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BnctüfL0 HMrtrtnm. "cTrds! cahdsü cahdsü! 't-.vniï niivliasíd a R1-GC.1.KS KoiiKY PusoM' Crá Proes, "w-itli afine kssoi-tinent of Card type, the ABGts Offteeis' prc'parotl to print Curie of 11 kinds n tlif ,.,,:. - ...-h' and ut jrtat reduction from 'nniiT priees.incíuding Business CrR fnr men of al) . . . . is, Biil], Wedding, and VwltiDg '.■■Is, etc. 8tc. C'aH.ii.e ui yours orderB and see All Losses promptly adjnsted" MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFOSD, CONN. S Cash Capital, $200,000. T ■' .V teta, ían l-i. 1S62. iiST.SST 0." liabi ' - - - 1 MARK II0WARD, President. E. Tuos. LOÍÍDEI.L, Fory. Tbo unilerfitgiit'cl lias be-n appchièed Agent for th ivbove retnMa C-nv'.-i-.y. nud will eBect inun.n-' UMiust Losaèi bv l;r;t reasüaable7atE0. E. R rOXD. Au Arbrr, June 2, I3f2. B5tl W. N. FTRONG NALL, DüNCKLEE & Co., WM.'I.'-.s !i.E:t KETAIL dealere in Dry Goode, dnpvtm'gs. FloorOÜ riotlis, Feathors, l'apor llangings, aflagieralaasortmenl of i'urnishitig Goods, Ko 'i WoiKiward Avctnio, ftaiwHt., - " - I'ETEOIT.Mich. .Ordi-rs si.licitfd an.l pn mjitly attcaded S 'i SOJyi RAVMOND'S Fhologiniitni" ai?l Fine Art GAI-LERY Nos. ÍOS Bd -0" íefftnon Avenue, DETROIT. hici-ri,lis. Life Fizo, cnim-od "rplain, cabinet. trariilf MelainotvTeB, IbeuiTrooiypes, Ambrotypoa, !t". WCARD FÏC1URES by the Dezen r Ihou a. 8"'J-rl i _ j o o F. UT 5IITFV 1W L'HiüK N'o. 9, of tlio Independent ' W'.irliM-ijf ilU'Vllintet at their Loág Room, ! rerv Fri'hiv evpninjr, at 1 }i o'clock E. RICHARIfrüN, N. O. ö. SoxDnm, Sec y. 17 STLÍB ÏÏST rXTHilïSAir, anl BUU Dénier in Tobacco. Cik-ais kc W Min st.- sigo of " B,g lDdia" Früukiiu Ulock, Inn IHlOT, Mj' : 3. G SUTHERLANÜ & sT)K. ' tlTHOI.EFAT.E AXD RETAIL Grocers and Commiesiorj Í IV Merclmits, l'-i-t -i '.e M.iin ;-lnfi Ann Arbor "jt. J. M.SCOTT. ifjlKOTTP k PHOTOOKTB Ahtiíts. in the rooms foi-mcrly i.ccni'icdbyCi;-'l!".v.ovvM!ie iwt of Sperrj 1 tMoore Perfect satiafaotion guarantetd. f "kTbDON &HENDERSON, DE 4 LÉRS in Hardware , Btoves, boust f n rnishing gnods , c Tiu Ware te. ka., Sew Block,Min Street. t A. P. MILLS, ' Pkaikr in Slaplc Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots nnd KUoe nud Ready JiaJe Clotlling, Huruu Strt-ft Aun irbiil 1 BËAKËö & ABEL, TTnlí■KVs & CocxpBtLORS at, ainl Sifïicitors ín ' vy. Olïicf ia City Hall Block, over Webster i Co'h Khiii; Stope, Ann Vrbor KIKGSLEYA líORGAN, ttcr.ïeys, Counsellors, Solicitore, and Notarief Pub] X lic, have Book.s an'i Phits showing titU-s of aU lanip li the jounty,andaticiid toconreyancingandollctiBp J fcüiarids, and to p&jing taxis :u:il nchool interest in aliy Bri , . ast si-e of the Square. Ann 4r. jor. l wm. lewitt, m. d., ; Ptrmeua k Sübobw. tJtfice t his residcncp, North side iifHnmn Rtreet, ard 2d house Wesl oí División I ítirtit, Ann Albor. ( K COLLIER, (I TANTF.irrrRHR arn( dealer in Boots and Shoee. 1 iVl dbor West o f the i'ust ' tiiee. taa .Arbor, Mich. c MCORE & JLOOMIS. (f iiiCFACri:iti!s an-i dealer ia Boot and Shoes, VI Phoenix Btoek, Main Streel, oue door Nortli ol V&ffalagtoiL, M. GUITERMAN fe CO , IXTholssalk and Retaü dealers and qnu&:UiMn of V IL-.nU Ciothing, Importers of Uoths, Cassioeren. Dueskins, &c. No. 5, New Blnck, Aun Arbor. C. B. POKTE R, gML SceíüconDiíVtjst. Oflice corner of Main ftméËt.jÊËi í1"1' Hurón .itm-t, over 1'. lïacli's slure, fTPfe Ann Arbor, Michigan. T April, 1859, Wm. WAGNER, D kaler in Ready Made Clothing Cloths, Cassimeres and FMtlngs, Haú, Caps, Trunk.s, Carpet Bags, &c. ïlain 1 t Ana Arbor. BAOH PIERSON. Dealers in Dry Gocwls, Groceries, Iliirdwaif. Boots iV tihoes, &c, Main str't't, Ann Arbor. SLAWSOiN & GEER, "Iroceks, Provisión i: Cuminlssíon Mcrcli;uils,anfl ileaJT Iers in Water Lime, Land Plasthu, aiiii 1'laötek w ARjs,one door Last of Cuok'ö Hotel. C BLISS, DülLüRinClocks, WaU-lies, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, at the sign of the Big Watch, Xo. 27, 1'lioeuix Block TTcTwatts. DKALiR in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware No 22, New Blück, Ann Arbor. T. R FREEVIAN. BA.OSË& &n Fashionable H;iir Drearca, Main Stivet, Ann Arbor, Mich. liair Froota auü Curia kvpt onsiantly on nand. ""sÖHOFF & MILLER. DEL4LER.S u Miscellancoug, School, and Blaük Books Sta tionery, Paper Hangt ngö. &c, Main Street Aun 4rbor. D. DeFOREST. ifTuOLKSAl-R and Retail Dealorin I.umtior, Latli, Sliin' Kies, Sash, Doom, Blinds, Water Lime, Grand River lagter, 'laster Paris and Piaite of all sizes. A ful] and perfect awortmeat of the above, and all othtr sinds o( building matertála constántly on hand at tlip lowest possihle rates, on ietroit treet, a few rodn froio the Railrnad Depot. Also ojierating extensively n thp ataftt Cement Roofinfj. WSnTESiWCOUSTTBIiLESÖCIEtT. r BPOSiiORT of Biblea and Testnmentfl at the Society pricpR tW. C. VooThrtg. chapín, wood & co., SU'ÏCESfiOR P Tí) IjTTüXTO, OOHAFIKT Co M lSIIFACT"i(l'ltFOF 3Fi"XïXt, Eoolt, AND - COLOFIED MEDIUMS, ANN AlilIOM MUIL. SPECIAL NOTICE TO O XJ S T O 3SE E PI S . AU. accounts nver six m. milis m?t be settled at once. C-ll a ttM oirnc ,,ii.!i;iy up A woll scloctcdt stock of New Good Chnan for Bfttf MAYlTASn.PTKBnjíPai ivn.goN. The peoría marine & pxas INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Cupif-1, - - - 8500,000 of the HKU'IKST, SAIFST ad BKT Insurance HO l. in the L'.S. Insnrfs on reaMOM terms, nd al c;í.vb iay juDmptly. Tlicrc ís oo better Ftro fnituraiic CXtl(U .


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Michigan Argus