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28th North Carolina Volunteers

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Away down South n the Land of Cotton, Times of peace are not forgottcn ; Look awav, look away, look away, Dixie Land, For thoagh the cloud of war hangs o'er We soon shall see its form no more ; Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land. CIIOEUS. Then sliout " Hurrah for Dixie !" Hurrah! Hurrah! In Dixie Land we'll take our stand, ïo live md die for Dixio : Hurrah ! Hurrah ! Wc will live and die for Dixie ! 'Tis trae tlieir ships pnr ports blockado, And cruel feet our soil invade But when tlie Twenty-eighth rets thora, The scanips will run in wild despair. When " Norman " brings his boys from " Surry " The Yankees had botter move in a hurry. 'I ■ luvincibles" if well equipped And ledby "iMtvards" can't be whipped. Tho Yankee rogues had better pack, When the "Stanley Munters'1 (ind their track. Wnen "lowe" shall bid his "Farmer's" flre, 11 is foea will reap destruction diro. As "Barrhiger" leads on his ';Greys," Full many a Yankee '11 end his days. When 'Kenyon" comes with his "Yadkin Boys, ' Ile'll put anend to the Yankee's joys. And "Martina' fiuavds of Indepeudence" IIílVi' fame for their descendants. And "Wrighl" with his "Cleveland Regulators," Will send dismay lo the Yankee traitors. And "Speer," with his brilliant "Yadkin Stars," Will die in defense of the "Stars and Bars." Wnüe the "Staal; Guards," by "Moody" led, Will be the Yankees' special dread. The Twenty-Eighth is organized With Reeves and Lowe both highly prized, If Lane will only bo their Culonel, Then their glory will be eternal. The above regiment fared rather hard in thu battlcs, and was completcly cut to pieces. I understaud that two of tlie officers named were pnd one of them taken pj-jsouer. The Yankee boys were loo inucii for tlie "Yadkin boys," and at niglit the Stars and Stripes floated over the field vfaere in the moniing the " Stars and Bars " liad bid defiance. Major WeIiGB and Adjutant Morris showed on this oooasion tliat they witre made of the right kind of material. - They took the lead of the skirmishers, and with them elirabed fences, croseed ditche?, and plungcd into Bwanipe. They won rauéli p'raiseand gained still stronger tho cdiifidiMife of the men; and what 1 say abont them 1 migfri Bay of our Coloncl, and ]jicut. Colonel. The raen wil] liever be afraid of going hito battlc willi them. M;i)iv tropbies wem picked up on tlie battle noW. Tho first thre sheet-e ïhat tli i kt ter is wrttten irpon, the envelópe i Qclosing it, aud tbe secesh postase sta'.np endosad, wero ninong tlivin, but tlie greatest of all specimens I saw iu tlie tent of the Major, ttwasa large shoe, in sizc and mátte rosembling a pontoon boat. ' The soles wero al lcast two nclics thiek, I and were nailed with hovsc i-Loe nails. J. P. DttAiNS Mills, Vn., Juno lat, 16G2. Dkaií Bkuthki'. : Circnmstanccs over wbich I had no can tro), and to which a soldier ia often snbjoeted, cnuscd mo to closo my last lottor rathcr abruptly; and I wili now continue it. The country in and nround Hanover is very pleasant, and the planters ali appear to be well off. There aro a nu:nber of pplendid d welling houses, all well nd riebly fnrnished. One of theso is used as a hospital and the wounded of both parties recline upon tbc solt matressos found within. The owners of this estáte are violent secesssonists. The young mistress of the house left the mormng of the fight, and a short time before it commenced. On the table in one of the rooms, wns found a large and bcautiful bouquet,aid one of the servents volunteercd the inibrmation that her young mistress made it before she left in the niorning and gave instructions that it was to be given to the rebel Gen. Branch, after he had whipped the Yankees. He tailcd to whip tliem, and of course failcd to get the boufjuet. All the plantations arouud hero have large üelds of wheat upon them, and in j a few days it wili bc ready to pass under the hands of tbc reaper. We lay on the battle field all day Wedncsday, and late on Thursday, having aceomplishcd our object, taken possession of the railroad, aud destroyed tbe long railroad bridge acrossthe South ■ Anna creek, we turncd our faces towards i home. Jnst as wc started, the Major made his appcarnnce, mounted on horseback, and witb a large and beautiful bouquot attached to the pummel of his saddle, which was prosented to him by a Mrs. Cater, forincrly of lloehestor, N. Y., and who is a strong Unionist. The Major is a ladies' man, and carries off tbe palm wherevcr he goes. We found the roads in a vcry poor eondition on our ny to camp, and did not reacli it until thrce o'clock Fiiüav inorniiiL'. On tlio afternoon of Friuay I c;il!ed upon Capt. Handolpii, of tbe Michigan Itb, and found that he had sevcral trophies of the butilo of Hanover. He had approprlated to his use one of the tenfs of a öeorgifln regiment. He informed me that he also got a secesh flag therc, which he had =cnt to R. J. Bakhv of ynur place. The Ann Arbor boys of the 4th are vc!l. Fritiny cvening we bat] onu of the hnrdesl thunder storms that I over saw, it secmed ds if tho entiro artillery of errtb had boen put into r.peration at cr.cfl. One man in the 4-ith N Y. was killed by a slroke of lightning which entercd !iis tent. On Saturday morning this regiment was onlercd out on pieket duty. The pos's that we guarded wero alnng the Chickahoniiny. On tho oppoïite bank could be scen tiie pic-kets of the rebels. At the point we wcre, there aro being erectod a nnmber of bridges. The piekets wero posted along the flats adjoiuitig the rivcr; tl:e ground is rathcr low, and the guarda wcre drowncd out daring the niglit, the watOT from some cause or otliCi having raised and completely submerged the üats, and this morning they werc som threo feet under water. Thcic was a battle going 011 all dny yesterday, on the other side of tbc river, and it was renewcd again thÍ3 morning. I have reccived no particular, but hope wo have been victorious as usual. Mj liealth is good.


Old News
Michigan Argus