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Gen. Mcclellan's Battle Order

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Uiai)Qi'ahti;rs Akmyofthk Potomac, ) Ciinip Near OoálHartror, Va , ' AUy 25, 13G2. 'I. Upon advuncing bevond tha Cbickahominy the troops wiil yo prepared t'or batlle at u moment s noticv, aod wil] be entirely iHimoLunbered, wiih ihu except.ioa ot' ambulmces. All vi-hieles wiil bc k-ft oa tbe eastern suij if the (Jhick.ihoininy. aad carefuUv packcd. Tho men will leuve their kn.ipsuüks, packed, wiih the vrugoati, uud wiJl carry t tirad ilays' rirttonï. 'fhe anns wil] be pat ia porteot order betore the troops march, and a uareful Í!)ptícto[] niíido of tlium, as vvc-tl as ot the cai'tridgo boses, ivlrióh, m a!l cases wiil oontain at least torty n-uads ; twenty addiiionai round wi.ll be carried by the niffO in lliair ockist. - CoiniiiandLM's ot batterioa vvili see that their liiiiber and cai.-son boxes are lillud to their utmost capacity. "Counnanders oí' ai'iny o rps will devote their personal attention to tho i'uitillment ot' Lbesa ui'dci's, auu' wiil ;iersoually eee that the pnipër atTítnguments aie made f'or psükthg and propeily guarcling thu tritios and surplus baggage, taking all ;he steps noortsary to iusure tliuir bwng bfivught pronip ]y to the front when needed; they will also take steps to prevent the ambulantes f rom iuterítíririLf with iba mureintfQt of auy troops then whiuh [BUst foikw in the rear oi all tho troops taovmg by -he sarna road. S itfioiöilt guautls and slatl-oftiei-rs v.ill be datailed to earry out these orders. " Tha am nuñition wagons will be i;i readiness to nsuroh tu ilieir respeotivo brigades and ba'-teries at a nioment'M warning, but ill not cross the Chickai uajipy until thev aro sent for. All Quarterinasters and ordnance oOicers are to roirniin with their trains. "II. In tho approaching battle tho General comaianding trusts tlmt tho troops will preserve the discipline vbich ho has beor. so anxious to enf.irco and which (they iiavo so trenorally olserved. Un calis upon all tho offioera and soidiers to obey promptly antt intelligently all orders thcv rnay reoeive; let thein bear in mmd that. the anny of the Pütoniae has nuver yet been checked, and let tluin pre-íyrvo in battle perfect coolness and ponfldence, the sura iorurunners of succes. They must kaep wei! toa; therhrow away ti i -hots. l)ir':iim caretully and lov, and abovo all thüitrsri.'lv upo.') ttw bay ■ iwt. 0 mimiui'ioM pl regimenté aro reininded ( tha g-ieut respoiisibility tiint retn upn theip: upon their ooolness, udgruent :tnd (üscroíion the (Jastiniaa of their rejíiinenti aiid iUOCtísa oi the day wvll dapentj; "By coinunnd "i' Maj. Gen. MoCT.ELLAN, ':S. NVih.iams, A-sistant A 'juta'it General." „inp.,. _ LS" rrínifv )i d teiwc oi ptíro?i, rjotwên your mot in imatö frieñ !s!y falsa repopts, vexatioiis j kes, or anything that (Jan gtVu ftrcff) a morr.ent'a iirtèaslnosg Thcrè are u'Rptúnáant reali os enmigh in ttiis wnrM, withnut adding -:. ' ■'


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