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The Michigan Argus

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MIIEI) r.vrjiv Fkiday MoïjOso, m lire Itlml ia.r; ! tlie Urtck Block, corner of.Maln and Jiuvun y.!:hi ïftoi,fctato Co., íüTk'bigw, RAtrAitct "ii Huron SI reet ,oppO8Ítethe Franklin, ICI.IHIJ B. FOND iaitür and Xutlisriei'. I'KH.WS, SI, ■' A YEAR IN ADVAJÍCE. ADVKIÏTiSIXG. Oae square (12 lint m lea ) aa u ■■];, iiu cmts ; and I !; i hui ca l lei1 ; lt'.--ft thas three . n mtlis $■" Quartei col. 1 year $20 :i', .... ft I Hall' col'mn ü mos IS )ar du l v:ir 8 I Half do 1 yenr B5 . 're i ii Sjüno .lo 6mw ? „.,.„ ,i,, 1 year 12 One do 1 year 60 j& AdvertisementK unRccoarpAnied by writttn orveri puWi--hfd uulil ordcrcd out, aml diugly. advértisements, flrrtt nse'rtion, 50 crnts pr lo for eacli Mil. pqaem Insortion. ft U.ii a píistponenjent isJ'ldton adrertiwment tinirhole ivill ÏTe elmi ged UuJ ñ:tmn as for first insertion. JO3 IIIXsITIlSrO1'ampliletB, iUaJ-bills, ;rculars. Cards, Bal] Tifkcts. t; .J itiit-r variaties of 1 , m .-nul Faiuy Jol) Printiug, ixocuted .vitb prowpiftd, , .ulintlie hkst BttTlB. IÏOOK ñlXTHNG, H BiD'lery in cTiarge v.f a coni;n-!rnt worUnmü. ('outity ReCordA, ïjedger, inartuilB, ind all kindsof Blank tL mde to order, v,i .lilfic.l tck. PampUlíts and Periódica Is b6und „ a ;m.,, . DctroH pricefi Enr.vtliro'iïb Ikhos Oflico.


Old News
Michigan Argus