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Statement Of Colonel Champlin, Third Michigan Volunteers

Statement Of Colonel Champlin, Third Michigan Volunteers image
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The f olí o wing statement of Colonel ('hanivüü. in rogard to tho late battle hefóre Rtchtnoud, is taken fro:n the correspondenee of tlie New York Ilerald : After Oö.uoh,8 división had tallen back on S-aturday, Berry's brigade was bronght forwsrd, consisting of t!fc Socond, Third and Pifth Michigan and Thirty-Seventb New York Volunars. The Third was thrown into t i.e baflfce in advance, and bout half au liour bcforo the others arrivcd. General Kearney directed thein t1 nt ticl: thè cneiny ou tho left side of rnad, Concealed among the fallen timbe r, fiie rebels opened fire nn the right wïng of ray regiment at a drstance of ten rods. The line was rapidly forraed in doublé quick whilo advatiöing tow'anls tbc eneiny's position. - Tbc centre and letï wing extendod into u thiek growtl) "i pinos ]Jy the time t!ie left wing hád fortned, tlio regiment was within thirty feet of the slashes. - Tho enemy immediately opened a terrible fire on tli a centre and tho left. Tiiis lire um.s ui is! murderous, aud here occtífred our p iucipal loss. The men reeoivcd tlio Bre witliovt wavering, and, bflfore tlfe er. -ïny h-id time to reload, tho riglit eharged upon them willi the bayonet, rcserilng their fire util the con cea) cd fbe tere s'.artèd from their cover. ju: J as Boon as t hoy ware in sigltt dolivered a destrnotive and cffcctivo fire. - 'J'ho enemy 1 roke atid ran like shenp froiu tho slüughter, leaving the slashes fiilcd with their dead ancl wounded - 1'he right cootiiiued to load and fire. The rebels made several atteiupts to reform their sliatteiL'd ranks; but on the di'liven" "f uur volleya they uuiformly biolio and ran. Drivun out of tho slashes. iboy wero driirwo back still further, held in their uow position ti 1 the b ilau.:e of their brigada carne up; and, nlthough roiuforeod, they still continued their retieat utitil the ground lost by General Couc'.i on that Bide of the road had been reeovered Wiiüe tilia was transpiringthe enemy was gaining grouud on the right side of the road, ar.d tho brigado was in danger of bt'ing flauked. On geeing this Genftril J3erry withdrow kis brigado to the lishes, whic-h lic heldtillbo was reüeved, abuut c'ark.


Old News
Michigan Argus