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The Public Schools Of This City

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will close on Friday next. Juno 2Oth. - Examinations will take place on Thursday and Fridny, and our citizeus wou'd do well to bc in attendance. 3P Wm. F Osit?. Esq , of Freedom, has prescntcd us a fine lot of Asparagus, the largest tliat ïvt Lave ever scen, and as ïwect and tender as need be. It was a fine treat, JjL" Tilo anniiiil exercises of tlia Junior class. will take placo at the Congrcgationul Chureh, Wednesday evening, June ISth. These will be pir ticipated in hy the literary offioers nf (he ela?s. The pulilic are respectfoHy invited to nttencl. LPeterson's Magazine, fr Jnly, a very renduble number, has been on our table some duvs. Peteüson keeps riglit on in the even tenor of its way ] i otwuhstanding the stringent times. - 2 ajear; four copie?, 6. Addresí Cuas. J. Petersox, Phüadelphia. "EF"Tho Edinhiry Revino, for April, cf mes to our tnblo with a tablu nfeontents embracing a wide rango of bqUjecl?, l-.istoncal, biogrnphicul. poliiical, social, ele. For terms of the Eiïinbw! nnd othe re prints of Leoxard Scoit & Co., seo" prospectus in another column. SST Thé June Dimiber ol the Continental, with a table of contenta well colored with what it regarda the queo tion of the duy, comjiletes the Srst volumo ol tliis iiew oandidate tor public favor. Il ia handrioine!y prioted, and and luis ionio good things aside frorn its speciaïty. $'1 a vear ; Ixo copies $ö. Addreas J. R. Gilmore, 532 Broadway, N. Y. ii - ii C3P Mr. O. Webster lelt at our office (everal botlles of rrineral water which was tried by all hand.s and pro nounced " bully." This 'pop,' as it is called, has become quite a favorito drink in thu city, and we are pisase d to learn that Mr. Wibster is meeting with good si'ccesa. Ilis manuiactory on Fourth street, i.squi'e an iiistt; ut on, and wo understand 'm to be a . ermi.nent lliirg in our city. &ST Our icllow townsman, Mü. Baeuy, has received from Capt. J. M, Rat. dol, h, of the 4th Michigan Infantry, averitable "secesh flag,"oiptured at Ilauover Court House. It is manufaeturcd of meriuo, has two broad red stripes - or barg - with a white one between thein, and in the upper staff corner thirteen white stars in a circle on a blue field. - The name " McCowen Guards'' is handuoniely eiubroidered in blue silk on the white bar, which coinpany seems to havo been attached to the 45th Georgia Regiment. The flag excites considerable atteution. L2" Died, June 4th, at 6 o'elock, P. M., at Mili Crook Hospital, Fortress Monroe, Va., frotn a gun shot wound through the kuee joiut, received at the battle of Williamsburg, on the 5th of May, Corporal William C. Loomis, of Co. K. 2d Michigan Iufantry, aged 23 years, 4 months and 10 da.ys. ïho deoeased waa a son of W. L. Loomis, ïsq., of this city, and was known to aud respaotcd by all of our eitizona. In the early days of the rebellion hc enusted i ft the Bauiiy Guaros, bat on the breakuig up of that company from tlio res'gDation of Capt. Barry, he enrolled himself iu Co. K, 2d Iufantry, tben couimauded by Capt. May. As the above notice briefly states he was wounded at the battlo of Williamsburg, on the öth of May, and from the effects of the wound died on the 4th of June. His father vveut ininiediately to Fortress Monroe ou receiving intclligence that William was sariously wounded, and gaw that he had the best of care. U's loved raother was algo with him during the last dij's, so that he died in the anus of both his pai-cnts. Hu suifered iutenscly from his wound, and his frame was much einaciated, but all was borne uncomplainingly. He lived, fought, and died like apatriot, and what need wc w, y more. - His friends arrived home, bringing his remains, on Sunday iioou, and wei o escorted to thoir residence by a large body of our syinpathising citizons who had congregafced at tho depot. Tlio funeral ceremonies took place at 2 o'elock, P. M., on Mouday, tho Rev. Q. D. (íillkspie, Rector of 8t. Audrcw's Ckureh, ociating. The funeral was lrgly ;lttended, and the long prooession bcspoke the deep feehug of our citizens I Ie was interred in a beaUtiful spot in Furott Bill Cewetery.


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