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The Latest Special Dispatch vo the citizeü3 of Ann Arbor and ! Viciaity ! : INTENSE EXCITEMENT! Hundreds waiching the jirogress of Daily Evcnts ! ! The Federal Arm y ngain Victoriuns! "The Union must and shall i be Preserved !" i " There was a man in our foicn, He was so wondrous vjise," But -with all his wisdom, ha was nol o wiae i 3 that "other mjn," who when ho wantcd to buy the T7ie clieapezt and best CLOTHINC! in ilds marJcet always jurnped inlo O ü ITERMAN' 8 HEAD QUARTERS! Fortherohe línew he nlwnys got liis money's worth. Seeing ia believing 'and yjo tliat wisli to see come in and believe. Thoso that can't aee can feel, and as we nlways mak our MiUmwi fee! good over good bargoins, they are especially mvited to our anxious 8eat,that they too may realize how "good it is forthem to l)e with us," and how rauch pleasure can be obtaincd ia the enjojratnt oí SPLENDID BftRGAIWS ! " me all ye ihat nre weary nnd heavy la de " - with Rorns nnd we will do our best to rel3T TOU- givinff you in reiurn the ƒ nc si kind of Goods at the lowestjicwes. Oroat linttlos are hourly taking place in tho Clothing line - whole regiments ui Oiissimeres, Vistini;s. &a., are being slauglitprei by Gen] Soxdiieim- to fit the git;it rush of reeruita that tra poui-ing in from every dii-ection, all nnxious to have their ñames enrolled fór a NE AT AND TASTY SUIT - mch na can on!y be had nt the HeadQuarters of Guiterman c6 Co. Oneoftho firm, Mr. M Guititrsiam, haring just rcturned frora ICurope with a large nssorüncnt of Clotha, Caisimerea and 11 niee lot of fine Veatings, alao a few piceos cl' fine Beaver for overeoati whú h we will make un to oreer in the 1-itest Btyle, we fcel coniident that wo can eatisfy all. STITDENTTS 1 Wc are happy la greet you agan la our City.after spending your vuention witk the " dcar cid folks" ut heme. Bc assured we wisli you a pleaaant term, nnd shull ever be glad to rnc-t you at the Old, !Yo. .5, ICT" Our former cuatomers, we ful luaurcd, will cnli on r.s ngain To you who -ome aa ■(rangen we al3 say n few worda, we wisli you to cali nnd look nt our fleo Coats, Piuit8, and Vesta, we can do better by you than ar.y other h .use in ihe Citj. and f ycu cal) and examine our sroods, and try their fits, you will purchuse nowhere else. DOX'T FAIL, TO o.x.Xji j& rn Gr. xic. c?. TM. H0üFMND3 BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For tho fipeivúv curo of Covghs. ColJa, Influenza, Croup, Hoarseness, fíroTichitis , Pneumonía, Distases of the fíowels, ariaing from Cold, Incipient Con Bumplion, and for the relief and if at all posnible) cure of Patiënt in adcanced stages of tfiM tatter distase. L Mot, comb.niGg tiis ïitiuling roiertipa il the lïalOm, rtith the livïgoniting qualitit-s of a Cordial, producinga ci'iubmat n su ellftdapitU to the pur) ces interi'Jed, thevc nrc butf'ew cases of dlacftM which will nt, at an early pcrujd, suecuinb to its hdaliugapd life giving prop'-rtie.s. For MM. kaf the trealraent of pulmonary tïisoiics occupied the greïitor portiiin of the attention oí tlie scientific of tlic medical wcrl'l, but nonti acquired BHtv rjninence in his tieatment uf kheM diseases, than the cilebiatei! Pru&siaQ, Ur, Hi.oflami, the origijatui ot the BtilsarnteCordial. Hialife wu dntMd to the production of repudies that would'l imrirallod, How wel l;e bas succet-dod, the Ameritan poopleare able to judjee] and we posiiivelj' Mrt, th:it no prpartfcw th't have Gvep beca piaüöd bffcwe llieni, have coitferred thesame auiouul of bene'itH on MflWrlag hum-inity, or llave elicited so many conimonditiousf i rom all clwW of ioeStty.u tktemdii of Dr. Hoüfland, prepared bv L'r, C. M.'j.iikfiua & Co. , of Pblbdclphlft. Tue ConlÍK) ï ibvfgnvd tot cïiss of diseases more geuoraJ tsuú more fatal than aiir other tú which the peopie of this country aie subjeet- those spiinins Trom a "slight raU.r eminent authoriiy. Dr. Bell.says; "I wül iiutsay that Cuíns tire tocar inhub l tofi tl what the Plagup &4 Ytllow í'trcr are to thosc oí other countrics; bt Ican aver Contiittntly thnt tliey usher in disea.-f of gjatur ïcoinplieity and mortalitj than theaelatttT." Entirebj Vegetable. No Alcoholic lJreparaton. Dli. II X)FLANDí3 CELÍBÍtATKD GESMAN BITTERS rnpvtd Uy DB. C M. JACKSOX CO., PhïUdelphla, Pa. Vül AotutUj flura UVEK COMPLAIXÏ, DYïirEPSIA, JAUNIR'K,Chi-on:c).r Nmvoua Debility, LHuuesoftne KUntja, and all db4Mc ; ímta a diortlwrod or Stnmacïi. Such M Constipution, Inward Piles. Fnlue: or Blood to i.he iU'ar , Ac;dity ot the íátoniach, N'uusua, liourt bain, L'ÍKSUHt Í'-H' ioi)i!, i"n)iie.-s oí wiMjjlit in thö StoQL acU, ïóour Eructa,tien,s5inking or Flutterioa at tho Pit üf the Stoöiacl), swiimnin ui' the Head, nurrted and Difflcult Bi&tbipg HuLtei-iug at tho U-%, Chuking or Sutfbcafetag eiihsti';ii-s wUU Ui a lyïng uqiiior, iini nesá ot Yisiofl, L'ots of webí beforethe sight, Flwt and iiull Pain ui the Uead, pttfióiencv oï reriuiratíou, Yellüwness of tbctfliin and Èye. l'ain in thtííle, Btuck Chtst. Ltmb-s, ícc. uddon Fiuht-sof Hefct, Uurning u tl io tKleah, Constant iptiguiings of ovil, and great Uepreulocs of Spirits, aDd wilJ juiitively urevci-t VLLLOW PKVER, lilU.iifL-SFKVii.K,c. l'lie Proprietor q caliing tim iit'.entiaq if the public to ttia prenaatioi;, doM M With a leclm tf the utuiüst CMiiiidfnce'iu lts v:rtut fini ,u;iii;ition tu tie disaases ivv wbich it is reciv.; Itisnoni..'W and untrieü rii'-l., i,r,l qu-i that has stood the testof a twelvo &art' trial bvfora the Anier[can peopie, and i ts reputjition and bate are uiirivalld bv :tuy slmilnr prepuratiuHS extunt. The testimony iii tti iïivorgiven by the most prominent aud wcll-knowu l'liy.sÍL-;ius und aulividuai m all pavt.-of tlie country is immense, r.nd a careful perufal of thp Ahnanac, pubttiihftd annuatiy l;y ihe Frupriütori ftwd to be had gratis of a ny of their Agjni,s, canuot tut üatisiy the most tKeptical thattU:s rerpedy U rtally deserving the great qelebiity it has obtained Alead the Eïvi(lene t rum Newton Brovn ï. D. , Editor of the Encydopedta of ReUgioun Kttowlcrige. Althuugh noditjpüM d to fïivcr or recommmd Patent Medicines ia general, through didtvafet of thoh ingredient uiitl etïtcts.I yet know ot nn sufticicuti'eason why (i ir au maynot testil y to the benefit he believos himself tul. ave rpeivfd trom any simple preparaticn. in the hope Ihat h niay thus contritmto to the benetit of otbri. Iiiothislhe more reactily in rejprd to "Hoofland's Germán Bitters," prepared bj I-r. C, .M. Jackson, nt this city, bflcuuse I was prjudieftd againsi ihom for y Oara, andar ík hnpreRBion t!nit t'iey irere chieily an a!cliolic mixture. 1 im Indebted to niyftien'i Hobert Shoemaker. Etíq.,for Che removal of tliis prejuclice b proper tests, ïiqd tor encoiTiisomt-nHn try fhem, wlu-n suilVr1 Ing i'r'tin pri?at anü tuvK continuad ilebilily. The us of ' ! t.bree bottles Of thot.e lïittors, at tl).1 l.uinnin of .e ni, ■■af year, wnsfollowes lv vridMit relief, and Gestora t ion tua dfffraa&l bodily a ml mentfci rigor whioh I bad Bot feit forsix tuonths bfori', an'i luid alumni despaired of refftinbig. I tliereforethank ündaiijny friend few dirtctitigmeto the use of teem. .1. N'WTÖX BIÏUWN. Eoai what the eminent r.lrs Manufacturcx, JOÜX H. WHITAU., aya of Vno fULSAMlC CORDIAL. Dr. C.M. JrKSov-,KOspeoteil Friocfl: lUving for a huig linie beenacqfthittiA wit h Um 1rtucs of thy Ha!. I Mamlc Cordial in Cou._.1ih. Ls, Itiflwnua1ion nf the Logi, Irö. f tlius frtt-ly btr ostmion.v to itn effieacy. Kor ■Nfvi'i-aiyetirs I ii'v & u :■ '-f Ihhmi without 1 In BJ famiiy It fttoogiTttq 14e ptttMtuVO to RtEte tial I have nffOd ti irith entiv nuveem in t'ie trenimt-ut of 3oel C&mptaint. Tby lrioni truls . JbHN M. WtïTTALI., Fiflh Mo. ïï, IÍ65, ■ ,atwW Ith, fluía. Thepe mediiiive aro frsalohynll rwpeotable Pi'ü-- t dealm in ml citam in tbe LTattd SUte&, J3ntïsh Proviucos, aud West fodit Tft ronU per hoU! - he yicciJt-rt of C. M ■ no tb f trapper "í ifib N.f'V a'1 oÉfrva -j"fl ;r ■! Pi ifipafOftM' ani v. ■ . 118 Areb S;r 1 1, l'iilit Wpbia, f.i. fcM I Chicago Book Trai!e, Tke 'I we, In Buy School Ücohe. whoi,i:sai,k Book is. Stntionery Honse . S. C. GRTGGS & CO. Ptrnr.isH Sanders Progressive Readers, (hb Hretfotyj44irHJi and orinBl UlttatattBWL iro the most boaubfu.! as wcll as iha bot booU xtnnt I. sn.lT3' AlptaWt Cn1, Cinawt, ... $ II. Sao1 Priawirj -.'! Chnru, H m 4 onra=, 1 fc, III Samltra' Fritos ry f prtlinu Boofc, $ IV SamliV New .--j..-. ;i;r ini Difmor ) V.' ( Ki,,;.Hsh Word, (kj VI. Suder'a lJit. nrv] tv cv-r, (bound) „, ' 121. V!L Sden' (.crfflnn and tngUsh l'rihier .. '.'" VIII. r-anders' New F. ut Reader - ifi IX SondrN"(!W Scenn-i Reste,,. '."."V. 14 X. San-ien' -NV Tbïrd lïeader, ... 44 XI. Suiders'NewFourtbReai'rr ." ai XH. Sanders' Ne riflla RaO , jj XIII. Üandera' Iliich-tfchcol Kta.ler n XIV. Youni I.ndies' Mcsuer, n XV. Bandera' School Bpeatcr., , 1 ou XVI. Snnders' Bocattunury Cfckft, a m Tliefe e.iders aro dlltingaujlied fot t'.ieir atïlstijpro fretsïve rltaraclcr and practicaladaptatiODto ffca yoaff . ht'v li ive been rvcalved with unpreceditd fatf ad by no class more favorably than Practical TttW ivlio have tested their nwrits in the school roo. Robinson'3 Course of Mathematica, EY HOHATIO N. ROUIXSON, I.I, D. Lite Professor of Mathematics in tha V. 3. ühtj. I Rabiascn'sProiïrossiverrlmiiry Aritliuitilo, a 1 II. Rbinson'a Progresivo Intelectual Arith. 4 III. Roblatoa'i BudnBt of written AiitU. os IV. Kubinson'3 Pcügreasive Practical Arith. 'M V. RubiLdi;u's Key to Practical Arithmi-tic, M VI. Hubin.,nï Pr-peisive Higber Aritlimitlij, 7Ü VU, R ihinson s Ky to Higlier Arilhmític, Tí VIII. I'.obinson'f New L'lcmentary Algebm, T IX. R b.nsoti's Key t., Ilemontaiy Algebra, 1i( X. Rouajioa't Luivr.jy Alyebn, l sj XI. H'i!incti'a Key to üüivcrsity Algcbr, 1(4 Xil KjliiaücXi'H (J'o:m;try and TiiguijomL'trr. 1 &o X11I_ EloWnsoii V SurTtyinj nd NarigHtiun, l td XIV Rul) Rtoii's Aualjtical üecmetry and Ccnl XV Poblnsott!. tiirerenf al and Integra! CIeulol W XVI Robinsnn's EUmentary Astiontmy, 7t XVIi Ki.biason's Uai7ersitAtror]r)n3y, 1 75 XV1I1 Kobin-ion'sMalhmiaï.cnl OpumtiSaS, % 'J5 XIX Rob nsr-n's Key to Als.bru, Grtme'.ry, Sur. vujmg, i;c , 1 jo Formiuga Ft.I.I. M '.THEMATICAI. fOVRSR, " bracing trlthmetic and ïext B.n;ki ia the Uighei Mathematica. Fot of research, facüitv nd aptnm .t illuatrution un.l practical uscluluoss, the autbur of tk'i iCTiee Usurpaííedby no malh cr.atlcal writer )n thk country. Thi series has bti-nncommeñded )t tl '-A MathtimatioiitDs iiihll sectimol tbe eountry. (Jray'g Series of Botanie, 8x bouis. Hitohcock'a School Anatomy and PhyU olügy, tl. Hitcho'ock's Geolqgy, one boob. Well's Grammars, two books Well's Soientifio Serie, including Chemistry, Philosopliy, cte, Three book. Wilson's Series of Histories, five books. Fusquelle's Frcnch Series, eight books. Woodbury 's Germán Series, st-vtu book, Bryant & Stratton's Series of liook-kceping, tbreo books. Spenoerian gystcja of Penmansbip, niD books. And Mnny othcr Valuable Boakj. Wholesale Dealers and Eetail Purcliasei'3 WiUfmd at ouri store ovpr Kour Thonsand dlltrenl artlclaoi stjii..uery,nd Tlir-e Hundred Tiiousand Voluuiei of book-,, trom wt.ioü to makc their íelectio. coniprising au aaaortne! t uot riraltd lf n othsc U,l Uoue in the Uai'ed Stetw. S. C. QEIQGS & CO. Are Special AgenU for Mgssts ITarper & Bro's Publicationa. " D. Appltton & Co's " " Ticknor & Fiekl's " " Gould & Lineoln's " J. B. Lippinoott & Co'a ' A-ici furnUh o 11 thilr Bookü at Kaste priqea for oaih. NToto Papers, Letter Papers, and Cap Papers, Blank Books, Pasa Booka, AbJ all Val of STATION'ERY, at the lowejt pricM SI.WES by thedcmnoi case. VSIransersnn-1 trai-elers visiting Cl.lcago irill flai lt intereiting to llngcr fur an Iiour ami.l the ntenuiliuM k'sor litcraiureat30aa.l41 Lake Striet. S. C. GIUGG-S Sc Co. Agenta Wanted. For ar oortly anl r.iluab'.e Subscription YorlM, or auy noble vork upon Reügiun, I.itftratury, .uicnoo, 9t Art, S, C'. GSIQQS f-U. PLIiASE UEMEMHER Tbatthere is no bookstoro in thiscouni-y'ko-pins bcter or more f'ïï'.Misiveassor'.mjnt than ij alwaji fouad at 69 and 41 Uikc strwt. PKMKMIiKP.. That Pu'oüo or Priva u Ubruriei can ha tpiiliad wltk íiist c!nas Standard bj S. C.G. Co. U.'on botter tïrau than io leod "ast anc 'j,ay lrelgb ,'VcsiCün Litrary an! Professional nien.Tescbern, S eUitlaiii in ai; do,ariments of of the worlii of lollen, invitid to make : 9 in I 4! Lake Street their place ot 1-fjaort iu ioiaeiiliof leisure. S5. C Ü-HIGGG & CO., Whulw&b uaii i!,aü Bouk'ellerB and Stationert, :9 fi il a.l.f S'itrt, Chicago, s. e. om(ir,9 f,2rai ï. 1 Umk. DO Y OU IJ A NT WH1SKERS DO y OU WANT A MOUSTACUB 1 If io, parchan o ie bo'.tle of E;, E. Cbaiupicn' EXCEL3I0F INVIG0K4T0R The world renoSrned tlie onW Hrticlu of Uje kind evpr offcred the ptoule of the Uniteil Stitua. 'fia bor orticle w the on!y one used by the t'rdueh ; la I.ondoa and Paria it is in utiversal 115e. THE EXCELSIOR WHISKER INVIGORATOR! ! Isa Beautlfal, Económica!, foothhif, yet BttpatfaM Compound, acting as if bv mig:t apon the root. cau inga beautil'ul growth oi Luxuriast Beard. Itnp:lit,l to the -ijl cure QüLD.csa, and f nppücd cccirdinj; to directions, it wiil catire t ' vpriiy u,; In ba!d spots a fine gruwth ff suft fkkji n..ft The Cclebrated EXCELSIOR ISYJGQRTOR Is an Indispensable Artiote in evtry (.cntleBiao'a Tuilt' and -ifter one vaak' us.e ihey wouM hot, (or av auuitt t-rati-jn, be -itlrut it. The .bove irlicle fruu Knur lo lucia Weeks, briug oul a Üílci set of VnuKtiiu or YOV9TACBM. ubderil-er are the onlv Agonti (ui the abov u. ticle tu the t'nitd Stat&f. They ivnuld also annouuee to tUo pUia tlaai Ku anagratitn '" Napoleon's Hair Toilet Í Theonly aittcleover olTend o the Fietich I tmtt Ifcl iouM cm! abor Twist bdM mar.afactarod for ihe sole bem tl t o Lnlti X; j:o!eon ! whicU article is no-.v in licpeiuabto ín liis iVïlet iu m. The ubscribers leeling oonfi U-n: tLat ihi' T.ñlet mu necessarily tikt' rhs place cf all oölort i-v, r ■ ff. red ■■ thepublic.tliey l&e plfiasure In exprattiluy their confiSt r..-ein the uiticlo. gainlnf itfrom practical THE NAPOLEÓN HAlll TOILET U'ill Cl-ki, ftTEiiooTlLuRin ?uft; SUkaii, Klowlna: Turl. „bat wffl remnÜQ in Bhape fi r one rtay Dr ent wert if dortirfl, or kïiy Longvr penod, if the dircctions are jttinHy folio wed, which are vc.y simple &ad cbj . This Hair Tui t does pot in ;mr maiinennte' fere with tho Natural Sof 1 't es 3 nj the Hair. lt ' i'hjai tijaul j oor djre ït ; but giros ina haír a aori.tlir.fty apnearuuce. It íiIsü n:viii!s ílie Uair frova la!Kng ou and turning gm y . THE NAPOLEON II AIR TOILET Ilns heen boforctiie publ'c but a hh. it time, and bas alrealy been tested bv over one tbouNftryl pestaña ' In4 they t:sify tltai Nupulaon Toik-t is'tho Brijat Uoautifu-r ovurofift-red to the American ptonla. T prevoni thi Toilet rem beiog counterffitKi ir lmitatodby unprraeil led ptnona, arado aot er.tforsal at any I ruggt in th . herifore urjLxily or Ueotleman who netiirc Soft, T.uxurtant Huir anJCuila, aod Long, Soft Whlakwa og Moustache, et procura tna Invittorator tr 'l'pili-t, dther one.t'ur on dollnr euclosed in a hUtot, villi tiKir addieti. A4dre.-fi, O. f. srpXYAcro., Box 3e3, ('ollinvvilie, H.utr'ord Co., Cono And lt will be carcfully sent by returu mail. Money Wantei W h o will JLe udMoneyl T AM REQITSTÍ') BY SEVERAI. l'ERSOXS tu obUln 1 money for them at Ten Per Cent Iriterast, (OrMore.) Furanyone wRliag to lan.l. 1 c.n ut (mee invest en good naracumbered abuuJant KEAI. RÍTATE seturil unysums of money and luetliat tht li'.lo ami jociitilT ura kit kight. ' 3" The burrower puyiag ali expenso, iürf'Hlir.g r. eoriing. E. ff. IU1{ÜAN, Ana Arbor, Gct. 7, 189. Tliit Cleiieral Land AgencyPEU3ONS wnntiiififtvjTn, or realdepcfiic uroA 4HD Arboïi caü ty calllcgonma seïücii'r oma lial ofuvar tOO Karms Fr Sl! OfraríoutatíBetrom 3, to VJC'J ere Mach om as güoëaaanvi nthisConnty.) Morethan 5 O Dweil Ilrtusr-K n.aiiCity.iromtwo iiundrod to t'uurtauusant'dolariech : and nvr 1 O ( BUILDING Ij O T S l Araonptheiarm r ure t l'.e BlstiCBgtnm, t.ïüOncri the Potter tarm, i u Greon o uk , tóe Plact iarni , a 1 4H ) aerea. theRiandonnuiï Jt-nko fiirms, i u Wobstor; thf Stubbs, Michftel Cïaucy, Novvton Rpown, and Fallahat fnriDi. íd Anu A rbnr ; .1 . Kingsley'4 farmin che Hfitrh ati'l Hlck tartna It, l.odi;thc PatrirbClnyafrm hi Freftciom; W. 9, Pavihon."B. O, Babor b and Bu'-'k'e i.irnls ndylvan. Montnf thsft h& inany otbers can be dlWdedto tuit puröhfcsbr E. ac igj. Ar b rb.u J, o Ut JFV. 13 Ayeres Agüe Curs.


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Michigan Argus