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18621862. Oï XSW SUMNIER GOODS ! AT C H. MTLLEN & CO'S. We aro mmv rooeiving a splendid stook of DRESS GOODS, SKIRTS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, &c. For tiaO Cassimeres, and Coatings, For tho Gentlemen. CARPETS, D0MH8TIC GUOUS, FINE NEW TEAS And oihcr Cioicc Fumiïy Groceries, For Evei'ybody, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Oa-11 nel Soe. C H. MILLEM & CO. May, 18G2. 85U1 "WE KNOW NOT WIIEKK ELSB SO MDCI, AUTUENTIC [NTILMGElrCI OF THH RkBELLION CAN BE OBTAIiNUD." '' No OTHER WORK POS9ESSKS TUE TALLE AS A WORK OF REFERKNOB. 1 It it Reliabk, Complete, and Desiralle. THE REBELLION RECORD Edited ty FRANK MOORE, s tbc only puWicntion which gives the HlSTORY OF TIIE(;KEATSÏRUGGI.E KOR FPIKFUOVERN.MEXT NOW OOINO ON. IT IS Ful, Impartial and Reliable. ARECORD WIIICH THECOCRTS.THE DEI'ARTMEXTa ANOTHEl'RESSquole as THE HISTÖHY OF THE TIMES, It appeals to the mtelligence of every citizen. B; refereuce to I evnr; pcrson eau be fairlj anj tmthfullv o.hl-c] up in relution to this O-S.B-A.T REBELLION. IT CÜNTAINS.- I., THE CAUSKS OK THE GEKAT STTtVGGl,E AND TBK GKEATJlLSrES BEFOKEJ.THE COUNTRY BST EDWARD EVEEETT. II. A Diary of Verified Events ; CoinreenciDg with the meeting of tho South Caioliu ConvenüoD, ))ec. 17th, 1810- girioi, in the form ol a Uiary, a concise, sueeïuct, aad tiuthful hibtory of everyeventas it occura. III. Documents, Speeches, Extended Narratives, Sfc., COXSl&TING OF ALL THE Offcial Reports, of Battlea, Skirmihei,áo., Ménages and Peoclamation of the President of the United States, Special Ouders, &c, !ic. GaAPHic Accounts of the movementj of troop Important Speeches and Letteus from Leading Mn, North und South. Pictukesqe Narratives (from eye witneBacs) of the Great Battles, Seoession Ordinanceb, Messaoes, Peocj-amations, lito. IV. Rumors, Incidents, Patriotio Songs and Ballads. liluttrated with correct l'oitraita engraved on teel of the Notable Men of the time, and wilh Maps and Diagrams of the plans of battlet. THE REBELLÏÖN RECORD b uublisliing in PARTÍ, each part ülustratcfl with TWO FINEi'OUTRAlTo, 60 cents each. AI.SO l.V VOLUMES. Six Parts, with Copióos Index, comprise a Volume. SOW REAUY, VOLUMES ONE, TWO, AND THREE. Bounl iu ('Mh. al $3. 75 each; óhcop, $4.00; Half MoroccOj or Half L-'aü' Ani que, $5 .00 each. A. New Editioni Soltll x:LtsiYKLY byCa.vvasee8 and Agent, is now pubüshing in Nos , at 25 cents each. Each No. i Ilustrated with a I'urtrait 00 Steel. ■ '. Agecta ranted, to whom liberal commissiona vi bo giveu. C-pi of the RKBEHJQN RECORD, in Parts or in VoluuiPK. will hf uut, fec of expense, on receipt cf I'rice. Sent in registe red letters, the publiuhei vul be responsiblc foj1 all reqjiltances. %■%. Clubs will bo supjjlied af the foUowtu fatei Five Coptös of fHch volume in scmi-monthly Nos, r UoaihW V rtt, to ono addicss orseparatoly, $X2 'Jen Copie, $22. 50 Hcmittiinctfs inut must b sent in registeren" istMri nihenrlM tas Publisber wU nut be responsiblt;, naá 'm cunent fun'ls, ü. F, ?UT,AM, Publisher. öiiü Broadwav, New York C. T. KVAN'S. rprfiil A%;ni. ' 853w3 Oval Picture Frames i A I ' TOS, STVHií tai 1'lUCEí just received ib i Jl fDrsale cbirat iCHOFF & MfLLER'S. ]Sn.Tc.:, 7l((i ■-■ Y) "S _ Q co 5 SU 1-1 i S i . m ? ï : ? g Q, 3 % SS o. W S „ S S s 0 Ö en d "s - 1 %l s. s -i tí ti 4 P = W tí 2 - 0Q THE REBELUON ON HIGH PRICES FOR CLOTHING, HAS COMMENCED AT THE OLD & RELIABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM ! No. 3 PIICENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. - IAM now opcoin? a large and rarieil assortment of SrrmgftnJcumnier Goods, and in view of the reböllion on high pnces generaüv, will offer tliom to niv frk-nrts . ani cmtorai rs at the very'lowest figures fur Cash - Thoso in want of a uperioi tipfa oi Cloths, s mí res. ur '- Ready-Made Olothing, -will cali f-n. Wm, WACNER, who has ju3t return3d from th East. wïth a largo assortment of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS ■ wliich liare Icen purclwacd ot tbelato '] LOW PRICES! nd can offer tliem at a lower flg' than ever buftro. mongmy Asser iment '.aay be found BROADCLOTHS, ÜA8SIMBRES, DOESKTN8, YESTINGS of uildcscriptions, togethrr wiih a superior assortment o! Krady-Made t lot hing, in. . wTIiCXKS, CARI'KT BARP, SHB(}ent!cnicii's Furnishing with numious otltfT artides usually füur.'l in similar estabUshaieiit-, Á an EMPOIlIüM OF FASHION, the subsnribcr nttcrs lihtüo'.f, (lint lus long rxperionce and gentral -iucoess, wül enaiile bim to giT the greattsl s&tisfaction to all who mar trust hita ia the way ol {W Mauufaoturing Garments to order. WM. WAGNTER. AnnArbor, Apl19tli 18G2. E4S:f QLORIOUS News from "Dixieï" The Rebellion about C'rushed ! A. C. LOEB, OF TUE CLEVELAND CL0THING HOUSE Eeturu their sinocro thaqks to llieir numeroaa FRIENDS AND PATROi'S, For the liberal minnor ia which they have hereiotofore patronized them, an-1 hvg leavo to announco tbat thvy aie AGAIN ON HAND With a Largo and well selectöd Stock of SPRING &. SUMMER CLOTHING! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hals, Caps & Truuks, mhich they will sell at Astonishing Low Prices ! For further particular Onll and Soo for yoursolveá, and you wil! iiot goaway dissatieüed, A. & C. LOEB, Huron Strest, a few dnora wer.t of Cuok's Hotel. Ann Arbor. May, 181)2. SmSSl DISSOLüTION. fTiHE Co-paitnership heretofore existirg betwtea tht i uut ersigned under the nnme and style of Spoor & Thotspson was dissolved by by mutual consent on the lóth üay of Jlay,inst. 'the business oí the latefirmwill bosetUed by John W. Thompson, and the business coutinued by C. Spoor, CHAS. Sí'OOR, JOHN W. THUMPSQX. Dated, Aun ArboiMayUth, 386?. Nolice. A IX pepsons indebted to the UibB firm of Fpoor and Thompson arv requsted tocallat the oíd stand and tiako trompt settleinent oí the panto. JOHN W THOM1LOX. A Curd. rpHE buslncRS of faddle and Harnees making will be 1 c&rrted on atthe oíd placo of busimsn ot Spoor & Thompson by the unrierhignert who solicits the contin ued patronage of the oll custorars of thp ftriu, kik hopea by p rom il attenlion to business to gain new pa trong. A general assortment oí' HfrrtMW anl Ba4d!cr; alwavKon íiand. All persons indebted to me either bj note or bonk account are requeLeil to settle tbo uun without delay. CHAS. PrOOR. Ann Arbop, Mfiy 98, 1862. BHvfi lotice. WEtKRCAS niy wife I'la-bo A.íhíu thehabit of ri-Ün about the country aud running m'-íudcM iMtfaoy my consent, or kaovtedg; thtreftre all peihons , r ca"iti)CfI again'it trubtingbfr od my I Rhall pa no ííebtti f'f bí-r contra ctifi. ' r . ; v 1 i fcron, Ha ! 19 !.


Old News
Michigan Argus