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Oriental Wit

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ing on a jouroey, entruated a hundred dcenars Co an oíd man. When lie carne back thu okl man deuied having fiad any money dopo.sitod vvith hirn, and he was hauled up beforo the Khazee. " Where were you, young man, wheu yoti deposited this monov?" " TJnder a tree." " Tako my seul and sumraons tliat tree," Haid thu Judge. " G-o, youog man, and teil that Ireo to come hithw, and the treo vvill obey you vvhun you show it my soal." The young man want in wonder. - Afler he had been gone some timo the Khazeo said to the oíd man : ''líe in long, do you think he has got there yetï" 'No. it is at somedistance. He hasn't got there yet." " How knowest thou old man," said the Khazee, "where that treeih?" The yourg man rcturned and s:i'k! the trea would not come. " He has been hero young man nnd given his evidence. The inonsy is thine." gp Gen. Banks' official report is published. Hu statsa his wbole loi at. 58 kil'.ed, 155 wounded, 711 BÓwing - totulOOó; but he thinks many of the missing aro mife, and estimates the full loss at but 7 00. All the guns were saved, and out of 500 wagons only 55 vrere tM and these with but few exception?. wcre burnud OD the rond.


Old News
Michigan Argus