheppard, Battie Creek, Micli. Improved for the Season of 1862 In titlg Sopaittlor the grain isseparated from tho strnw by mean ■ of HtiiiillngerR, that tossthestzaw up and ' down wllh ftsudden motion from the time it leave the cyllndcr untll it pMSOa U thentacker, and the graln falls t iinmli i bottom made ot -latri, cUar frora the ftraw. Vhe-partfl oontainicfUioae-flngt and tlie tight grain bottontftrc DUUIq to víbrate or iwtnff btkOkWftrd and forwaid, vhtoh vorkfl thfl 8ttW to the stacker nil tlie graintothe sieves. The superiority of tbis machino over nll others consista In t Perfect seratíontion of Grain fromStraw, (iriMl sitn]licity, havinji no ) or beaters to clog up, and i'.-.-i uiachineiy than any other iiiaohioe now mnlt'. Ureat capacïtv, asit will not waste VAq orowded. Pi rfeel cle&ner, uvlng larger sefvea than any othor. Easy drait, better con-'-tructe-lj snnplc and durable. j Pennsylvania Iron Ilorse Power. W'amutted to bf the best Horse Power in use. Made ! with wood 01 ron frame as prefer'ed Kariii'T.s and Toreaban of Michigan I We oiTer you the BEST MACHINE INUSE. Better than PI 1U, Hfcll'a Föwlervllle, "r any maebtne built on thelr princrpleg. It" yon ïuU-nd oujrEng a machine of any kind get a paiv.phlet of mi or our Agent, and stisfy youru-lf ï'iuni'Ulüt sent fiee. C'all and B6e, or ad iress M'jioi. & SQEPPARD, Battle Creek, Michigan. Or M. ROQffitÜ, or UYRüN Ii.sii, Agente, Ann Arbor; or I. V. U'akkmax, ag üt, Ifextor. ?.ïüm3 The Latest NeAvs, Jl'ST OPKNKH AT GRENVnXE Se J'L'LLKR'S TVuq Store.afreshwpply of Di Wil. B BVBp'8 OKN. TAIjRKMEDTEfl, Agontsand dtalern Rupplic-t at Vcw V i r !c prirc. ftoad l'r. Hurd'-i aii vi rtisement in auoth . ooluuaa, rr lale t all the, Drug.Storos In AnnlAvhor, pWOi I f. J. J'KA?=F: A5nji.


Old News
Michigan Argus