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GREAT.GBEATER G&EATEST BAKGalNS EVER OFFEUEÜ 1859. q1859 In tliis City, aro 110 w being offered at tl:c CHEAP.GLOCK.WATCU, & Jewelry StoiOrpUKSubicribT wouWeiiy to thncitizninol Ann ArJL bor, in particulr, and the rest of Wmlitfniw Cnuntv In gtineriil, thai hohnsjuet IMPOKTED Dl rkcti.y froin KUROPE.i Tromendous Stock of Watches! Ah of which ho bindsbimselftOBell CHEAPEB thn cftn be bought west of Nftw York City. Open Faco Cylinder Wiitchcs Irom 86 to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 Iluntlng Case Ho do do 14 to 35 ' do do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 ' Gold Wxteho from 20 to 150 I fcave aluo tne CELEIÏRATJED AMERICAN WATCHES, which I wlll sni) Ur $35. Kvery Vvaich warrautbd to ! perlurm wcil, or the rnonoy retundcd. Clcoks, Jewcïry, Fiated Ware, Fnncy Good, Gold Peni, Musical Inetruments and .-'t rings, Cutlery, &c.f and In fact a varipty of everythini; uaiinlh' kepl'oy Jewelftrs cuu bc bnughtforthe oext uinety daya at Vl"ur OWN P 11 I G E S ! Pereons buying aijything at this we]{ knowii patftbliehnie ti t can rely upon eretting goort? cxaet'y as representad, orüieinoii.ny refunded. íallearíy and eccure the best bargaina ever ofte red in thif City. One word in regard to Repairing : Wc are preparad to mske atiy repairs onfine or common Watehes, even to makinpo er the eutire wittch, if iiRceaeary. Kcpatrfng of Clocks and Jflwelry as usual. Alao the nunufac tarto g oí RINGS, BROOCIIS, or auythinir rinsired, from California Gold onahortnotlce. EnirrHviPK in alliu branchesoxcented wlthnentnea and dispatch. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jfln. 2?rhI859. 7L-íw Important National Works, Published by D. APPLETON & CO., 346 AND 348 BKOADWAYKEW YORK The follnwing works are sentto Subscribers ín any part of thu country, (upon receipt of rutail price,) by muil or expresa, prepald: THK ÏTJÊW AHERIAN CYCXOPJEDTA; A Popular Iíittíonary of General Knowledge. Edltedbv Gho. and Chabihb a. Jia.a, aided by a nomeroue select corps of wii:-r in fill braJCkQhQS of Sc-ienccs. Art and Literatura. Thls wurk is biiiag publlfibèd f n about 15 targe octavo volumes, each ooatalnlng T50two-clumn pages Vols. I., IL, III., IV. V., VI., VII., VIII. tk IX. are now ready, onch ooBtaining Dear 2.&00orlgina] arti ol6S, An aiJ'litimiHl volume will be published once in about tb ren móotlks. Price, n Cloth, h$3; Sheep, $3.50; Half Russia, $4.50 eacji. liie New American Cjclopodj i. popular without beint; Buperflelali Icarnpd without beiug pedan tic, c i u i :r'hcnsiv( bat suffleÍ6Dtly detaUod, free from personal piqae and party prt'julic-, Crasli and yct accurate. It isa complete statfnifnt of all that is known upon pv( ryiniportsnt tople wit'nin the scope of human intelligence.- Kvery important article in it lias been s]n-ci:illv wnttcn for its puro bj men Who are authnnUes upon the toplo on vbfefa they speak. They are requïred to brinsf the ubject up to the present moment; tostatejdft how it stíimls HO7O. All the Htatiíttical informa t on is frointhe tatest reporU; thogeoRiapliical accountn keep pace with tho lateat OTAotationa; historica] mafters Enclude the freahest Jast views; the Uographical notices ads ak not onlv of Ukftdoad but ulsoof the living. It is a hbrary ot toelf A RRHHJHjaHWT OF THE DEBATES OF COVORESS Belng a Political History Of the United States, Brom the organization of the first Federal Coni ■ !n ITStolSóö. Ktiiteiliiml compiled by Hon. Tjïo. Hart Boston, from theOffidal EEeporas of Congress. "no werk will bccoiupíeted in 15 royal octavo volumes of "50 pages eaoh, 11 or which 'are öow ready. An addlUo&aJ rolante wül be pnbUshed once In threemonths. Cloth, 5 $3; Ur Sheep, Half Mor., $4; Jlali Calf, $4.50 each. A W A Y OF PROCÜBIHG THK GYCLOP.EDIA OR DEBATÍS Form a club of four, anï remit the price of fourbooks, and Uve copies will be sent at theremitter's expensefor cari'iüge; or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will Lo sunt at our expense fur carrinc To Agciits. Ko other worlï vJS 10 llbentUy reward the exertions of ygents. A AOBNT VANTBD in this County Terms madt'known on ipplication to tlie Publishert). Ann Arbor, March, 1S59. 6002a.nt "6 Bev. Tuos. Wriuut, agent at Kinne & Smitha Book Store, Ypsilanti. Blackwood's Magazine AND THE British Reviews. GREAT ÏXDLCEMEXT-SLBSCRIBEÏ PREMIUMS and REDUCTIOWS. L. 3C0TT 00., NEW YORK,eontJooe to pnbHsh tht following leading Kriti.-.h PerodlcaJs, rtï : 1 THCI-OXOOX QUARTKRLY (Consirvative). 2 THE EDINBt:RÜH REVIEW (Whig), 3 THEN0RTH BRITÏSH REVIEW (Free Churcli). 4 THE WFTMIN'STER REVIEW (Liberal) 5 BLACKWO0D'? KniNBURGII MAGAZLVE (Tory). Tlie present erHfcal statp of Europeau afiairi wlB rendet tfeöee pnblicCtioiks unusually interestlng du ring the rorthoomiog yer. Tfaej will oocapy a middfe gi'ound between tho hastflj writton neWfl-ttémfi, crude specutationa, and iiying rumors of the daily Journal, fti!l the fion-iermis '1 min.' of ttie future niatoriao, witten afwr tlio Uring interes! and excitement of the pltcal evento of the timi; shall have pftssed awaji It is to thfsf Perfodioals tint readers mat look for the only reitlly ïntolligible and reüabïe history of curren) evento, and as such in ailition lo their well-esíablihed liu-rary, scieiitiiie, aii'l theologlcal ebaracter, we uigc then upon thecnn-ii'lcrfttion of the reaing public. Tho rêoeipt of Advancc Sheets from tbe Hritish publishers givs adOitional value to these Reprint, iiiasmuch as thi'y oan iiow be placed in the hands of sub.scribernab.jut as suon as tbc original editious. TERMS. (Regular Prices) )'cr ann, Forany oneof the four Reviews, ... $3 oq For ftny two of tho four Reviews, ■ - 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews, 7 00 Kor all four of the Reviews, 8 00 For Black wood 's Magazine, . - 3 00 For Biackwoodand ne Review, ■ ■ - 5 00 Por Blaokwood aod two Roviews, - - - 7 00 For Blacliwooiiiiml three Ueviews, 9 00 For ühiekwood and the four Reviews, - - 30 00 Money currtni in tht State ichtrc issucd will be receivcd ai par, POSTAGE. The Postagb to any part of the Uoited States will be but Twcuty-four CeiïtA a year for " Bla?kwood," and but Fourteeu Cents a year for each of the Review, At the above prices the leridicals will bo furnished furlütj. AND ASA Premium to New Subscribers, the Xos of the same reriodicaia for 18G0 will bc furnished complete, without ádditional charge. l'ulilïc tlie mortï ejiliememl Magazines oí the day, thesM Pei lodlcftls lose littlo by age. Henee, a full year it' the N'os.fdr 1860, may be regarded nearly as valuuble as for ïsivj. dubaerfberfl wishing aïso the Nos. for 180I, will bo SQpplIed ftt the lOUOWlng KXTKKMEI.Y LOW RATBS. Splendid Oflers for 1860, '61, & '62 Togetlier. F'T BlackwoorVs Magazinet throc ycfirs, $5 00 Kor any one Review, - " " 5 00 any two Reviews, " " 8 00 For Blftek#ood and one Review, " " fi 00 For Black woort and two Reviews, i( ' 12 00 Kur three Reviews, " U 1100 For Blackwootlftiifl three Reviews, " (i 15 00 For the four Review?, ' " 13 00 For Btackwood and the fout Reviews, H 17 00 Anv of the above works will also be furnished to New Subscribas for tho. f, ar 1856-7 , 8, and 9, At Oue Half the Regular Subscription Prices. Thus a New Subscribcr mny obtain tho Btprtats of th Four Reviews aiul Blackwood. Seven Consecutivo Year for $37 ! ! ! Which is but Httle more than the price of the original iroriu forone year. As we shall never again be likely to offer such inducements as those here presen ted, Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! ! Rmittancêa niustf in all oasts, be made direct to au Publiskere, for at these prices no couimission can bealtowedto agenta. LKON'ARD SCOTT & CO. N'u. 54Goldstroct New York Ann Arbor Marble Works. FT AS on hand a fluc assortmeut of Amerioan and 1TA L 1 A N MA E B L L wliichhe is propareü to manufacture Dto HEAO 'V%H TtQ STO:VKS T O BI B &{1 V. ïkïl TABLES in alltheir víirieties, ul n a WORKMANLIKE mannor Bavlng hu! covïslilerable experience in the businesi he; Batten hiirielf th1 he will be able to piense II wlici raivy favor rao with their on'.i-r. His ]iricei LO W AS THE LOWEST. thORe wishinc any thing in my line (Vre rpspecffulj in ited to cali. D. 0. BATCilKUIKR. Ann Arhor. MaT 20. 1801. R01l WASHTBNAW MUTUAL Fin E INSURANCE COMPANY1MJË Secretarj will be( Cook' Hotel, in the Cltv oif Ann Arhor, onTbuntday f each week, until furtlier notize, rtady to receivenew membew. Í.I. KEN'V,?ecret.irv. Oütoberí23d,1861. 824tf" Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. OATHABTIC I zlfM Aro yfm Bick' f""1(le' :ii!1 t1 "LjSS coni] htining? Are you out oí , -, ...--,■ _:-; order, witli your eysteiu de[''-TT"' ' tíTí' j nin'-il. aiiii yunr frelings uni u.Rlc F Bk -j'I Cí'iul'ort.iijíe? Tliuso ympcM'LWauki e """IBraBr tls nlt' often the prelutlo to fa ' V ' wl Hfc ierious itliiess. sume fit of P?SqmlLJHÍH slckness ia creepiug ïipon you, i Sf '■-', IHsB fin 6UOU' 'J avenetl by a v E "pTBBB lï timely uso of' tlie righl ivmiCoBP ed' 'lèi!;e Ayei'a l'ilis Hiid pi-sPyy-ifl BlSsK f cl win se out thi? diriniïlertvl luiChiSsoH mors - purify tlio blood, and ï fy fê Ijtfk liltl11'1"'1 " '"-'Itli oitin. i'. Üï, I ■ Thcy siimulnte the functions lP W ()f tn '"to vlgorous ucWiilBH Sfcb ilvity, the syoteni from" r;JC"' tlie obsti uciioos which make diaeaae. A coirt aottlfls somewhere in the body, and obstructs its natural functions. Theso, if not relio ved, reaot apOD thenuelrM and tlie eiirromulingorgans, producing genero! nggravation, suffuilog, and diseaiso. While In tliis cnmlition, oppressod by the ctorangomeot talce Ayer's Wils, and seo huw direct Ijr thcy rectora tlie Dfttanu uction oftho systom. and witli it tlio btiuynnt fcelingof hcalth again. Wluitis trneaod soannarent ia this trivial and coiumon coinphimt, is also tiue in nuiuy of the deep-Hi'ated and dangeiou diaïempors. Tho same purgative effect expela theiik Caused by linilar obstnictioas nnd dcrangenionts o( tbo imtuial functions of the bodv, they nre rapidly, and mauy of thom suroly, curcd by the um-j moans. Nouo who knovv tho virtUM of thcso Pillfi, will noglt-ct to employ thi'ui whoü sufXeriug from the dliOrdAXa they cure. Stateibeuta from tauHng pliyslelana in nomo of tho principal citius, aud fruiu otliur veU known public per■cmf. Fí&ni a Fbneardinff Merchant tSt. Louis, &h. 4, 1856. Dn. Ayeh: Your Pilis aro the paragon of all tlmt ia groat in medicina. Thoy Imvo cuu;-l uiy littlo duugbtcr of ulcet'ous soiea ti joii her hamto and feot tli;it luid preved incumbió for yotirs. lier mot her has been long grievouslv iiñüctOil uilli blotcbes and pimples nu hoi' skin anti in hor huir. Aftor our cbild was curcd, bho also tricd your l'il Is, aud they have cured hor. ASA MORaXlIDQB. As a Family Physic From Dr. E. Til Carlivn'ght, Aéw Orltans, Tour Pilis are tlie prlnce of purges. Their excellent qnalitiea surpass uny cathartfc we poKscss. Thcy are mild, hut very certain and cITtiCtiial (it their nctlon on the bowels, whicli inukus them iuvaluuhlo to ua iu the daily treatment of dUease. HOnlfttle,SicltHentlnc-le,KoMl Stomnch. Vont Dr. Jálioard Boyd, BaUimore. DkabIÏKo. Ayeh: I cannot answer you what complninta I havo cured witli your l'ills botter titan to say olltJiat tve ever treat with apurgative, medicine. I place grent dependonce on an en'cctual cattwrtlo in niy ïlaily content with disenso, and beiicving na I do timt yoiu; l'ills aCford us the best we have, 1 uf course valuo tlieni bighly. PiTTSitrno, Pa., May 1, 1855. Dr. J. C. Ater. Slr: I havo boen ropoatedly cured of the worst hf.udachf. any body can have by a dose or two of yonr Pilis. It seems to atisu from a foul stomacb, ■ wbicb they cleame at once. Yours withgreat icöpect, ET. W. PRETíLTí, ClcrJc o SUamer Clarion Bllious Disorders - Liver C'omplnints. From Dr. Thendore IkU, qfNtw York Cdy. Kot only aro your Pilla admiiíibly ,iduptfd to thir purpose as an aperient, but I find thvir beneficia] ffecU upon tho Liver very niarkod Indeed. Tbey have in wy practico proved moxe effectual for tho euro of bt'lious contr pluijiis than any oos remedj I eau mention. I sincerely ï'üjoioe tli.d, wu bavo ut lengtb a purgativo which iu wortliy tbo coufiduuce ol' the prnftuntnn aud tlio people. DkPAKTMENT OF TB l.NTETÏIOR, 1 Washington, D. C, 7 tb Feb., 1856. ƒ Sip.: I have used your ril Is in niy geueral and hospital prnctice cvor sinco you made them, and caunot hositato to eay thoy aro tho bL-st catbartic we omploy. Tbeir regulating action on tbo liver ia quiele and decided, consequcntly tbey are an uilniirablo romedy for draiigementd of that organ. Indeed, 1 have seldom found a case of bilious diteuse fto obstinate that it dKl not readily yield to tbeiu. Iratfiually yours, ALONZO liALL, M. !., l'hysician of the Marine Jfoijital. Dysentcry, Dinn-hwa, Relax, AVoims. Prom Dr. J. G. Oreen, of Chicago Your Puls have had a long trial in my practica, and I hold tlit'in iu eHtüL'ui as oue of the best aperlfllits I liave ever found. Tbeir alterativo effect upo tbe liver makel them ai) excellent rcutedy, vlMO giren in snmll doses for bilious dy stnler j and diarrhepu. Xlicu sngar-cuuting makes ttooi fferj aceoptable aud couveuieut fur tbc uso of Tomen uud chitdiun. Dyspcpsia, Impurlty of the Bloocl. From lïcv, J, V. Mimes, l'astor f Advent Church, Boston. Dr. Ayer: I b:ive uvd yonr Pilis with extraordinaiy euceeës iu uiy faiiiily and aniong those I am ca) loei to vieit in distreye. To regálate tho organs of digestión and purify the blood, they ave the very best remedy I have ever known, aud I eau cuulïdentlv recoinmend them to my friends. Youra, J. V. IU5115S. Wausavt, Wyoming Co., N. Y-, Oct. 24, 1S55. De AR Sin: I :im nsiiig your Catbartic í'ills in my practicc, aml fiml theoi an ezcelleot puntattTO to cleauee the syitteui aod nurty Ute fmtnlains the blood. JOUX G. aiüACUAM, M. D. Constlpatlon, Costivenegn, Suppression, Kluuimiiisiu, Gout, Neuralgia, DropSy, rmuiysis, Fits, etc. Fiom Dr. J. 1 YaugJtn, Alontrml, Canada. Too mucb cannot be said of your Pilis for the cure of costiveness. If others of our fraternity have fouud them es officficious as ï bave, they shouUl join me in proclaimIng it for the beneñt of tho multitudes who suffrr from that compluint, whlcb, aHbough bad cnough in itsc-lf, is the progenitor of other.s that are worse. I believo costiveness to origínate in the liver, but your Pilla aflect that organ and cure the disenso. Fi-om Mrs E. Sluart, Fhysician and Midwifc, Boston. I find one or two Inrge doses of your Pilis, takfiii at tho proper time, aro excellent promotfves of the natural secreO'on when wholly or partially Buppreued. and also very eflV-ctual to clfanss the stomacli and txpt.l wonns. Tbey are so much tho best physïc we ha vu that I recommeiid no other to my patients. From the Rev. Dr. Ifawkes, othe Mdhodlst Epis. Church Pulasei ÏIoüSE. SayannahjGa., Jan. 6, 1856. ÏIosored Sir : I ehouid be ungrateful fur the relief your skill has brought me if I did not report my case to you. A cold settled in my liuibsand brought on excruciating nturalgic pnivs, which ended in ctironic rfituaufr tism. Notwitïistanding I bud tho best of physlctans, the disease grew worse and worse, xintil by the advice of your excellent agent in Halümore, Dr. Mackcnzif, I tried your Pilis. Their clTects were ilow, but sure. By porsovoricg ia tbe use of tbeni, 1 am uow entirely well. gENMTE Chamber, Patón Rouge, ta., 6 Dec. 1855. Dr. Ater : 1 have hoon entirely cured, by your Pilis, of Jihtumatic Gout - a paiuful disease that had aftlictod me foryean. VINCENT slidbll. Ji3Iost of tlie Pilis in market contain Mercury, whith, althoiigh a Taluablo remedy in skilful hands, is dangerons in a public plll, from the rireadful co:iüuquences that frequeutly follow its incautious use. These contain no morcury or iniueral substanco wliatevor. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Freared V Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Loirell, Mass. And ft ule i v Maynard, Stebbms & Wilson, [-'ARKAMi, SHELEY ft CO., Detroit 809yl J H. BCRMLL, Travelling ,geut. RISDON & IIENÜERSOFS gta THE GENUINE Bl STEWRT'S STOVE. We wisli to cal] the attenlion of the publio ;o this cclebratod COOKING STOVE! lyhijh islhe only ptrfect stove made. It will do more luishiiiss with ono third less fuel ' than an}' other STOVE made. Krom testimony givcn by the persons referred to below, on uccount of ita duiabilitj' and Fuel Saving Qualities, it lias proved a saving from rwelve To Twenty Dollars jer jear. We vrould reler you to the following list of PERSONS WHO HAVE THEM I!f USE: Prof. Tappftn Ann Arbor. ; John F. Miller, Ann Arbor l'rof. Wood, " J. Gilbcrt Smith " Prof. Wincholl, " J.T. Auils, " i'rof. IouKiasB, " Joscpli Watts, ' iVlpheu Kclch, " T. Wilkinxon, " Wm. R. Martin, " Mis. S. llpnton, " Itich'd lloopor, " O. Havvkius, " Hon.B.F.Granger," C. A.Cliapin, " . W. Miivnard, " Charles Tliayer, ' f, L. Sl.tbbins. " Martin Clark, H ü. li.Wilson, " S. Botsfori), A A.Town. Mrs.O. Welch, " Thoman W,.ofi, i'lttsfield. Hrs.E. T.WlIItoma," AWenton Drury, " V'. Chapin, " Jacob I'olhemus, Seto. C.H. Wood, " N.C.Goo.lale, " Josoph W. Wood, " [Mr. Feller, tiLaron. We have on hand a l.argo asBortment of the best kinds of Cooking, Parlor and PLATE STOVES, and a general assortment of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, and Bont stuff for Carriage worlc. Particular nttention piüd tofiiting up Envetrougli and Conductora, and all kinds of Job work done at the Shortcst Notice. RISDON !; HENDERSON. Ann Arbor, 1SC1. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. O3VC3STIBXJS F.ïtE, THE UNBERSIONED, Hotel ProprietoM In thti city n Ann Arbor, rmpctftaHj uraoanc to the public, that on and aftcr the irrt dav of Jaouiry, 1889, TEN CENTS F AH E. will bechárgol toaach indover? ptWD ewrM toand from tbe car, raapectfre Ho-te!, by the Omuihw S.Xjbk,Cool' Hotel. II . HAUSTOW , IVanklin House. Aun Arbor, P". 54h, 1881 . fSQtf _ - M -TL T f Mortg;ge Sale. DVF.-rii1 ;1Aiu;,' brwn mart in the c odition ti iuoalgnbo b Willi.itn VV. Anaiunud ij.1 Anuin to Charios .Muuiu. Di-l'iv liowi-riiian, wj ,t to Samion, dated February lsth,A. D. 1857 r-.,'" En the office of Regfettr of Ueeda f..r (ho ii„t ff ditemtw, Michigan, Fcbrnary . A. 1. ïv? ' . in the Líber sí;í of 'lurtgairi''1' 3M. and wblch mortgago, by writing, dated' jJ11 ■ -lht, 1362, was assigne'l uy JaM mortgagres to Air" Cl:irk, underrigned: aiid the saiii assignineot thv f recördM on th aid day of it date at one and R i!' o'cluckin theafternoon, ín the said Rogister'a L? In Liber 25, uf mortgagespe T.'if; üpon whichmStl ífítf? Ihere is claltned due aiul uit pa id al the i]ate of tí nu of nine b umi red ninoty three doll ainl thirty-tltree cent, an.] the further tntalm#ít55 tbrechundixM cighty-fhrvcHQd 33-100 dollars w(toi terwri from Febrnary löth. lott patato bccoinedueo'0' ycar In m the last oamcO date. umi nosuii or ptocttd I ing ai Jaw have been in.-áituted to recover the tinD oiorésald elalmed doe r any part thereot: ;. lii'T'iHir h'-n-'ny lí.ví-u t'iüt by itirtut' of a power " ainod, in order to realiza tacana " n-'.v elaimod a# aforesaid due n sai! mortgige OgJj? er irifli the interest accruing from the th,te hereof a the costo of foredosure provideu íor in aid morttafT , I ehallBcllat public auctton to the hiliest biddi tbe froot door of the Court House (the of hwltii the Circuit Court forWashteuavr Couaty) in tïie titt r Aon Arbor, tn said. county, mi the Ï8th day o jnÉ nt-xt, al two o'clock in thi afternoon, the prtmises i 'irlgüge doacribed, wiluate in Washteoaw (.'ouot tn wi,: Alt that ci'i-tain tractor parcvl if UdJ known and deacribed as follovs,to wit: The north -tast qus ter of section cunaber twenty (-0) iu lownship oumbt tuur Boulta of range No. four (4) eaxt exceptingen s' r-.irivc ilwiiysiïom the oporaifon of lliis niitruuciii a bout fort y une and a half acres fröin the south tai theronf beretofore conveyed by Ephraim Gilboit nJ 7. tnafa Jenkins üy deed dated May 7ih, 1S50 (for descria ti'i of wlncli m'u said tffiii,: Also excepting anrl rí serrtog aboutthree acres of said quarter sectioa hprt' tofore deeded to Jame Cram'pton: Also excepting jtj ■ ing ninctecn (19) nl throe-tenths (3 lo) t(-r of riflid qua: ter section hcretofore deeded to Ruk:n BroirneÜ: Alsn exoepting aod reiiervtng about twe[T acres of tbe north cast corner of safd quarttr nttk heretofore sold anddeeded to John Mills, msk-tj ft. leaving the amount of land horeby conveyed -X.x ninty four (94) acres he the samo more or less: granting and cmvcying hereby t" the iii parties of n, fii'conil part, theii heirs or awigH8tall tlie rilits Dj prlrUegea wmch satd party of the flrstpart m.i,v htnm - f raieiDg wjitt'ranil ftowinjf laud.s for ium ,D(j purposes of propelling machinery for rcill or for u. dther purpose. J A1.0NZ0 CLARK. Assi E Iï WjOD, Att'vfor Assinee Dated, Marcb 20,'lS62. gi5td Mortgage Sale. DKFAUI.T havlng beer made in the condïtion rt mortgago ïnaüe by William W. Anniu and ïlima 1 Anniii to William R. Iiartlt-tt umler the name ani stjU of Wilham Hurilett, dated August 23, A. ï). 1656, n. conled November 5th, A. D. 1856, at oneo'clock,P.i[_ in the office of Register of i eeds,for Washtcnaw Coua ty, Michigan, ín Liber 23 of mortgages, page 1I7;bqj asslgned bj aaid mortgag-e to the umieraigned. Alomo Clark, by wniing((laivd December 18th( A. D 1S61 iU reeoraed. Mareta 24th, A. D. 1862, ateight o"cluck in ih I BOOS iu s;iid Register'a office in Líber 23 of morv gages; page 117, uponwhich mortgage there is cLtime.) due and unpaid at the date of this notice the sum of one hundrod and filty ne dollars and sixty ct-nts tuj no uit or procpclinij at law having boon iustituíeil fer the reemvry of -;ti.; debt secured by saiu roortgagooi any part thercof ■ Nt ticetherefore ) hi-rpbygivin tbat onthi' '8th day of June next, at two e'cloèk in tbe afternoon by virtue of a power contained in said moitj;age in order to realize the Bum of nï";icy ur, due as aioresaid on aid mvrtgage togetber irith interest itccruing and costs of foreclosure prorjiJej for in sald mortgage. I hall s-11 at public auctioa to thehighest bidder at the frunt door of ü Court place of holding the Circuit Court for Wasb tenaw County) in the city of Aun Arbor in said couotj, the piemisM in said mortgage desenbe'i, yi.: AUtUi oertatn tract or parecí of land known and dexcribed ai followH. to-wit. fituated in the township of Bñápfk. ter, iu the county of Wash tenaw and State of Michigan known as betng a part ofthe north-east quarter oí iktion number twenty, in town.hipnumber four sonthoí range numbt-r four east ; beginning üouth one dtgn and thirty minutes eant ten chains and .ïixty links frun quarter post iu north line of said section, twtntyti :i yellow oa k tree, running thence along qu&rttr yection line south one degree and thirty minutes m olneteen ohaina and thirty-eigbt links to a stke ii ' Highway froin which a yellow oak tiet' benrs noilk thirty-three and one half degrees east tifiy five linh, Í i oe north seventynine dexrtes and thirty minutN ! eaut fivt' chains and iiity links i a yellaw ik in BUrked, thence north ten degrtes,west ninet-firliciki to a stak e, thence north MXty nine dcrees east dim chains and sixty-two links to a sUkf, thence north . teen degrees west sereD chains and tifty link t"aetain thorn tree or bush standing on the south bank 9Í Renssaleer Mills mili pond, thence along bank ut sjhore of sald p ad, :it high water mark, to place of beginninc, containing mneteen acres and thn- ientlji ot .lm acre of laud. The above desenbed oourses are limated from true merldian nllnwnnce: beinp made of two degrees for variation of needie June, A. D.l-51. AUJX7.0 CL,RK, AssigüíP. K. B Woon, Att'y for Assiguoe. Dated. Harch -1A 1S62. S45td Notice. KTOTlCEtshereb; givfn thatapplication willbemsdeto l the Circuit Court for thecountyof Washtena,bï Henrj E . GeorgeA.Peter8,toobtainan order froro uÍM Court vacating arren ï1. llutchinson'a addition iwli Village of cio, Washtenaw Coanty.aa recorded in libcc ï, on page 26 of Deeds, in the Register' ollïce for id ponnty ; and aío to vaca te the addition if Holwï Giles to said Village of Sdo, as recorded in Liber L, ai page H,In the KegUtexs '8 office for Waahtt Mil d i UUt V. TWÍTCIIELL &FR.iZLff, Att'ys for Henry K. & Geo.A. Min. Dated, May 19, 1862. %$lt Commissioncrs Notice. QTATK rF IfïCBTON, County of WaiMmaw, M ii The und ng heen appoiQted byth fiobate Cóurl for i"iil Coubty, Comni wsioner to rctcmy BXamlne and adjust all claims and dtrmnnda ofB ■ Bonfl aicaiust tbe esta te of Josiah P. Sloat, late of lb Townshlp of Sharon, in said County, deccasod,btfgty give notico that six montbs froin date, are, bj order ot the vá Probate Court, alloved for creditrtrst present their claitns against said dect-aed, rA tint y Bill meet at the residente of Hrs. Mary Jt , wtdow of said doceased, in the towoshfp ut the sauJ county, on Saturday, the nin(tteeaüi day of July, and Jatuiday, the eightcenth iny'ot Octo", al One o'clcck l M., of each day to rectirf, examine and adjust Faííl claims . CfiA&LES CASSEDY. ) CommisMonen. Dated, April 18, 1862. 8Ww4 Keal Estáte for Sale. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, #x. In thoi matter of tho Estat; of John Fobey, Jr.r Hichtel Fohêy. DaridFohey, James Fohey, Ellw ■ hey and Sarah Fohey, minors, f the County of Wart tenaw, in the State of Michigan. Notice is hereby pren, that in pursuance of an order granted to the un' dersiiicd, Thomas Larl, guardián ot the Kstate of siÜ minors, by the Hon. Judge of l'robate for the Couniyif Waslttenaw, on the seconl day of May, A.P. 13'2.thm will be iold at public vendue, to the hiffheat biiiJer, tl the Sonth door of the Court House in the City of 4 Arbor, in the County of Waeh tenaw, in said Stat, on tjaturdaj, the twenty-eighth day of June, A. T). 1862, at 1 o'clock iu the nfternoon of that úit, (o ject to all eiicuinbrancts by mortgage or othcrwi ' istiigatthe time of sale,) the following ilesctiW lïeal Estáte to wit: All that certain piece or parctl" land sitúate ljingancl"being in ilie Tomaship nf Nortefiold, county of Wasbienav, Michigan, and being mof partiottlarly known and described as the South-t' quartor of the North vet quarter of section sixtw tuwurthui ojie Houtli of ranpe sis Ijtt. THOMAS EARL, 6uTdi Tated, May 2, 1862. tSttd General Land A geneyPERSONS wantingfarm,orresldei3celDorDeí AnnArbor,can by callingonme elecifrom Uil oforer 1OO FarmsFor Sale! Ofrarlonpslïea trom :i, to 13C0acreioach Kl0' at goodasanvInthiaConnly.) Morethan 5i) Dweling flouses nthlsCltyffromtwo hundred to fourthousanddol' arteach : and over 3 OU BUILDING LOTSJ Amongthefarms are the Blshcpatarui, ISOOaö'M the Potter Tarm, i n Green Oak, %he Placefarm, ' 48 J acres, the Blandón and Jonkafiirms, in WebileH thr Stubbs, MIchael Clany, Newton Beegiin, " Fallahai farms. In Ann Arbor; J. RiRgsley'Uirm inPitt8tied-therïatch and Hick trms in Lodl:l PatrickClayufarm in Froedom; W. S. DavivoD,.Q. Bakers and Buck's farms inSylvan. tío't thnae and many otbers can be dlvidedto i purchhsers , . v AnnArboj.Jan lst . 185A M SECOND WINTER STOCKl D. L. WOOD & CO., HAVE JUST OPENED A LAEGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the FALL St WINTER Trdc, Having purehased their stock at much 1 than the uaual prices, they are prepared 1 offer GREAT INDüCEMENIS To Cash & Ready Pay BuyersThankful for past favorB they will be t ready to show their Goods and by fair"" liberal dealing hope to receive their full h" of the public patronage. West side of public square. Ann Arbor Dec. 1861. THE PEORÍA MARINE & FlB IXSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. CapiH, - - - 500,000 one of th IIRAVIKST, SAFSST and BESTIn! Co'a. in the ' .S. Insurcs on rosonaWe terws, ys py promptly. Thcre is no bcttel l'ire I '". Coinpauy TIMO SISION LAWS for tlie year lSfia hare W' O lïdl 11 Mllj "-a'lv for itollTW R. J.WRRV. ntvCUr Ano AiWr, A.,i: 3W. Jfi.


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Michigan Argus